Flash professional CS5.5 installation failed

I tried installing CS5.5 on Windows 7 and it fails. The following error appears in the log:
ERROR: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\dror\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallPlugin.exe, command: -install plugin -msi
Any ideas what I should do?

There is a newer version of FLash player on your system and/or Internet Explorer 11 or something like that and the installer is unable to determine the version of the Flash Player Active X control. Refer to this:
Fix site display problems with Compatibility View - Microsoft Windows Help
Also naturalyl uninstall Flash Player before attempting another install.

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    I agree, but I have hundreds of fonts that I use. And all are 100%
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    Yeah, I agree too, it's really the fastest solution I only like to have some more clean solution. I've simply removed all non default fonts, even if all were ok.
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    Yes, maybe slow loading, but I had only about 300 fonts, not so much. And other apps from CS5 are working perfect, so I guess, it's only Flash issue.
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    Exit Code: 6
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 6 error(s), 5 warning(s)
    ----------- Payload: {DEA79551-23E3-430A-9B15-B544479B7DB2} Flash Player -----------
    WARNING: DF009: Higher version plugin already exists at: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin(Seq 48)
    WARNING: DF010: Not installing plugin to: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin(Seq 48)
    ----------- Payload: {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} Adobe Flash CS5.5 -----------
    ERROR: DS001: Failed to mount the disk image at /Volumes/Adobe Flash Professional CS5_5/Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5/payloads/AdobeFlash11.5-mul/AdobeFlash11.5-mul.dmg. Please verify that the disk image is not corrupt.
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeMobileExtension_Flash11.5-en_US: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeFlash11.5-en_USLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeMobileExtension_Flash11.5-mul: Install failed

    10.5.8 is the minimum OS version required for Flash Professional so you should be ok there.  Unfortunately there is not enough actionable information within your error summary.  DW036 errors can typically be resolved by following the steps listed in Install log error "Exit Code: 19" | Creative Suite 5, CS5.5.  Within the summary though I do not see what the conflicting process would be.
    I would recommend running the Adobe Support Advisor.  It will analyze your installation logs and attempt to identify a solution.

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    Perhaps the individual applications are different but the suites do not require a previous version installed. It simply makes it easier because it auto-absorbs the previous serial number.
    I recently reinstalled my entire OS and installed CS5.5 upgrade itself. I also installed Flash Builder upgrade and Dreamweaver CS5.5 upgrade without prior installs, no issues.
    A strategy that will work is simply download the CS5.5 trial version and install it. When it asks you for your key, enter the key you have. Then you will be prompted for a previous versions key. Enter that and you're done as long as the previous key is within the upgrade range. There's no difference besides perhaps samples between the boxed version and the Trial download.

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    This doesn't seem to work the same way in CS5.5 / CS6
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    Yet the FLA is located in Documents:
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    Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/[Project]
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    best regards

    Here's an example of a new player target, but be sure to change the playerglobal.swc path in players/playerDefinitionPath/as3 to the one you downloaded from labs.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <player id="FlashPlayer11.0" version="13" asversion="3">
       <name>Flash Player 11.0</name>
       <path builtin="true"/>
       <path platform="WIN">Device Central/adcdl.exe</path>
       <path platform="MAC">Device Central/adcdl</path>
       <playerDefinitionPath as2="$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP10;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP9;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP8;$(UserConfig)/Classes/FP7" as3="$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/FP10.2/playerglobal.swc" />
       <feature name="multiScreenPublish"                   supported="true" />
       <feature name="mobileAuthoringIntegration"           supported="true" />
       <feature name="deviceSound"                       supported="false"/>
       <feature name="exportStreamingSound"              supported="true"/>
       <feature name="exportEventSound"                  supported="true"/>
       <feature name="FSCommand2"                        supported="false"/>
       <feature name="gradient_linearRGB"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="gradient_overflow"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="shape_strokeHint"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="shape_cap"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="shape_join"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="shape_mitre"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="shape_scale"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="linkage_exportForActionscript"      supported="true" />
       <feature name="linkage_exportForRuntimeSharing"      supported="true" />
       <feature name="linkage_exportInFirstFrame"           supported="true" />
       <feature name="linkage_importForRuntimeSharing"      supported="true" />
       <feature name="linkage_importAndAddToCache"           supported="false" />
       <feature name="publish_localPlaybackSecurity"      supported="true" />
       <feature name="publish_hardwareAcceleration"      supported="true" />
       <feature name="symbol_blendMode"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="actionScript_documentClass"           supported="true" />
       <feature name="symbol_blendMode"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="filters"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="component_binding"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="component_schema"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="screens"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="video"                     supported="true" />
       <feature name="deviceVideo"                    supported="false"/>
       <feature name="accessibility"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="dynamic_text_kerning"           supported="true" />
       <feature name="static_text_charwidth_nondeviceFont"     supported="true" />
       <feature name="static_text_charwidth_deviceFont"     supported="true" />
       <feature name="advanced_anti_alias_text"           supported="true" />
       <feature name="nine_slice_scaling"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="runtimeNumberMinMax"                supported="true" />
       <feature name="use8kSampleRate"                      supported="true" />
       <feature name="useDefineFont4ForDeviceText"          supported="true" />
       <feature name="useDefineFont4ForEmbeddedFonts"       supported="true" />
       <feature name="textLayoutFramework"       supported="true" />
             <preset uuid="da5cac1a-417a-4d86-b7f7-ef21010a5d7d"  name="FLV - Match Source Attributes (High Quality)" ext="flv" default="true"/>
         <menu name="ID_testInFlash" default="true"/>
         <menu name="ID_testInDeviceCentral" />
         <menu name="ID_debugtInFlash" default="true"/>
         <menu name="ID_debugInDeviceCentral"/>

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    As it turns out we got Flash Prof for our team, but it may look like we actually need Flash builder to build lots of UI related stuff..

    Specifically, I want to use flex chart in CS5. Is there a way to do this?
    Message was edited by: bart2335658
    And flex ui

  • The Error Message 'Application descriptor file cannot be parsed' shows when compiling (Ctrl + Enter) Adobe AIR for Android applications on Flash Professional CS5.5

    The Error Message 'Application descriptor file cannot be parsed' shows when compiling (Ctrl + Enter) Adobe AIR for Android applications on Flash Professional CS5.5
    This is happening for most of the pupils and staff at our school and they are unable to complete their work.
    This also happens on a fresh copy of windows and CS5.5 without any updates and also with all latest updates.
    I have tried it on 32-bit and 64-bit CS5, Windows, Air and Java with the same error every time.
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    I have noticed however that if the file is moved to the shared area it will compile. If it is on their documents area it will not compile. The users have full control in both locations. This is fine for staff but we are unable to give full control or modify access to the shared area for the pupil's
    I have been through the online support section and it directed me to phone Adobe Customer care who informed me that all support has been discontinued for CS5, CS5.5 and CS6 and they will only support creative cloud.
    Any ideas what to try next? There is no other information about this error and I cannot work out what is causing it.

    I have tried and  able to package an apk using your XML file.Could you please make sure your XML file starting from line 1 and coloumn 0.Any space will results in the error (Application Descriptor file cannot be parsed)

  • Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Extension for AIR 2.5 について

    スレッド名にも書いていますがAdobe Flash Professional CS5 Extension for AIR 2.5というのを
    「The extension for Flash Pro CS5 to deploy applications to the Android platform will no longer be available.
    This feature is being rolled into the next release for Adobe Flash Professional.
    Please check http://www.adobe.com for latest news and information about the availability of the next version of our Creative Suite products.」
    という文が表示されていたのですが、もうCS5用にAdobe Flash Professional CS5 Extension for AIR 2.5というのは配布されないということでしょうか?

    Sorry no:-(,
    I'll go the CS5.5 path now, I find it so much better and easier to work with.

  • FAQ: How to resolve "Unexpected File Format" error with Flash Professional CS5.5?

    You may encounter errors when you attempt opening or saving files using Flash Professional CS5.5.  To address the above problem, Adobe released an updater for Flash Pro CS5.5 (version 11.5.1).
    The following article explains about the errors and Flash CS5.5 updater released to handle them in detail:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/flashpro/2012/07/24/unexpected-file-format-error-on-opening-flash-f iles-using-flash-cs5-5/

    Which operating system are you using?  If you look in the Adobe Download Assistant is it still downloading the install files?

  • Flash Professional CS5.5 crashes while publishing for iOS

    I'm having the same problem as is detailed in the forum post below from March 8th:
    The problem is that Flash Professional CS5.5 crashes every time I try to publish my 'Hello World' project for iOS. The crash happens anytime I press the OK or Publish buttons while configuring the iOS Settings. This is the tutorial I am attempting to complete:
    I sent a crash report to adobe, which I could duplicate if that helps.
    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

    There could be an issue with your latest Java Runtime Environment. Could you please uninstall your current JRE and try install a version prior to that?.
    You can find a list of JRE updates here at http://www.filehippo.com/download_jre_32/history/

  • Building Android Applications with Flash Professional CS5.5 | ADC Presents | Adobe TV

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    This feature is really awesome, it's great how you can embed other files such as XML with the application you want to publish.

  • No response in downloading Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5

    I've already signed in but when I click download of Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, it seems like nothing is in progress.
    When i click the "download" button again, a window titled  "Product download pending" appear and ask me to reopen the "Adobe Download Asistant".
    What's wrong? ?_?

    Where did you select to save the download too?

  • QR codes launching ADOBE FLASH PROFESSIONAL CS5.5 apps

    Hello I'm considering buying Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 to write android and apple apps but I have a couple of quesries that I hope someone can help me on:
    1. Can I launch an app from a scanned QR code and, if so, soes anyone know how (perhaps have examples?)
    2. I have been trialing the software and noted that a large file has to be instelled on mobiles (Air) before the app can run. Is is possible to package this with the app rather than the user having to download Air too? Does anyone make people feel that this will make Adobe apps less attractive or have I missed something?
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Hi Rob,
    1. If you can launch apps through a QR code with the native apps then you will be able to do it with the AIR apps, once on the device they function just the same so that's not really an AIR question its more of an Android or iOS question, I do not have any examples. You can always set up a QR code that goes to the store page for whatever app you are trying to offer to the user.
    2. Yes you can package the AIR plug in with your file, for iOS its done automatically for Android you have to do it maually through some command prompt and it appears to be a huge pain in the ***, but it is possible. Yes I agree having an air download required is not as attractive as a native app, the good news is that some devices come with AIR pre installed the Kindle Fire and the NOOK being 2 good examples.

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