Flash Video Playlist

I have the responsibility of overhauling the current flash
based video player for a major media company, and would love some
feedback regarding our playlist.
I was recently told that this type of playlist isn’t
indexable by google/yahoo and we have to move to a non flash
What other options do we have?
Third party controls?
I would prefer an ASP.NET solution since the player is
integrating with ASP.NET 2.0
Is there a way to use Flash/Flex so google can index the
Does the playlist even need to be indexed, are they other
– we currently have something similar to the discovery

First, I urge you to always read documentation before you write code. Believe it or not - it will save you a lot of headaches if you are familiar with classes that you use.
Documentation fro FLVPlayback is here:
According to the class description in order for video to play you either need to call play() method on the instance of FLVPlayback or set autoPlay property to true.

Similar Messages

  • Dynamic Flash video playlist

    Hi, got overly ambitious late last night and tried to make a
    video playlist based on Lisa Larson Kelley's tutorial
    I managed to get the tile list set up and functioning, but, the
    video player doesn't seem to "see" the video files, just the
    thumbnails in the tile list. The URL for the test page is at
    I've been comparing my files to her tutorial files and I wonder if
    there's something absurdly simple that I'm missing due to lack of
    sleep! I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much!

    I worked on the same project and it is working alright and
    still interested in adding more features like play pause etc ....
    but for now I'm more interested in adding the buffering bar and
    progress bar.
    Any help is welcome.

  • Require Help with Flash Video XML Playlist

    flash devs,
    all i'm doing to playin videos from a xml file - (used lots
    of info and code from Lee's XML Video Playlist Tutorial)
    after spending hours getting this to work correctly in AS3
    and how i want it to work i've hit a brick wall
    i've got 2 components on stage - vid_select (List) & vid
    i can load my flv videos from my xml file just perfect but
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    and then restart at the beginning...
    i've attached my code...
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    all the video in my xml list that would be
    so greatly appreciated...
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    thanks in advance

    Again thank you for your help in advance...
    I put the script folder into the root. As far as the .flv
    file it is showing up as being "put" to my web server. when i
    checked the root folder it is there. again i am having the same
    problem.. the local view works but when i check it on the web it
    just shows that there should be a flash video there but it does not
    show up.
    i created a new root for this test page the new link is..
    here are the files that are showing up in it...
    and the Scripts folder
    thanks again for any help..

  • Problem with tutorial:Creating a dynamic playlist for streaming flash video

    hi, anyone tried the tutorial: creating a dynamic playlist
    for streaming flash video?
    i follow the instruction exactly as stated in the tutorial
    and test the fla file, it worked perfectly well when i open the swf
    using the macromedia flash 8. Everything look fine. Nothing is
    changed except the url is changed to "rtmp://localhost/videosource"
    in the xml file.
    after i publish the file using the setting: access network
    only, i try to open the swf and html file from the folder, the
    thumbnail did not appear and there is no way i can click on any
    videos. What i see is only the list, and there is no response from
    the flash media server 2. All the files is in the same folder.
    Anyone please help with this problem???? thanks

    ....i debug the movie step by step
    and realised that the xml file is being read by the code...
    Your original problem stated it worked but not when playing
    outside the
    Flash authoring environment by simply loading the swf from
    the hard drive.
    The Flash authoring environment is a trusted environment and
    so you really
    need to test in the actual deployment mode which loading an
    swf from the
    hard drive is not a valid deployment unless an installed
    Flash player is
    available outside the web browser which you would have as you
    have the
    authoring tool and your users will not.
    Use a browser with
    to do final
    In this regard you may need to debug the movie while running
    in real time
    mode in a web browser with
    http:// A technique to trace I suggested is to
    create a temporary TextField perhaps named out_txt and send
    trace message to
    it such as out_txt.text += "My Trace Expression".
    Lon Hosford
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "free23" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    sorry but i don't understand what you mean....i debug the
    movie step by step
    and realised that the xml file is being read by the code...
    this is a sample of my log files:
    #Fields: date time x-pid x-status x-ctx x-comment
    2006-05-15 20:08:58 3072 (i)2651170 Unloaded application
    videosource/_definst_ -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 FCApplication loaded
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Communication Framework
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 SimpleConnect loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 VideoConference loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Video Playback loaded
    successfully. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Communication Components
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:19 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: undefined -
    2006-05-15 20:48:20 3848 (e)2641190 Error : command msg sent
    before client
    connection has been accepted. -
    2006-05-15 20:49:42 3848 (s)2641173 Sending this message:
    Hello! You are
    connected as: false -
    hope this help...

  • Trouble with Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash Video

    Hey There,
    I have been working on building a flash video player and are
    trying to incorporate the Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash
    Video. Everyting is working expect the thumbs are not appearing.
    Instead, on each row of the list it says " type function". The list
    is populated with data b/c i can navigate it and select a video to
    watch, just the thumbs are missin.
    Any ideas how I can get my jpg thumbs to appear?

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    still interested in adding more features like play pause etc ....
    but for now I'm more interested in adding the buffering bar and
    progress bar.
    Any help is welcome.

  • Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Streaming Flash Video

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    to create a dynamic playlist for streaming Flash video files. I
    have realized some of the FLV files that I have downloaded from
    internet don’t show in the thumbPlayList and cannot be
    played. But once I convert them back to WMV and the use the Flash 8
    Video Decoder to convert them to FLV file everything works fine.
    Any idea or suggestion why there is such a problem?
    Thank you for your advice.
    is the link to the tutorial I mentioned ...

    I have been trying the tutorial given by Lisa Larson in order
    to create a dynamic playlist for streaming Flash video files. I
    have realized some of the FLV files that I have downloaded from
    internet don’t show in the thumbPlayList and cannot be
    played. But once I convert them back to WMV and the use the Flash 8
    Video Decoder to convert them to FLV file everything works fine.
    Any idea or suggestion why there is such a problem?
    Thank you for your advice.
    is the link to the tutorial I mentioned ...

  • Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash Video

    I just finished reading the Creating a Dynamic Playlist for
    Progressive Flash Video (
    tutorial, and it gives a pretty good overview, however I would like
    to be able to add the ability to stop and start the video as well,
    and the tutorial doesn't really explain how the embedded video
    works. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished, or at least
    know where I can find information on how to do this.

    I worked on the same project and it is working alright and
    still interested in adding more features like play pause etc ....
    but for now I'm more interested in adding the buffering bar and
    progress bar.
    Any help is welcome.

  • Creating an offline playlist for flash videos

    I have several flash videos that I want to create a play list for, can I do this? The videos are located on a PC HD. I have 3 files, Player.exe, video.flv and text.txt

    If the text file is something that should be read in programmatically, you'll need actionscript to do this.  This is typically contained in a swf file that would be loaded into the player.  The swf would then read the text file and load the flv's appropriately.
    The player by itself is not a media player like vlc, wmp, etc.

  • Flash Video with DVD-like motion menus -- Is this possible?

    Hi all,
    I just joined this gropup. I have some SMIL 2.0 presentations
    with synchnorized multiple audio (several languages supported) and
    video as well as DVD-like still and motion menus. These are
    semi-transparent menus and actually are super-imposed over main
    playback area (root layout in SMIL).
    Can Flash Video has menus in it?
    Can this type of a/v synchronization and menuing be done in
    Flash Video?
    I don't want to write as SWF with menus since clips and # of
    menus on screen and placement might be different from video to
    video. These are for some training videos.
    To give a background, in SMIL I have an application server
    (Jboss) which is dynamically creating SMIL based upon database,
    user inputs and menu selections. What is basically sent back to the
    browser is SMIL page markup including playlist of clips up to next
    menu point. Once all clips are watched and user selects menu button
    to continue then a new SMIL is generated and processs repeated.
    I am thinking off porting this over to Flash Video because
    currently clients need RealPlayer (has SMIL 2.0) support to be
    downloaded and installed. Another local app to manage!
    Any ideas or recommendations?
    Thanks and kindest regards,

    You can build interactive DVDs with video and audio, but no Word documents (at least not as part of the interactivity). DVD SP can certainly be used to create interactive DVDs. The advantage is that interactivity will extend to DVD players, not just computers.
    If you want very rich interactive content, with Word docs, PDFs, etc. Then the best program would be Director. However there are some caveats with Director.
    1) The learning curve for Director is extremely steep. You would be better off hiring a freelancer who already knows the program, then spending all the time learning all the ins and outs of the program.
    2) Director is essentially a dead program. Since Adobe acquired it a couple of years ago, they have made no upgrades of the program. Nor have they made any announcements on continued development.
    3) The content you develop will only be playable on computers, not DVD players.

  • Single screen for flash videos

    I have a guitar tutorial on my website. I have lots of 1 minute flash videos that can be viewed. At the moment I use javascript to open a new browser to view each video...... this means that there are different screens (video players) for each video. How do I use 1 single video player to play all the flash videos? so when I click a playlist the video shows in the same player? I m not sure if this is understandable without an example. I just want 1 video player on my page and a link or playlist to play the videos in the same player.... sorry if this doesnt make sense!!!!!
    thank you

    WWD Player
    JW Player
    Wimpy Rave
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 
    Message was edited by: Nancy O.  changed links

  • Hyperlink to Flash Video Player

    Does anyone know how to push a specific video to a Flash
    video player playlist? I'm using the following Flash video
    player/pplaylist application. Any help would be great!!!
    Creating a Dynamic Playlist for Progressive Flash Video

    Without seeing this is a guess, but if you are linking to the
    swf directly
    then that is what happens. Create a new page with the movie
    on it and link
    to it, then it should size correctly.
    "SCBrazil" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gd0qbn$dr$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I have developed a small Flash movie for one of the
    products on my site
    > which
    > I want to open from a link. The link and video work fine
    but it opens in a
    > full
    > size browser window, which makes the photos look pretty
    ugly. I want the
    > link
    > to open only the Flash Player so that the video is
    displayed in the size
    > it was
    > made (700px by 225px.)
    > Anyone know how I can do this? There must be a way,
    would the setting be
    > in
    > Flash CS3 or DW CS3?
    > Thanks

  • Customize dynamic video playlist template

    I downloaded a dynamic video playlist template for streaming delivery of video from -http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/video_playlist.html I have customized the playlist to play and display my own videos and thumbs. I would like to customize the position of the TileList component and the position and size of the thumbs and text contained within, so that it matches the position and size of the thumbs and text on my website. Here is a link to the template folder- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8730678/video_playlist_sequence.zip and my website (got to movie page) - http://jamanimations.com/
    Thank you!

    thanks for your reply but I have managed to fix it by move=ing the content of the constructor of the class 'VideoPlaylist' into a new  function called activate and then calling that on frame 2

  • Making Flash Dynamic Playlist in Dreamweaver

    Hi, got overly ambitious late last night and tried to make a
    video playlist based on Lisa Larson Kelley's tutorial
    I managed to get the tile list set up and functioning, but, the
    video player doesn't seem to "see" the video files, just the
    thumbnails in the tile list. The URL for the test page is at
    I've been comparing my files to her tutorial files and I wonder if
    there's something absurdly simple that I'm missing due to lack of
    sleep! I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much!

    HTML cannot add a link to a Flash object. You would need to
    do that in the
    Flash Actionscript.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "tves" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fno0eq$p6j$[email protected]..
    > How do I do this?
    > I basically want an end user to be able to click on the
    flash I made and
    > take them to a new URL/page.

  • XML video Playlist

    I've created an XML video playlist like the one shown in this
    I was wondering how I could edit it to autoplay the first
    item in the list upon loading, but still have the list be
    completely functional. I've tried everything I can think of, but
    can't get it to autoplay and still work.

    this just uses a xml playlist and listbox component.i seen a
    tutorial on one with thumbnails...if i run across it again ill post
    the link.maybe this will get you started.

  • How to create a drag and drop video playlist Help please

    I would like to learn how to create a drag and drop video playlist.
    I think the most common example is youtube.
    I already have partial of the work but I am stuck with my preliminary knowledge of Flash.
    What I am saying is:
    I have a *.fla project that have the galleries for video and pictures.
    But this process is done from the back end.
    I would like to make it more dynamic for the visitors.
    For example:
    1. Create a visitor video (pictures) playlist
    2. Drag and drop into the playlist
    3. To be able to create different playlists (Playlist 1, "My favorite playlist", "Watch later", etc)
    If someone knows or want to guide me where or how to find this request, I'd appreciate it so much.
    If the forum think that this need to be address to a expertise ($). I am also welling to hear that and where to go.
    If someone is interesting in this project please send me a note to show the prelimary project.

    Yeah that is the general idea but that is more of a "lift and drop", i want to add the same thing as when you:
    Right click this window in the taskbar (assuming your using windows) when the window is not maximized and click "move" then it changes the cursor icon and allows u to move the window around and while you move it around it shows the window moving, not a click and release feature.
    So i want that ability without having to click on the title bar, if you know what i mean.

Maybe you are looking for

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