Flash video - to embed or not

Hi everyone
I have a screen capture explaining a section of my web site.
Its about 30 seconds long. What is the best way for users to watch

quiero mas wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I have a screen capture explaining a section of my web
site. Its about 30 seconds long. What is the best way for users to
watch it?
> Regards
If it's big than perhaps loading it dynamically would be
better than make user download
it with the main file. Better keep the main file to minimum
so it can cache quickly.
Best Regards
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    Hello Apple Community,
    Here's some technical Background:
    MAC OSX Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
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    Same problems here on that site with Safari 6.0.5
    The have a Facebook page you can post and ask for help >  https://www.facebook.com/DocFuAndHealthTeam

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    right off the top ..
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    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual,
    DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004: A Beginner's
    Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "motomoto111" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    >I have a htm page that I have inserted a Flash Video. It
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    > Here is the link.

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    Nevermind. I ended up solving the problem on my own. This old guide that I used before ended up helping me out. I will post the link here in case anyone else has the same problem.
    http://web.archive.org/web/20080723224615/http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/articles/flvpl ayback_behaviors_print.html

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    You need to have Image+Wireframe ON to grab a drag point (little squares at each corner) to re-size to full screen.
    Ensure the Viewer and Canvas are set to "Fit to Window" before starting.
    Double click the small clip in the Timeline, it opens in the Viewer.
    Place the playhead over the Timeline clip.
    When you scale the clip in the Viewer you will see it update in the Canvas.
    This way you see waht you will get straight away.

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    play to play it. without using the popup like i did.)
    thank you.

    I am sorry i did not get what you mean with the last
    sentence, but generally, this may be a path problem, you need to
    check your FLV path and make it meet the path on the server not the
    local machine.

  • Creating flash video to embed on website

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    To create a Green Screen transparent video, you need to have Flash CS5 IDE and After Effects CS5. Each and every steps to create a Green Screen transparent video, please click on the below link which will explain you step by step.

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    > Basicly i just imported a .mov file into flash 8 and
    > the FVSS option were it does the rest its self.
    If you chose FVSS, that means you're using a Flash Video
    Service and not just uploading video to your own server.
    > So my skin.flv file currently has to be in the same
    > as my webpage which is currently not possible for me
    > to do.
    You can put the skin wherever you like. All that matters is
    that you
    correctly path to it from the point of view of the HTML page
    that holds your
    SWF (the SWF that holds the FLVPlayback instance that uses
    this skin).
    > I need it to allow my skin.flv file to be in the same
    > as my vido.swf and video.flv files.
    You're uploading your video files to a Flash Video Streaming
    which I haven't done personally, so I don't know what
    requirements this
    service places on you. Regardless, the location of the skin
    SWF file makes
    no difference. In the FLA that contains your FLVPlayback
    instance, select
    that instance and look at the Parameters tab of the Propery
    inspector. In
    the skin parameter, double click the cell to the right of
    that and enter the
    path to the skin SWF. It can be absolute (full domain name
    and filepath) or
    relative. If it's relative, pretend it's the HTML file
    looking for that
    skin, instead of this SWF file.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Fullscreen flash video not working in Gnome3

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    Fullscreen flash video  (youtube, etc.) not working. When i click on fullscreen button, the video just freezes.
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    Kernel version:
    Nvidia driver version: 270.41.06-1
    Flash version: (mms.cfg: EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1)
    Please help.

    Total wrote:
    I installed Gnome3 (with gnome-shell) and have one problem.
    Fullscreen flash video  (youtube, etc.) not working. When i click on fullscreen button, the video just freezes.
    In Gnome2 or KDE4 I not have this problem.
    Kernel version:
    Nvidia driver version: 270.41.06-1
    Flash version: (mms.cfg: EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1)
    Please help.
    Try adding
    OverrideGPUValidation = 1
    to /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
    That still seems to work for me.  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=117875

  • Flash video on linux

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    player 9 installed.
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    Any help would be appreciated. I have no experience with
    video and flash video, so I am not sure if this is even

    if you get any further in this, please post here!
    I am also interested in any vp6-encoding solution on linux!

  • Flash Video Without Flash

    Is there a way to create Flash video without buying Flash? Is
    there video
    editing software that will export to this format or a utility
    that will
    convert to this format?
    We want to do flash video and only flash video and would
    prefer not to spend
    the money for the Flash software when we don't want or need
    to use it for
    anything else. It would make more sense to buy video editing
    software that
    we could use for making videos and then export to swf format.

    Hello Brandon.....
    I think a number of video editing software packages can
    produce FLVs..
    The main one I know of is Sorenson Squeeze alternatively try
    looking for FLV compression, FLV Creation or FLV editing in Google.
    Sothink Flash Video Encoder can also covert to FLV from avi,
    wmv filel types
    www.videodl.org will allow you to take YouTube and google
    video and covert them to FLV.
    Hope some of this helps.

  • Flash Video Issues In Safari 5 w/ 10.1 Flash Plugin

    Hey Folks-
    I've tried everything I can think of and read everything I could find, but I am still finding that there are a variety of flash-based video sites with content that is not loading. Some flash video loads, some does not. The pattern is not at all clear, but for example, the flash video on PBS.com and ESPN.com always fails to load. This development seems to be new to Flash 10.1, but does not replicate in any other browser.
    I've uninstalled and reinstalled flash, repaired permissions, cleaned out the plugins folder, reapplied the OS combo update, etc, etc. No change.
    Below are the errors that show up in the activity log associated with a few failed flash video loads- I'm not really clear on how the plugin works on the backend, so I am not sure I can make heads or tails of these, but I knew some of you would be able to. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks very much!
    http://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/update/current/install/version .xml10.1.82.76~cpuArchitecture=x86_64&lang=en&os=Mac&osVer=10.6.4&playerType=pl& cpuWordLength=64 (NOT FOUND)
    http://www-tc.pbs.org/video/media/images/assets/videos/1397474775/1397474775_Par tnerPlayer.jpg (NOT FOUND)
    When trying to load flash video content on ESPN just now, the video starts to load, then the flash controls disappear and the video just remains black. The browser reports no errors and nothing shows up in the activity log.

    This may be applicable to your problem:
    Update 10.6.4 included an out-of-date version of FlashPlayer*. Try deleting it and installing the latest one from Adobe even if it has the same version number as the one you have:
    The latest version of Adobe FlashPlayer can be obtained from here:
    (You can check here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/ to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS.
    You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.
    * To avoid this situation in the future, Apple recently announced that Macs would in future not have Flash Player pre-installed, precisely to avoid this situation, saying:
    We're happy to continue to support Flash on the Mac, and the best way for users to always have the most up to date and secure version is to download it directly from Adobe.
    They also noted that this will be happening across all Macs in the future, though there may be some models still in the channel with Flash pre-installed.
    (Source: http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/22/apple-responds-on-missing-flash-in-new-macboo k-airs-says-get-us/ )

  • Fullscreen Flash Video Issues

    On all browsers it seems that flash videos from certain sites (not youtube) will fullscreen initially and then only populate the top left quadrant with video. My flash is up to date and so are my browsers.

    Check the Adobe forum area.  There could be other Mac users with the same issues.  Solution would be found there if any. 

  • Convert iPhoto video to flash video to use in Dreamweaver -- how to?

    I've taken a 30 sec video with a Canon PowerShot SD600 camera and downloaded it to iPhoto. Now how can that video be exported so that Dreamweaver can use it as a Flash Video? I'm not experienced using Dreamweaver, so I don't really know if my terminology is correct.

    You’ll need to convert it from avi or whatever the current format to flash for use with dreamweaver. One of these
    might help with that.

  • Flash Video Encoding

    I'm doing research to find all means of encoding Flash Video.
    Currently I have:
    1. Sorenson Squeeze
    2. FlixPro
    3. FlixExporter
    4. Macromedia Flash Video Encoder (Flash 8)
    5. Adobe Flash Video Encoder (Flash CS3)
    Ideally I am looking for any app that can encode alpha
    channels, manage cuepoints, and do batch processing, although if
    there is a flash video encoder you use not on the list, please add
    So far Sorenson is best for Project management and
    FlixPro/Exporter is best for quality/file size.
    The two need to get married and have a kid.

    I don't know how good it is, but Riva flv encoder will
    convert AVI,
    MPEG, Quicktime, & WMV's to flv. It's free - here's the
    or you can read the reviews and download it at download.com
    http://www.download.com/Riva-FLV-Encoder/3000-2140_4-10320097.html?tag=mncol;pop&cdlPid=10 381392
    Hope that helps,

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