Flex 4.6.1: Fzip + SWFLoader, Loader or ModuleLoader = ZipLoader??

Hey Folks,
i have big problem with resized container.
I have tested before without compressed swf files ( only *.swf goes SWFLoader = It works fine... SWFLoader works resized and scalabled mode. GOOD!
I have got an awesome idea with zip file - if i pack any swfs into zip file.
I have written:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                        import deng.fzip.FZip;
                        import deng.fzip.FZipFile;
                        import mdm.Application;
                        import flash.system.LoaderContext;
                        private var zip:FZip = new FZip();
                        private var zipfile:URLRequest;
                        private function initApp():void {
                                zipfile = new URLRequest(/*mdm.Application.path+*/"module.zip");
                                zip.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
                        private function onComplete(e:Event):void
                                        var file:FZipFile = zip.getFileAt(0);
                                        file.filename = "SubApp.swf";
                                        var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                                        var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                                        context.allowCodeImport = true;
                                        contentLoader.loaderContext = context;                
                                }catch (error:Error){
                                        /*      Error Message  */
        <mx:SWFLoader id="contentLoader" left="0" top="0" width="100%" height="100%" autoLoad="true"/>            
And SubApp.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                <s:VerticalLayout paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="left"/>
        <s:Label text="label one"/>
        <s:TextInput width="100%"/>
        <s:Label text="label two"/>
        <s:TextArea width="100%" height="100%"/>
Compiled and pack into module.zip!
Look more pictures:
Flash Player loads swf from zip.
It works fine....
But i am shying because swfLoader won't resize and rescale? Oh no...
Why does it happen? Container was happen...
How do i fix with resizing and scaling mode

It is in a separate folder.  Should be under C:\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.5\sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\mx\src\mx\controls

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    Alex, thank you for the quick reply -- I'll give it a shot. Where would I find the nightly builds? I found the source code repository, but if there's a nightly build I can check out, that would be much easier.

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    Maybe timing?  The child SWF may not be fully loaded.  Sounds and SWFs are asynchronously loaded.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.
    Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

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    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for your reply.
    I have followed the documentation on the site you provided.
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    For that number of sections, you may want to consider leveraging an MVC framework like Mate ( http://mate.asfusion.com/ ). Mate (and, in general, most MVC frameworks) is more about application structure than application layout, but it provides some really useful guidelines for organizing your code for maintainability and testability. Mate even has a Google Code project of example applications: http://code.google.com/p/mate-examples/ .

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    caurina/transitions (Mostly .as files.)
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    id="myLoader" source="../thermometer/thermometer.swf" complete="initThermometer();" autoLoad="true" scaleContent="false"/>\
     private function initThermometer():void { 
         Alert.show('Thermometer loaded');
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    Any help figuring out how to get this to work in a flex app would be appreciated.

    You should probably add more event handlers to see what's going on.  Especially "ioError". The complete list is below.  For coverage, add a handler for each event. You can also use in MXML
    and add an argument to your Actionscript method, to find out details about the event.
    private function initThermometer(event:Event):void { 
         Alert.show('Thermometer loaded ' + event.type);}
        complete="No default"
        httpStatus="No default"
        init="No default"
        ioError="No default"
        open="No default"
        progress="No default"
        securityError="No default"
        unload="No default
    General info here:
    I did not test my code suggestions, but it's probably close.

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    browser when the users workstations got Macromedia Flash Player 8
    installed. Please advice on what could be the issue, i got security
    calls included i.e. securty.allowInsucureDomain, crossdomain.xml,
    The application shows no issues on web browsers with Flash
    Player 9 installed.

    if you have read developersGuide it says that there somewhere
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/201/html/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?href=Part2_DevAp ps_048_1.html
    here is workaround
    flex 9 is complete rewrite (almost) and its lot mor fast and
    effecient) you should't want to use flash 8 if you can anyways, but
    somethimes I guess there is not other way out..

  • Flex query on URLLoader.load()

    Hello all,
    I just started to learn flex/actionscript. I developed a simple flex project for experimenting with URLLoader.load() and used trace() to get the order in which methods are being called. I could not understand the order in which trace outputs are displayed. My code is :
    package LoadPack
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        public class ApplInfo
            private static var instance:ApplInfo = null;
            private var applInfoXML:XML = new XML();
            private var serverForAppl:String = "DataAccessLocalApplServer";
            private var applContextRoot:String = "DataAccessLocalApplContextRoot";
            private var selectedServer:String="";
            private var selectedServerContextRoot:String="";
            private var selectedServerLabel:String="";
            private var selectedServerContextRootLabel:String="";
            public static function getInstance():ApplInfo {
                if(instance == null){
                    trace("ApplInfo instance is null");
                    instance = new ApplInfo();
                    trace("ApplInfo instance created");               
                return instance;
            public function ApplInfo()
                trace("inside ApplInfo constructor");
                trace("selectedServer..getApplProperties -> "+this.selectedServer);
                trace("selectedServerContextRoot..getApplProperties ->"+this.selectedServerContextRoot);
            private function getApplProperties():void{           
                trace("inside getApplProperties");           
                var applXML:String = "assets/ApplInfo.xml";
                var urlReq:URLRequest= new URLRequest(applXML);
                var urlLdr:URLLoader= new URLLoader();
                urlLdr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, doOnComplete);
                trace("before load");
                trace("after load");
            private function doOnError(evt:Event):void{
            private function doOnComplete(evt:Event):void {
                trace("inside doOnComplete");           
                var urlLdr : URLLoader = evt.currentTarget as URLLoader;               
                applInfoXML = new XML(urlLdr.data);           
                for each(var serverXML:XML in applInfoXML.application.servers.server){
                    if(serverXML.@type == serverForAppl){
                        this.selectedServer = serverXML.text();
                        this.selectedServerLabel = serverXML.@label;
                for each(var contextRootXML:XML in applInfoXML.application.contextroots.contextroot){
                    if(contextRootXML.@type == applContextRoot){
                        this.selectedServerContextRoot = contextRootXML.text();
                        this.selectedServerContextRootLabel = contextRootXML.@label;
                trace("selectedServer..doOnComplete -> "+this.selectedServer);
                trace("selectedServerContextRoot..doOnComplete -> "+this.selectedServerContextRoot);
            public function getApplURL():String{
                trace("selectedServer..getApplURL -> "+this.selectedServer);
                trace("selectedServerContextRoot..getApplURL -> "+this.selectedServerContextRoot);           
                return this.selectedServer + this.selectedServerContextRoot;           
    I am calling this AS class from another class as
    and I am getting the following trace output.
    ApplInfo instance is null
    inside ApplInfo constructor
    inside getApplProperties
    before load
    after load
    selectedServer..getApplProperties ->
    selectedServerContextRoot..getApplProperties ->
    ApplInfo instance created
    selectedServer..getApplURL ->
    selectedServerContextRoot..getApplURL ->
    inside doOnComplete
    selectedServer..doOnComplete -> http://localhost:8090
    selectedServerContextRoot..doOnComplete -> /DataAccessProj
    My understanding is that once load completes its operation, the event handler for Event.complete will be executed and in my case the method doOnComplete(evt:Event) should be executed. After that only, the code proceed to subsequent statements. But trace output does not look that way.  I will be missing something seriously but could not find out.   I already spent one day on this. I am also attaching the project. Please help..

    Load() is asynchronous and does not block so the line right after it runs right away while we wait for the network to respond
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.
    Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

  • Flex Load Balancer Environment URL Redirect

    Our Flex application is running on a load balancer environment, where SSL is terminated.  From the browser to load balancer, the connection is using https and from the load balancer to the server, it is http. What we are noticing is, when the https url is invoked on the browser, it immediately redirects the url from https to http. This breaks the connection and an error message unable to connect is shown on the browser.  We traced the network traffic using the Live HTTP headers, it showed the same redirect in the url with the message HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily.
    Please let me know, how i can resolve this issue. Also let me know, if you need any other information from me.
    Thanks for your help.

    I'm kind of a newbie on the netscaler. What od you mean by stick? We keep persistence by a cookie insert.
    I did find out what the issue was, our E1 installation sits on port 8086, so from the netscaler we would reroute the port 80 calls from jdesso.xxx.local to the E1 server, but for some reason when the handoff came back from OID to E1 the load balancer somehow realized the app server was running from port 8086 and it mixed the whole process up (instead of keeping all traffic to and from the client on port 80). To workaround this I created a new virtual server to listen on port 8086, then I redirected the port 80 calls to new 8086 VS, and then from the 8086VS to the app server and it worked correctly.

  • Flex Generated Swf Donot load in Flash On Publishing.

    I am facing one problem,I made a calendar.swf in flex.
    and I am trying to load that calendar.swf file in flash file get-calendar using Loader Class.
    calendar.swf is coming fine when I press cntrl+Enter
    i mean during compiling swf.
    But when I publish that using F12 then that flex swf donot load.
    What is the reason,,I dont understand it.
    Pls help!

    calendar.swf is compiled to run in the local-with-networking sandbox, while get-calendar.swf runs in local-with-filesystem. Loading one into the other causes a security error. Simplest solution is to change get-calendar.fla to local-with-networking:
    Publish Settings (Flash tab). Select Access network only in Local playback security.

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