Flex 4.6 Mobile- soft keyboard and andorid back button

Forgive me as I posted this question in another thread but it doesn't seem to be getting much attention.
When using Flex 4.6 on Android I've noticed an undesired behavior related to the soft keyboard.
When the soft keyboard is open and you press the hardware back button two things happen:
First, the keyboard closes.
Then, if you're on a secondary view you get a pop view or if you're on the home view the app closes.
I've been trying to solve this by overriding the hardware back button but have yet to come up with anything that works. It seems most of the posted solutions are for older versions of Flex and don't seem to work in 4.6
Both of my phones I'm testing this on are HTC's incase this is hardware specific.

Hi GEG_man and frank,
try to do as shown in the code below works for me, I tried to simplify the code to SoftKeyboard to prevent the application exits on pressing the back button:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
        title="Test SoftKeyBoard" viewActivate="view1_viewActivateHandler(event)" backKeyPressed="backKeyPressedHandler(event)"
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
            import spark.events.TextOperationEvent;
            import spark.events.ViewNavigatorEvent;
            private var focusInOut:Boolean = false;
            protected function view1_viewActivateHandler(event:ViewNavigatorEvent):void
                message.text = data.description;
            protected function backKeyPressedHandler( event:FlexEvent ):void {
                //trace("Trigger: "+event.type);
                //trace("USER_TRIGGERED: "+SoftKeyboardTrigger.USER_TRIGGERED.length);
                if(SoftKeyboardTrigger.USER_TRIGGERED.length == 13 && focusInOut==true){
                    stage.focus = stage;
                } else {
                     stage.focus = null;
            protected function recipient_softKeyboardActivateHandler(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void
                trace("Activate: "+event.type);
                stage.focus = null;
            protected function recipient_softKeyboardDeactivateHandler(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void
                //trace("Deactivate: "+event.type);
                stage.focus = stage;
    <s:TextArea id="message" width="100%" height="300" change="message_changeHandler(event)" text="{data.description}"
                softKeyboardActivate="recipient_softKeyboardActivateHandler(event)" softKeyboardDeactivate="recipient_softKeyboardDeactivateHandler(event)"
                focusIn="focusInOut=true" focusOut="focusInOut=false"/>
I've tested it on Galaxy S3 and LG P990 and Air 3.4/3,5/3.6.

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    Status-Bar -- a long thin panel with a long TextField. Perhaps use something from the BorderFactory class to seperate it from other parts of the screen...
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    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    For your issue... See here...
    Contacting Apple World Wide for Support and Service
    Apple Warranty  >  http://www.apple.com/legal/warranty/
    iPhone Warranty  >  The warranty is only valid in the country of original purchase... Except for EU Countries...

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    A possible cause is a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.
    You can also try to repair the places database with this extension:

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    How about putting in a <<back link yourself for the
    user to click that takes them to the page you want.

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    I posted recently about a workaround Oracle showed me for helping manage back button problems more efficiently, but now I'm having a separate back button problem.
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    Thanks much,

    Hi Frank,
    Great idea, thanks! I haven't tried it out in all my cases, but it looks like it's going to work!
    For the use of others, here's what you do:
    1) Make sure your model layer is capable of supporting the back button here, of course.
    2) Create a method, String refresh(), in a backing bean. This method can be a no-op (just return null) if you don't need to do any work to re-set the page. But if, for example, you calculated values referred to in the page, you should re-calculate them here. If you had code that calculated them when the page was originally loaded (*not* for PPR), you can take that out, because this will always get called on a new load/back button load/reload.
    3) Add a CommandLink like this one to your page (needs to be in a form, but otherwise it doesn't really matter where):
    <af:commandLink id="refresh" partialSubmit="true"
      action="#{yourBean.refresh}"/>4) Add a call to a javascript function like the following in your <afh:body>'s "onload" tag:
    function refreshPage() {
        var refreshComp;
        if (document.getElementById)
            refreshComp = document.getElementById("refresh");
        else if (document.all)
            refreshComp = document.all["refresh"];
        else if (document.layers)
            refreshComp = document.layers["refresh"];
        if (refreshComp) {
    }(All of that rigmarole is to support different browsers, which have different ways of retrieving a DOM element by its id.)
    5) For each component you need refreshed on a back button, set (or add) "refresh" to its partialTriggers property.
    6) Sit back and watch the Back button work.

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    As such, I followed the directions in the JHeadstart Dev Guide to disable back-button protection, since my application didn't need to be protected against misuse of the browser back button.
    Everything works fine in Firefox... users can query the master screen and drilled into details, and use the browser back button to back out of the details to the master page.
    However, IE does not like this at all. It intercepts this back-button use with pages that employ POST form submissions by throwing the following rendering when navigating back up from my app's details pages:
    Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you.
    To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button.
    What kind of mods in my UIX/Struts JHeadstart code can I make in order for IE to accept use of the back-button in this scenario?
    I realize I can add breadcrumbs to my application, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the users will use this instead of the back button (especially since the users will be public anonymous Internet users -- training is not an issue)?

    If you google on "how to prevent Warning: Page has Expired" you will find lots of useful links. You nee dto set your caching policy on the http header. You can do this by overriding JhsActionServlet.process, and register your custom action servlet in web.xml.
    You can add calls like this to set caching strategies:
    response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600");
    response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "private");
    Google on "response.setHeader" or reponse.addHeader for more examples.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    Firefox 4 saves the previous session automatically, so there is no longer need for the dialog asking if you want to save the current session.<br />
    You can use "Firefox > History > Restore Previous Session" to get the previous session at any time.<br />
    There is also a "Restore Previous Session" button on the default <b>about:home</b> Home page.
    Another possibility is to use:
    * [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Menu_differences Firefox (Tools) > Options] > General > Startup: "When Firefox Starts": "Show my windows and tabs from last time"
    Do you still have the Bookmarks Toolbar visible?
    * [[Restore the default Smart Bookmarks Folders]]
    Check that you still have the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" placed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    If the menu bar is hidden then press F10 or hold down the Alt key, that should make the "Menu Bar" appear
    Make sure that you have the Bookmarks Toolbar and the Navigation Toolbar visible: "View > Toolbars"
    Open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize" or via "Firefox > Options > Toolbar Layout"
    * Check in "View > Toolbars > Customize" that the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the Customize window onto the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If you do not see the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" or other items that are missing in the toolbar palette or on a toolbar then click the "Restore Default Set" button
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization

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    Does anyone know how I can change the screen flow and go back to the fist screen of MMBE and not the screen of the first called program?

    In your case i think it is not possible as it is standard functionality by SAP.
    Try work around, may be modification to the program will work.

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