Flex mobile 4.5 - Multiline Labels?

Hey, not very sure how to make multiline labels. Is this easily done? Tried to give standard labels height but that doesnt seem to work. In most other languages theres usually a multiline=true kinda dealy but im not sure how to do it in flex. Thanks!

Look at the answers here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6478979/multiline-labels-in-flex-4-5-mobile-apps
My answer:
Instead of a label, can you use a StyleableTextField?  If so, just set the wordWrap property to true.

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    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Comment Added:
    I suspect that this has to do with connections to https:// api.linkedin.com and https:// www.linkedin.com. The only reason I can think of that the same code is not having issues inside of Flex Builder but indeed having issues in the Android emulator is something to do with certificates. Any ideas?

    Thanks er453r,
    I have created a project that clearly reproduces the bug.  Here are the steps:
    1) Create a UrlLoader and point it to https://www.google.com (HTTPS is important because http works but HTTPS does not)
    2) Load it
    3) Run in Flash Builder 4.6/Air 3.1 and then run in Android emulator.  The former works with an http status 200.  The latter gives you an ioerror 2032.  I am assuming what works in Flash Builder is supposed to work in the Android Emulator and what what works in the emulator is supposed to work in a physical device (plus or minus boundary conditions).
    I see a certificate exception in adb logcat but not sure if it's related...
    Here is the self contained View code which works with a TabbedViewNavigatorApplication:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                        creationComplete="windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event) "
                        actionBarVisible="true" tabBarVisible="true">
                                  import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                                  protected var requestTokenUrl:String = "https://www.google.com";
                                  protected function windowedapplication1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                                            loader.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, onError);
                                            loader.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, onAsyncError);
                                            loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
                                            loader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS, httpResponseStatusHandler);
                                            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
                                            var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(requestTokenUrl);
                                  protected function requestTokenHandler(event:Event):void
                                  protected function httpResponse(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void
                                            label.text += event.status;
                                            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                                  private function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
                                            label.text += event.toString();
                                            trace("completeHandler data: " + event.currentTarget.data);
                                  private function openHandler(event:Event):void {
                                            label.text +=  event.toString();
                                            trace("openHandler: " + event);
                                  private function onError(event:ErrorEvent):void {
                                            label.text +=  event.toString();
                                            trace("onError: " + event.type);
                                  private function onAsyncError(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {
                                            label.text += event.toString();
                                            trace("onAsyncError: " + event);
                                  private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                                            label.text += event.toString();
                                            trace("onNetStatus: " + event);
                                  private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                                            label.text += event.toString();
                                            trace("progressHandler loaded:" + event.bytesLoaded + " total: " + event.bytesTotal);
                                  private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                                            label.text +=  event.toString();
                                            trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
                                  private function httpStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {
                                            label.text += event.toString();
                                            //label.text += event.responseHeaders.toString();
                                            trace("httpStatusHandler: " + event);
                                  private function httpResponseStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {
                                            label.text +=  event.toString();
                                            trace("httpStatusHandler: " + event);
                                  private function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                                            label.text +=  event.toString();
                                            label.text += event.text;
                                            trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
                        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
              <s:Label id="label" y="185" width="100%" color="#0A0909" horizontalCenter="0" text=""/>

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    The user doesn't don't need to have any interraction with the grid except for scrolling the rows.
    I was looking at using dataGrid component but adobe doesn't recommend it for mobile apps.
    Is there a grid component that is recommended for mobile apps?

    Here it is.
    // Show empty grid to start
    private function initGrid():void
        const dataArray:Array = new Array(1);
        var values:Array = new Array(1);
        values[0] = "";
        dataArray[0] = values;
        grid.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(dataArray);
    // Build array and feed it to the grid - 50 rows x 9 columns dataGrid (grid)
    protected function FillGrid():void
    var rows:int = 50;
    var columns:int = 9;
    // rows array
    const dataArray:Array = new Array(rows);
    // Get rows
    for(var row:int=0; row<rows; row++)
      const arrLine:Array = [columns+1];
      arrLine[0] = row+1;
      for(var col:int=1; col<columns+1; col++)
       // columns array
       arrLine[col] = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
      dataArray[row] = arrLine;
    // At this point the multi dimensional array is assembled, now we connect it to the dataGrid
    grid.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(dataArray);
    <!-- The DataGrid's dataProvider and typicalItem are set at initialize time by the initializeDataProvider method. -->
    <s:Panel id="tablePanel" x="519" top="91" width="470" height="400" color="#827259" fontSize="18" title=".">
    <s:DataGrid id="grid" left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5" selectionMode="singleRow" initialize="initGrid()" fontSize="17" >
      <!-- The default item renderer is used by the first 6 columns to display
      the dataProvider item's array element value at col. -->
           override public function prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean):void
            label = data[columnIndex];
        <!-- Columns inherit the DataGrid's itemRenderer. -->
        <s:GridColumn id="zero"    headerText="N0" width="65" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="one"     headerText="N1" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="two"     headerText="N2" width="45" resizable="false"/>   
        <s:GridColumn id="three"   headerText="N3" width="45" resizable="false"/>   
        <s:GridColumn id="four"    headerText="N4" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="five"    headerText="N5" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="six"     headerText="N6" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="seven"   headerText="N7" width="45" resizable="false"/>
        <s:GridColumn id="eight"   headerText="N8" width="65" resizable="false"/>

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    How exactly would i remove a Button from the actionBar "actionContent" in a flex mobile app?
    I tried these:
    I'm not having any luck with those. Im guessing where it is located in the actioncontent isn't considered the stage. Any ideas?
                            <s:CalloutButton id="menu_btn" icon="@Embed('assets/images/menu/menu_btn.png')" visible="false">
                                      <s:Button id="btn_one" label="Button" />
    The actionContent is setup like that, I know like with most mxml stuff I could give it an ID to reference it but im not sure how how to give the action content an id number `<s:actionContent id="testID">` does not work. So how can i access this to remove it? making it invisible isn't cutting it i need to actually remove it.

    Does this do what you are looking for?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">
            <s:Button id="excess" label="excess" />
            <s:Button label="remove" click="this.navigator.actionBar.actionGroup.removeElement(excess);" />

  • Skinning Flex Mobile TextInput

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    <s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
        alpha.disabledStates="0.5" blendMode="normal">
             * @copy spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin#hostComponent
             * @private
            private static const focusExclusions:Array = ["textDisplay"];
             *  @private
            override public function get focusSkinExclusions():Array { return focusExclusions;};
            <s:State name="normal"/>
            <s:State name="disabled" stateGroups="disabledStates"/>
            <s:State name="normalWithPrompt"/>
            <s:State name="disabledWithPrompt" stateGroups="disabledStates"/>
        <!-- border -->
        <!--- @private -->
        <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" id="border"
                                  radiusX="5" radiusY="5">
                <!--- @private -->
                <s:SolidColorStroke id="borderStroke" color="0xFFFFFF" weight="1" alpha="0.05" />
        <!-- fill -->
        <!--- Defines the appearance of the TextInput component's background. -->
        <s:Rect id="background" left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1"
                                  radiusX="5" radiusY="5">
                <!--- @private Defines the background fill color. -->
                <!-- s:SolidColor id="bgFill" color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0"/-->
      <s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
      <s:GradientEntry color="0x131516"
      <s:GradientEntry color="0x282b31"
        <!-- shadow -->
        <!--- @private -->
        <s:Rect left="1" top="1" right="1" height="1" id="shadow" alpha="0"
                                  radiusX="5" radiusY="5">
                <s:SolidColor color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.25" />
        <!-- text -->
        <!--- @copy spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase#textDisplay -->
        <s:RichEditableText id="textDisplay"
                  left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" />
        <!--- Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. The includeInLayout property is false so the prompt text does not affect measurement. -->
        <s:Label id="promptDisplay" maxDisplayedLines="1"
                    mouseEnabled="false" mouseChildren="false"
                    includeInLayout="false" />

    You are using a non-mobile skin:
    <s:RichEditableText id="textDisplay" 
                  left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" /> 
        <!--- Defines the Label that is used for prompt text. The includeInLayout property is false so the prompt text does not affect measurement. -->
    Pls Read here about mid page- wont call keyboard and have scrolling issues, etc:
    Adobe Flex 4.6 * Use text in a mobile application
    Here are the mobile skins: spark.skins.mobile - Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3) API Reference ... apply to base components you need to use.
    Good luck.

  • Open PDF file into flex mobile app

    I use this method to open a web page into my flex mobile application and I want to now if is possible to make the same for an PDF file.
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="Test">   <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.net.navigateToURL; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.media.StageWebView; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.desktop.NativeApplication; import mx.events.FlexEvent; private var browser:StageWebView;
    protected function onButtonClicked(event:MouseEvent):void { browser = new StageWebView(); browser.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200); browser.stage = this.stage; browser.loadURL("http://adobe.com"); }  ]]> </fx:Script> <s:Button x="209" y="67" label="test" click="onButtonClicked(event)" /></s:View>

    If you have the complete URL to the file; for example http://forums.adobe.com/filename.pdf
    or C:\users\yourname\filename.pdf
    Although I have not used it, you can pass the URL to Drumbeat Insight iFrame
    You can try their product, get prices for source code or library here: http://drumbeatinsight.com/products
    They offer email support for their products.
    You can make your own iFrame, with several sources.  Here is some background.
    Let me know if this solves your file issue.
    I need to write a server-side app to listen to my web service, upload the PDF, then write a temporary file.pdf to the server,
    before my web app can load the PDF into a web hosted iFrame.
    Adobe needs to make this easy (and I even know some developers in the San Jose Adobe headquarters).

  • Can't convert Flex Mobile project to desktop project

    I'm using the Flash Builder 4.6 trial, and I'm very new to flex development. I've been asked to convert an existing Flex Mobile project (appears to have been developed in Flash Builder 4.5) into an AIR desktop app.
    The project imported without complaint. However, the Add/Change Project Type > Convert to Flex Desktop Project menu item is disabled.
    I created a blank Flex Mobile project, then a blank Flex web project, then a blank ActionScript project. It's greyed out for those, too. I checked with the projects closed and open; the rest of the items on that submenu are enabled for all projects when closed.
    Is this feature disabled in the trial version?  Is something else going on?

    Clearly the device from verizon works, I would try to contact a computer tech to repair your computer
    Really it should be as simple as turn on, connect, go. If it isn't there is a break down somewhere in that computer
    What error msg?

  • Flex Mobile Project unable to run on android device

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    08:20:45.751 Raw device 'sd=sd1,lun=/dev/rdsk/c3t5000CCA03EC50D5Dd0s0' does not exist, or no permissions.
    Looks like either your lun doesnt exist  OR you running vdbnech session not as root.
    (Only a guess )

  • Is there a way to use Stage3D in Flex Mobile projects on iPad?

    When I create a project of type "Action Script Mobile Project" the Stage3D works on iPad, Android device and in the AIR desktop simulator.
    But when I create a project of type "Flex Mobile Project" it works in the desktop simulator and on Android device but does not work on iPad.
    When running on iPad the stage.stage3Ds[] collection is empty.
    Is it a sort of limitation made by intent? Or a bug? Or maybe I am doing something wrong?
    What I actually need is an ability to render offscreen bitmaps with GPU in an application that uses Spark UI. This is why I need Flex Mobile project.
    My configuration is the following:
    iPad with retina display
    Sony Xperia Tablet Z
    AIR SDK 3.7 (and I have also tried AIR SDK 3.8 today)

    Check this thread, discussing the similar issue
    Re: What video format that is compatible with Muse

  • Is there a way to save data to just one view in Flex Mobile applications?

    I am having trouble handling data between views in a Flex Mobile application that I am writing. I know how to pass data from one view to another, but I was wondering if there is a way to save that data to a view, then get more data from another view (in this case it would be the same view that the original data came from) and put that data on the same view without overwriting the original data. I would be glad to post some code if anyone needs to see it.

    I think we realise that this is the same question as the other thread.

  • Two styles for a native look (Flex Mobile App)?

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    Or will I have to build the same App twice to get this?
    - BB

    Check out Jason San Jose's blog posting here: http://blogs.adobe.com/jasonsj/2011/06/ios-theme-for-flex-mobile-projects-proof-of-concept .html

  • Flex Mobile project scaling with Retina display iPad (3rd gen).

    Adobe et al,
    With the new iPad 3 we now have a ton more pixels to utilize. I'm familiar with and have already successfully tested the AIR 3.1+ commandline compiler option (-platformsdk) to get Retina display on the new iPad. In ActionScript mobile projects the content is rendered beautifully on the new iPad. But with Flex Mobile projects, something is happening that causes it to render incorrectly. It's retina display alright, but the size is way too small.
    Below is an image WITHOUT the -platformsdk build tag, that causes the app to be pixel doubled to fit on the new iPad:
    Notice that it's scaled proportionally, even though the text and components are slightly pixelated. Not a big deal, but noticeable on the device.
    This image is taken with the app rendering in Retina display (setting the -platformsdk pointing to iOS 5.1 SDK):
    As you can see, the text/components are rendered really clear, but the scale is way off. Obviously it's getting the width of 2048x1536 from the device, but it's way too small.
    How do I fix this? I've tried changing the applicationDPI, but it doesn't fix it. Setting a width/height of 1024x768 does nothing either. It seems we need to overrride a behavior that causes it to fit everything in so small.
    A little help?

    Alright, kevinkorngut's answer was the right one. It appears that even though AIR 3.x can render high resolution apps, it still returns the incorrect DPI for the new iPad. In a Flex Mobile project you have to override the DPI using the method mentioned above.
    Here are the results I got:
    Using the runtimeDPIProvider property on the TabViewApplication tag (works for any of the three project types) I created a class that extends RuntimeDPIProvider. To detect which iPad I was on, I used the following code:
    override public function get runtimeDPI():Number
         var os:String = Capabilities.os;
         if(os.indexOf("iPad") != -1)
              if(Capabilities.screenResolutionX > 2000 || Capabilities.screenResolutionY > 2000)
                   return DPIClassification.DPI_320;
              } else {
                   return DPIClassification.DPI_160;
         } else {
              return Capabilities.screenDPI;
    I'm returning a DPI of 320 as this gives the best result that matches the proportions of the device. In other words, even though the iPad DPI is 264, setting the app to 320 gives the correct size at the new Retina display.
    In order for this to work, you must compile the app with the -platformsdk flag pointing to iOS 5.1 SDK, and currently that means you need a Mac running Lion with Xcode 4.3.1. Here's the adt command I used:
    adt -package -target ipa-test -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ~/Desktop/iOS_DevCert.p12 -provisioning-profile ~/Desktop/iOS_DevProfile.mobileprovision newiPadTest.ipa newiPadTest-app.xml newiPadTest.swf -platformsdk /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPh oneOS5.1.sdk
    Also, the -app.xml descriptor file must have the <requestedDisplayResolution>high</requestedDisplayResolution> within the <iPhone> tags.
    Thanks everyone for their replies!

  • Adobe Flex Mobile + AIR - Custom iOS Build Setting

    I am building some Adobe Flex Mobile application using Flex 4.6.0 + AIR 3.5 only for iOS
    This app involves some iOS Native Extension created also by me.
    The thing is that this ANE uses some third party framework (GD.framework from Good Dynamics Technology). That framework requires GD FIPS linker to be used, and for that, i need to set some custom build settings in a .xcconfig file, with this content:
    FIPS_PACKAGE=$(CURRENT_ARCH).sdk LDPLUSPLUS=/Good Technology/Good.platform/FIPS_module/$FIPS_PACKAGE/bin/gd_fipsld LD=/Good Technology/Good.platform/FIPS_module/$FIPS_PACKAGE/bin/gd_fipsld
    The ANE compiles OK, but then, I add the ANE to the app, I compile the app, but when I launch the app, it crashes because the FIPS linker was not properly got set on my Flex Mobile project.
    So, my question is:
    Is there a way to set the above configuration on my project like somebody would do in a Xcode project?

    I see your key as a reserved key for iOS. I haven't tested it myself but here's the keys you cannot change. Sure enough, MinimumOSVersion is reserved.

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