Floating popup in Apex 4.0

Is there any way to create a floating pop up in Apex 4.0. For example when i click a button in a page a new page must be popped up, but the first page will be non editable but we can see it in background.When i click a button the popped up page it will be closed and we can edit the main page. Is there any way to achieve this.
Edited by: Navarannan on 07-Sep-2010 03:48

A lot depends on what you want to do in the popup. If its simple display some text, just like Item Help , you can use the below code snippet as a starting point.
<script type="text/javascript">
  function showDialog(parg,ptitle){
       //parg is the HTML content to display in the popup window ion quotes
      //ptitle is the tite of the popup window
            lDialog = apex.jQuery('<div id="my_popup">'+parg+'</div>');
            // open created div as a dialog
                title: ptitle,
                bgiframe: true,
                width: 500,
                height: 350,
                show: 'drop',
                hide: 'drop' });
</script>PS: I have not tested the above code.

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    Thank you

    So finally seems everything is working now. I even do not need additional column with required format.  And i guess it will work on all apex 4 versions
    Have float column (named lets say ir_float ) and do not use any format on it, leave it as it is. Then the only bad case is ".1" instead of "0.1"
    Add dynamic action after refresh, specify region (which must have template, even for IR) and add java script action:
    For interactive reports:
    $('.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td[headers="ir_float"]').each(function(){   
        if(jQuery(this).text().substr(0,1) == '.'){
    For classic reports:
    $('#R930945330216409887 td[headers="ir_float"]').each(function(){   
        if(jQuery(this).text().substr(0,1) == '.'){
    BIG thanks for your ideas fac586

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    I have a requirement in Apex to display poup sucess message, the scenario is like this
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    A lot depends on what you want to do in the popup. If its simple display some text, just like Item Help , you can use the below code snippet as a starting point.
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function showDialog(parg,ptitle){
           //parg is the HTML content to display in the popup window ion quotes
          //ptitle is the tite of the popup window
                lDialog = apex.jQuery('<div id="my_popup">'+parg+'</div>');
                // open created div as a dialog
                    title: ptitle,
                    bgiframe: true,
                    width: 500,
                    height: 350,
                    show: 'drop',
                    hide: 'drop' });
    </script>PS: I have not tested the above code.

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    You can't.  It's terrible.  File a feature request, please.

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    Paul P

    Try another browser, or run IE in safe mode. If it doesn't happen anymore, then yeah you probably installed some noobware.

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    You can use a Canvas or any other container that suits your
    need If I'm not wrong.

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    Giving such timer splash screens at START or END makes the application attractive. I do it in VB PB & Java.
    How to do Slash screen in ABAP SAP GUI 6.20 WAS 6.20?
    Should be thrown up as a "floating" popup.
    Regards & Hopeful

    With good tips from Thomas Jung
    I made 2 function modules to suit my whims.
    SAP being a serious Businesss Software you cannot have too many JPGs floating around! One or two is fun.
    In Function group uou need two screens 0806 & 2009 which are essentially blank.
    I put 2 title Bars - 0806 "SAP - JOB in Progress"; 2009 - "SAP - JOB OVER!!"
    Code listing for function: ZJNC_START_SPLASH
    Description: Show Splash at Start
    FUNCTION zjnc_start_splash.
    ""Local interface:
          Global data declarations
      MOVE imagefile TO g_name.
      MOVE width TO picwidth.
      MOVE height TO picheight.
      MOVE timeout TO pictimeout.
      MOVE callback TO piccallback.
      TRANSLATE piccallback TO UPPER CASE.
      PERFORM getpicurl.
      CALL SCREEN 0806.
    Code listing for function: ZJNC_END_SPLASH
    Description: Show Splash at End
    ""Local interface:
          Global data declarations
      MOVE imagefile TO g_name.
      MOVE width TO picwidth.
      MOVE height TO picheight.
      MOVE timeout TO pictimeout.
      PERFORM getpicurl.
      CALL SCREEN 2009.
    Code listing for: LZUTILTOP
    TOP level Include of Function Group ZUTIL
    Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri
            Flat 302
            395 Jodhpur Park
            Kolkata 700 068
          Email [email protected]
          URL:  http://www.geocities.com/ojnc
    FUNCTION-POOL zutil.                        "MESSAGE-ID ..
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    DATA: graphic_url(255),
          g_result   TYPE i,
          g_linesz   TYPE i,
          g_filesz   TYPE i,
    TYPES: t_graphic_line(256) TYPE x.
    DATA: graphic_line TYPE t_graphic_line,
          graphic_table TYPE TABLE OF t_graphic_line.
    DATA: picwidth        TYPE i,
          picheight       TYPE i,
          pictimeout      TYPE i,
          piccallback(60) TYPE c,
          first           TYPE boolean.
    CLASS zcl_es_splash_screen DEFINITION.
        EVENTS on_close.
        METHODS constructor
            !i_num_secs  TYPE i DEFAULT 5
            !i_url       TYPE c
            !i_width     TYPE i
            !i_height    TYPE i.
        METHODS handle_end_of_timer
          FOR EVENT finished OF cl_gui_timer.
        DATA container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_dialogbox_container.
        DATA image     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture.
        DATA timer     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_timer.
    CLASS zcl_es_splash_screen IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
        DATA: image_width     TYPE i,
              image_height    TYPE i.
        COMPUTE image_width  = i_width + 30.
        COMPUTE image_height = i_height + 50.
        CREATE OBJECT container
             width                       = 10
             height                      = 10
             top                         = 10
             left                        = 10
             name                        = 'DialogSplash'.
        CALL METHOD container->set_caption
            caption = g_name.
        CREATE OBJECT image
            parent = container.
        CALL METHOD image->load_picture_from_url
            url = i_url.
        image->set_display_mode( image->display_mode_normal_center ).
        cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
        container->set_metric( EXPORTING metric = image->metric_pixel ).
        DATA: myleft TYPE i,
              mytop  TYPE i.
        COMPUTE myleft = ( 800 - image_width ) / 2.
        COMPUTE mytop  = ( 600 - image_height ) / 2.
        IF myleft < 0.
          MOVE 0 TO myleft.
        IF mytop < 0.
          MOVE 0 TO mytop.
            height            = image_height
            left              = myleft
            top               = mytop
            width             = image_width ).
        cl_gui_cfw=>update_view( ).
        CREATE OBJECT timer.
        timer->interval = i_num_secs.
        SET HANDLER me->handle_end_of_timer FOR timer.
        timer->run( ).
        cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD handle_end_of_timer.
    I wanted NAMASTE to remain until JOB was complete.
       IF container IS NOT INITIAL.
         container->free( ).
         CLEAR container.
         FREE  container.
       IF timer IS NOT INITIAL.
         timer->free( ).
         CLEAR timer.
         FREE  timer.
       cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
        RAISE EVENT on_close.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_end_of_timer
          CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
        CLASS-METHODS: on_close FOR EVENT on_close OF zcl_es_splash_screen.
    ENDCLASS. "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD on_close.
        IF sy-dynnr = 2009.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
          MOVE abap_false TO first.
          PERFORM (piccallback) IN PROGRAM (sy-cprog).
      ENDMETHOD. "on_close
    ENDCLASS. "lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    DATA: splash TYPE REF TO zcl_es_splash_screen.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0806  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0806 OUTPUT.
      IF first IS INITIAL.
        first = abap_true.
        SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE0806'.
        CREATE OBJECT splash
              i_num_secs = pictimeout
              i_url      = graphic_url
              i_width    = picwidth
              i_height   = picheight.
        SET HANDLER lcl_event_handler=>on_close FOR splash.
    ENDMODULE.                " STATUS_0806  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  STATUS_2009  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_2009 OUTPUT.
      IF first IS INITIAL.
        first = abap_true.
        SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE2009'.
        CREATE OBJECT splash
              i_num_secs = pictimeout
              i_url      = graphic_url
              i_width    = picwidth
              i_height   = picheight.
        SET HANDLER lcl_event_handler=>on_close FOR splash.
    ENDMODULE.                " STATUS_2009  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  getpicurl
    FORM getpicurl.
      REFRESH graphic_table.
      CLEAR   g_filesz.
        CLEAR graphic_line.
        READ DATASET g_name INTO graphic_line ACTUAL LENGTH g_linesz.
        ADD g_linesz TO g_filesz.
        APPEND graphic_line TO graphic_table.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CLOSE DATASET g_name.
      CLEAR graphic_url.
          type                 = 'IMAGE'
          subtype              = 'GIF'
          data                 = graphic_table
          url                  = graphic_url
          dp_invalid_parameter = 1
          dp_error_put_table   = 2
          dp_error_general     = 3
          OTHERS               = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    "getpicurl
    Extracted by Direct Download Enterprise version 1.2 - E.G.Mellodew. 1998-2004 UK.

  • Problem window.opener.doSubmit

    We have one application, say with URL
    This is not an APEX application.
    On this application on click of a button we popup an APEX page (with public access) and when user clicks on "Ok" button of this APEX page we pop the page down and want
    to refresh the original application page. We do this by following javascript function from the APEX page
    function close(url) {
    window.opener.location.href = decodeBIURL(url);
    We pass the url of the original application to this APEX page as one of the parameters.
    This works fine as long as APEX page has URL of the form http://localhost:8085/apex/f?p=101:3, i.e. original application URL and APEX URL both have same hostname part (in the example above localhost ), but moment they are differnet IE pops up another window for original URL.
    does anyone know fix to this problem?
    regards, Yora

    It is impossible to set the value of the file input thing. But if they realy want it in a popup, then you can try something like this:
    -1. Put the attatchement list in a iframe
    0. Open the parent file with some with somewhere a unique id (like a session id or something
    1. Open your child page in a popup, give that uniqueid as parameter ("like child.jsp?id=<uniqueId>")
    2. Use regular file input things in that popup, and replace the 'close' button by a submit button
    3. Track the submit of the form, show a 'now uploading to server, please wait' message
    4. The child page sends the attatchements to the server, stored in a tempory folder named <uniqueId> (store it in the form as a hidden input thing)
    5. When the upload is ready, display some message 'files uploaded, close this window to return to your mail'.
    6. When the user clicks that 'close' button, close the popup and then reload the attachment-frame
    7. The attachment-frame just lists the files stored in that <sessionid> folder, and it seems like the user has added those files to it
    If you want i can create an example of it
    note: if you add the date to that unique id, you know when that folder is created and then you know wich folders you have to delete if the user aborts his mail for example (then those files are still in that folder wasting space)

  • [done] Alternative to compiz (unusual "tiling compiz" setup)

    Compiz isn't doing so well...hasn't been for a while... and I wonder what I'm going to do when it will get too hard to keep working on my machine... guess my way of working with compiz is rather far away from the standard... is there another window manager around that can be set up to work (almost) like what I'm used to?
    Most important feature for me include but are not limited to:
    - The grid plugin. I mostly use compiz as a tiling window manager, without window decorations. The easy & fast "num pad / 3 available sizes toggle, 9 center points" is ideal for me.
    - Desktop Plane / Expo on a mouse button: I use this to drag windows around. Also to drag them to the desktop I want them on. Also to get a quick overview of what's happening on the other desktops... like keeping an eye on resync while I watch a video fullscreen.
    - Fish Eye / Magnifier / mousewheel on top screen edge: If have this set up to work with screen edge instead of keyboard keys, because usually when I need it I don't have my keyboard with me. I tend to walk around with my mouse a lot and that's when I want quick & easy access to the magnifier / fish eye.
    - Setting rules for windows. Mostly for window decorations: I only want those on "temporary / floating / popup" sort of windows... the rest is tiled neatly anyway.
    - Scale plugin on a mouse button. So I can easily switch between windows that are on different desktops. Also as I don't have window decoration for most programs, I use it to close programs.
    - widget layer: I like conky. And I like a panel (when I don't have my keyboard with me). Just don't want to see it always.
    So... if you use a (sort of) similar setup / "workflow" but another window manager - let me know which one please, thanks!
    Last edited by whoops (2012-06-11 13:26:22)

    DE Base... like: compiz + xfce4session + a little bit of lxde = does everything I want. Has been great for years... just it's starting to look like it won't be working much longer. Compiz is hardest to replace I guess, the rest that's missin whould be easy once I found something that has the freatures described above. 
    Hard to describe that fish-eye-thing better than in the first post... hmm....  if I have some sort of fish eye where I can bind the mouse wheel at screen edges to zoom in + zoom out... then I can... more easily do anything I can do without a keyboard from afar? Read, click buttons, change desktop, drag files into windows... with a quick mousewheel stroke that zooms into "fisheye mode" it's a lot easier than with a normal magnifier to do things from afar, especially with a smooth / pseydo-steppless zoom. Haven't looked at gnome + kde for too long, but what I saw available there looked like just a normal magnifier which has to be started and then it's always open with a square "window".
    Also there I saw no way to specify which windows are supposed to have decorations and which ones not.
    ( And I don't have to tile windows without a keyboard, because I only very rarely need new ones - everything stays open and I can easily switch around with scale or expo plugin.)

  • Adding Border to Photos in Detail View

    Is it possible to add a simple border to the photos in the detail view? I've tried adding borders to the photos in the grid view using the inspector and the floating/popup window but the borders only show up in the grid view and not in the detail view. If anyone knows how to add a simple colored border to the photos in the detail view I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

    Hi, I'm not sure if this will help or solve the problem, but you could take a look at the link attached for OnOne Photoframe, it's free, so it may be worth checking out. My version works as a plug-in for Aperture, not sure about this one.

  • My Error is popping up in an Empty Alert

    Hi All,
      I have an Error popping up in an Empty Alert
      I have an example at
    1. Login
    2. Edit a Product
    3. Change the Product Name to anything but what it is
    4. Tab off
    If you did not log in as developer to below link and used the above link you should have gotten an Empty Alert popping up.
    If you log into below link and run the app you should have gotten an Alert showing a ligitimate error popping up.
    (the error is due to a hardcoding of a unique value just to get an error to popup)
    WORKSPACE: sd_apps
    USER: demo
    PASSWORD demo
    APP NAME: AJAX Empty Error Popup

    edit page 3
    on top right corner in the search field type AUTOSAVE.AUTOSAVE_ITEM();
    go edit application process odpAutoSaveItem that is the source of error
    Applications > 66739 - AJAX Empty Error Popup > Application Processes > odpAutoSaveItem
    there was a call for pdebug function also
    Message was edited by: Binepal

  • Why does my computer say unable to initialize tubesock and how do i fix it?

    how do i fix it when my computer says unable to intialize tubesock?

    Slightly 'over-done' web site, with floating popups etc.
    You should contact them and ask why their pages are not fully Safari compliant.

  • Relative z-ordering of plugins with web content

    We have a popup menu (a floating div) that we would like to position above a java applet. In IE and FF we are able to position a masking element behind our floating popup to prevent the applet from bleeding through. In IE and FF we use an empty iframe as our masking element. There is a good blog post on this as it relates to mozilla here: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/roc/archives/2009/06/native_widgets.html
    This trick doesn't seem to work for Safari. Anyone know of another or similar trick to allow web content to be layered on top of a java applet?

    To be consistent, the entry field should be populated with the relative path and the name of the landing page file (i.e. /event/index.html).

  • Popup screen not working after upgrade to APEX 3.0

    I have upgraded my APEX installation from version 1.6 to version 3. My application has some popup screens that are displayed when a user presses a button. These popups have now stop working and when you press them, the user is presented with the login page.
    I suspect this is because I am not passing the SESSION value in the URL when the page is displayed. The following code is the javascript that is called from one of the buttons :-
    function sa_popup2() {
    var field_value = document.getElementById("f22@0").value;
    if ( document.getElementById("f22@0").value != "" ) {
    var enqNo = document.getElementById("P17_ENQUIRY_NO") ? document.getElementById("P17_ENQUIRY_NO").value : -1;
    var enqLineNo = wwv_flow.f02[0].value;
    var str=document.getElementById("P17_PROCESS_CHRG_INCL").value;
    var outstring = str.replace(/%null%/,"");
    windowAddress = 'f?p=200:228:::::P228_CUS_ID,P228_ENQ_STATUS,P228_PROCESSING_CHRG,P228_ENQUIRY_NO,P228_ENQUIRY_LINE_NO:'+document.getElementById("P17_CUS_ID").value+','+document.getElementById("P17_ENQ_STATUS").value+','+outstring + ',' + enqNo + ',' + enqLineNo ;
    w = open(windowAddress,"winhelp","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=500,height=350");
    You can see from the above that when the windowaddress variable is set it does not include the session value. In APEX 1.6 when the popup is displayed the SESSION is automatically populated in the URL, but in APEX 3 it is not populating.
    Is there a way I can get this to continue working without changing my javascript function. This approach has been used throughout my applications, and I do not want to have to change the code if I don't need to.

    Hi Paul,
    Yes, as you suspect, it's the fact that you're not passing the session across. I would definitely recommend recoding to include the session.

  • Popup LOV returns not found on this server after upgrading to APEX 3.2

    The Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key value) does not work after upgrading to APEX 3.2 from APEX 3.0.
    Don't now if the character set is relevant.
    The database character set on APEX 3.0 was:
    APEX 3.2:
    When clicking on the popup the message is "The requested URL /pls/apex31mb/wwv_flow_utilities.gen_popup_list was not found on this server.".
    This error applies for both Firefox and IE.

    Can't reproduce the error on apex.oracle.com, the popup works fine.
    The only difference I notice on the environments is the database version (our: 10g, oracle.apex.com: 11g), but I can't see this have any influence.

Maybe you are looking for