Splash screen ABAP (Was 6.20) SAPGui 6.20

I love splash screens. A small pop-up window with a picture should come for say 5  to 10 seconds and disappear by a timer task.
Giving such timer splash screens at START or END makes the application attractive. I do it in VB PB & Java.
How to do Slash screen in ABAP SAP GUI 6.20 WAS 6.20?
Should be thrown up as a "floating" popup.
Regards & Hopeful

With good tips from Thomas Jung
I made 2 function modules to suit my whims.
SAP being a serious Businesss Software you cannot have too many JPGs floating around! One or two is fun.
In Function group uou need two screens 0806 & 2009 which are essentially blank.
I put 2 title Bars - 0806 "SAP - JOB in Progress"; 2009 - "SAP - JOB OVER!!"
Code listing for function: ZJNC_START_SPLASH
Description: Show Splash at Start
FUNCTION zjnc_start_splash.
""Local interface:
      Global data declarations
  MOVE imagefile TO g_name.
  MOVE width TO picwidth.
  MOVE height TO picheight.
  MOVE timeout TO pictimeout.
  MOVE callback TO piccallback.
  PERFORM getpicurl.
Code listing for function: ZJNC_END_SPLASH
Description: Show Splash at End
""Local interface:
      Global data declarations
  MOVE imagefile TO g_name.
  MOVE width TO picwidth.
  MOVE height TO picheight.
  MOVE timeout TO pictimeout.
  PERFORM getpicurl.
Code listing for: LZUTILTOP
TOP level Include of Function Group ZUTIL
Author Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri
        Flat 302
        395 Jodhpur Park
        Kolkata 700 068
      Email [email protected]
      URL:  http://www.geocities.com/ojnc
FUNCTION-POOL zutil.                        "MESSAGE-ID ..
DATA: graphic_url(255),
      g_result   TYPE i,
      g_linesz   TYPE i,
      g_filesz   TYPE i,
TYPES: t_graphic_line(256) TYPE x.
DATA: graphic_line TYPE t_graphic_line,
      graphic_table TYPE TABLE OF t_graphic_line.
DATA: picwidth        TYPE i,
      picheight       TYPE i,
      pictimeout      TYPE i,
      piccallback(60) TYPE c,
      first           TYPE boolean.
CLASS zcl_es_splash_screen DEFINITION.
    EVENTS on_close.
    METHODS constructor
        !i_num_secs  TYPE i DEFAULT 5
        !i_url       TYPE c
        !i_width     TYPE i
        !i_height    TYPE i.
    METHODS handle_end_of_timer
      FOR EVENT finished OF cl_gui_timer.
    DATA container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_dialogbox_container.
    DATA image     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_picture.
    DATA timer     TYPE REF TO cl_gui_timer.
CLASS zcl_es_splash_screen IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD constructor.
    DATA: image_width     TYPE i,
          image_height    TYPE i.
    COMPUTE image_width  = i_width + 30.
    COMPUTE image_height = i_height + 50.
    CREATE OBJECT container
         width                       = 10
         height                      = 10
         top                         = 10
         left                        = 10
         name                        = 'DialogSplash'.
    CALL METHOD container->set_caption
        caption = g_name.
        parent = container.
    CALL METHOD image->load_picture_from_url
        url = i_url.
    image->set_display_mode( image->display_mode_normal_center ).
    cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
    container->set_metric( EXPORTING metric = image->metric_pixel ).
    DATA: myleft TYPE i,
          mytop  TYPE i.
    COMPUTE myleft = ( 800 - image_width ) / 2.
    COMPUTE mytop  = ( 600 - image_height ) / 2.
    IF myleft < 0.
      MOVE 0 TO myleft.
    IF mytop < 0.
      MOVE 0 TO mytop.
        height            = image_height
        left              = myleft
        top               = mytop
        width             = image_width ).
    cl_gui_cfw=>update_view( ).
    CREATE OBJECT timer.
    timer->interval = i_num_secs.
    SET HANDLER me->handle_end_of_timer FOR timer.
    timer->run( ).
    cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
  METHOD handle_end_of_timer.
I wanted NAMASTE to remain until JOB was complete.
   IF container IS NOT INITIAL.
     container->free( ).
     CLEAR container.
     FREE  container.
     timer->free( ).
     CLEAR timer.
     FREE  timer.
   cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
    RAISE EVENT on_close.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_end_of_timer
      CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
    CLASS-METHODS: on_close FOR EVENT on_close OF zcl_es_splash_screen.
ENDCLASS. "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD on_close.
    IF sy-dynnr = 2009.
      MOVE abap_false TO first.
      PERFORM (piccallback) IN PROGRAM (sy-cprog).
  ENDMETHOD. "on_close
DATA: splash TYPE REF TO zcl_es_splash_screen.
*&      Module  STATUS_0806  OUTPUT
MODULE status_0806 OUTPUT.
  IF first IS INITIAL.
    first = abap_true.
    CREATE OBJECT splash
          i_num_secs = pictimeout
          i_url      = graphic_url
          i_width    = picwidth
          i_height   = picheight.
    SET HANDLER lcl_event_handler=>on_close FOR splash.
ENDMODULE.                " STATUS_0806  OUTPUT
*&      Module  STATUS_2009  OUTPUT
MODULE status_2009 OUTPUT.
  IF first IS INITIAL.
    first = abap_true.
    CREATE OBJECT splash
          i_num_secs = pictimeout
          i_url      = graphic_url
          i_width    = picwidth
          i_height   = picheight.
    SET HANDLER lcl_event_handler=>on_close FOR splash.
ENDMODULE.                " STATUS_2009  OUTPUT
*&      Form  getpicurl
FORM getpicurl.
  REFRESH graphic_table.
  CLEAR   g_filesz.
    CLEAR graphic_line.
    READ DATASET g_name INTO graphic_line ACTUAL LENGTH g_linesz.
    ADD g_linesz TO g_filesz.
    APPEND graphic_line TO graphic_table.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  CLEAR graphic_url.
      type                 = 'IMAGE'
      subtype              = 'GIF'
      data                 = graphic_table
      url                  = graphic_url
      dp_invalid_parameter = 1
      dp_error_put_table   = 2
      dp_error_general     = 3
      OTHERS               = 4.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ENDFORM.                    "getpicurl
Extracted by Direct Download Enterprise version 1.2 - E.G.Mellodew. 1998-2004 UK.

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            public static void main(String[] args) {
              java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        MdbCheckerApp app = new MdbCheckerApp();
                        // preload Hibernate session
                        // login successful
                        // if (app.login()) {
                        new MdbChecker().setVisible(true);
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                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {}
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        public SplashScreen showSplash() {
            // if a splash window was already created...
            if(splash != null) {
                // if it's showing, leave it; else null it
                if(splash.isShowing()) {
                    return splash;
                } else {
                    splash = null;
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            return splash;
        public void hideSplash() {
            if (splash != null) {
                splash = null;
        }I'm wondering why I do only see the splash screen (I was hoping that the splash screen would be disappearing after 3 seconds).
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    public class SplashScreen extends javax.swing.JDialog {
        /** Creates new form SplashScreen */
        public SplashScreen(java.awt.Frame parent, boolean modal) {
            super(parent, modal);
        /** This method is called from within the constructor to
         * initialize the form.
         * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
         * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Code ">                         
        private void initComponents() {
            jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
            jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
            jProgressBar1 = new javax.swing.JProgressBar();
            jLabel1.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/com/gigatronik/mdbchecker/ui/resources/gigatronik_4c_300.jpg")));
            org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout jPanel1Layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(jPanel1);
                    .add(jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING, false)
                        .add(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING, jProgressBar1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                        .add(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING, jLabel1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
                    .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
                    .add(jProgressBar1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
            org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                    .add(jPanel1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
                    .add(jPanel1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
        }// </editor-fold>                       
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new SplashScreen(new javax.swing.JFrame(), true).setVisible(true);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify                    
        private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
        private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
        private javax.swing.JProgressBar jProgressBar1;
        // End of variables declaration                  
    }Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    - Stephan

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    System extension cannot be used
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    * Removed all connections. 
    * Removed graphics card etc. 
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    Really strange.
    Have you made sure that there was will be/was no contact between mobo and case (apart from spots where the contact should be made) ? This could've break the motherboard.
    Check ALL of the power supply cable connections between it and mobo.
    Now something weird which doesn't seen to make any sense... Try to put your motherboard back to the old case.
    That's all my suggestions, apart from that, if you're still able, then get it on a warranty and RMA it.
    Good luck.

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    Go to Solution.

    Well, not much of a support forum... 2nd posting and neither issue I had had any responses at all.
    In case someone see's this because having the same issue, the hard drive was very loose, barely making contact and fell off when I touched it. Pushed it all the way back in and works fine. Pegs on the panel designed to prevent the drive from becomming lose, not very good, still allowed the drive enough wiggle room to shake loose.

  • After Effects CS5.5 - Lion: Crash on splash screen EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGABRT)

    So one day, out of the blue, After Effects stops wanting to open. The worst part is, I can't think of any changes that would have caused this.
    I am running After Effects CS5.5 (10.5.1) on my MacBook Pro 13" (Early 2011), which is running Mac OSX Lion. Here is my system profile (with some sections omitted).
    Just a few weeks ago, I began to consistently receive this message during the AE splash screen:
    After Effects Alert
    Last log message was: <140735295236448> <ASL.ResourceUtils.GetLanguageIDFromRegistry> <0> Unable to obtain the User 'Language' registry key at: Software\Adobe\After Effects\10.5.1\ Defaulting to 'en_US'.
    Here is a crash log.
    Any ideas?
    First attempt
    I figured maybe I had a bad preference file, so I cleared my prefs. Nothing changed aside from a modified error message:
    After Effects Alert
    Last log message was: <140735295236448> <DynamicLink> <5> 0x114ee8418
    And a crash log.
    Also, if I try opening AE again, after I cleared my prefs and opened it once, the error message returns to the "registry key" alert.
    Second, third, fourth attempt
    So I uninstalled and reinstalled After Effects about 3 times. No change. I used the latest download from Adobe, and the original Master Collection image: no difference.
    Fifth attempt
    I created a second admin account to see if this was an isolated issue. It isn't; same problem.
    Sixth attempt
    I thought about QuickTime, so I opened up System Prefs, and uninstalled Perian. I left the prefpane there though.
    Also, I have the latest version of Java.
    Seventh attempt (Added 19 March 2012)
    I used the Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool to wipe out my entire Adobe installation. I still have the same problem after a reinstall. I'm going to try installing AE on my external drive next. This is really frustrating. Has anyone experienced this issue and found a resolution?
    Interestingly enough, all of the other Abobe CS5.5 apps I installed work fine:
    Premiere Pro
    Extension Manager
    Added 1:54PM, 13 March 2012:
    Also, opening up the render engine causes the same error message.

    I just installed AE, have never used it, and am seeing it bail on startup with the same odd language registry key error. Please see my post on a related thread.
    Any luck here? Would be nice to get AE to boot so I could evaluate it.

  • BLACK SCREEN on start up with 3 beeps, FREEZES when power unplugged, IF IT BOOTS splash screen freezes, OVERHEATING REQUIRED TO BOOT - 0x7B, Event 41 kernel-power

    Issue: One day I unplug the power, the screen freezes and I get frozen music sound. I shut down, start up, I get 3 beeps (1 short 2 long), which indicates a Video failure according to the Thinkpad Laptop beep code list.
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    cooler and it won't start. Plug stuff back in, Hard drive first, Battery second, turn off with power button hold, unplug power, replug power. 
    I turn it on, no beeps, it goes past the first Lenovo screen, then gives me a prompt because it "didn't shut down properly" and continue regular startup. What happens next is the Windows logo appears,
    and just as the animated windows logo starts to move (you see 2 small colored dots on the screen), it freezes. I see this every time, I know naturally that it means that the laptop is still too hot to go past that point, so I shut it down and try again. After
    about 5 - 10 tries it will go past the splash screen and into the login area, then it's all fine. 
    Sometimes when I unplug the power from the back by accident it will freeze. By accident I mean that the connector wiggles it's self out easily. This unplug freezing thing started happening about 1 week before the 3 beep black screen problem started rolling,
    so I'm putting 2 together.
    I got a Blue Screen of Death the first time I started it up with the overheating ritual, but I never got it since. It was 0X7B.
    I got another Blue Screen of Death about a week ago, but came as it was on already and I had been using it, and said something about disabling Cache or Shadowing in BIOS. I never got it since.
           Event Viewer events found:
    1. Kernel-Power, Summary page.
    There are critical events for a few things like Kernel-Power, Event ID 41, Task Category (63). There are 19 of them, each day 1 or 2 of them but mostly 1, so this maybe corresponds to my daily ritual.
    "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."
    2. Kernel-Processor-Power - Event ID 37, task category (7)
    "The speed of processor 1 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 71 seconds since the last report."
    3. LMS - HCMI - Event ID 2, Task Category: none
    "LMS Service cannot connect to HECI driver".
    I came across a very sluggish performing control panel for Nvidia before and after this problem, and I tried installing a newer version, which I had to jump through a few hoops to do, like uninstalling first, not just updating. At first it said that the
    driver wasnt for the system, which was wrong. I made it work somehow, but it was still sluggish. I rolled it back to an earlier driver, and now it works fine. No sluggish performance / slight freeze window thing going on.
                 MSCONFIG.exe, Boot Advanced Options: I have tried twice to change this 1 setting, check box "Number of processors" and change to 2 processors, because I do have 2 processors. I have been able to change
    this in the past, but it does not save the setting now, and I believe this option was selected before I started having problems, and settings did not disappear then.
    What could this be. The small round BIOS battery? The video card like everyone presumes? (I.E. the entire motherboard replacement), Software? The wiggly power input area? (Not enough power getting in?), Firmware of some sort? The BIOS software being wrong?
    Thinkpad T61p 6457-A24, Intel core 2 duo (T7700) 2.4GHz, Intel 120GB SSD 6Gb/s, NVIDIA Quadro FX 570M (256 MB),
    Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium (6.1, Build 7601), BIOS Ver 1.00PARTTBLx
    Display: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit 60 Hz), Integrated RAMDAC, Main driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2,
    Version, Date 5/31/2012, DDI version 10, Driver model WDDM 1.1
    Please excuse the small text at the beginning, there isn't an option to un-do that error.

    You are very wrong about that mystified. What do YOU think made my computer work without beeping at all hu? (I bet you're gonna tell me). I figured it out.
    THAT IS A PART OF microsoft ISN'T IT.
    ::: EGO KILLER 9000 :::

  • Desktop Manager Will not Load. Hangs on splash screen when loading, then crashes

    My desktop manager is not loading, and hangs whenever it is attempted to load. I have done a clean uninstall, removed rim registry entries, and did a fresh download and install 3 times with full shut downs between each attempt. I am running Windows 7 service pack 1 with an HP Laptop. It is an HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC. Product Number LY080UA. I hope that is enough information, but I will give more if asked and informed how to gather such info.
    When I right click on the Desktop Manager Icon, I choose to run as Admin. Once it loads the splash screen shows. After a little bit (4-6 seconds) a small Icon appears in my systems tab at the bottom right of my screen. This stays for a little while and then goes away. After this happens the Splash screen hangs, and get a black border around it. If I click on the Splash screen it grey out and says not responding, prompting windows to ask me if I want to wait for the program or close. If I choose to wait, it will sit there and do nothing. If I close it will prompt windows to "look for an error" but has not yet been able to return an answer.
    When I log into safe mode, Desktop Manager loads, but does not work well as only a bare bones set of drivers are enabled. If I turn off all but the non-essential services off using services.msc it will load, but again the services needed for it to run and the services for windows to be fully functional are not on at all.
    I have attempted to turn off all but the Desktop manager in the start up, using msconfig, but that does not help either.
    I am at my wits end here, and would really like some help with this. It loads up (desktop manager) on my Desktop, but I am unable to log that mammoth box around with me while I travel.
    Thank you for your time and efforts, I will be very grateful for any and all help.

    I'm having the exact same problem here! I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64. Please help! This was posted a month ago.

  • Lightroom won't boot -I only get the splash screen for a second.

    I do have the photographers version of the Creative Cloud which included Photoshop CC 2014 and Lightroom. Everything was working just fine until I upgraded to Lightroom version 5.6. Now when I try to load LR, the slash screen shows for a second then disappears and LR does not load. This occurs on both my Mac (a Mac Pro and a iMac). I uninstalled LR and had creative cloud reinstall but still the same thing is happening  - Splash screen for a second then nothing. Again, this is happening on both Mac's. Photoshop CC 2014 I working just fine.
    Before I call Adobe, any ideas here on this issue. BTW, Creative Cloud App states LR in up to date and installed.

    I see that you are experiencing an issue with your iPod classic. Here is an article for you that will hep you through some troubleshooting steps regarding this issue:
    iPod: No power or frozen - Apple Support
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended freezes on startup under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit - No splash screen

    I installed my licensed copy of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended today as part of my install a bunch of software after a reinstall of Windows (due to viruses).  I did a completely fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.  I've used Photoshop CS3 Extended for quite a while now so I know what to expect on startup but it was previously installed under Windows XP Professional (32-bit). Figured I would give Windows 7 a chance this time around.
    Google searches aren't turning up anything.  When I attempt to start the application, I get a window with the title "Adobe Photoshop CS3" (no "Extended" - I seem to recall the title changes later) and the toolbar appears.  However, no splash screen appears and no Product Activation wizard appears - the application simply freezes on an empty frame and a toolbar.  I've tried running Photoshop as Administrator (right-click, "Run As Administrator"), but nothing changed there.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.  I tried upgrading to CS3 10.0.1.  Nothing works.  The application simply freezes before it gets anywhere.
    I tried calling Adobe Support since this technically falls under installation issues but their phone support systems are down today.  Go figure.
    Edit:  I hooked into Photoshop with the Visual Studio debugger and every single thread is executing some variation of WaitForSingleObject() or WaitForMultipleObjects().  The main thread is "executing" somewhere in AdobeLM_libFNP.dll (at address 09619d81 - if I had debugging symbols for CS3, I could provide a function).  There are nine threads "running" at the point the freeze occurs - but all of them are technically suspended due to the functions they are executing - and one thread is in a suspended state.

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Hang
    Date:          7/17/2010 6:16:25 PM
    Event ID:      1002
    Task Category: (101)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    The program Photoshop.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
    Process ID: d0c
    Start Time: 01cb2616be79e36f
    Termination Time: 2
    Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Photoshop.exe
    Report Id: 06f5fbff-920a-11df-9d69-001fd023417e
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Application Hang" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1002</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2010-07-18T01:16:25.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Photoshop.exe</Data>
    And, according to the Event Viewer, the "Binary" data translates to a zero-terminated Unicode string of "Cross-thread".
    My Visual Studio analysis was far more informative.  All threads are hung inside of WaitForSingleObject() and WaitForMultipleObjects() calls and the DLL in question appears to be FlexNet-related.  I did forget to mention that I also even manually started the FlexNet service in case, for some strange reason, Photoshop was waiting for it to start.  That also did not work.
    (And there is nothing in the Action Center control panel either despite the message saying there might be more information there.)
    Edit:  The timestamp above might be a little odd-looking.  I didn't originally see anything in Event Viewer until I clicked the first button to send an Error Report.  Mostly I just skipped that part of killing a process.

  • Stuck on FCPX Splash Screen

    I have obviously done something to totally screw (er, corrupt) my installation of FCPX as now when I launch the app, I only get the FCPX splash screen and the menu bar.  Selecting any option from the Window menu shows me nothing.  The splash screen says "Restoring the window layout", but nothing is shown but a large dark gray screen.
    Prior to this, I was also unable to view Project List, and I could consistently get FCPX to crash by just trying to Create New Project.  I've sent a half-dozen crash reports to Apple tonight.  I'm guessing my Project database is corrupt and I will need to take some action to re-create.
    Anyone else seen this or know how to get me out of this situation?

    We are experiencing a similar problem where FCPX loads but just comes up as one large grey window.   Our operating system is Lion and I wondered if anyone has had a solution that works in Lion?  I couldn't find the same file associations that were described in this thread so I was guessing they were maybe from systems running Snow Leopard? (Primarily, we couldn't find a "Final Cut Pro" layouts folder)  Any help is greatly appreciated! 
    The problem began when one our FCPX projects crashed and then wouldn't reopen.  We removed the project and event from the Final Cut folders which allowed FCPX to reopen except that it went to this grey screen rather than showing the windows.  Everything else (tool bar, dialog boxes, etc.) is functional.  We have re-installed both FCPX and Lion with no improvement.  Thanks again.

  • I'm looking for a script that preloads a Splash Screen on Android

    I've read all threads here already about this subject. For most AdobeAir projects for Android, no matter what size, it could take up to 20 sec to load the app, and while it loads, all you see is a black screen. As there's no support for a Default.png like there is for iPhone, we have to use a preloader.
    I've only found one for Flex, which is no good to me as I'm using Flash Pro 5.5 (IDE). I've tried doing some simple preload-a-swf-preloader but it just loads it to 100% before showing anything anyway.
    Anyone here that can share a script of a simple preloader for Flash CS5.5?
    I know that to reduce the loading time and show a splash screen on android we need to make a very small swf that will contain the loading screen image, and that same swf will also preload the maingame.swf (but can that be done? Appstore don't like code in more than one swf) into it. My tries have failed.
    Here's some quotes in case someone who reads this might be knowledgable enough to help me out:
    Yes its possible to get a splash to appear straight away (well within one to 2 seconds which is close enough) but
    (a) You have to create a small splash .SWF which loads your main .SWF (OK so that's fairly obvious but a "Default.PNG" splash screen facility as per the iPhone packager and FLEX projects is what you might expect)
    (b) Your splash .SWF must embed the splash image. If you try to dynamically load an image nothing will appear until the whole of the APK file is loaded ( and presumably initialised). That was what I was doing wrong.
    It takes 20 sec to load, it's all black before it's done loading and the runtime takes up 25mb!
    (1) Yes that is a bit of a problem but seems to be the cost of compiling in the AIR runtime.  I am sure that most mobile projects only use a subset of the entire AIR library - its a shame you can't just compile in the bits that you need and drop the rest.
    (2) This is partly because of (1) and the fact it takes so long to get a big file up and running with AIR.  You need to create a preloader that is very small and all it does is display a splashscreen and then loads in the main 25mb file that you embed in the assets of your preloader.  The small preloader appears quickly and then gives you time to do your 'work' loading the main app with something onscreen.  This gives an example / explanation and there are others out there :
    http://www.mcbrearty.me.uk/index.php/2011/05/09/actionscript-mobile-pr oject-splash-screen/

    Hi Nick,
    Using the FileSystemObject object to delete a folder will delete the profile directory, but it won't delete its associated registry path:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\user's SID
    There are also two other complications: 1. you can't delete a profile for a user that's logged on; and 2. the user might have logged off, but the profile might not be completely unloaded (see
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837115 ).
    In the meantime, I recommend 'uphclean' and the 'delprof.exe' found in the Resource Kit utilities.
    Can we combine FileSystemObject and deleting Reg Keys?

  • Problem Installing my new graphic card 760GTX Stucks on HP Splash Screen

    I'm using a h9-1185 Windows 7 and I thought I'd update my graphic card from a 7870 to GTX 760 but that was easier said than done. When I try to boot my computer with the new card it stays at the hp splash screen. The GPU is correctly installed I have both cables connected to the PSU. The fans are running properly It's just that I get stuck on the loading screen when I use the gtx 760. I can't press any keys to go to the boot menu, etc. After sitting at the screen for 5 minutes it changes to a black sreen showing at the corner the brand of my Graphic Card (760 PNY etc....) but nothing happens. 
    When I changed it back to the old graphic card Sapphire 7870, it didn't freeze or anything. It worked fine. I was trying to update my BIOS but I think i have the latest update (v7.09).
    Maybe my english isn't good at all, sorry about that.

    John, welcome to the forum.
    Did you install the latest driver for the new video card?  This must be done for it to work properly.
    Also, when you have the new card and driver installed, I suggest clearing the CMOS:
    This motherboard has a jumper to clear the Real Time Clock (RTC) RAM in CMOS.
    Turn OFF the computer and unplug the power cord.
    Move the jumper to clear for 5 to 10 secs, then move the jumper back to default.
    Plug the power cord and turn ON the computer.
    On the next startup, enter BIOS setup to re-enter user settings.
    Please click "KUDOS" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • T430U not booting - blank screen or never gets passed splash screen

    System specs:
    Lenovo T430U
    Intel i5-3427U
    8GB PC3-12800 DDR3-1600MHz SoDIMM Memory
    HDD 500G 7200rpm Toshiba
    mSATA 24GB Samsung Cache
    Win 8 Pro, upgraded to 8.1
    I rarely use this machine but a couple of months ago I went to boot it up and found that I was not able to get past the Windows splash screen. Sometimes I don't even get the Windows splash screen, I just get a black screen. Rarely I get a Windows screen saying that it is diagnosing a system problem or something to that effect and I can even get to where it will allow me to do some Windows diagnostics but nothing ever comes of it and the process is extremely slow.
    I called Lenovo, but of course my machine is out of waranty so the tech just gave me a few pointers and said I could send it in to the depo but the potential repair cost could range up to about 75% of what I paid for the machine in the first place. Anyways, after having me try a few things in the BIOS he suggested that it was likely the hard drive. I mistakenly thought from the time that I bought this machine that the OS was installed on the 24 GB SSD so I ordered a new SSD and swapped it in. This made no difference at all as I have now learned that the mSATA SSD drive is merely for cache to speed up booting.
    I am afraid that this means the main HDD is at fault, and quite frankly, if I replace it I am going to do a fresh install of Windows 7. But I do have pictures and docs that I would like to salvage if possible. Any ideas on what might be going on here?
    Go to Solution.

    Install this on the computer that you are going to hook up the hard drive to: https://www.piriform.com/recuva
    I've had pretty good luck with it in getting files off of dying hard drives.  Wrap the hard drive in a small towel and put it in the freezer for a half an hour, then take it out and hook it up and run recuva right away.  You might get lucky.
    It sounds funny but I've had it work more than once.
    T430u, x301, x200T, x61T, x61, x32, x41T, x40, U160, ThinkPad Tablet 1838-22R, Z500 touch, Yoga Tab 2 Windows 8.1, Yoga Tablet 3 Pro
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