FM for conditions output

I want to create a report that output conditions based on this:
Customer No
Sales Org     CoCo     
If anyone knows a function mod. for this selection/output, I would like to hear

Further explanation:
konp,        "Conditions (Item)
kote502,     "Sales Org / Customer / Commercial Model
kna1,        "General Data in Customer Master
knvp,        "Customer Master Partner Functions
t179,        "Materials: Product Hierarchies
kona.        "Rebate Agreements
Output something like this:
Sorry for the bad tabs                                        
Customer N Customer Name Sales Org CoCo S.Off Cond.rec     Rate Rate Tot. 
xxxxx        xxxxxxxx          001          001    001   xxxx              9,99  9,99 9,99

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  • Condition Record for picking Output List

    Dear All
    Kindly let me know where do we maintain condition record for Picking Output list.
    Where do we define a new Output Type for Picking List

    Hi Srihari,
    I think i have got the question rightly interpreted.
    All you want is to maintain condition records for picking ouptut ... correct ?
    You can do it through transaction<b> VP01SHP</b> ....(dont try to find it in easy access..atleast I could not locate it)
    Under TCD VP01SHP > V4 you will be able to maintain condition records for all condition types that have been configured for picking.
    Hope this helps you .... <b>if yes then pls reward liberally !!</b>
    KInd Regards
    Sachin Bhonsle

  • How to maintain a condition record for a output type ?

    Hi All
    How to maintain a condition record for a output type ?

    Goto NACE and there is a button for maintiaining the Condition Reocrds.

  • Creation of New Table for Delivery Output Type.

    Hi Guys,
    I need to replace an existing table by creating a new Table in the existing Access Sequence with the combination of "Ship to Party/Product Hierarchy".
    Logistics>Shipping>basic Shipping functions>Output determination>Maintain Condition Tables-->maintain output condition table for deliveries.
    I am choosing a new table by the name 902, but i am not getting the field " PRODH Product Hierarchy" on the right hand side to choose from.
    I checked the field catelog also. Firstly the field catelog was also not having the field, and then i added the field in it by choosing new entries.
    I guess i am missing some step in between, thats why the new field (PRODH) is not showing on the right hand side while creation of the condition table.
    One more thing, when i am seeing the Field Catelog, i am able to see a very large number of fields, then why only a few are appearing during creation of a new table??????
    Can you guys correct me and let me find a way.????
    Thanks very much indeed.

    Hi If u have already the field in FC u can add with new entries .
    Try with ,enter t- code <b>SE11</b>, enter <b>KOMB</b>- it will ask for access key get from basis and add u r Field catalog
    Field catalog for condition key: output determination
    If at all u want a new field tao add to u r FC u Can try with userexit.
    In Pricing in SD the fields on the basis of which pricing is done are derived from the FIELD CATALOG which is a structure KOMG .This structure is used to transfer transaction data to the pricing procedure in SD and is also known as communication structure.This structure KOMG consists of two tables KOMK for Header related fields and KOMP for item related fields.
       The fields which are not in either of the two tables KOMK and KOMP
    cannot be used in pricing .Sometimes a need arises when the pricing
    is to be based on some other criteria which is not present in the form of fields in either of the two tables.
      This problem can be solved by using USEREXITS which are provided for pricing in SD.
      Pricing takes place both when the SALES ORDER ( Transaction VA01) is created as well as when INVOICING ( Transaction VF01) is done.Hence SAP provides 2 userexits ,one for sales order processing which is
    Depending upon which table (KOMK or KOMP) the new fields were inserted we use either of the above two userexits.These userexits are found in include MV45AFZZ of the standard SAP sales order creation program SAPMV45A.
    In the case of userexit which will be called when invoicing is done ,these
    are provided in the include RY60AFZZ which is in the standard SAP
    program SAPMV45A. The name of the userexits are same. i.e
    These userexits are used for passing the data from the communication structure to the pricing procedure, for this we have to fill the newely
    created field in the communication structure KOMG for this we fill the code in the above userexit using the MOVE statement after the data that
    has to be passed is taken from the database table by using the SELECT statement. The actual structure which is visible in these userexits and which is to be filled for that particular field is TKOMP or TKOMK.
    Before the coding for these userexits is done ,it is necessary to create a new field in either of the two tables KOMK or KOMP .For this purpose
    includes are provided in each of them .
    To create the field in header data(KOMK) the include provided is KOMKAZ
    and to create the field in item data(KOMP) the include provided is KOMPAZ.
    One possible example for the need of creating new fields can be e.g. Frieght to be based upon transportation zone ,for this no field is available in field catalog and hence it can be created in KOMK and then above userexits can be used to fill the transportation data to it.
    2)The other method of finding userexit is to find the word USEREXIT in the
    associated program of the transaction for which we want to determine userexit using SE38.
    3)The other method of finding userexits is to find the include in case of SD/MM applications where the userexits are located ,this can be found in the SAP reference IMG generally in the subfolder under SYSTEM MODIFICATION.
    Some other examples of userexits in SD are:<b></b>
    Message was edited by:

  • Access Sequence for PO output

    Hi experts,
    I have defined new PO output type in NACE by copying existing one.
    I have created New Condition Table for PO output (in SPRO).
    Now, i want to create new access sequence. But, i am facing following problems
    1. If i try to create new access sequence by copying existing one , i am not able to add Newly defined condition table.
    2.       if i try to create new access sequence without copying existing one , i am not able to enter access i.e.   10 ,20 , 30, 40 .... for  access sequence.
    Also , how to link this new access sequence to newly defined Condition table?
    Please, guide me to resolve it
    Edited by: RahulNsk on May 9, 2009 9:34 AM

    I can't answer your question directly but I can propose an alternative:
    If you are looking for another field to trigger output determination, you may want to consider having an ABAP developer create a custom requirement for that output type. Requirements can make simple validation checks and if it passes (sysubrc = 0) then the output is proposed, if not, then output is not proposed.
    Create requirement @ Materials Management > Purchasing > Messages > Output Control > Maintain Requirements for Message Control
    Assign requirement to output type @ Materials Management > Purchasing > Messages > Output Control > Message Determination Schemas > Define Message Schema for Purchase Order.
    I hope this helps

  • Currency conversion issue for condition type

    I am creating two invoice document.
    1. Customs Invoice (ZCDS)
    2. Inter company invoice.(IVA)
    both the invoices should be similar. Same pricing procedure is used to create both the documents but in Customs invoice YUMU condition type is not getting converted whereas in IVA the condition type is getting converted. Can anyone tell me the possible reason for this?

    Hi Jagjeet,
    For IVA invoice type -(For condition type- YUMU)
    Below highlighted part of code is changing KSTEU from 'E' to 'C' for IVA invoice using std prog RVIVAUFT.
    For ZCDS Invoice Type -(For condition type- YUMU)
    Program RVIVAUFT is not called since ZCDS is not trigerried using Output type unlike IVA.
    Hence KSTEU is not getting updated from 'E' to 'C' in case of ZCDS.
    To solve your problem write code in User exit - userexit_pricing_copy to change  konv-ksteu to 'C' for YUMU condition type at runtime.This will definately solve your problem.This will ensure you get correct/same condition value for IVA and ZCDS...:)
    Vikas Mulay.

  • Print ID for condition lines?

    who can tell me how to use the 'Print ID for condition lines' in pricing procedure settings?
    tks in advance.

    print ID in pricing procedure controls the printing of that
    condition lines i.e  value[if condition record exists] of that condition type will be displayed when u take print preview of that document[order confirmation etc].if u set it as 'X' than that condition line[condition value] will be printed on any of your
    output.Eg print preview of ur invoice.
    Assign points if helpful.
    Edited by: Sharad Kaliya on Sep 3, 2008 8:55 AM
    Edited by: Sharad Kaliya on Sep 3, 2008 8:56 AM

  • How to set a default output device for FAX outputs

    Hi Experts,
    Business requires to set a default output device for fax outputs ( Medium as 2 Fax medium ).
    as fas as print output ( medium as 1 print medium ) is considered we can maintain output device in condition record--> communication
    I tried maintaining output device in VP01 for my condition type based on sales org but it did not worked.
    Can you please suggest ways to achieve default output device for fax outputs.

    Well, obvious solution would be to either update user profiles or change the output from 'process immediately' to 'process by a background job'. Then create a generic user ID with any fax number desired and use that user ID to process the output through the background job.
    This is not really an SD question, so if this simple option doesn't work for you, I'd suggest to discuss other custom solution with your ABAP / Basis team.

  • New Requirement for my Output type?

    I want to create a new requirement for my output type.
    Please guide me how shall I do it?

    You can trigger the output type by creating a condition record.
    Go to transaction VV21, enter the output type, click on Key combination, if ther's a radiobutto for shipping point only, select it and create a condition.
    If ther's no radio button for shipping point, add table 024 to the access sequence assigned to the output type in NACE.
    After modifying the access seq. go back to VV21 and create a condition.
    You can create condition records in NACE also.

  • Mandatory Condition Output Tax MWSI is missing

    Hello Experts,
    We have a situation where the access sequence MWST is using the customer specific tables A509, A902, A906, A908

    Hello Experts,
    We have a situation where the leading system is ECC and the pricing
    procedures, condition types and condition tables are downloaded to the CRM
    system. The access sequence MWST used for the condition type MWSI in the
    pricing procedure is using the customer specific tables A509, A902, A906, A908.
    We got these tables developed in the CRM system as they did not existed
    earlier using the below given SAP Notes and blogs:
    - Download of customer-specific tables
    441083 - Transferring conditions for
    material group MATKL to CRM
    1070997 - Condition
    download:Parameter BADI CND_MAP_CNV_FIELD .
    As a result the customer specific condition tables are
    created and filled in the CRM system after the downloads.
    But, when we are creating an order, we are getting an error Mandatory
    Condition Output Tax MWSI is missing and the tax is not determined
    in the transaction.
    Do we have to do some additional developments to get the
    taxes determined in the CRM system.

  • WWI issue: function module with symbol doesn't work in conditional output

    I have created a function module to be used in combination with a symbol that represents the quantity of a composition item in a composition. In some cases a average quantity is not filled and the function module calculates the quantity based on the lower and upper limit of the composition item. This function works perfectly if managed in customising with a symbol or called with a symbol in WWI. When displaying the result of the symbol in a WWI word template it shows the expected value.
    However when I use the symbol with a function module (or the customised symbol with function module) in a conditional output expression, the value it represents in the expression is always equal to zero. It seems that a symbol value that is calculated using a functional module is not calculated properly when used in a conditional output expression. Setting a break in the functional module always shows the correct value, but the value as I already told, is not seen by the conditional output expression. Within the expression the value is always equal to zero.
    Does anyone know if this is a known issue in WWI? Is there any solution to handle this problem? I hope anyone can help.

    Dear Paul,
    only some add on high level ideas:
    if you look at:
    Example: Layout of an Abridged Material Safety Data Sheet - Basic Data and Tools (EHS-BD) - SAP Library
    you find the standard example of SAP for master and slave group:
    2  <11BRG003 (M,SAP_EHS_1012_004;*)> ¶
    3  <03EHS_L_TEXT(CED
      -SDB-01.002)> ¤
    SDB-02-07)> ¤
    SDB-02-05)> ¤
    4  <11BRG002 (S:POS;*)> ¿
    6  IUPAC,;*)> <11ERG002>¤
    <11BRG002 (S:POS; *)> ¿
    <11BRG002 (S:POS;*)> ¿
    <01GESTVCOMPL(N:" ZZ9,9")>
    <11ERG002> ¤
    10  <11ERG003>¶
    The "issue" is that you need to analyse by "line" of POS group; or precisely: it is easy to print lower, upper and average value if it exists.
    In conditional output this example is shown in SAP help:
    <15BIF001(AND:01G1013005VA GE 1)><01G1013005VA(;*/TL)[D:Value]>
    <15CIF001><03EHS_L_TEXT(CUST-100000000000031)[D:Density is less than 1]>
    I believe you need a "clever" nesting together with your customer symbol
    E.g. you need first "test" the contents of the three values and decide about result
    The easiest way could be to use a "table" structure as above.
    Just use column header "lower"; "average"; "upper" value. Then you need to ask your self in which situation what need to printed.
    If you use the table structure and you print just what is there and leave simply lower / upper limit "field" empty if it does not exists (what is bad with this?) you need only this "conditional" output topic done for average value. You could check for: if value > 0.0001 then print the value (as then there is a value); if not use the report symbol in which you calculate something. In my opinion it is worth to try it.
    It is known that you can check "numeric values by using conditional output. I belive tis cintional one des work as well with the "composition" values (lwoer, upper, average),
    May be this approach might help.
    The "stack" examples which are discussed in SAP help and in the links shown are related to "characteristic" values of classes and not for composition ones.
    PS: If this really works you can clearly extend your solution. E.g. if lower value is empty may be print "0", If upper valus is empty may be print "100" etc. (or prepare a further costumer symbol calculating something).

  • Settings for GR Output as Email

    Hi Guys,
    We are implementing MM-SUS scenario. Our ECC system (ECC 5.0 -SAPKH50008) is integrated with SRM 5.0. In our scenario, a vendor sends ASN from SUS system via EDI. ASN gets updated in ECC PO as an Inbound Delivery. Further, GR is manually posted in ECC with reference to this Inbound Delivery document. Our requirement is to have the ECC system send an email to the vendor every time a GR is posted for an inbound delivery.
    I have maintained the following settings in ECC SPRO
    1.Executed program u2018RM07NCUSu2019.
    2.I created a Z output type by copying the standard output type MLGR.
    3.In the output type, transmission medium is maintained a u2018Simple Mailu2019; Partner Function as u2018VNu2019; Dispatch Time as u2018Send   Immediatelyu2019. I also maintained the Partner Function as u2018MPu2019 and u2018VNu2019 for this output type.
    4.This Z Output type is maintained in u2018Maintain Output determination procudureu2019 under procedure u2018ME0001u2019.
    5.Lastly, I maintained condition record for this Output type. Here, the system does not allow me to add the vendor number a Partner. Hence for testing purpose I have added a user id.
    However, the system doesnu2019t trigger an output message when I post a GR in ECC. Please let me know how to setup this requirement. Any guidance would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Ramesh,
    Thanks for the helpful suggestions (Points Awarded!)
    Now, the system is trying to trigger an email. When I post a GR, system generates a GR number and the next moment I get an error message - 'Update was terminated'. I can see an outbound message in my SAP Inbox. Surprising, no GR document is created in the system with that generated number.
    This is the error message in the SAP Inbox
    Update was terminated
    User.....   A0012
    Transaction..   MIGO
    Update key...   4A54D04242452853E1000000AC1401C5
    Generated....   08.07.2009, 16:07:46
    Completed....   08.07.2009, 16:07:48
    Here, A0012 is my SAP user id. The sender and recipient is my SAP user ID. As mentioned in your previous post, I think maintaining NDR parameter in my user attributes would make this email trigger feature specific to my user whereas my requirement is to have a email triggered for all user id. Will it involve development work for the system to fetch email Id of the vendor maintained in MN21?

  • ME22 Transaction Generating more than one spool for an OUTPUT

    It has been noticed that in some company codes PO is printed (via ME22) in more than one copy I noticed that for one PO - three or four spool requests are generated.
    When i changed PO in ME22 and triggered for output it is generating 4 r more spools.Since it is the standard transaction i think Configuration should be changed.
    Where can i get those settings. I need only 1 spool for one output.
    Please advice any change in set up / configuration to be done, so that only one copy of PO is printed.
    Please help.

    Please check the output condition record (NACR) for application EF (Purchase Order). Select the key combination for the corresponding purchasing output determinatino. Then go to the communication area and check number of messages perhaps it was setup more than 1.
    Ferry Lianto

  • PO Condition Output

    Hi all,
    I got schedule an auto PO job to run. I wished to set the condition output so that the PO will be sent to vendor automatically once it is created.
    I've done whatever necessary including setting the condition output in MN05. All the PO document type are working fine except the one I newly entered. Anyone encountered this problem before? Am I missing anything? How should I overcome this problem?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Kishore,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The document type was already config in the system.
    (SPRO-> IMG-> Materials Management-> Purchasing-> Messages-> Output Control-> Message Types-> Define Message Types for Purchase Order-> Fine-Tuned Control: Purchase Order)
    Can you lead me on how to check whether the message type included in the variant? As far as I'm concern, I didn't do anything specific to include the message type into the variant. May I know how to include the message type into the variant?
    Thanks and regards,

  • 0calweek issue for report output

    0calweek issue for report output
    I have loaded 0calweek in  my infosource.0calweek format is displaying  differently
    in the report
    File : 12005
    PSA   :12005
    ODS  : 012005
    Cube : 012005
    Report: 05/0120
    I am loading first to PSA -> Process Manually to ODS -> Cube
    I am using 0calweek is SAP Provided object.I am not doing anything in the 0calweek
    Please advise on this.
    Advance Thanks

    I solved this issue. I changed the layout everything seems to working now.

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