Focus traversal issue on a panel

Hello Everyone,
I am facing a strange issue. I had a panel (BiggerPanel) that has certain text fields, combo boxes and buttons.
The tab (focus) order was top to bottom and left to right as it should be.
Now I replaced a text field, with a panel (SmallerPanel) that has the text field and a button in it.
After adding the SmallerPanel, the text field in SmallerPanel does not get focus.
Please suggest what can be the reason.

how you handle it could depend on your java version.
Focus handling changed around 1.4, and things have worked intermittently since.
probably best to post a small demo program, along with your version,
and those with a similar version might be able to test it.

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  • Changing the application wide default focus traversal policy

    I have a Swing application built using JDK1.3 where there lots of screens (frames, dialogs with complex screens - panels, tables, tabbed panes etc), in some screens layouts have been used and in other screens instead of any layout, absolute positions and sizes of the controls have been specified.
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    Now I have to migrate to JDK1.4. Problem now is that after migrating to JDK1.4.2, focus traversal has become a headache. In some screens there is no focus traversal and in some there is it is not what I wanted.
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    ///////// Replace default focus traversal policy
    java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(new java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy());
    But there is no change in the behaviour.
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    ///////// Replace default focus traversal policy
    java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(new java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy());
    I did all this in the main() method of the application before anything else just to ensure that all the components get added after this policy has been set. But no luck.
    Does someone has any idea what is the problem here ? I do not want to define my own focus traversal policy for each screen that I use (because thats lot of codes).

    not that hard if you only have the one focus cycle ( > 1 cycle and it gets a bit harder, sometimes stranger)
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class Testing
      int focusNumber = 0;
      public void buildGUI()
        JTextField[] tf = new JTextField[10];
        JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,2));
        for(int x = 0, y = tf.length; x < y; x++)
          tf[x] = new JTextField(5);
        final JTextField[] focusList = new JTextField[]{tf[1],tf[0],tf[3],tf[2],tf[5],tf[4],tf[7],tf[6],tf[9],tf[8]};
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.setFocusTraversalPolicy(new FocusTraversalPolicy(){
          public Component getComponentAfter(Container focusCycleRoot,Component aComponent)
            focusNumber = (focusNumber+1) % focusList.length;
            return focusList[focusNumber];
          public Component getComponentBefore(Container focusCycleRoot,Component aComponent)
            focusNumber = (focusList.length+focusNumber-1) % focusList.length;
            return focusList[focusNumber];
          public Component getDefaultComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[0];}
          public Component getLastComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[focusList.length-1];}
          public Component getFirstComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[0];}
      public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
          public void run(){
            new Testing().buildGUI();

  • Focus Traversal Problem

    I implemented my own focus traversal policy provider for a JPanel. It appears to be working fine except for one of my components (a JTextArea contained in a JScrollPane). If I ctrl+tab out of the JTextArea, my custom FTP is never used.
    I am still new to the focus subsystem, so I am not sure how to properly debug the situation. I checked the following properties on the JScrollPane and the JTextArea:
    --Focusable:  True for both
    --FocusCycleRootAncestor:  My JPanel for both
    --getFocusTraversalPolicy:  null for both
    --FocusCycleRoot:  False for both
    Since my Custom FTP is not used when tabbing out of the JTextArea, the focus is sent to the wrong component. This is not the only JTextArea in the JPanel (all of them are in JScrollPanes), but it is the only one that with this problem.
    Is there a way for me to detect which FTP is being used? Any ideas why my FTP is not being used?

    I implemented my own focus traversal policy provider for a JPanel. It appears to be working fine except for one of my components (a JTextArea contained in a JScrollPane). If I ctrl+tab out of the JTextArea, my custom FTP is never used.
    I am still new to the focus subsystem, so I am not sure how to properly debug the situation. I checked the following properties on the JScrollPane and the JTextArea:
    --Focusable:  True for both
    --FocusCycleRootAncestor:  My JPanel for both
    --getFocusTraversalPolicy:  null for both
    --FocusCycleRoot:  False for both
    Since my Custom FTP is not used when tabbing out of the JTextArea, the focus is sent to the wrong component. This is not the only JTextArea in the JPanel (all of them are in JScrollPanes), but it is the only one that with this problem.
    Is there a way for me to detect which FTP is being used? Any ideas why my FTP is not being used?

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    To give you an overview of what I am creating, I am customizing a UI that will be plug into JFileChooser to replace the default UI. I know I can create my own FocusTraversalPolicy, but the thing is that I don't know some of my components ahead of time. As long as I can prevent the order change, I think it would be fixed.

    Try creating a Short, Self-Contained, Compileable, Executable
    program which has this problem. Right now it would take a
    mind-reader to solve your problem.

  • JApplet Focus Traversal 1.4

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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class AppletTest extends JApplet {
         public void init() {
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              c.add(new JButton("button1"));
              c.add(new JButton("button2"));
              c.add(new JButton("button3"));          
         public void start() {

    Try this!
    As I found out that when I used the plugin with the show console option, the focus traversal worked fine. But when I changed this option to hide or don't start up, the focus traversal failed to work.
    So I tried to find out what the differences where. I found this. When the show console option
    is selected, the parent frame (provided by the browser) has a focus traversal policy named:
    With both the other options this was the java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy.
    This code will set the DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy to the javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy.
    After this everything works normal.
    Place this in the start of the init () method of JApplet
    Container parent = this.getParent ();
    while (!(parent instanceof Window) && parent != null)
    parent= parent.getParent ();
    if (parent != null)
    parent.setFocusTraversalPolicy (new javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy ());

  • Problematic focus traversal (JTextArea)

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    Focus traversal (with the tab key) works nicely between instances of JTextField, but it is not possible to tab out of the JTextArea to the next JTextField (as a tab is inserted in the text area instead). I've have looked up swing focus traversal in books, but no cigar when it comes to dealing with JTextAreas
    Does anyone know how to fix this? I don't need to enter tabs into the text area.

    There is a Swing forum for Swing related questions.
    Have you tried searching the forum?. Using keywords "+jtextarea +tab" would be a good place to start. You'll be amazed how many times this question has been asked/answered before.
         This example shows two different approaches for tabbing out of a JTextArea
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TextAreaTab extends JFrame
         public TextAreaTab()
              // Reset the FocusManager
              JTextArea textArea1 = new JTextArea(5, 30);
              JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane( textArea1 );
              getContentPane().add(scrollPane1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              textArea1.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
              textArea1.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
              //  Replace the Tab Actions
              JTextArea textArea2 = new JTextArea(5, 30);
              getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea2), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              InputMap im = textArea2.getInputMap();
              KeyStroke tab = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("TAB");
              textArea2.getActionMap().put(im.get(tab), new TabAction(true));
              KeyStroke shiftTab = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift TAB");
              im.put(shiftTab, shiftTab);
              textArea2.getActionMap().put(im.get(shiftTab), new TabAction(false));
         class TabAction extends AbstractAction
              private boolean forward;
              public TabAction(boolean forward)
                   this.forward = forward;
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                   if (forward)
              private void tabForward()
                   final KeyboardFocusManager manager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
                   SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                             if (manager.getFocusOwner() instanceof JScrollBar)
              private void tabBackward()
                   final KeyboardFocusManager manager = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
                   SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                             if (manager.getFocusOwner() instanceof JScrollBar)
         public static void main(String[] args)
              TextAreaTab frame = new TextAreaTab();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

  • How to disable the Tab key Focus Traversal

    I have to disable the default focus traversal function of tab key

    The method tht you need to look into is setTraversalPolicy()

  • JavaFx Adding Focus Traversable Keys.  Any Ideas?

    Since there is currently now way to add other keys to the focus traversable list, I have to create my own method of doing it.  What I want to do is have a single scene, and in that scene I want the enter key to behave  
    the same as a tab key.  But there are a lot of Buttons, TextField, ChoiceBoxes etc.  Therefore Pressing enter key must take me to the next focusable item.  I have really been struggling to find a method that work.  I am really stuck.  Some help would be much appreciated.
    Thank you

    Well there are a few things you can do imo.
    1.  Create KeyEvents for each of your controls.
    2. click Scene, then NODE(for some reason the HTML links do not appear, and the one I had was for "SHAPE 3D").
    focusedpublic final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty focusedPropertyIndicates whether this Node currently has the input focus. To have the input focus, a node must be the Scene's focus owner, and the scene must be in a Stage that is visible and active. See requestFocus() for more information.
    See Also:
    isFocused(), setFocused(boolean)
    Default value:
    focusTraversablepublic final BooleanProperty focusTraversablePropertySpecifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle. When this property is true focus can be moved to this Node and from this Node using regular focus traversal keys. On a desktop such keys are usually TAB for moving focus forward andSHIFT+TAB for moving focus backward. When a Scene is created, the system gives focus to a Node whose focusTraversable variable is true and that is eligible to receive the focus, unless the focus had been set explicitly via a call to requestFocus().
    See Also:
    isFocusTraversable(), setFocusTraversable(boolean)
    Default value:
    If you click either property it will brng you to the entire 8000 lines of the code, which I also cannot link for some reason.
    Both will link you to the area of code, and possibly you could edit this yourself.

  • Mouseclick issue on nested panel

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    I'm redesigning my portfolio website with Spry sliding panel
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    etc) and then a repeating panel inside each one that displays the
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    by the simple nextFrame(), prevFrame() functionality (as well as
    listing the number of panels that are also clickable for more
    direct navigation) - to see it all in action, visit
    My problem is that the FIRST time you click on a navigation
    link in the nested panel, nothing happens. After that it all works
    fine, but it almost seems that the panel needs to be focused on
    first by a click and then will run as normal. Anybody else come
    across this issue? Is there a fix for it?

    Hi all, anybody found a workaround for this problem?
    still searching...

  • Issue in query panel LOV order by

    Hi All,
    I am using Jdev version and Weblogic 10.3.6 version. I am facing an issue which is explained below. I have a screen with query panel and results table.
    For Ex. Say i have Name in the results table and search paramater as well. Created Name with the help of a view object with search parameter as view criteria with Order by Name. Name search paramater is created as SelectOneChoice(LOV) . Also from my first page Add button can be clicked. On clicking the button new Name value can be added. On successfully saving the New value it is getting refreshed in the table results and displaying in the correct order. But in LOV the latest value is getting added at the Last. Rest of the values are Ordered by Name.
    Is it possible to display the values in the correct order in LOV after new values are getting added?
    I have tried the following.
         1. Refreshing the View Object with Search Criteria.
         2. Refreshing the LOV View Object.
         3. Refreshing the Whole Page.
    4. Order by in View Accessor.
    5. Refreshing the View Accessor.
    Note: When i totally reload the page again then it is getting refelected correctly.

    Maybe you can try to reset QueryModel, something like this:
    QueryModel queryModel = queryComponent.getModel(); 
    QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = queryComponent.getValue(); 
    AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(queryComponent);Sorry, I don't have any more ideas :(

  • Having issues with BC panel in DW

    i'm having trouble with the BC panel in DW:
    - I'm getting an error message, saying that Configuration:Shared:BC:JS:bc_sites.js is running for a long time. This window pops up from time to time, resolving is possible but annoying. (Deleting configuration folder and rebuilding it). But the error message returns after a few days. 
    - Loggin in with BC panel from DW always takes two times, as the panel does not react the first time, I also have to login each time I restart DW or change a site. No way of staying logged in. Thats annoying.
    - The panel renders the content in a smaller area then the panel is, so if you increase width of panel, content stays narrow. Thats weird.
    Would be nice to take care of this BC panel issues, as the BC panel is an important part of BC-DW workflow.
    My specs:
    iMac with OS X Mavericks
    Adobe CC
    BC Partner

    Sorry you're having problems.
    How To get Help Quickly
    Post a URL to your test page so we can *SEE* what you see.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Dr. Damien's Developmen​t - The Xylophone Project X - Font Issues and Front Panel Layout

    The Show Raw Data button was made active in this installment. Doing this in a robust fashion was more involved than one might think, due to font and platform issues (remember I want to port this to a Windows Mobile device eventually). The following changes were made.
    The A frequency indicator was made active. This was an oversight from the last update.
    A front panel object, XylophoneFP.lvclass, was created to hold the front panel references and methods.
    The front panel object was used to implement the Show Raw Data button.
    The front panel object was used to compensate for font issues.
    When testing this application on Windows Vista, I noticed that the font differences between Vista and XP were annoying enough that I wanted to fix them. This will also lay the groundwork for any layout issues when porting to Windows Mobile. Usually, I create a cluster containing all my front panel references, but this time I put them into an object. Besides the usual object boilerplate, there are two methods, one to rearrange the front panel and one to show/hide the data graphs.
    Once the controls and indicators are properly arranged, showing and hiding the data graphs is simple. VI server methods are used to find the edges of the outer controls, some whitespace is added, then the front panel size is reset. Arranging the controls in the first place is much more complex. Dialog controls are used, and these controls change size based on the default font size. Font sizes can change due to user preference or when using the application in a different operating system than it was developed in. Button sizes can also change due to localization.
    This problem is difficult to solve cleanly, and the VI which does this,, shows the problem. It relies on the actual sizes of the controls/indicators to rearrange the front panel in a hopefully pleasing fashion. Even though this is a relatively simple UI, the VI is fairly complex. It uses VI server calls to determine the current sizes of controls and then rearrange them. If you choose to do something similar, consider the following hints:
    The Bounds property of all controls is not writable. To change the size of controls, you need to find the property or properties which change the size. There may be more than one (which is why Bounds is not writable). For example, to change the size of a boolean, use the Button Size property.
    In many cases, the property you use to change the size of the control will not be the same value as the Bounds property. Using the boolean again, the Bounds of a 3D LED include the 3D effect around the LED, but the Button Size only includes the LED itself. Comparing the Bounds property to the result of a query to the property you will be setting will give you the necessary offset to convert between the two.
    Make sure you label your wires if you attempt to do things like this. Long wires are very common in this type of programming. It is difficult enough to keep track of things without the added aggravation of having the trace wires back to their source to identify them.
    A few judiciously placed type converters can eliminate many type conversion dots. This is not usually a real problem in this context, but you should get into the habit of efficient programming.
    I will be hiking through the mountains of New Mexico with the Boy Scouts for the next couple of weeks, so do not be dismayed if I do not reply to comments very quickly. However, comments and suggestions are still welcome and encouraged. I will reply when I return.
    Previous Installments
    Data Acquisition Concept
    GUI Concepts
    Core Architecture
    Data Acquisition and Note Analysis
    Sound Acquisition Revisited
    Sound Analysis
    Configuration Dialog
    Calibration Dialog
    Message Edited by DFGray on 06-05-2009 03:09 PM
    This account is no longer active. Contact ShadesOfGray for current posts and information.
    Attachments: ‏1259 KB

    DFGray wrote:
    I put the event structure in the command loop so that events are processed synchronously.  In the past, I have run into a variety of race condition/synchronization issues when separating the event and command loops and prefer to keep them together to make the program structure simpler.
    It is simpler but you give up any multi CPU performance.  That LV is inherently parallel is one (the only) real advantage over a text based development system.  I can write good structured text that is almost as visually easy to parse as LV.  With modern syntax coloring engines, the difference in icons vs. structured text is not that great.
    But the challenge I give the traditional text coders is to keep track of many mulitple threads.  This is why dataflow is a powerful concept.  Yes it does lead to asynchronous execution but if you impose synchronicity on your code you are working against LV.  I get most first time programs where everything is in a sequence structure.  "Just to be safe".  
    Of course this is much better but  my first design goal is that any application should take advantage of a much hardware as possible, degrade gracefully on slower hardware and play nice with other running applications.  This simpler structure severely handicaps that first goal.
    In this case it is simple enough to "get away" with it since as you point out that there should not be anything that takes significant CPU time.   But that may not be true on the PDA?
    If you are going to run it on the PDA will we be discussing techniques to seamlessly use both NIDAQmx Base and NIDAQmx in the same system?  That is a real challenge.  I look forward to more of this!

  • Changing focus - window issues and .chm

    Two questions:
    1) When choosing any mailto: or website link from a .chm, a
    new window opens, as expected, but the TOC changes to "hidden."
    When click anywhere in the Help window, the TOC shows. Going back
    and forth from the message window/website and the help file, you
    will see the behavior. Our QA flagged this as a potential issue.
    Is this the expected behavior? Or, is there a setting to
    prevent it from hiding? (I would like the Contents, Search, and
    Index tabs to show when the .chm is first opened.) However, I don't
    see the purpose of the Show/Hide being activated when changing
    2) After opening a message window or web page from a .chm,
    the Help window remains on top of the message window/web page. The
    message window is indeed active for composing (is in focus), but it
    is often necessary to reposition the help window (which is
    annoyingly still on top of the new window) to be able to
    compose--same with being able to see the full web page.
    Again, is this expected? Is there a setting for having true
    focus -- not always having the .chm stay on top but go behind when
    you change focus to compose a message or view a web page that you
    have initiated from the .chm?
    Thank you very much for any tips you can suggest.
    -- Anne Jackson
    Sr. Technical Writer, SunGard
    Ann Arbor, MI

    There is a setting for a window to be "top-most." I may not
    be able to tell you how to get there in RH as I use an old version.
    In the project settings, window definitions, find
    properties/advanced/extended styles and be sure Top-most window is
    If you can't find it in RH, you can add 2 (hex) to the
    NavPaneStyle parameter in the window definition in your .hhp file

  • Illustrator CS6 loses keyboard focus when using an extension panel

    OS10.8.2 CS6. When clicking a button on any extension panel (even supplied Kuler), it seems that Illustrator can't get keyboard focus until something else on the screen is clicked. Anyone know a way to fix this? I need to be able to use the keyboard to copy or delete a selected object right after running script....
    Tried running a javascript inline with app.activate() command. Didn't work. Help!!!!

    I noticed the problem too. Is there any fix or workaround? Friends using Windows say that all is ok.
    Linux x86_64 (Gentoo), Firefox 3.5.1, jre

  • Component that is focusable, but not focus- traversable

    I have found a tidy solution to this, and posted it in the thread I thought was most appropriate, THEN I found, it was in the REFLECTION forum - duh.
    I won't cross post the whole solution here.
    So if you're interested, bowl over there for the answer

    I have a status field on my dialog that shouldn't be keyboard traversible, but I would like the user to be able to cut the contents (such as an error display), so I need to be able to have it focusable by mouse click.
    I did this by enclosing the component inside a focusCycleRoot container that isn't itself focusable !!
    original code, status widget gets focus when traversing via keyboard.
            JTextField status = new JTextField();
            status.setFocusable(true); // So user can cut the text with mouse
            status.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder(status.getInsets()));
            container.add(status, "layout stuff");This is the modified code, which stops status being traversible by keyboard.
            JTextField status = new JTextField();
            status.setFocusable(true); // So user can cut the text with mouse
            status.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder(status.getInsets()));
            Container statusTraversalHider = new JPanel();
            container.add(statusTraversalHider, "layout stuff");

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