Setting a JTree renderer breaks the focus traversal order

I am not sure what's wrong, but when I set a customize JTree renderer it breaks the focus traversal order of my UI. Can someone tell me what's wrong and also how to prevent it from changing the order of my components?
For instance, if I have component order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to begin with and after I call JTree.setCellRenderer(new SomeRenderer()), the order would change to something like this 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
To give you an overview of what I am creating, I am customizing a UI that will be plug into JFileChooser to replace the default UI. I know I can create my own FocusTraversalPolicy, but the thing is that I don't know some of my components ahead of time. As long as I can prevent the order change, I think it would be fixed.

Try creating a Short, Self-Contained, Compileable, Executable
program which has this problem. Right now it would take a
mind-reader to solve your problem.

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         public void init() {
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
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    Try this!
    As I found out that when I used the plugin with the show console option, the focus traversal worked fine. But when I changed this option to hide or don't start up, the focus traversal failed to work.
    So I tried to find out what the differences where. I found this. When the show console option
    is selected, the parent frame (provided by the browser) has a focus traversal policy named:
    With both the other options this was the java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy.
    This code will set the DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy to the javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy.
    After this everything works normal.
    Place this in the start of the init () method of JApplet
    Container parent = this.getParent ();
    while (!(parent instanceof Window) && parent != null)
    parent= parent.getParent ();
    if (parent != null)
    parent.setFocusTraversalPolicy (new javax.swing.LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy ());

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    Well there are a few things you can do imo.
    1.  Create KeyEvents for each of your controls.
    2. click Scene, then NODE(for some reason the HTML links do not appear, and the one I had was for "SHAPE 3D").
    focusedpublic final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty focusedPropertyIndicates whether this Node currently has the input focus. To have the input focus, a node must be the Scene's focus owner, and the scene must be in a Stage that is visible and active. See requestFocus() for more information.
    See Also:
    isFocused(), setFocused(boolean)
    Default value:
    focusTraversablepublic final BooleanProperty focusTraversablePropertySpecifies whether this Node should be a part of focus traversal cycle. When this property is true focus can be moved to this Node and from this Node using regular focus traversal keys. On a desktop such keys are usually TAB for moving focus forward andSHIFT+TAB for moving focus backward. When a Scene is created, the system gives focus to a Node whose focusTraversable variable is true and that is eligible to receive the focus, unless the focus had been set explicitly via a call to requestFocus().
    See Also:
    isFocusTraversable(), setFocusTraversable(boolean)
    Default value:
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    Hope you have cretaed Batch serch strategy in COB1
    U need to maintain it as per your strategy type.

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    thanks for your reply, here is some example code that illustrates the problem I have (the actual code is to big to show here, which is the raison why I did not posted it here). The code wil create a frame with a JPanel with a JTextField, a 'New' Jbutton and a 'Delete' Jbutton, a tabbed pane in the center ('New' will create a new JPanel, add it to the tabbed pane and set the focus on it, either by calling RequestFocusInWindow() directly or by calling it via InvokeLater (someone on this forum suggested to use this). I changed also the focusmanager to show the component that has the focus when you type something. To test compile and run the program (either with a call to requesteFocusInWindow directly or indirectly (by changing the comments), on my system I get the following behaviour:
    1. requestFocusInWindow called directly
    Start program en type, the tabbed pane has the focus
    Press New and type something, a button has the focus not the created panel
    Press New again and type something, a button has the focus not the created panel
    2. requestFocusInWindow be called indirectly
    Start program and type, the tabbed pane has the focus
    Press New and type, the created panel has the focus (I thought at one moment that I had found the solution there, but alas ...)
    Press New again and type something, a button has again the focus.
    Note that with my real program it is not always a button that will have the focus, sometimes it is a combobox or a TextField (I tried to get this with the example code (the JTextField) but did not succeed.
    Hopes this clarify the problem a little bid, what I want is when the window is visible to set focus on newly created panes (or in the real program on the panel that is selected via the tabbed pane or via a key combination to shift the focus between the panels) but requestFocusInWindow seems to behave unpredicatable. I can't imagine that what I see is a bug so I must make some assumptions which are not valid but I don't see them, btw listening on the WindowListener is I think not the solution because the frame is already displayed when I want to set the focus and I do not use a modal dialog box.
    The example code follows here
    * Created on December 21, 2004, 8:58 AM
    package testfocus;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    * @author marc
    public class Main
    static int counter;
    /** Creates a new instance of Main */
    public Main()
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame frm=new JFrame();
    JPanel content=new JPanel();
    final JTabbedPane paneContainer=new JTabbedPane();
    JPanel bar=new JPanel();
    JButton create=new JButton(new AbstractAction("New")
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
    final JPanel pnl=new JPanel();
    /* Either use this or the previous line
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
    public void run()
    JButton delete=new JButton(new AbstractAction("Delete")
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
    int i=paneContainer.getComponentCount()-1;
    if (i>=0)
    JTextField dummy=new JTextField("Test");
    content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    FocusManager.setCurrentManager(new DefaultFocusManager()
    public void processKeyEvent(Component component,KeyEvent ev)
    System.out.println("Focus owner"+getFocusOwner());

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    Now I have to migrate to JDK1.4. Problem now is that after migrating to JDK1.4.2, focus traversal has become a headache. In some screens there is no focus traversal and in some there is it is not what I wanted.
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    ///////// Replace default focus traversal policy
    java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(new java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy());
    But there is no change in the behaviour.
    Then I tried following:
    ///////// Replace default focus traversal policy
    java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().setDefaultFocusTraversalPolicy(new java.awt.DefaultFocusTraversalPolicy());
    I did all this in the main() method of the application before anything else just to ensure that all the components get added after this policy has been set. But no luck.
    Does someone has any idea what is the problem here ? I do not want to define my own focus traversal policy for each screen that I use (because thats lot of codes).

    not that hard if you only have the one focus cycle ( > 1 cycle and it gets a bit harder, sometimes stranger)
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class Testing
      int focusNumber = 0;
      public void buildGUI()
        JTextField[] tf = new JTextField[10];
        JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridLayout(5,2));
        for(int x = 0, y = tf.length; x < y; x++)
          tf[x] = new JTextField(5);
        final JTextField[] focusList = new JTextField[]{tf[1],tf[0],tf[3],tf[2],tf[5],tf[4],tf[7],tf[6],tf[9],tf[8]};
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.setFocusTraversalPolicy(new FocusTraversalPolicy(){
          public Component getComponentAfter(Container focusCycleRoot,Component aComponent)
            focusNumber = (focusNumber+1) % focusList.length;
            return focusList[focusNumber];
          public Component getComponentBefore(Container focusCycleRoot,Component aComponent)
            focusNumber = (focusList.length+focusNumber-1) % focusList.length;
            return focusList[focusNumber];
          public Component getDefaultComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[0];}
          public Component getLastComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[focusList.length-1];}
          public Component getFirstComponent(Container focusCycleRoot){return focusList[0];}
      public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
          public void run(){
            new Testing().buildGUI();

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    look at the discussion on May 25:th 2001, subject "How to get the cursor into a specific field", it might give you an idea.
    To give you some hint right now:
    In the "Additional PL/SQL Code" tab, "Before displaying the page", add following code:
    htp.p('<BODY onLoad="document.forms[0].elements[6].focus();">');
    forms[0] if you only have 1 form, and elements[the number of the item you want to be in focus]
    I hope this could help you

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    Thank you for your help.

    I think you are asking how to bring a windows form to the front.
    If not I apologize...
    The way I have done this:
    1. I created a new thread.
    2. I maxmized the window
    I set the following properties:
    ShowInTaskbar = False
    TopMost = True
    In all my testing I needed the window to be maximized, if it wasn't B1 stayed on top.

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    Hello ,
    I am using oracle apex 3.2.1 in development env. How to set the focus to a first element of a page.

    This might help
    Find "Cursor Focus" from page Display Attributes

  • How to set the focus on the new added line in ALV list (OO)

    Dear Friends,
    I have an ALV list based on OO(using alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display), when I click the 'new' button to add a new line, the mouse arrow is always pointing to the first line - not the new created line for user to input!!.
    So how to set the focus (mouse arrow) on the new added line in ALV list for user to input it friendly?
    Thanks a lot!!

    To get the selected line row first we have get all the rows in the internal table.
    When u click on the button when it is creating the new line we have to pass the row number to the call method
    CALL METHOD <ref.var. to CL_GUI_ALV_GRID > ->get_selected_rows
          ET_INDEX_ROWS  =   <internal table of type LVC_T_ROW > (obsolete)
          ET_ROW_NO      =   <internal table of type LVC_T_ROID > .
    CALL METHOD<ref.var. to CL_GUI_ALV_GRID>->set_selected_rows
          IT_ROW_NO  =  <internal table of type LVC_T_ROID>
       or alternatively
       IT_INDEX_ROWS  =  <internal table of type LVC_T_ROW>
          IS_KEEP_OTHER_SELECTIONS  =  <type CHAR01>.

  • How to set the focus to the tabbed pane title?

    Dear Friends,
    I'm using tabbed pane (JTabbedPane) in my application. I have 2 tabbed panes and each contain some text fields and buttons.
    In first tabbed, I have 2 text fields, OK and Cancel buttons. I have to set the focus to the title of the tabbed pane after it lost focus from the Cancel button (focus has to move from Cancel button to tabbed pane title by pressing tab key).
    Could anyone please tell me how to set the focus to the tabbed pane title?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sathish kumar D

    Thanks for your reply.
    Could you please tell me how to set focus for title of the tabbed pane throug FocusTraversalPolicy?
    because usually we set the focus for the component by requestFocusInWindow().
    for example set focust to the button OK,
    btnOk.requestFocusInWindow()likewise could you tell me how to set focus to Title of the tabbed pane?
    Sathish kumar D

  • Setting the focus in HTREE

    Hi guys!
    I have created the tree in the form 6i. it is populated with the employee names. Then attached a horizontal toolbar canvas with the main form and the horizontal tool bar canvas contain a text item and a search button. When I find the name of the emplyee it finds it but how can i set the focus. An early response is appreciated. regards.


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    I have a form that checks the rawValue of a text field to determine whether or not the focus should be set on a particular text field. Here is the logic:
    if(txtEmailVisible.rawValue == "visible")
    frmEmailData.presence = "visible";;
    frmEmailData.presence = "hidden";
    For some reason the focus isn't going to that object, instead it is still going to the first field in the tabbing order. Am I calling this in the wrong event, which is causing the tabbing order to over ride my setFocus call?

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