Font doesnt look right

duplicate of [/questions/952550] locked.
Select websites are rendering text oddly no settings have been changed it just randomly started I have reset the browser I have even downloaded and updated to the newest firefox but as you can see from the image here as you can see the text is rough.
I have ran firefox in safe mode which didnt fix it I have reset the zoom I have checked the content tab and made sure it was all default as I said above I updated and reset the browser.

This is a duplicate of an earlier post. Please reply in the original thread:

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    When I import video from my iphone to imovie it doesnt look right, it makes everyone look wider and shorter. Is there a way to fix this?

    This is close.  I did a bit more digging I have found a few more things.   It appears that the input dialog is a read once on connect and then it never updates.  I had my iPhone connected to my Mac when I did my convert from FILMiC Pro to my Camera Roll.  Just on a whim, I dissconnected my iPhone with FCPX open and then connected it again.  This time when I opened up the Import window the movie I converted showed up.   It appears my issue may have simply been related to the specific series of operations that I happened to use at the time I was trying to perform an import to FCPX.
    One last item of note.  There is a movie in my Camera Roll that FCPX still does not see.  This was a movie shot by my son-in-law of my grandaughter on his iPhone and then it was sent, via message, to my iPhone.  Obviously it is a highly compressed video of unknown compression and frame rate.   Regardless, FCPX does not see this video.  I'm guessing it is not a .mov quicktime file but some other format specific to imessage video.
    Thanks for the help Russ.  It at least pointed me in the right direction.  I understand why no one else could comment as I'm guessing no one else has had an issue.  A very subtle "feature".

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    Works for me on Linux in Firefox 3.6.x and 4.0.1.
    However that is a font face="Wingdings 2" and such fonts that remap the basic ASCII set are not supported.<br />
    It is better to use Unicode replacements.
    *[ Why aren’t symbol/dingbat fonts working? - MDC FAQ]

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    Are you sure site files on your hard drive were not damaged by the electrical surge?
    Can you GET replacement files from your remote server?
    Nancy O.

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    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
        <link rel="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
         href=" .css">
    And here is the code I am adding to the body of the html page below: Is it the placement of the code in the header? I've tried the beginning and the end of the hearder but no difference.  Thanks for your time on this....
    <div id="datetimepicker" class="input-append date">
    <input type="text"></input>
    <span class="add-on">
    <i data-time-icon="icon-time" data-date-icon="icon-calendar"></i>
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    src=" js">
    <script type="text/javascript"
    src=" R.js">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    format: 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss',
    language: 'en'

    Page is not up yet, can I attach the html to this forum?  I'l cut and paste the html below, thanks
    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    <!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
    <!-- this is the header code for the date/time picker-->
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         href=" .css">
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                <h1 id="site-title"><a href="index.html" title="Your Site Name">Hawaii Beach Weddings</a></h1>
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                <h2 id="site-description">Where the Sun, Sand and Love come together...</h2>
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                <h1 class="entry-title">Simple Beach Weddings</h1>
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            <div class="entry-content">
                <p>We specialize in simplicity for your beach wedding.  Let us keep it simple by offering what you need to make your beach wedding easy </p>
                <!-- Typography
                ================================================== -->
                <section id="typography">
                    <h1>I am first a photographer who loves to<small></small>capture &quot;the moment.&quot;</h1>
                    <p>By organizing Hawaii Beach Weddings, I have allowed myself to do what I do best: capture your moment. I use industry professionals to make a sometimes stressful event easy. By keeping it to a few simple choices: A Minister (necessary), Flowers, Music, Video, Chairs (optional), I have allowed you to quickly design your wedding event and enjoy your stay in the islands. </p>
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                                <h3>Reverand Robert Hoyt</h3>
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                              <input type="text" required></label></p>
                              <p><label>Phone number with area code <input type="text" pattern="\d{5}(-\d{4})?" title="a US Zip code, with or without the +4 exension" placeholder=" 123-456-7891"></label></p>
                              <input type="email"></label></p>
                              <h1>Where would you like your wedding to be?</h1>
                 <p><label>Honolulu (South Oahu)<input type="radio" name="rad"></label></p>
                 <p><label>Waimanalu (East Oahu) <input type="radio" name="rad"></label></p>
                    <h1>What date & time would you like to have your wedding?</h1>
                     <!--This is the date/time picker-->
                          <div id="datetimepicker" class="input-append date">
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            format: 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss',
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                         <h1>What type of flowers would you like to have?</h1>
                                        <option>Red roses</option>
                                        <option>White roses</option>
                                  <h1>What type of Leis would you like to have?</h1>
                                        <option>Kukui nut (male)</option>
                                        <option>Orchids (inexpensive)</option>
                                        <option>Stephanotus (sweet smelling</option>
    <fieldset class="span4">
                           <!--this is the chair number selector-->
                                        <option>solo singer with ukulele</option>
                                        <option>solo singer with guitar</option>
                                        <option>solo guitar instrumental</option>
                                        <option>small ensemble</option>
                              <label for="s">Number of Chairs</label><p>
                                <select id="s">
                              <label for="t">Notes</label> <textarea id="t" cols="30" rows="5">Textarea text</textarea></p>
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  • How do I set the font to look the same as a webpage?

    The left most is illustrator font Arial, regular, 14px.
    Middle is firefox 4 font Arial, 14px,
    Right is Chrome Arial, 14px.
    Illustrator's font looks thicker. Tried change the stroke, the auto-kern, but can't seem to get it thinner.
    Chrome and Illustrator looks fine, but is it possible to make it look like in FF?

    Font rednering is different in browsers. When in Illustrator CS5, you could test if a different Anti-aliasing setting might help. First "Show options" in the Character panel, then it's in the bottom right.

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    I have downloaded FF5 - however, the browser doesnt look like version 5 - it still looks like the previous version browser window. For example, I dont have the new style orange button on the top left. Under "Help" it states version 5 - it just doesnt look like it.
    I have downloaded version 5 on my home machine, so I know what to expect.
    Can anyone advise me?

    ''I have downloaded FF5 - however, the browser doesnt look like version 5 :''
    That is because you are on Windows XP your settings weren't messed up by default. In the future you will have to use "Alt" to see the menus, or use the "Firefox: button which puts the menu in two columns.
    View > (check) Tabs on Top
    :View > Toolbars > (uncheck) Menu Bar
    Whether you make changes or not read the following to understand what was changed, and what you have to do, such as use right-click on the Back/Forward button to see history, or how to get back your previous session under history.
    You can make Firefox '''Firefox 5.0''' look like Firefox 3.6.18, see numbered items 1-10 in the following topic [ Fix Firefox 4.0 toolbar user interface, problems (Make Firefox 5.0, or 4.0.1, look like 3.6)].

  • Aspect Ratio issues getting 16:9 to look right, what is the best workflow?

    Hi all,
    I am having trouble getting my 16:9 footage to look right when I export, especially when playing on DVD. I shot the footage with a Sony HDR-HC1 which apparently shoots in 16:9 anamorphic. Originally when I imported the footage it appeared it the FCP viewer and canvas in 4:3 letterboxed form, the image did not look squeezed or stretched but appeared with black stripes on top and bottom.
    I have tried several experiments with exporting this footage to dvd with the following results:
    Using Compressor with 4:3 setting in export:
    DVD Studio Pro track settings to 16:9 looks extra squashed vertically
    DVDSP track settings to 4:3 image looks in proper aspect ratio but displays with black stripes on all 4 sides.
    Using Compressor with 16:9 settings in export gives the same results.
    In conclusion, if it appears in 4:3 letterbox in FCP viewer and canvas there is no way to get it to export and display in DVD with proper 16:9 aspect ratio.
    I have also done some experimenting with re-capturing some of the footage from the tape.
    For one sequence I recaptured the footage and it displayed in 4:3 without the letterboxed effect (filling the whole screen) but appeared squeezed, I am guessing that this is because of the anamorphic nature in which my camera captures the footage. No pixels were missing. In the FCP viewer and canvas it looked squeezed and did not display in the correct aspect ratio, however when it was exported via Compressor in 4:3 and then in DVDSP Track Settings put to 16:9 Letterboxed, it is displayed perfectly (letterboxed vertically, the image filling the width of the screen without the extra stripes on the sides).
    So I thought that I had my solution here, although that did involve re-digitizing and batch capturing all 18 tapes used in the project, so its not exactly a quick fix.
    This is where it gets a bit confusing. In order to understand where I had originally gone wrong in my workflow I did some more experiments, this time with the settings on the camera (which I use for a deck in batch capturing). I found the function on the camera where you can set the "TV Type" to either 16:9 or 4:3. I switched the TV Type to 4:3 and when batching it went back to the original letterboxed look (in the batch preview screen that you see while capturing), however when put into the viewer and canvas it was too letterboxed and looked squashed vertically. So then I switched back to TV Type 16:9, now it looks 4:3 squeezed in the batch preview screen (no letterboxing, no missing pixels), however when it goes into the viewer and canvas it becomes letterboxed like the original footage that I had described earlier.
    So now even though I have switched the camera back to its original settings it will not display in that 4:3 squeezed look in FCP viewer and canvas.
    So after all that my main questions are, in 16:9 can I view it in the FCP viewer and canvas in its correct (anamorphically converted) aspect ratio and still export it without the black bars on all sides?
    (The FCP canvas seems to only display in 4:3)
    If not, what setting do I need to capture in FCP in the 4:3 squeezed look I have described earlier?
    (This is the only setting that I have found that displays properly when anamorphically stretched via DVDSP)
    I know that this is a long essay so thanks for making it this far. I have spent weeks experimenting trying to find the best solution so please help me if you know how! I will be very appreciative.

    Hi there,
    I am not sure if it is necessarily a bug, but its a matter of understanding all of the settings needed. I had the same problems for a while but after a fair bit of trial and error have found some workable settings.
    It probably has more to do with the export settings rather than what viewer options have selected (I don't think that viewer settings affect your export).
    What program are you using to export?
    I am using compressor to export with aspect ration set to automatic 16:9. Then use DVDSP with the track set to 16:9 letterbox, it seems to export to DVD with the correct aspect ratio that way.
    I am having trouble with the image strobing, looks like some kind of interlacing problem, but at least I have got it in the right aspect ratio.
    Its typical video, solve one problem and it just creates another.
    I am yet to find the absolute best workflow.
    In response to Andy above, the original letterboxed footage probably did have something to do with the downconverting settings on the camera, as when I import without downconverting it does not letterbox. In the HDR-HC1 there is an option in the menu called "TV Type" with options of 4:3 or 16:9. I was reviewing my footage on a 4:3 television so I most likely had it set to 4:3 which created the letterboxing in the viewer when I then imported the footage.
    Importing the footage in HDV solves the issue of aspect ratio, but creates a new problem with the image strobing.
    I hope this was some kind of help to you.

  • Why are my webpages not looking right or my personas not working as they were?

    I opened up my browser yesterday and no matter where I go on the web, the pages don't look right. The graphics are off. I can't even see my yahoo mail. It loads, but I see no words or graphics. My Personas is actually rotating, but all I get visually is a color, no graphics at all. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice to no avail. I'm not sure what to do now. I can use Explorer without any graphics issues, but I really like Firefox much better and would like to get this issue resolved.

    In FCE make sure nothing is selected in the timeline before exporting
    In the Chapter Marker submenu do NOT erase the <Chapter> slug; it doesn't show up in the chapter title but it must be there
    When exporting from FCE try exporting as DVD Studio Pro markers (if it gives you that option) just for a change
    In iDVD I believe there is a Preference setting to make sure it recognizes chapter markers; check for that

  • Nested tables don't look right in design mode

    When I view with IE or Safari,
    everything looks fine. However, when I open the page in DW 2004,
    the tables don't look correct while in design or code/design mode.
    I've driven myself nuts trying to find out what I can do so
    that it looks correct.
    If I can get it to look right, I can turn daily maintenance
    (text updates mostly) to someone else - however, with the design
    looking so unlike the actual web page, I can't.
    I'm assuming the nested tables, graphic image backgrounds in
    the table data, etc. are driving DW 2004 nuts. I really don't want
    to spring for a new version of DW, so I hope that's not the answer.
    Thanks for the help.

    > The backgrounds won't matter a jot because as they are
    link with a full
    > path url nothing will appear in DW design view locally.
    Will do in DW8/CS3....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    "Osgood" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fc86fc$ra2$[email protected]..
    > Dougmo2003 wrote:
    >> When I view with IE or
    Safari, everything
    >> looks fine. However, when I open the page in DW
    2004, the tables don't
    >> look correct while in design or code/design mode.
    > What exactly do you mean by 'Dont look correct'? The
    link yu provided
    > looks ok in my DWMX04 design view.
    > Not much styling, as that is mostly provided by the
    background images, but
    > everything seems to be accessible to work on.
    > I have'nt checked any other pages of the site except
    your home page.
    >> I'm assuming the nested tables, graphic image
    backgrounds in the table
    >> data, etc. are driving DW 2004 nuts.
    > The backgrounds won't matter a jot because as they are
    link with a full
    > path url nothing will appear in DW design view locally.

  • I have manipulated a photo using layers etc and then flattened it and saved it under a new name.  When I use 'Preview' (mac) to view the finished photo it doesn't look right.  It's as the layers have not flattened correctly.  When viewed in Elements 12 it

    I have manipulated a photo using layers etc and then flattened it and saved it under a new name.  When I use 'Preview' (mac) to view the finished photo it doesn't look right.  It's as the layers have not flattened correctly.  When viewed in Elements 12 it looks OK.  The photo looks incorrect in other software such as photo books.
    Looking at the same photo before flattening, what is being shown is only the top layer.
    How do I correct this?

    STEVEN1A wrote:
    I have manipulated a photo using layers etc and then flattened it and saved it under a new name.  When I use 'Preview' (mac) to view the finished photo it doesn't look right.  It's as the layers have not flattened correctly.  When viewed in Elements 12 it looks OK.  The photo looks incorrect in other software such as photo books.
    Looking at the same photo before flattening, what is being shown is only the top layer.
    How do I correct this?
    The top layer is indeed the one that is visible, unless there is/are area(s) of translucency on that layer, so that you can visualize a portion of the subjacent layer.
      the finished photo it doesn't look right.  It's as the layers have not flattened correctly. 
    Are your settings targeted to have the printer manage colors, or, to have PSE manage colors?

  • Layout dosn't look right in design view

    I have made the following to re-create the cross pattern I used for a FrontPage website:
    It looks right in the browser, but when I view the page in design view (CS4) the navigation lines up on the left with the blue header and underneath it. Is this just something that happens? Or can I do something to avoid it? It looks fine in Live View.

    This happens sometimes and it can be disconcerting, but the reality is design view is meaningless. I'd much rather have it perfect in the browser and not in DV thn the other way around. Code looks good, I'd not worry about it and let F12 be your freind.

  • I used IE first time in 3 years. I was able to READ the screen without my glasses. Didn't realize Firefox FONTS were so 'weak' Tried most everything to get Firefox fonts to look as bold and clean. Failed. Ideas please.

    I used IE first time in 3 years. When I did I was able to READ the screen without my glasses. Didn't realize Firefox FONTS were so 'weak' Tried most everything to get Firefox fonts to look as bold and clean. No luck.
    How do I get Firefox to DISPLAY a font as clear and clean as Word? I choose different fonts in Firefox and sizes and nothing really happens.

    You can use an extension to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages:
    *Default FullZoom Level:
    *Anti-Aliasing Tuner:

  • During installation of the NI-VISA 2.01 driver I get an error that tells me that my file (NICVISA.DPT) doesnt look like a tar archive. How can I make it look like a tar archive or is that not the solution to the problem?

    I am trying to install the NI-VISA 2.01 driver I downloaded from the NI website on a HP-UX 10.2 platform, but it keeps giving me the following error:
    tar: /var/spool/sw/NICVISA.DPT: This doesnt look like a tar archive.
    I also get errors telling me that files can't be loaded because their missing from source media. What could be causing this? Some of the files are msgrt4.txt,ni7seg24.bdf,ni7seg26, etc... Can these needed files be downloaded anywhere or is the problem linked to the tar archive scenario..

    The files were corrupt. Originally I had downloaded the driver files to my PC and used FTP to transfer them to my UNIX machine.
    Your tech support rep. suggested I download the driver files via to my UNIX machine vs. the PC...this worked great. I am now communicating with my instrument

  • I need to rotate video 90 degrees and make it look right.

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    I tried rotating the picture but it's distorted (Stretched). Are there settings I can use to rotate picture 90 degrees without distortion (I realize there will be some kind of letterbox effect).

    The distortion you're seeing is the difference of non-square pixels in height vs width. Even though you rotated the picture to correct the angle, the video will still look stretched until you compensate for the non-square pixels.
    There's math involved if you want to get it exact, but I'd probably just select a top corner and, holding down the SHIFT key, distort the video until it looks right in the frame. You'll still be left with some pillar-boxing, but at least it'll look correct.

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