For German readers: APEX Hosting im eigenen Unternehmen? 3 Events im Mai

This is about an APEX event in german language - therefore in german/
Haben Sie schonmal darüber nachgedacht, ein "APEX Hosting" á la im eigenen Unternehmen aufzusetzen? Auf unserer
Veranstaltungsreihe "Cloud Computing mit APEX" erfahren Sie, wie das geht. Wird APEX als Service bereitgestellt, können die Entwickler Ihre Workspaces selbstständig beantragen und verwalten - Entwickler können ohne manuelles Eingreifen sofort aktiv werden; neue Anwendungen stehen sofort bereit.
# 03.05.2011: Oracle Niederlassung in Düsseldorf
# 10.05.2011: Oracle Niederlassung in Hamburg
# 18.05.2011: Oracle Niederlassung in München
Mehr Info und Anmeldung:
Schneller zum Ziel: Anwendungen schnell und einfach entwickeln
Kurzer Überblick: Was kann APEX - was ist Neu?
Schnell und kostengünstig zum Projektziel mit APEX
Projekterfahrungen mit APEX aus der Praxis
APEX: Die Entwicklerplattform aus den Wolken
Wie geht "Cloud Computing mit APEX" ...?
Oracle11g + APEX + 1 Tag = Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing mit APEX bereitstellen: Vorgehensweise
Carsten Czarski | Leitender Systemberater
Oracle Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Riesstr. 25 | 80992 München
Cloud Computing mit APEX umsetzen. Jetzt!

Hi Sven,
the Dusseldorf Event ist closest to Frankfurt (quite short train travel). Perhaps we will do the event in Frankfurt also,
but so far we have no detailed planning ...
No chance to see you in Dusseldorf ...?
Carsten Czarski
Cloud Computing mit APEX umsetzen. Jetzt!
SQL und PL/SQL: Tipps, Tricks & Best Practice

Similar Messages

  • (( APEX host needed - Suggestions? ))

    July 29, 2010
    I am new to APEX.
    I am learning APEX with
    I would like to find an INEXPENSIVE APEX HOST--
    that is a GOOD HOST.
    I would like to spend $10 month.
    (Maybe $15 or so if necessary.)
    Is it possible to get a GOOD HOST in this price range?
    I would like to get FEEDBACK
    about HOSTS people are using.
    Information like this would help me and a LOT of new
    APEX users:
    WHAT HOST are you using?
    How much are you PAYING?
    How GOOD is their SERVICE?
    Do they have PHONE SUPPORT?
    How fast is their EMAIL / TICKET support?
    Is it in the U.S? UK? India? Where?
    How much do you LIKE them?
    Do they have any MAJOR LIMITATIONS?
    Are they RELIABLE?
    Is there anything you DON'T LIKE about them?
    What do you LIKE MOST about them?
    Your answers will help me and A LOT of other people!
    Thanks for your help.
    I really appreciate it!
    Edited by: DAVID888 on Jul 29, 2010 5:49 PM

    We have been using for last 2 years. Very satisfied. Initially we hosted our Issue Tracking system at MaxApex. After that we hosted several applications for different clients. Everyone satisfied.
    Their hosting plan starts with $10/month for 25MB. Support is prompt. They have gone extra mile for us many times if we need anything special. Servers are in US.

  • Competition for the best apex-site ?

    can a competition be started for the best apex-site ?
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    once a year (for example).

    You can also check out AppsHosting's hosted ApEx environment. Developers can sign up for a free account in a secure ApEx 3.0 environment hosted by AppsHosting.

  • Apex hosting 4 gbytes price per year?

    Hi all,
    Where can be found apex hosting with stable
    IP address, 4 gbytes, minimum one year?
    thanks in advance

    I second the idea to not judge service by website design. I made that mistake. I first signed up with someone who's website design is very professional. After dealing with their support staff, it became very apparent that they don't really support APEX. Here's an excerpt from a trouble ticket to see what I mean:
    <em><strong>My Original Problem</strong>
    Can't execute stored procedure as URL
    I've been in contact with you via email on this. I have not receive any reply for the past few days. Thought I'd switch this to a trouble ticket to get some visibility.
    In my last email, I said:
    What I'm trying to accomplish is to store data in a BLOB column in the database. Then using some HTP calls in my package, it sends the data back to the browser (Denes Kubicek's method). This allows me to use simple html tags in the apex pages to go directly to the URL for the package. I've tried several other methods, but this is the only one I've found that gives me such precise control over how the data gets presented on the page.
    I'm just wondering if you can help me with this or not.
    You can see what I'm talking about on page 2-21 and 2-22 in the Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Release 3.1.2 E12856-01.
    <strong>Their Response on 11/3/2008 3:31:30 PM</strong>
    Re : Can't execute stored procedure as URL
    We are not sure what is it we need to do. We beleive this is more application design issue rather than APEX hosting issue
    <strong>My Response on 11/3/2008 10:18:50 PM</strong>
    Re : Can't execute stored procedure as URL
    I think I made a mistake by including the information that I used to fix the problem on my development server.
    Going back to my original problem: I am receiving a 403 Forbidden error with the following URL:
    This is a permission issue on your server.
    <strong>Their Response on 11/4/2008 1:17:53 AM</strong>
    Re : Can't execute stored procedure as URL
    Hello, unfortunately this procedure does not work in our environment.
    We are seeing [Tue Nov 04 01:06:47 2008] [error] [client] mod_plsql: /pls/apex/mypackage.jpg HTTP-403 It is forbidden to call this procedure directly from the browser!
    You are the only client asking this change, therefore we can not risk breaking working APEX for 1 request.
    If you'd like money back , we fully understand</em>
    I'm sure that the hosting company's many other hosting services like mySQL are better supported, but I'd never go back to them as an APEX hosting site. So, I would suggest that you contact the support of any hosting site you are considering for APEX and ask some questions. I did this with maxapex and got very good response times from them. I actually was able to hold an email conversation with their support over a number of days. That might mean they're a smaller company, but APEX is the only thing they do, so they know it really well.
    Edited by: maynrive on Nov 6, 2008 10:23 AM

  • Apex hosting

    I'm in the process of creating a site with Apex that will generate some $'s for the person I'm building the site for. As can not be used for commercial sites I will have to find an Apex &ldquo;ISP&rdquo;
    I&rsquo;m looking for a hosting plan that can start low, in price, bandwidth etc, and grow as the visitors and needs increase.
    I&rsquo;ve contacted a few of the hosting sites listed on the [Apex hosting page|] but have not heard from them after 5 days.
    Now I know the potential $&rsquo;s they can earn from me is small, but I do find the long time in replying disturbing. What if my production site is down? Will they then take 5+ days to respond as well?
    I also find that some of the sites mentioned on the Apex Hosting page contain no information about the Apex hosting except a short sentence that they do provide it.
    Ok that is my gripe out of the way.
    Can anybody suggest a reliable affordable, Apex &ldquo;ISP&rdquo; ??
    Kind regards
    Ps. I know I&rsquo;m being cheap but my budget is +/- 7.50 Euro p/m. The guy I’m building the site for just got declared bankrupt and I’m building it for him out of friendship and I wil pay hosting costs for the 1st 2 years.

    Jes wrote:
    Just to clarify, I have nothing to do with Apexskins at all (other than hosting it for the owner), so I'm not sure which themes you're referring to?
    Blog: []
    Work: []
    Author of Pro Application Express: []
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!Hi John,Sorry, I didnt mean to suggest you were. I was just explaining one of my (minor) exasperations when I was looking for some custom themes. Having bought your book - and learnt from many of the constributions you and your co-conspiritor have made here, when I was looking for alternate themes I scanned your website first. I saw this...
    ^Template Factory^
    ^Whether you want a completely customised look and feel to your application or you just want a change from the standard built-in themes and templates that are shipped with Application Express, our experienced APEX experts together with our talented graphic designers can come up with the design that suits your needs.^
    ^You can either give us a specific design or idea to work with, or leave it completely up to us to come up with a unique design for you, alternatively you may wish to use one of our custom designs from our library.^
    I like the idea of being able to browse a library and possibly buy. But I was unable to do so on the site. So I looked elsewhere, and as I say, eventually made purchases from both www.apexskins and www.apex-themes. I didnt realise you were the host.
    In any case, this was more a case of me being frustrated at not being able to do what I wanted when I wanted, and not meant to be a damning criticism.
    Keep up the good work - you and many others in this forum have improved my own skill sets, so thank you!

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    don't anticipate having any special requirements other than the
    ability to interact with databases and XML files. Can someone help
    me figure out what the server-side requirements are?
    Thanks in advance!

    then almost 99.9% hosting will work.
    if you want a Flexx app with compiler then oo thats different
    but as you say "I don't anticipate having any special requirements
    other than the ability to interact with databases and XML files"
    then you can go with pretty much any hosting, as long as they have
    apache, Database serve and I think thats it.

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    I am trying to configure oracle SSO for forms and apex using third party external authentication. Please help me how to configure. I a have tried all possible things
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    Info: Some reason my oiddas web link is not working it used to work fine before and also the from /pls/orasso/ link I am not able to login may be because of my oiddas issue

    Hi Andreas,
    Thanks you for your help. I am trying to implement third party external LDAP authentication for APEX and Forms.
    So I started with OID and SSO setup to create external Partner Applications. Some reason my oid and sso web login links are not working. I didn't find any errors. I need some help in finding the problem and direction, I already read docs on web but no proper direction. I appreciate your help.

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  • 'Sensible' Definition & Security settings for a Production APEX environment

    Hi Folks.
    What's the feeling on Definition and Security settings for a production APEX application?
    Here are my settings for my UAT environment (not quite in production just yet)
    Debugging: NO
    Status: AVAILABLE
    Authorization Scheme : MUST NOT BE PUBLIC USER
    Session State Protection: ENABLED
    In the APEX Administration setup, access to my site is restricted by IP also. As a consequence I think it's buttoned down quite tightly but, eventually, we plan to open this up to the Big Bad Web!!
    What are your thoughts on the pro's and con's, the why's and wherefore's of one setting or another.
    I'm hoping this thread will prove to be a good forum for discussing APEX application security configurations and a reference for others.
    Please feel free to link to whitepapers of relevance.
    Maybe someone could take up the challenge of producing an 'UNHACKABLE' :-) APEX website?

    Hi Simon,
    If you're just talking about instance settings, then you might also add to that using the 3.1 runtime only instance.
    If we're opening it up to application design, well...that's a whole other matter ;)

  • How to set Shortcut keys for button in Apex

    Could anyone help me on how to set shortcut keys for buttons in Apex.
    I need to use say ALT + S to submit the page.
    The following thread pertaining to HTML DB refered to use ACCESS key. but that couldnt work in my case.
    Re: operation of the app. with the keyboard
    Any pointers on achieving this would be helpful.

    Hi Vijay,
    I’m afraid you must do it using javascript key listener. You can’t use action() on template based buttons because they are actually not HTML buttons but images with hyperlink.
    Key listener checks which key has been pressed down and invoke some JS function. For example, write this code in page header:
    function keyCheck(e){
         var KeyId = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode;
              case 113:
              case 118:
    This script will submit page with request 'SAVE' if you press F2 or will show alert message if you press F7. Modify it to your issue.

  • *** WARNING: Could not start service 80 for protocol HTTP on host MyFQDN

    I m configuring an external Sap webdispatcher to point to an ICF service
    I need to install it on Windows Web server where others web sites are running.
    I configured a specific ip for that on the Web servers and enter the DNS name in our domain.
    On the the pfl file I define :
    icm/host_name_full =<MyFQDN>
    and specify icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80
    Each time I m starting it I received *** WARNING: Could not start service 80 for protocol HTTP on host <MyFQDN> .........
    If I m using another port (Ex:86)no problem with my FQDN.But if I m doing servername:86 it s working also.
    It s seems that the webdispatcher don t care about my FQDN.
    How can I have the WEBDISPATCHER pointing to this specific FQDN and not all ?

    Hi Damien,
    You problem is perfectly logical : It's not possible to have 2 programs (IIS and web dispatcher) listening together on the same 80 HTTP port.
    There is no configuration that I know on the web dispatcher to tell him to listen only on one IP address.
    Summary : what you want to do is not possible.
    I had a similar request and I did the following.
    I use a Linux box with an Apache reverse proxy to select to distribute the HTTP requests on different web dispatchers. The rules depends from the called URLs.

  • How to hide or mask the url in APEX Hosted environment

    Please anyone help me...

    Hello Pavan,
    You should not use for production applications
    Hiding app_id, session_id etc. from URL - it's been discussed several time in forum, see Nicer URL for an Oracle APEX application | Inside Oracle APEX by Patrick Wolf
    for more examples, see

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    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    MatchExpression /<URI> WebLogicHost=<hs1>:<port>
    MatchExpression /<URI> WebLogicHost=<hs2>:<port>
    Sean Bu

  • What's the recommended setting for "Process memory usage" ("process virtual" in UI) for a 64-bit host on a 64-bit OS?

    Hi gurus
    In resource based throttling, what's the recommended setting for "Process memory usage" ("process virtual" in the resource based throttling tab of the UI) for a 64-bit host
    on a 64-bit Windows OS?
    According to MS (
    "By default, the
    Process memory usage throttling threshold is set to 25. If this value is exceeded and the BizTalk process memory usage is more than 300 MB, a throttling condition may occur. On a 32-bit
    server, you can increase the Process memory usage value to 50. On a 64-bit server, you can increase this value to 100. This allows for more memory consumption by the BizTalk process before throttling
    Does this mean that 100 is the recommended setting for a 64-bit host on a 64-bit Windows?
    Michael Brandt Lassen

    Hi Michael,
    Recommended setting is the default setting which is 25 .dot.
    If your situation is abnormal and you see message delivery throttling state to “4” when the following performance counters are high or if you expect any of you integration
    process could have impact on following counters, then you can consider the suggestion by Microsoft. Don’t change the default setting.
    High process memory
    Process memory usage (MB)
    Process memory usage threshold (MB)
    You can see these counters under “BizTalk:MessageAgent”
    You can gauge these performance counter and its maximum values if have done any regression/performance testing in your test servers. If you have seen these counters having
    high values and causing throttling, then you can update the Process memory usage.
    Or unexpectedly you’re process high throughput messages in production which is causing these counters to go high and cause throttling, then up can update the Process memory
    The above two cases where I know my expected process usage (by doing performance testing) or suddenly my production server processing has gone high due to unexpected business
    hike (or any reasons) which caused throttling, then do changes to default throttling setting.
    Just changing the default setting without actual reason could have adverse effect where you end up allocating 
    more processing capacities but the actual message processing message usage ever is low means you end up investing in underutilised resources.
    M.R.Ashwin Prabhu
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

  • Capacity Planning for Hyper-V individual host and Cluster

    Hi Experts
    I need to know some basic idea about Capacity planning for Hyper-V which requires Capacity Planning for Hyper-V individual host and Cluster.
    I got attached info on websites but still not clear. Can someone link me to an effective website or help me to calculate the required sizing. W
    Regards Suman B. Singh

    You might want to check out these websites:

Maybe you are looking for

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