Forecast consumption by dependent requirements

Hi All,
We have a requirement here that independent planning would be done for the header components and some of the BOM components.
For Eg.
BOM  of Matl A = 100 units
- Matl X = 100 units
- Matl y = 100 units
Now a total production of 1000 units of Matl A is forecasted
and a total of 1500 units of Matl X is forecasted
In a normal scenario....1000 Units of Matl X would come as dependent requirement from Matl A.
So there would be a total requirement of 1500 units (independent) and 1000 units (dependent ) = total demand of 2500 Units.
However they only want to produce 1500 units of Matl X
Please suggest a possible way to solve this scenario in APO

Hi Nalin,
I don't know why the option suggested by Bipin didn't work.
It is possible to make it work, but I am not really sure how...
Anyway there might be an easier option for you: if you don't want to plann with dependant demand at all you can potentially exclude it from the "total demand" key figure.
This way your projected stock will not be reduce by this demand, and SNP will not plan for it.
This option is not as nice as the original one but should work.
However you need to pay attention to consistencies with other planning process (deployment and TLb for example, and ATD)
Note also that you can either:
1. Create a smore ophisticated macro, who will exclude the dependant demand for some products only
2. create a specific planning book, that will be used only for this calculation.
Again best will be to get the consumption working... good luck
Thanks and Regards

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    Rishi Menon

    Request you to go thru the CTM help library under topic sub assembly planning to resolve your issue..
    It says you need to carryout two CTM runs.
    In the first CTM planning run, you plan the sales orders, and in the second CTM planning run that you then execute immediately afterwards, you plan the planned independent demands of the assembly.

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    Hello Experts,
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    Thanks in advance!

    Standard Logic --- Whatever plant is visible in the Sales Order, the sales order will appear under that Product Location in SNP
    There is no standard way of making the sales order visible in another location.
    Depending on your requirement(Ex: Forecast Consumption, planning etc),using APO-BW we can simulate the requirements in the other plant which can be a nightly run and not immediate.
    Now coming to your question, if the delivering plant is A, how does ECC Delivery document know when the sales order has plant B that the delivering plant is A.
    Can you be more specific.

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    What might be a way to customize this ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Kristof De Backer,
    The scenario of  forecasting at Central DC and sales orders at regional DCs indeed makes excellent business sense.
    I suggest a workaround with some work of development:
    1. Run a program to collect Sales order information at regional DCs at a frequency say daily at product level( this may be stored in a Z table
    2.Run a program with function modules, to  Reduce / consume equivalent forecast  at central DC
    Step 1 and Step 2 can also be run together in a program.
    Some of the function modules which may be useful:
    /SAPAPO/FORECAST2_DELETE2      Delete Forecast
    /SAPAPO/RRP_LC_FORECAST_REDUCE Consumption: Forecast with Dependent Requirements

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    The consumption method depends on the strategy.
    If you use the make-to-stock strategy, the system always reduce the oldest PIR regardless of the posting date or delivery date, the consumption period is not taken into account. You can change this behavior by the small modification of the note 71804, this will reduce the PIR which is closest to current date if you use backward consumption and take the comsuption mode/period into account, please read the note for more info, but this still has nothing to do with the posting date or delivery date.
    If you use the make-to-order strategy, the consumption mode/period can be considered, and the date will be checked for reduction in the period is determined as below.
    If neither the field 'AllIn' is set nor 'Red' in customization OVZG for corresponding requirement class but in the movement type the field 'Reduction indicator' is set in OMJJ, the forecast is reduced with the MM-IM posting date: MKPF-BUDAT.
    In other cases the forecast is reduced with material available date of the the delivery item.

  • Forecast Consumption in APO- No Data Available in Product View

    Hi Experts
    I facing some problem in Forecast Consumption in APO. The APO system is connected to a R/3 system. So data relevant for Forecast consumption comes from R/3.
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    I have the changed the settings in APO and here are the setting maintained in APO to enable Forecast Consumption.
    Product Master Setting:
    a) Consumption Mode: 2 ( forward and backward)
    b) Consumption Period: ( 30 days both backward and forward)
    c) Strategy Group : 20 and assignment mode is set to "Assign customer requirement to planning with final assembly" and category group has sales order - BM
    d) The check mode setting in the ATP tab is set to "Assign customer requirement to planning with final assembly"
    I have a forecast for today's date and a sales order transferred from R/3 for the same date. But I do not see any data in the Forecast tab in the product view ( /sapapo/rrp3 Tcode)
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    What is your Forecast & Sales order quantity? If these are same then sales order consumed forecast, so you can not able to see in the rrp3.
      Second thing try to increse the forecast quantity than sales order quantity & then check it.

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    2. what we mean by independent requirements?
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    4. what we mean by total  requirements?
    5. what we mean by unplanned requirements?
    please explain in layman terminology. I am not able to understand definitions given by sap.
    Edited by: kavita reddy on Mar 2, 2010 11:35 AM
    Edited by: kavita reddy on Mar 2, 2010 11:35 AM

    To put it in simple words consider the following examples:
    in a car manufacturing company, lets say Swift:
    The sales department forecast the sales for swift which is sent to the production depaertment.
    This requirement for the finished product is called Independent Req.
    Now based on this dependent req, you will have to have the other material like tyres, engines etc.
    This engine, tyres etc are forecasted based on the dependent req.
    This are called Dependent Req.
    Net Req: Lets say your total Dependent Req for tyres is 100 tyres, and you have 20 in stock, so 80 will become your net req.
    Edited by: Vinod Mohan on Mar 2, 2010 4:50 PM

  • Forecast consumption against CTO item in ASCP

    In source side module (OM, MRP) , following is the observation:
    i) we define a forecast set with consume check box checked for ATO model
    ii) create a sales order for ATO model , configure it .
    The sales order quantity for configured item is consumed against forecast of ATO model.
    I want to do same type(as source) of consumption in ASCP for configured item. Is this possible? I was trying to check this scenario in R12. Following is the setup:
    i) created forecast set with consume check box Unchecked for ATO model
    ii) create sales order for ATO model and configure it .
    iii) run collection
    iv) define plan with plan options ;
    consume by forecast bucket checked and explode forecast check box checked.
    In this above setup, the sales order quantity for configured item is not getting consumed against forecast of ATO model. Is there any thing wrong in setup ? please let me know.

    I would revisit this part of your setup for ASCP:
    "created forecast set with consume check box Unchecked for ATO model"
    You just instructed ASCP not to consume this forecast. The source side forecast set must have "consume forecast" selected.
    Starting in 11.5.10 release, Oracle implemented very significant improvements for CTO model forecast consumption. The old MRP process supported forecast consumption for one level in the sales order organization only. Oracle ASCP 11.5.7 through 11.5.9 supported multi-level, multi-org forecast consumption for one source of organizations only.
    So yes, your requirement is supported in 11.5.10 and later releases. ASCP will perform forecast consumption in this order:
    1. Consume the forecast for that specific Configured item (if entered)
    2. Consume the forecast for any remaining sales order demand for the referenced ATO Model.
    3. Explode the bill and consume the forecast for lower level options, subassembly configured items, and ATO models as needed.
    To support this in a multi-org environment you will need to provide a global forecast and appropriate sourcing assignments.
    Kevin Creel
    Come visit us at

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    So, can you please suggest how we can do that? And what are necessary setup steps or profile option settings that we need to do the forecast consumtion in the ASCP plan.
    Below are couple steps that I tried but the forecast consumption does not happen in ASCP.
    1. Stoppped planning manager
    2. Checked "Consume by Forecast bucket" on the Main tab of the plan options
    3. Set the values for Backward and forward days as 5 and 5
    4. Turn off the "Consume" option on the forecast set.
    I really appreciate you review and suggestions on this.

    4. Turn off the "Consume" option on the forecast set. -- I did nt test recently but this in source FC set should be checked is wht I remember..
    also It does nt mater it gets consumed in source or not you will anyway collect orig FC qty and ascp will consume accoridng to plan options.

  • IMP:Forecast Consumption/Netting by incoming Sales orders in SNP

    Dear All,
    I need your help to understand the logic of Forecast netting by Sales orders in SNP. I can see the details in /SAPAPO/RRP3 but getting puzzled for soem SKUs. We don't have any PP/DS and GATP implemented.
    Below are the details and question based on that:
    I am releasing my forecast monthly and Sales orders as usual are coming from ECC and netting happens. Then next month again i have my forecast release then will the existing Sales orders will consume my this month's forecast (we are following backward/ foreward consumption type with 35 days back and 1 day forward, so as per the time period, SO can consume Forecast). I am a bit confused because pegging relationship is created between the demand and supply element and so new forecast shouldn't be consumed by the existing Sales orders. Am i correct here?
    Secondly, could somebody explain the difference between the 'Overview and detail' tab under the Forecast tab in /SAPAPO/RRP3. Sometimes i see some data under the 'Withdrawal Qty' column in Detail view of Forecast tab. Could somebody explain when it is populated.

    I think your first question is regarding the pegging relationships used for forecasting.  Even when you release a new forecast, the system remembers the forecast relationship.  So, pegging occurs but in the sense that it pegs to forecast - in general - not to one specific forecast order in the system.  If you desire to "reset" these relationships, then you need to run the program for reorganization of independent requirements (/SAPAPO/MD74).
    Your second question relates to the existence of a withdrawal quantity and differences between the overview and details in /SAPAPO/RRP3.  The withdrawal quantity represents the amount of forecast that has been "reduced" from the forecast (corresponding to actual shipments that have been PGI'd against deliveries).   Forecast consumption occurs when SO's and Deliveries are created and saved and reduction occurs when they are PGI'd.  Withdrawal quantity corresponds to the reduction...
    Hope this helps!

  • Strategy for dependent requirements.

    Hi Experts,
    I am working in a MTS scenario,where 'X' is the Header Material & 'Y' its Assembly(with small sub-assemblies inside).
    Now 'X' is produced on order as well as some std.ratings forecasted.Basically strategy '40' (Planning with final assembly).
    Assembly 'Y' is produced for stock(in anticipation of incomind orders for 'X') as well as sold.
    Planning is done basically for 'X' as well as 'Y' in the PIR Planning table.
    My question is :Header material 'X' is given strategy '40'.What about 'Y' ? since it is also being sold & kept in stock for 'Y'.
    My concern is when i plan individually  for 'Y' its dependent requirements should get generated.
    So what should be the startegy for 'Y'.
    Please advise.
    Points assured.
    Best Regards

    Usually in this scenario we use strategy 70 for Y
    What is the advantage of 70 is,
    You can plan 70 weel in advance, example- let us say you planned 100 TO for Y, Run MRP and start producing Y,
    Now let us say there is any dependent requirement from X, let us say 75 TO, then  the PIR will be come 100-75 ie 25 TO. Hence you have
    PIR = 25 TO
    Dep req from X = 75 To
    Total requirement still is still 100 TO.
    coam back if you need more help

  • Cross-location forecast consumption

    Hi experts,
    Is there any possibility to influence the forecast consumption logic in order to have a cross-location forecast consumption?
    Let me explain the requirement with an example:
    PROD 1 - LOC A -> FCST = 10
    PROD 1 - LOC B -> FCST = 20
    The situation is...if a new requirement for the first combination (PROD 1 - LOC A) of 15 is entered in the system we will consume the entire forecast in LOC A.
    APO WAY:
    In that case we would like to consume all forecast for LOC A (10) but also consume the remaining requirement quantity for LOC B (5).
    We have been looking for user exits in order to influence withdrawal quantities stored in /SAPAPO/DP_SCHED that correct procedure?
    We are looking at BAdI "/SAPAPO/SDP_RELDATA" in order to influence the release, and change the the forecast quantities based on the withdrawal quantities, but this would force as to release forecast on daily basis.
    Finally, we know that GATP functionality could be used, but it is moving sales orders in case that allocation is not possible, and we are not allowed to move sales orders across locations.
    Any idea? Is that possible?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for your quick answer, do you think it is possible to use /SAPAPO/SDP_RELDATA in order to influence forecast distribution and "simulate" a cross-location consumption?
    PROD 1 - LOC A -> FCST = 10
    PROD 1 - LOC B -> FCST = 20
    Sales Order in A for 15. After Sales Order creation my situation is:
    If I use /SAPAPO/SDP_RELDATA in order to check consumed quantities and redistribute forecast from B to A it would be possible to have:
    Has someone experience on that BAdI? Is there any other possible solutions?
    Thanks in advance,

  • ASCP engine does forecast spreading or forecast consumption first?

    We are using Demantra for forecasting in Monthly bucket.Say for March 2011, forecast is 2300 qty.
    And we have a sales orders 1 for 200 qty on 1st March 2011.
    Planning Bucket is daily for 6 months with 5 days working. So for march we have 23 working days.
    I think ASCP will first convert Forecasting bucket to Planning bucket, which means each working day will have forecast of 100 qty. ( Forecast Spreading)
    Then Sales order of 200 qty will be consume by forecast on March-1,2011 ( Forecast Consumption)
    If I check Consume forecast by Bucket then on 1st March, I will have 100 qty sales order and 100 qty forecast.
    If I uncheck the above option in plan then based on consumption days it will work.
    Our requirement, is first forecast consumption should happen before forecast spreading? How can we achieve this.
    So really, Sales order on 1st March for 200 qty should be consumed against 2300 qty for March month, and then 2100 should be spread to 23 working days, Is it possible?

    Hi Sandeep,
    Thanks for pointing me to the section.
    One solution can be the forecasting and planning bucket to be same, periodic. In this the forecast consumption will happen correctly, no issue and within the bucket. But the issue will be the ASCP will recommend planned orders on the last day of the period, which won't work. We want the planning & supply in daily bucket.
    If we have forecasting bucket monthly and planning bucket daliy than every day when we run the plan we have to update the forward and backward days so that consumption can happen exactly the same month.
    So I am currect with the understanding that forecast spreading happen first and then consumption.

  • Strategy 50- Assembly's Dependent Requirement Grouping

    hi Gurus,
    MRP settings of materials I am using is as under
    1.FG-- Strategy-50-----Availability check: CH -
    Indiv Collec ind : 2 ---Consumpt mode : forward/ backward with 30 days each
    2.--Level-1 SFG--
    Strategy-50 -
    Availability check: CH -
    Indiv Collec ind : 2 ---Consumpt mode : forward/ backward with 30 days each
    3.--Level-2 SFGNo StrategyAvailability check 02---Indiv Collec ind : 2 ---Consumpt
    My requirement is to maintain PIR for level-1 SFG...after providing PIR of SFG level-1 and performing MRP run. Planned orders are created agains the dependant requirement of Level-2 SFG which are drawn from PIR of SFG level-1. Using strategy50 i m not able to convert planned orders of SFG-Level 1 into process order on the other hand Planned orders of SFG level-2 are convertible into process order, which is the desired functionality.
    Now if i create a sales order of the FG following results appear.
    at SFG level-1
    - Unconvertible Planned Orders created remain unchanged.
    - PIR is not effected
    - Depandant requirement is created for the quantity exploded from FG sales order and corresponding planned order is also created which is convertible.
    "Desired result is: PIR of SFG level-1 should be consumed "
    at SFG level-2
    two seprate planned orders are created, one against the PIR of SFG level-1 and second agains the dependant requirement of the sales order created for FG ( i.e. FG--> SFG level -1 > SFG level>2)
    Desired Result is
    one netted off planned order to be created at this level..i.e. the planned order quantity should be increased only if the dependant requirement of sales order exceeds the dependant requirement coming from PIR of SFG level-1.

    use the strategy 50 only for FG,
    For sfg and raw materials leave the strategy as blank.
    if you use strategy 50 for sfg,the planned orders created would be unconvertible,order type only use strategy 50 for fg.
    this will solve your issue.
    sikkandar basha

  • Need help on forecast consumption

    we have a requirement on forecast consumption.
    there is a 'itemA' and the forecast is entered manually for this itemA with qty 10.
    I have another itemB. Item A=ItemB ( in actual these are same items and the naming is different).
    I'm creating a sales order for itemB with 5 qty
    I want to consume the sales order against the forecast ( like the forecsat should consume and show 5 qty consumed against SO).
    can anyone provide your inputs to achieve this.
    I tried item relationships and cross references. Not helpful.

    Hi Karuna,
    sounds very reasonable your request, we have similar requirements, so I would love to hear something from you if you found a good solution.
    At the moment I have only two ideas, but I did not really check them:
    1. Use End-Item-Level Substitution
    2. Product Family
    1: I don't know which version you are using, but I found something in ASCP Implementation and User's Guide for 11i (B10144-10) in the section 17: There is something mentioned about End-Item-Level Substitution, however I did not find some info about the forecast consumption in those cases. But you said that you tried already with Item relationships, so I guess with the substitution we do not get what we need...
    2: You could also think about using Product Families, and put the Forecast on the Product Family item, and if I am not mistaken, then all items belonging to that Product Family should consume the forecast. You also find more details about this in the ASCP user guide.
    best regards,

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