Formation Programmation Orientée Objet

La semaine dernière, nous avons, pour la première fois à SAPHIR, planifié la formation "Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW". Des membres assez actifs de ce forum ont participé à cette formation et d'après les premiers retours que nous avons eus, ils n'ont pas été déçus. Pour ma part, j'ai trouvé que les discussions que nous avons pu avoir tout au long de ces 2 jours de formations ont été particulièrement intéressantes et j'espère que chacun des participants aura trouvé de quoi avancer dans sa pratique de LabVIEW.
Une chose est certaine, le sujet de la POO ne laisse pas indifférent et ouvre nombre de sujets de discussion assez vaste.
Vu le succès de cette première édition, nous gardons cette formation à notre calendrier. Prochaine session le 7 et 8 juin.
SAPHIR | Certified LabVIEW Architect | Topaze on NI Community | LabVIEW add-ons on NI Community | Follow me on Twitter

Salut olivier, de retour avant de repartir… je te félicite pour cette agréable formation. Je pense qu’elle permet d’avoir le vocabulaire indispensable à une bonne pratique de la programmation objet sous LabVIEW. Indispensable, je pense. A+
Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

Similar Messages

  • Programation orientée objet tailles des champs.

    Je cherche à définir programatiquement la taille d'un champs de mon objet.
    Plus simplement, j'ai un objet Frame comportant un tableau 1D de double (contenant des données).
    Le nombre de donnée (élément du tableau) contenu dans chaque Frame est variable (il dépend d'un fichier de configuration).
    Je souhaiterais donc définir ce nombre d'élément du tableau 1D de manière dynamique et pas statique comme je le fais actuellement (En le définissant depuis le .ctl).
    J'espère avoir été assez clair.

    Excusez moi, l'erreur venait d'ailleur.
    J'avais un problème dans l'appel d'un Objet depuis un VI à distance en faite qui charger dans un premier temps l'objet statique.
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  • Classe et Objet (1ere tentative)

    J'essaye de faire clignoter une Led avec une Classe et une méthode.
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    J'ai appris qu'il était impossible de "Unbundle" directement un Objet appartenant à une Classe.
    donc, J'ai créé un VI_lecture ... pour lire ma Led.
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    Elle prend juste la valeur de sortie en fin de boucle,
    comme si j'avais placé mon Objet_indicateur en dehors de celle-ci ... alors qu'il est à l'intérieur. (MyC_out)
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    à l'avance merci pour votre aide.

    Bonjour à tous,
    Premièrement je me permets de renvoyer sur ce post​NI/Formation-Programmation-Orient%C3%A9e-Objet/td-​....
    Ce n'est pas une réponse directe, mais ça me permet de m'excuser d'avance sur ma réponse --> difficile d'expliquer dans un forum ce qui tient (difficilement) en 2 jours de formation
    Sinon pour répondre à tes questions ouadji je pense qu'avant de te lancer dans la création d'une classe en LabVIEW il va te falloir apprendre dans un premier temps le concept d'encapsulation sur lequel repose la POO (tu comprendras beaucoup mieux la réponse de jihef) après.
    Pour apprendre, le web regorge d'information, mais du coup il n'est pas évident de s'y retrouver.
    Je te mets en attachement une présentation que j'avais faite avec une collègue lors des derniers NI-Days à Paris dont le titre était "Démystifier la mise en œuvre de la programmation orientée objet sous LabVIEW". Note que la moitié de la présentation reposé sur une démonstration dans LabVIEW, mais les slides donne une bonne indications des choses à maitriser avant d'aller plus loin en OOP.
    Sinon, il ne faut pas négliger la lecture de la documentation de LabVIEW et des exemples de code que l'on peut trouver dans la section Fondamentaux >> Programmation Orientée Objet.
    Bon courage
    Olivier JOURDAN
    SAPHIR | Certified LabVIEW Architect | Topaze on NI Community | LabVIEW add-ons on NI Community | Follow me on Twitter
    Pièces jointes :
    B112_NIDay-PR[OOP]-03-OJO-V01.ppt ‏2343 KB

  • Classes et Objets (question débutant)

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    merci Simon pour ta participation à l'effort de guerre
    un pti kudos, au matin c'est toujours bon ...

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    Avez-vous quelques exemples?
    merci pour votre aide

    Jette un coup d'oeil la dessus  :
    Olivier JOURDAN
    SAPHIR | Certified LabVIEW Architect | Topaze on NI Community | LabVIEW add-ons on NI Community | Follow me on Twitter

  • DocFlex/Javadoc 1.5.6, a multi-format doclet development tool and more

    DocFlex/Javadoc is both a multi-format Javadoc Doclet and a rapid doclet development tool, which allows easy creation of professional quality Java API documentation generated by Javadoc in various output formats.
    More in this article:
    Key Features
    This Version
    What is DocFlex?
    Main Concepts
    Other Applications
    Template-driven doclet architecture
    - Actual doclets are created in the form of special templates interpreted by the DocFlex Doclet, which is the template interpreter / output generator wrapped in the form of a Javadoc Doclet.
    - The high quality graphic Template Designer allows you to visually design most of things, whose development was possible so far only by direct Java coding.
    - The templates are designed independently on a particular output format. All formatting is specified in some universal way using properties of template components. During the generation, it is rendered with the suitable features available in the selected output format.
    - The elaborated support of template parameters (including multivalued list parameters). The parameters are defined and accessed within templates to adjust dynamic properties of template components. Most of options previously used to control an ordinary doclet now simply become template parameters!
    - The possibility to call templates from one another. This feature (along with the template parameters) makes possible re-using the same templates for different tasks as well as organizing template libraries.
    Data processing
    - The entire Doclet API is represented in the form of a virtual XML document (called Doclet DSM), on which the designing and processing of all templates is based.
    - Sophisticated capabilities for data querying and sorting based on an extension of XPath.
    - Full support of new Java 5.0 language features: Generic Types, Enums, Annotations.
    - Simultaneous support of Java 1.4 and Java 5.
    Creating hyperlinks
    - Generation of an extensive network of hyperlinks interconnecting the whole documentation.
    - The hyperlinks can be generated in all output formats that support them (this currently includes HTML and RTF).
    - The universal way of defining documentation cross-links based on the link/target keys specified in templates.
    - In RTF, the cross-links can be generated in the form of page number references, which effectively makes them usable even in the printed documentation.
    - In HTML, the possibility of loading several frame windows from a single hyperlink at once.
    Universal support of various formatting techniques
    - text formatting: fonts, colors, borders
    - paragraph formatting: margins, pagination control, borders, colors
    - border formatting: styles (solid, double, dashed, dotted), thickness, colors
    - tables: arbitrary cell layouts, borders, nested tables
    - lists: bulleted, numbered, delimited
    - document fields (RTF): page number, number of pages, TOC, etc.
    - page formatting: size, orientation, margins, headers/footers
    - formatting styles
    - rendering of embedded HTML, which means interpreting in non-HTML output formats (such as RTF) the HTML tags embedded in text data (e.g. documentation comments). Almost all HTML tags practically usable in doc-comments are supported.
    Inserting images
    - statically specified in templates
    - dynamically, obtained by <img> tags found in Java comments
    - supported image formats: GIF, PNG, JPG, WMF, EMF, BMP
    Output formats
    - HTML (both framed multi-file and single-file output)
    - RTF (version 1.6 - supported since Word 2000).
    - TXT (plain text), which may be particularly useful for various utilizations of the Java code information provided by the Doclet API generate XML files by it, or SQL files to import into a database).
    Standard Template Set
    - The ready-to-use Standard Template Set included in all editions of DocFlex/Javadoc allows you to immediately generate:
    (*) The framed HTML Java API documentation similar to that generated by the standard Javadoc.
    (*) The same documentation packed in a single HTML file.
    (*) The unmatched quality RTF JavaDoc.
    - Special features supported by standard templates:
    (*) Excluding classes/methods/fields by custom tags and annotations.
    (*) Selective omitting of package qualifiers.
    (*) Selective documenting of custom tags (similar to -tag option of Standard Doclet).
    - By modifying the standard templates, you can quickly customize the generated documentation according to your needs.
    Doclet GUI
    - Besides command line options, DocFlex Doclet supports an alternative user-friendly way to control the template-based doclets interactively -- the high quality Doclet GUI.
    - The Doclet GUI starts with the Generator Dialog, where you can specify all general settings (such as the main template, the output format and the output directory), start the generation, track its progress and stop at any moment you need.
    - The grid-tree-based Parameter Inspector invoked from the Generator Dialog for a selected template allows you to view the descriptions of all template parameters controlling the doclet and set their values according to the parameter data types.
    - The generator options specific for the selected output format can be set in the corresponding Format Option Inspector (also invoked from the Generator Dialog).
    - Once the generation is finished (or cancelled), you can start it again with different settings or a new main template without restarting the whole Javadoc.
    - With any system that runs Javadoc (in particular, see below)
    - Apache Ant
    - Apache Maven 2
    - Eclipse
    For lots more information, see DocFlex/Javadoc homepage: []
    DocFlex/Javadoc comes in two editions:
    (1) The full edition called "DocFlex/Javadoc" as it is. This is commercial software, which includes all the implemented functionality.
    (2) The reduced freeware edition called "DocFlex/Doclet". It includes only the output generator and can be used as an interpretor of any custom templates. It also includes the standard template set, which allows you to instantly use it as an HTML doclet (similar to the standard one, however with some special features) plus an excellent quality RTF doclet.
    Both editions are available for downloads on the page: []
    New features:
    - The template interpretor works 15-20% faster
    - Improvement of RTF output
    - Multi-valued (list) template parameters
    - Custom elements
    - Standard Templates: Selective documenting of custom tags (similar to -tag option of standard doclet)
    For more details, see product Readme | Change Log on the downloads page: []
    DocFlex is an innovative technology for development of high quality template-driven documentation/report generators by any kind of data obtained from various software applications via the Java APIs they provide.
    The whole DocFlex technology is based on four generalizations:
    (1) The mapping of an entire Java API onto a virtual XML-like representation made of some elements and attributes so as to process any such a representation in a universal way using techniques borrowed from the field of XML, like XPath (or more precisely, a conceptual analogue of XPath with some extensions not present in it).
    (2) The abstract formatting concept based on four layouts (flow of text, flow of paragraphs or paragraph-like objects, tables and lists), which can be rendered in most modern document formats (e.g. HTML, RTF, XSL-FO etc.)
    (3) The automatic generation of hyperlinks (or their page number reference equivalents) by matching the sets of keys produced from certain natural properties of the things (entities) being documented and hyper-linked.
    (4) The representation of the object controlling structure of the output generator (made on the first three principles) in the form of a plain-text template with a possibility to create and edit such templates using a graphic Template Designer, which visualizes the controlling objects (now becoming template components) in a form resembling the output they will produce.
    In fact, DocFlex/Javadoc is not the only application of DocFlex technology. The following is a summary of other DocFlex software:
    The SDK and runtime environment for rapid development and execution of template-driven automatic documentation/report generators by any data obtained from XML files.
    This is currently the most complex and advanced application of DocFlex technology. Actually, this tool can be considered a powerful alternative to XSLT. At least, it is definitely able to do what XSLT apparently not (for example, see “XSDDoc” below). We will publish a more detailed comparison “DocFlex/XML versus XSLT” with the next DocFlex/XML release, which is coming very soon.
    DocFlex/XML home page: []
    DocFlex/XML | XSDDoc
    A template set for DocFlex/XML that implements a high quality W3C XML Schema documentation generator in HTML and RTF output formats.
    For more details, please see: []
    DocFlex/XML | WSDLDoc
    A similar template set for DocFlex/XML that will implement a high-end WSDL documentation generator.
    This product is not released yet.
    A template-driven documentation generator for [Borland Together|] (which is a UML modeling tool).
    This is the earliest application of DocFlex technology and probably the most beautiful one. It works only with Together Architect 1.x, which is now obsolete. Unfortunately, since Together 2005, Borland eliminated any open APIs (for unknown reasons). Because of this, further development of DocFlex/Together was impossible.
    DocFlex/Together home page: []
    See also examples of the UML documentation generated with it: []
    The future DocFlex/UML is going to generate something like this as well.
    A template-driven UML documentation generator based on [Eclipse EMF|]. This tool is in early development stage yet. In a sense, it will continue DocFlex/Together with the focus on integration with other UML tools that use Eclipse EMF.
    This original article can be found at:
    DocFlex/Javadoc home page:
    DocFlex/XML home page:
    DocFlex/XML | XSDDoc, the XML schema documentation generator:
    Free downloads:

    Now, DocFlex/Javadoc v1.4 has been released specifically dedicated to Linux (Mac OS X) support:
    (*) Some early bugs have been fixed, which prevented it working properly under Linux.
    (*) A special RTF option was introduced to generate friendly RTF (see below)
    (*) Improved support for external document viewers.
    (*) Now, DocFlex/Javadoc software includes the shell script files prepared to quickly install and launch it under Linux
    New RTF option
    A new RTF output option "Tune output for MS Word� has been introduced. This option, actually, allows switching off that very tuning (which until now was the default mode) to produce an RTF friendly to open with other non MS Word applications, e.g. Writer under Linux.
    Read full announcement (and screenshot) by this link:
    Leonid Rudy

  • Creating Page Format In Quality

    I want to create a new page format, for the purpose I did the following...
    spad-> Full Administration-> Device Types-> Page Format-> Change-> Create-> (Page Format=ZA4, Orientation=Landscape, Paper Size (Width=215 mm, Height=300 mm))
    When I click on save, a pop window opens and shows the massage Object can only be created in SAP package
    Pressing enter it asks Package under attributes
    What to select in Package is my problem? Please help....
    Lalit Kumar

    On the save Option Select Local object or Enter $TMP in the package field.
    it is not working:
    *Create a package in SE80.
    And enter the package name.*
    Can you please  provide me the steps to create package??
    Lalit Kumar

  • Duplex printing issues with landscape orientation

    I have read through all of the previous questions, and can't seem to resolve my problem here.
    I am using Acrobat 8 Professional (8.2.2).  I have created a PDF from a Powerpoint presentation.  I need to be able to send this to someone else and have them view it on screen with the correct orientation, and also duplex print it correctly, as all of our company printers default to duplex printing (to save paper).  However, since the person who prints it is going to staple it in the upper left hand corner, it really needs to be duplexed to open along the left edge (the short edge of the paper).
    When I first bring up the print screen the document has the incorrect orientation; i.e. it shows a thumbnail of an 8.5 x 11" page in portrait orientation, and my content is reduced in size to fit the 8.5 width.  I think this is really the issue at hand--for some reason, even though the page is set up in Powerpoint as a 8.5x11 landscape oriented document, when it exports to the PDF format, that orientation doesn't hold.
    Anyway, it seems that no matter what settings I try to adjust, it doesn't seem to work.  I have toggled "Auto-Rotate and Center," I have toggled the duplex settings in the PDF document properties.  I have toggled the duplex print settings on my printer driver between "Open to Left" and "Open to Top."  None of it seems to make any difference in the final printout--basically what comes out of my printer is a document that is rotated to print out as if it was a portrait page, and is bound on the left edge (so each second page is printed upside down, when I am looking at it in landscape orientation).
    The only work-arounds I can think of would be to rotate every other page in the PDF so that when it printed it printed correctly.  However, then the PDF would not be readable on the screen.  I could generate two separate versions of the PDF, one marked for print, and the other for viewing--but that is a real waste.
    Does anyone have any suggestions here?  I am looking for a way either to get the PDF software to "understand" that this document is a landscape document from the get-go (then it SHOULD work to duplex print correctly with the "Open to Left" setting), or maybe create a custom print setting for this document that allows me to rotate every other page as it is printed, but that doesn't rotate the pages on the screen.
    I hope this is all clear...and that someone can offer some advice.
    P.S.  Just in case it makes any difference, I am running Windows XP Professional and am using the Microsoft Office 2007 software package.  Because the company has multiple different printers throughout the company, I need a solution that will work without regards to the specific printer driver.

    I am having the exact same issue.  The setting of "Auto-Rotate and Center" has no affect.
    Do I have to rotate the odd pages 180 so they are upside down in the PDF, but print correctly?
    I am using Acrobat 9 Pro V. 9.3.3 in Win 7 Pro 64, to HP CP6015XH (colour laser).

  • SAP DSD - geocoding for customers - field format does not fit to examples

    Hello to all,
    We have a customer requirement behind this. We intend to use the DSD-Addon for several issues. One of these issues is to store geocoding information for our customer data within SAP. The SAP-Release is 4.7 with the DSD-Addon active. I checked all threads within the network and also checked SAP-Help and OSS-messages. Now our issue:
    When I look at the fields for storing the geocode (Longitude and Latitude) they do not fit to the testdata I got from our customers. The data look like this:
    customer:       x-Coord           y-Coord_
    10001             744264,3384   6657823,32
    10002             813368,6494   6699051,344
    10003             790475,8379   6702787,298
    10004             862729,1893   6690792,612
    The fields in the DSD-Customerdata have the format "123.123456789012". So I wonder how my data could fit into these fields. Is there anybody who has experience with this? I did not find any information or examples in the SAP-Help for this. What is wrong the format of the fields or the format of the x/y-Coordinates?
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,
    Gerlinde von Calle and Thomas Vomhof
    Edited by: Thomas Vomhof on Oct 8, 2008 6:12 PM

    Hi Srinivas ,
    Let me confirm which version of SAP your using
    As per your post -
    1. Table total does not fit into window 
         Check your table is fit in the window or not (window will be main window)
    2.Error occured while sending mail SO_OBJECT_SEND, return code L (message type: warning)
    Check your parameters that passing to the SO_OBJECT_SEND
    3.Page format with orientation unknown (message type: warning)
         Check your styles that are using  in the form 
    4.Form TOTALS has wrong page format (message type: error)
         Chekc your page format that is going to to support printer what your using - check the printer settings.
        I think your are using the u r own z page format
    Let me know if any concerns...

  • How to create a Customized Page format?

    Hi Experts,
    Page size is ht- 278mm, width - 242 mm.
    Printer - EPSON LQ-680 (Dot Matrix Printer)
    Paper - Preprinted Stationary ( For Invoice Printing)
    As per the comments I have followed the below steps for my page format.
    From SPAD Transaction,
    1. Created Page format -
    Page Format ZINV_JGT
    Orientation as - Portrait
    Width 242 Unit MM
    Height 278 Unit MM
    2. Created Format type
    Format Type ZINV_JGT
    Type Format type for sap script
    Page Format ZINV_JGT Orientation - Portrait
    Comment Page format for JGT Invoice
    3. Created Device type
    Version 1
    Device type ZINV_JGT Name Device driver Invoice print
    Driver SAPlpd/SAPWIN driver 3.0
    Printer Driver Do not printer driver for ABAP list Print
    Character Set 1135 Printer EPLQ550 ASCII multilingual
    4. When to format for device
    Then created a format zinv_jgt
    I get the below options in this tab. What code i need to write here.
    Printer initialization
    Reset after exit
    Cover page
    First Page
    Start of even page
    Start of odd page
    Start of page
    End of first page
    End of even page
    End of odd page
    End of page
    Start of line on an even page
    Start of line on an odd page
    Start of line
    End of line on an even page
    End of line on odd page
    End of line
    Please check whether the above steps and the data filled is correct for my type of page format.
    Please help me on this.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Abdur Rafique

    Hi Alexander,
    I was not able to add the code in the Printer initialization and the other following steps.
    Printer initialization
    Reset after exit
    Cover page
    First Page
    Start of even page
    Start of odd page
    Start of page
    End of first page
    End of even page
    End of odd page
    End of page
    Start of line on an even page
    Start of line on an odd page
    Start of line
    End of line on an even page
    End of line on odd page
    End of line
    Please tell me what data i need to add? I think the above steps are used to define the format of the page.
    Please help me on this?
    If i give a print command without the code in the format type. I'm getting the following error.
         Device type SAPWIN does not support page format
    Abdur Rafique

  • Cfdocument page orientation

    does anybody know if it is possible to change the page
    orientation ( from portrait to landscape) inside a single document
    using the cfdocument tag?

    Yes I know that.
    I want to have one pdf-file.The first two pages in "portrait"
    and the third page in "landscape".
    I tried to use the cfdocument tag twice, but it doesn't work.
    The second cfdocument tag is ignored.
    Here an example:
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="portrait">
    ...first two pages
    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape">
    ... third page
    I hope it's more clear now.

  • CFDOCUMENT Orientation

    I need to develop a pdf which starts in portrait and changes
    to landscape for some pages and comes back to portrait. I thought I
    could use cfdocumentsection but, i was wrong. Please advice if
    anybody achieved this

    This should work for you with some tweaking of course:
    change to landscape = [your page
    change to portrait = [your page
    <!--- default document orientation --->
    <cfparam name="DocumentOrientation" default="portrait">
    <!--- a list of the valid document orientation values
    <cfset Variables.AllowableOrientations =
    <!--- validate the chosen orientation is a valid choice
    <cfif NOT ListFindNoCase(Variables.AllowableOrientations,
    <p>Document orientation:
    <cfoutput>#DocumentOrientation#</cfoutput> is not a
    valid choice.</p>
    <!--- create the document --->
    <cfdocument format="PDF"
    HTML and CFML code

  • Windows 2000

    I've just switched computers at work. My new computer is several times as fast as the old one, with sixteen times as much memory - but unfortunately it's running Windows 2000 rather than NT. I can only presume that this is the reason why in spite of all the extra power the rather fine programmer-oriented text editor Jext ( now runs way slower than before. Also, the text in the program is now so mangled as to be barely readable - it looks as if it's been anti-aliased and then all the pixels which weren't pure black have been dropped, or something. It's appalling.
    Is this all part of Microsoft's ongoing anti-Java campaign, or is there another explanation? Is anyone else having similar problems? Does anyone have any idea how to fix the crazy text thing? Does it occur with other programs or is it jus Jext?

    It turns out the screwed up writing was partly a result of my display being in 16-bit colour mode; going up to 32-bit and restarting Jext fixed the problem. It feels like it's going slightly faster as well, for some reason.

  • Header columns alignment in PDF using CFDOCUMENTITEM

    Hi All,
    I'm creating a PDF with CFDOCUMENT tags and using CFSAVECONTENT tags. I will do the formatting everything inside the CFSAVECONTENT Variable and create the PDF using the save content variable.
    <cfdocument format="PDF" orientation="landscape">
    The generated pdf will have 5 or 6 pages which will have a table kind of structure.
    My client needs the header columns on each page of the PDF. As of now, I'm having the header column in the first page alone.
    I tried using CFDOCUMENTITEM TYPE="Header"; I'm seeing the columns as some text with no alignment as a row.
    How to align that so that it looks as a header?
    I tried the one below;
    <cfdocument format="PDF" orientation="landscape">
         <cfdocumentitem type="header">
         <tr style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 8pt; text-align:left">
                  <td width="10%">Test<br>Number</td>
                <td width="11%">Test B</td>
                <td width="18%" align="Center">Test<br>Factor</td>
                <td width="18%" align="left">Test c</td>
                <td width="4%" align="left">Test Qty</td>
                <td width="4%">%<br>Impact</td>
                <td width="10%"align="center">Test Owner</td>
                <td width="6%">Date</td>
                <td width="17%" align="left">Comments</td>
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Got this header formatting working by using CFSAVECONTENT before the CFDOCUMENT tag.
    Not sure why my style sheets not working inside the CFDOCUMENT tag.

  • Create and save a .pdf file

    Afternoon!  I am creating a pdf utilizing the cfdocument tag and it works great.  It opens and displays well.  My question is, is there a way to automatically save that generated pdf on the server without opening it?  My end goal is to run a scheduled task every week that creates and saves a pdf automatically.

    <cfdocument format="pdf" orientation="landscape" filename="YourPDFName.pdf" overwrite="yes">
    it will save a copy of the pdf in the same folder as the <cfdocument> is run from, the problem I got is it wond display the pdf at creation time, all that is returned to my screen is the letter "z"
    so may be best to fun the code in a loop and one time add in the filename and overwrite paramaters, if you dont need it displayed, then your gold.
    Craig Wiseman

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