Formatting an Export to Excel

Can anyone tell me how to force a column being exported to Excel to be interpreted by Excel as a text field? The column contains only digits, but has values such as '0000' where all four zeroes are to be considered significant.

Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately, enclosing values in quotes won't work. To give you a simple example, imagine the source for an interactive report is:
select '0180' account_code, 145.23 amount from dual;
When the user views the interactive report, they should see 0180 for the account code and 145.23 for the amount...and they do. So far so good.
Now, they click the tool widget and select to download the report to Excel. Here's where the wheels come off. I need the account code to be interpreted by Excel as text and amount to be interpreted as numeric. Anything I apply at the download-level, like enclosing the columns with single quotes will apply to both account_code and amount. I need a granular way to specify formatting on a field-by-field basis, only to be used when downloading the data.

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    kind regards,

    I replied too soon to Peter's suggestions.  For some reason, I was able to add new info. to my first new row, but not the second.  However, I finally figured out the problem.
    I found the Help Center page on: "Here are ways to change custom formats and apply changes to table cells:"
    To change the elements associated with a custom format that’s been applied to cells, select the cells and click Show Format in the Format pane of the Table inspector.
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    Please check first the regional settings of the client. If that is not set with a comma as decimal seperator then Excel won't show the data either with a comma as decimal seperator.

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    Try code below.  It is a C# Form project.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    const int WORKSHEETSTARTROW = 5;
    const int WORKSHEETSTARTCOL = 4;
    public Form1()
    dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue;
    dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black;
    dataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font =
    new Font(dataGridView1.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
    for (int columncount = 0; columncount < 10; columncount++)
    new DataGridViewColumn();
    DataGridViewColumn NewColumn = new DataGridViewColumn();
    NewColumn.Name = "Col " + columncount.ToString();
    NewColumn.Width = 50;
    NewColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Font =
    new Font(dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.Font, FontStyle.Italic);
    DataGridViewCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
    cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Wheat;
    NewColumn.CellTemplate = cell;
    DataGridViewRow NewRow;
    byte charA = 0x41;
    for (int rowOffset = 1; rowOffset <= 10; rowOffset++)
    int RowNumber = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
    NewRow = dataGridView1.Rows[RowNumber];
    for (int columncount = 0; columncount < 10; columncount++)
    NewRow.Cells[columncount].Value = ((char)(charA + columncount)).ToString() + rowOffset.ToString();
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var excelApp = new Excel.Application();
    excelApp.Visible = true;
    Excel.Workbook excelbk = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet1 = (Excel.Worksheet)excelbk.Worksheets["Sheet1"];
    int worksheetRow = WORKSHEETSTARTROW;
    for (int rowCount = 0; rowCount < dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; rowCount++)
    int worksheetcol = WORKSHEETSTARTCOL;
    for (int colCount = 0; colCount < dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1; colCount++)
    Excel.Range xlRange = (Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet1.Cells[WORKSHEETSTARTROW, worksheetcol];
    xlRange.Value2 = dataGridView1.Columns[colCount].Name;
    worksheetcol += 1;
    for (int colCount = 0; colCount < dataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1; colCount++)
    Excel.Range xlRange = (Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet1.Cells[worksheetRow, worksheetcol];
    xlRange.Value2 = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Value.ToString();
    //xlRange.Font.Background = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.BackColor;
    xlRange.Font.Color = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.ForeColor.ToArgb();
    if (dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.Font != null)
    xlRange.Font.Bold = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.Font.Bold;
    xlRange.Font.Italic = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.Font.Italic;
    xlRange.Font.Underline = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.Font.Underline;
    xlRange.Font.FontStyle = dataGridView1.Rows[rowCount].Cells[colCount].Style.Font.FontFamily;
    worksheetcol += 1;
    worksheetRow += 1;

  • Date and Cost formats in export toward Excel (2013)

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    File/Save as/ Excel Workbook...
    but all these date and cost data arrive in Excel with Text format. With the 2003 version, date and cost formats were well recognized.
    I'm using Project 2013 English and Excel 2013 English on a French Win 7.
    What are the settings (decimal separator...) which are needed to allow this feature ?

    Hi Julie,
    Thanks for your help.
    The "Convert to Number" feature works fine for the Cost.
    But the dates arrive as text with a long format such as "03 August 2015 08:00" and the  =DateValue(Cell
    reference) function returns an error : #VALUE!
    Any idea to retrieve the dates?
    Thanks again

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    And I want them to be displayed as entered in the source table.
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    Can this be done?
    Please advise!

    I actuallly found my answer elsewhere (
    The Decimal formattion (x=2) for the fields can be set as follows:
    If CurrentFieldValue = Int(CurrentFieldValue) Then 0Else If CurrentFieldValue * 10 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 10) Then 1
    Else If CurrentFieldValue * 100 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 100) Then 2
    Else If CurrentFieldValue * 1000 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 1000) Then 3
    Else If CurrentFieldValue * 10000 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 10000) Then 4
    Else If CurrentFieldValue * 100000 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 100000) Then 5
    Else If CurrentFieldValue * 1000000 = Int(CurrentFieldValue * 1000000) Then 6
    Basically - this works.
    Hope this helps someone else!

  • Export to excel formatting

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    Can someone explain if they face similar issues as I am when you export a report output on portal to Excel it takes huge size. I assume it because of all the color formatting etc. but is there a way to reduce this size. 3.5 Bex Analyzer same report takes only 3 MB while if I export it from portals it takes 32 MB.

  • Formatting lost when exported to excel

    When I export a worksheet results to excel the formatting is being lost like in my worksheet I wanted a line and space for every grouped item which is lost in excel sheet. Is there a way get around for this ?

    Not exactly sure what formatting you're having a problem with, but I'll list some of the points I can think of, of exporting to Excel and will hopefully cover it. I believe you may be referring to point 1 below, but just in case ...
    1. If you have group sort on for a column or more, then when exported to Excel, you won't have those 'blank' values for the column(s) that's grouped. That's why when you know someone will be exporting to Excel, it's a pain as all group sorts are usually taken back off (which can screw up exactly what you're trying to point out in the workbook).
    2. If you have a page -> item (ie: lots of values you pull down like a LOV), then I believe, that you won't get an Excel worksheet for each value in the LOV but only for the one currently displayed when you performed the File -> Export.
    3. When you export to Excel, you only get actual values, no functions of how it was calculated (ie: it'll be static, not dynamic).
    4. You can export to Excel using Plus and might not get the formatting characteristics you want in Excel. I've seen users specifically bring up Viewer just to get the formatting characteristics (colors, fonts, etc.) when they export from that Disco version.
    5. Sometimes when you export from Disco to Excel, that actual value that gets posted in Excel is different. I know ... it sounds wierd, but it's a fact. The problem is NOT Disco, but is a problem with Windows and a setting has to be altered (although I'd have to hunt what that setting is now though). However, I've only seen this happen a few times, so definitely not the norm.

  • SSRS 2012 Conditional Formatting Color Issues When Exporting to Excel

    Hi all,
    We recently upgraded to SQL 2012 from SQL2008 R2. I'm having a strange issue with SSRS2012.
    One of the report has conditional formattings on cell background colors. Everything works fine when render the report in browser or preview mode. However, the conditional formatting stop working when export the report to Excel (no issues if
    export to pdf). All cells are high-lightened with pre-defined color although it should only high-lighten those cells that fulfil the condition.
    Has someone encountered this issue before ? Thanks for any help.

    Hi ZZ02,
    I have test the scenario in my testing environment, however, everything goes well when exporting to Excel format. The issue might be related to the expression for the conditional background color. To make further analysis, please post the expression as well
    as the report design structure.
    Additionally, in SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, the Excel rendering extension renders a report to the native format of Microsoft Excel 2007-2010, the format of which is ExcelOpenXML. By default, the previous version of the Excel rendering extension,
    compatible with Microsoft Excel 2003, is disabled. At this time, I suggest that you enable the Excel 2003 rendering extension by modifying the RSReportServer.config file. After that, the Excel 2003 rendering format will be available on report manager (not
    available in Report Designer). So, please export the report from report manager and check the result again.
    For more information about enable the Excel 2003 rendering extension, please see:
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Why was formatting removed from Export to Excel when exporting from PWA 2013?

    We have recently moved from using Project Server 2007 to Project Server 2013 and one thing that we have noticed is that when we Export to Excel all the formatting has been removed and all the task grouping and alignment has been flatted. 
    Why did Microsoft remove this feature from the Project Server 2013?
    Is there an easy way for anywhere there is an Export to Excel option on the Ribbon to add the formatting back?
    What is the best solution to still retain the indents, bolding, and grouping?

    Jason --
    I can confirm your findings with exporting PWA pages in Project Server 2013 to Excel.  As to why Microsoft removed the feature previously found in Project Server 2007, I have no idea, as I do not work for Microsoft.  I do not believe there is any
    way to force the Export to Excel feature to work the same in 2013 as it did in 2007.  I think it will be up to the user to format the exported Excel workbook as needed.  Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • Formatting of Excel worksheet While using Export to Excel

    Hello Experts,
    I have a requirement to format the workbook according to the user needs while the user clicks "Export to Excel" in the webpage of Web template.
    The major problem is with the hierarchy.. when exporting, the hierarchy nodes have triangular symbols.. is there any way to remove them??
    What can i do, so that i can make changes to the default export format of the workbook, while exporting it??
    Any helpful suggession will be appreciated and rewarded.
    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Vikas Bittera.

    Hi Mark,
    Thank you very much for the response.. however this is not the full solution of my problem..
    Now, if i execute the same query in the BEx explorer analyzzer, then even this setting does not work... it shows traingles.. wht oue intention is to use Excel grouping function, so that the user will have better navigation in hierarchy..
    so is there any way to do this? we need to other formatting of the output.. is it possible that we can change the standard query ouput in excel??
    Looking ahead for your response..
    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Vikas Bittera.

  • Formatting numbers currency export to excel

    I have the following SQL in my code.
    select trader, tradername, billingranacc,BILLINGPREFRANACC,LASTLOGINDATE, '€' ||to_char(billingamount,'99G999D99') Amount,substr(BILLINGPREFRANACC,1,1) as "R&NLocation"  from exlink_trader_import where usertype = 'Internal' and isbilled = 'Yes' and isdeleted = '0'Now the report picks up the € sign but when i export to excel it does not, can someone help with this ?

    Hi stranger colleague Ben
    The CSV codification is one but not the one issue that can affect the unexpected output of your report.
    But if you are viewing correctly the € symbol in your report, and the automatic CSV codification is enabled, sure you are in the usual case that makes more difficult the work of foreign developers and DBAs.
    Time before I resolved the wrong CSV output (“â‚ 600.00”) instead of the correct (“$ 600.00”) simply turning ON the automatic codification, but only after being managed many NLS parameters, and database character sets. We have different currency, keyboards, measure units than Americans, and have to read more chapters in documentation books. This is more pain if you are far to domain the English language!.
    Ben: you are getting the wrong output using the “ '€' || to_char (billingamount, '99G999D99')” format in the query, Have you checked using “billingamount” in the query, and defining the FML99G999D99 or FMU99G999D99 format in the report column numeric attribute?, You should seen the correct € output in the CSV file although you haven’t defined the automatic codification.

  • Export to excel with formatting was autowrapping text in a cell

    Export to excel with formatting was autowrapping text in a cell without having to check the can grow option.  When the can grow option is checked it does wrap the text however it spans multiple rows, which causes complications when trying to sort. 
    It worked in:
    ProductName=Crystal Enterprise 10 Embedded
    Doesnt work in:
    Crystal Reports 10.0 Service Pack 6
    After the upgrade the reports did not autowrap, b/c the "can grow" option was not checked.  I believe this was fixed by "ADAPT00305137 Patch ID: 36479914
    When users export to Excel 97-2000 with the page-based format, text fields are wrapped, even when the "can grow" feature in the
    Designer is turned off." .   After we turn the option to grow on it does wrap however it spans across multiple rows.  So I guess my question is there a way for it not to span multiple rows when wrapping text?
    Edited by: dforde on Jan 27, 2010 11:12 PM

    I could be wrong, but I believe the export to excel option exports the database values, and the export to HTML exports the values seen in the sheets. If the database values are stored as seconds, the Excel will see them as seconds, and the data will have to be formatted properly in Excel.
    I haven't toyed around with Excel exports that much, but it might be possible to set up a template or macro in excel that would have the proper formatting, and use it when opening the Disco export.

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