Forms Builder upcoming features

Is there any word on future improvements to the Forms Builder code editor? Compared to Eclipse and most other IDEs today it seems a little like a "notepad with a debugger" ;-) Refactoring, code completion etc. would speed up development greatly...
(please see this as constructive critisism and not as flaming)

Am I in a minority when I say one of the features I (or will) miss most is the fact that client/server is no longer supported?
The internet is a great tool, but I don't think client/server is too bad either.
Other development tools offer both client/server and web functionality often at prices that are very competative with Oracle.
I can see us sticking with 6i (possibly even past the 2008 desupport deadline) just for the simple fact we like the ability to run both client/server and internet.

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    Is there any way to do it?

    Hi Michael,
    I was telling about the Adobe Acrobat built in Form Builder application from that I miss an important feature.
    BR: Dzsenix

  • Form Builder in ADF

    is there any form builder available in ADF ?(open source preferably)
    I know Jdeveloper has the best form builder !!
    but, there may be cases we need to give users a tool to make their own (table , entity , view, form) and use simple CRUD operations.
    and what are the steps we need to take to make a form builder from scratch in ADF ?

    but in the project I'm currently working on,we do not have the possibility to determine all the entities at this point.
    For ADF BC you can dynamically create entities and view objects. This is best explained in the following book by Jobinesh Purushothaman
    Oracle ADF Real World Developer’s Guide
    Mastering essential tips and tricks for building next generation enterprise applications with Oracle ADF
    By Jobinesh Purushothaman
    ISBN 1849684820
    Released in October 2012
    The book also has an online appendix you want to download and look at
    this project is something that will never stop being extended ! and in future they may need to add some (simple) tables to DB.
    besides we don't want to Redeploy the application each time they have a change.
    In a later version of JDeveloper 12c there is a feature for remote task flows, which would help you with this as you can deploy task flows separate. Building artifacts dynamically to avoid re-deployment of the application comes with a price, which is complexity in managing what the application really is (e.g. for backup and source code control). So I am not sure if I would want to make dynamic creation of artifacts a general development paradigm (how do you QA test ne developments if they are done by the user?)
    so we need to give them something to generate their own ( table / entity / view / form ) and do just CRUD operation (no business will be applied on these type of forms, just CRUD!)
    In JDeveloper 12c, upcoming, you could use dynamic forms to allow users to perform CRUD operations on a view object. This way you could create the view object dynamically as per the user requirements (plus the entity for the cud part) and parametrize the binding layer to use that view object. See
    I think adaptive binding will meet your requirements. However, for adaptive bindings to build CRUD forms, you will have to wait for JDeveloper 12c and its dynamic form feature.
    as an example

  • Forms builder layout questions

    Hi guys
    I have three questions on forms builder:
    1. Is there a way to evenly space records? I see all the allign features but not arrange evenly. It really takes a lot of time to space 10 fields evenly vertically
    2. Is it possible to have a fram with an auto tabular layout that is vertical instead of horizontal? What's the use of being able to adjust the block but the form is always vertical when you use tabular format?
    3. Is there a way to have the layout autogenerate again? I can see it works when I move a frame in a simple canvas, but I use the same datablock across multiple tabs. If I assign the block in the frame, then it will autoload all items into my single tab.
    Thanks for any assistence.
    I guess what I'm suferring with is the 'old school' forms developer. I'm on 6i. Is there any better layout features in later releases? Maybe any other tools to generate a form? (I'm pushing my luck now :-) )

    Hi Andreas
    Ok I found the menu now: Arrange-> Allign objects. And then there's DISTRIBUTE for both vertical and horizontal.
    Ok, that will save me a lot of effort :-) Thanks!
    Question 2:
    - I have my Data Block's Record Orientation set to Horizontal. But the Frame completely ignores it. The Frame's Layout style is Tabular. So when I UPDATE LAYOUT to auto-layout my page there is no different if I toggle the Record orientation between horizontal and vertical.
    Question 3: Ok, it seems like UPDATE LAYOUT will autogenerate the layout only if you have the frame linked to a datablock. My problem is this: I have 3 tabs (too many fields for a singe tab). I'm still deciding which fields should go to wich tab. Every time I add an item to a new tab, I have to manually position it within that tab. I cannot make they program quickly auto-layout the tab with the additional item.
    Missing features:
    I'm missing a few hotkeys. Don't like using the mouse so much :-)

  • Why form builder crashed?

    in oracle database 10g i created these types:
    create type obj1 as object
    att1 number,
    att2 varchar2(10)
    create type obj2 as table of obj1;
    create type obj3 as object
    a number,
    b obj2
    in form builder i hadn't any problem with this code:
    lv_obj obj3;
    but i want to create one object that defined under obj3:
    create type obj1 as object
    att1 number,
    att2 varchar2(10)
    create type obj2 as table of obj1;
    create type obj3 as object
    a number,
    b obj2
    ) not final;
    create type obj4 under obj3
    d number
    in this case when i declared a local variable as type of obj3 in form builder, when i compiled it, form builder was crashed and close
    what should i do for this problem

    You did not state what version of forms?
    Typically, form's plsql engine is not necessarily the same as the one in the database. So you can have features in the database's plsql
    engine that you cannot use in forms.
    for example when I start up forms6i it says:
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    whereas the database
    select * from v$version;
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    because of that I steered clear of using a lot of plsql features like any of the object stuff, since they could not be accessed from
    forms in my experience. But if you're using a setup that goes through some gateway like mod_plsql then that could be version-specific
    also I think.
    So the answer depends on what version of forms you are using.
    I don't know how to figure out what aspect of using those types could cause the problem, if they do.

  • Is form builder changed in R12 ?

    Dear members,
    Oracle recently released its new version R12. I am not sure what will be Form Builder like in R12. I heard that there is no more Form bulider in R12 and It is being replaced by oracle applications frame work.
    Is this true ? I request all members to share there knowledge about Forms in R12.
    I hope you will reply.

    Oracle will lunch a new version of Forms iDS and its expected during june 2007 , but its still Forms Builder just like the old ones and the specific features and not announced yet but its expected to have a rich Javascript support which can enable you to integrate your forms with the other web tools like JSF (ADF faces),

  • XML Forms Builder complete Documentation and more

    I have several questions to the XML-Forms-Builder (XML-FB):
    I am searching for a really complete documentation of the XML-FB. I know the "how to create xml forms - PDF", the "", this forum,...., but i don't find one complete documentation. For example i miss the description of really all controls AND whose properties.
    Can I await any changing/enhancement between NW 2004 SP16 (my active Release) and NW 2004s SPx - with focus to the XML-FB?
    Is it possible to create forms witch allows <u>the author</u> to choose the placement of controls - for example images in the left, right, middle of the page - maybe via select/assign the corresponding form (-> maybe via using control-selector)? This means more individual flexibility for the author.
    I am searching for a solution without programming a proprietary solution, only customizing !
    okay, that's all, up to now
    Thanks for your patience

    Hi Herrmann,
    1.) There is no. Some features have been added more or less silently within the last year, but a central doc hasn't been published.
    2.) All I know is: Not much. Maybe the Forms Builder developer at SAP reads this and could throw a somewhat more detailed answer.
    3.) We have developed this as a small part of easyWCM; when creating the XML form, you can define not only 1 ShowForm, but different; the author then can choose which form to use. We provide such pre-defined forms within the BP.
    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

  • Unable to create new in form builder

    I'm currently using oracle 9i and within form builder, i've built a form with three tabs consisting of data taken from a table, and 2 views.
    I've also created a sequence in sql+ that starts with 6 so i can use it to add new serial_no.
    But the problem is whenever i press the create button which really is pl/sql code
    SELECT no_serial_sequence.NEXTVAL
    FROM dual;It doesn't creates a new record, instead it changes the current record.
    Can anyone please give me some suggestions on where to look for errors?
    Thanks in advance. B)

    Can you send the command with which you create sequence.

  • Help is not working in Form Builder 6i

    Hi all,
    I'm using Forms builder 6i in Windows7 system. When i go to Help menu and click 'Form Builder Help Topics' a error message is coming.
    I've reinstalled it many times. In Windows XP system it's working fine. Why it's not working in Windows7?
    Any suggestions??

    Check this:

  • XML Forms Builder - problem with checkbox

    I have created many checkboxes in XML Forms Builder and if I want to create a new document based on this "Form" I have still checked one of checkboxes. I would like to have all empty  checkboxes becasue user should check the appropriate checkboxes.
    Do you know how to resolve this problem?
    Thaks for help!
    Andrzej Tabara

    is it always the same checkbox that is already filled in? Is this ckeckbox based on a metadata-definition?
    If yes: You could maybe have a look at the metadata-definition. Is there maybe a default-value defined?
    Kind reagrds

  • Can not open PLLs on Forms Builder 10g

    Hi Folks,
    everytime I try to open an existing PLL-File via the Forms Builder FileOpen-Dialog I have got the message
        PDE-PLI018 Couln not find library
    Pressing the OK-Button returns to the FileOpen-Dialog. The selected FileType in the Dialog take effect to the filelist but nothing else.
    Note that the file exists and I select it from the Filelist!
    About Forms Window shows the following:
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle Toolkit Version (Production)
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    PL/SQL Editor (c) WinMain Software (, v1.0 (Production)
    Oracle Query Builder - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools GUI Utilities Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE     Production
    While converting from 6i to 10g it is unavoidable to convert forms and libraries, so please help me!
    PS: I can recompile forms with attached libraries if the PLX-Files (6i) are available, but the forms will not work with these PLX-Files.
    edited by ths:
    I tried to generate a new library. This works fine until I saved it. After naming the library and pressing the save button in the dialog the pll file was created and the same error message appears.
    I closed form builder and tried to reopen the library: same error.
    I generated another new library and save this by selecting the first new I generated. Jippee! I get the message that the file already exists! I selected "overwrite" and the file was overwritten. After that the same error appears.
    How can I (re)open PLL files? It is no solution to generate a new library overwriting the old one everytime some changes should made.
    Trying to build the library (Ctrl+T) produces another error:
        FRM-91507: Internal Error: Unable to generate library.
    Compiling (Ctrl-Shift-K) works fine.

    Hi Mark,
    there's no user except of me on the pc and server (I'm working via rdp-client on a virtual server), no server and no oc4j task or instance started. The one and only program that runs is forms builder. The error occurs if I just try to open a pll file via the file open dialog of forms builder.
    With my admins we found that forms builder creates a (temporary) file (e.g. s22o without extension with 827392 bytes) in c:\ but only if I'm the actual user. After I'm getting the permission to create and update files on c:\ forms builder was able to open pll files. Now we're trying to find out why this accurs only on my login. With other users we tried these file was created on F:\ which is the personal drive of the user. I'm only wondering about the fact that temporary files were not created in the TEMP folder defined by the TMP or TEMP environment variable.
    So we solved this unusual problem in an unusual way.

  • FRM-92101 when trying to run forms from Forms Builder 10g

    I have been struggling with this for a few days now and have tried multiple solutions around on these forums without any resolution yet!
    Trying to run Forms Builder on a Windows XP machine with Oracle Development Suite installed in its own ORACLE_HOME. The installation completes succesfully and I can start the OC4J instance.
    1) When I open up Forms Builder and pull up the test.fmb form and try to run it, I get the following error:
    FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration. Please look into the web-server log file for details.
    On clicking 'Details' the following errors are displayed:
    Java Exception:
    oracle.forms.netConnectionException: Forms session <1> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
    2) The ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\DevSuite\application-deployments\forms\application.log includes the following errors:
    11/11/25 10:02:23 formsweb: RunformProcess.connect(): failed !
    11/11/25 10:02:23 formsweb: Forms session <1> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
    11/11/25 10:02:23 formsweb: Forms session <1> exception stack trace: Connection refused: connect
         at Method)
         at oracle.forms.servlet.RunformProcess.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.servlet.RunformProcess.dataToRunform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.servlet.RunformSession.dataToRunform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.servlet.ListenerServlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (]
         at com.evermind[Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g (].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    3) The Java console has the following error: Forms session <1> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.FormsDispatcher.initConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.FormsDispatcher.init(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.Runform.initConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.Runform.startRunform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.Main.createRunform(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.engine.Main.start(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Connecting with no proxy
    Connecting with no proxy
    Connecting with no proxy
    Connecting with no proxy
    Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

    Same issue here... Been trying to get this working since a week now. I tried all the solutions like memory heap and all but no luck.
    One thing that I would like to know is that, in some threads the resolution was to recompile the INS_FORMS.MK file under /forms/lib32 but with my installation I don't have that "lib32" folder under /forms/ and I can not even find that file anywhere in my entire installation.
    I am using 12.1.1 on Windows Server 2008.
    Any help or guidelines is greatly appreciated.

  • Suggest me the link to any Pdf file having form builder process flowcharts

    Hi people,
    In form builder 6i ,in help topics, i find "process flowcharts" describing various default process of form builder is there. I want to take it printout. But first what i have to do is copy it into microsoft word and then
    format the same etc it is time consuming.
    Can any body suggest me if there is any pdf file having such process flowcharts. If such pdf file is there then please tell me the link.
    thanks in advance
    prasanth a.s.

    think this is a duplicate. However, look at the online help.

  • System takes long time to Save/Activate using SFP Form Builder

    We are planning to customize the Travel Expense PDF Form – PTRV_EXPENSE_FORM in ECC 6.0 using transaction SFP – FORM BUILDER (ABAP Workbench). As the initial step we copied it into Z form and started the changes.  Here is the problem: Even for a small change on the Layout, system is taking long time to complete the process.
    For example:
    For Saving the changes: 6 to 7 minutes
    For Activating the changes: 12 to 13 minutes.
    On the server side :
    we are on ECC 6.0, SAP NW04s SP 9 for EA-HR
    ADOBE LiveCycle Designer 7.1 (Patch 3 applied).
    On client machine :
    we have SAP GUI 640 Patch Level 21,
    ADOBE Reader 7.0.9.
    Client machine has 1 GB RAM & 40 GB Hard Drive.
    Thanks in Advance for the quick reply.

    Same problem for us

  • Forms Builder - form not pulling the data from the DB into the datablock

    I'm working on a school project, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if something is wrong with my setup.
    I created a basic form, 3 fields, and ID, firstname and lastname
    the wizard connected fine, pulled the three fields into forms builder
    I setup a canvas - type content with the a form format layout of the three fields.
    saved the form.
    When I run the form and it's displayed, nothing gets pulled into the fields (all blank).
    Shouldn't it pull at least the first row from the table?
    it says it's on record 1/1
    XP, Oracle 10g, Form builder 10.1.2,
    I'm not getting any errors
    I want to get this basic form working first, before I start adding to it, and it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.
    I've done the same steps as in the tutorials....

    I did find that, if I put data in the ID, first and lastname on the form, and click Execute & Save on the Menu, it does add it to the database.
    Maybe what I'm missing, is how do I get the form to read from the database when it starts up?

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