FORMS PERSONALIZATION stop a user entering a % in a field - customer name

been looking into doing this and have tried
doesnt seem to work :(
need to stop users putting % in any point of a name or entry
any help would be great!

first one is the one to change to upper case
WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE is the trigger..Thank for the info
also i have that uppercase action which does change
the case on the form but when i save it the value
goes back into the tables in what ever case they type
it in
any ideas :)I think you dont need any extra action. Did you check the my previous update and try that personalization. Changing the "Case Restriction" property of item. So whatever text you will enter in the item, it will be in uppercase.

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    Use dynamic actions for that and disable the element Last Name if the element First Name is empty. Enable it if the First Name is entered.
    Denes Kubicek

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    the difference in time is that you doing the following additional tasks in forms that you dont do in sqlplus:
    1. you are retrieving data into the fields of the form.
    2. creating the record.
    which is a network round-trip for each record. AFAIK.
    if its an option for you, I would create a global temporary table and then populate the temporary table with the required data. Then build a base table block based on the global temporary table. This way you can use the forms default functionality and its fast because you dont have to populate all the records on the form before you see the first record!

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    for (int i=0; i < val.length(); i++)
    if (values.indexOf(val.charAt(i)) < 0)
    return "false";
    return "true";
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    Pl indicate which version of R12 and on what form you had the personalization in the previous version. Have you checked FND_FORM_CUSTOM_% tables to ensure that the personalization survived the upgrade ?
    Pl see if these MOS Docs can help
    Forms Personalizations Unavailable After Upgrade To 12.1.x          (Doc ID 1245864.1)
    Forms Personalization Not Working After Upgrade To R12.1.3          (Doc ID 1309458.1)
    Form Personalization Value Field Not Being Retained After Upgrade          (Doc ID 1266265.1)
    Do Personalizations Holdup After A Patch Is Applied? (Doc ID 1286576.1)

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    Yes it can be done is a sample. I could not use your sample as it was not built in Designer.
    The code to fill the field on the Master Page is on teh calculate event.

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    Hi RAM,
         I'll try to answer your questions one by one. Any comments and feedback are welcome.
    1.- I assume that you have created a Model, a Service Controller and binded the data to your view.
    At this point, you need to bind the property datasource of your interactive form to a node in your context hierarchy.
    This data will be available at the form Data View Palette.
    Then you have to edit your form, drag a Drop Down List to the form and in the Fields Tab of the Object Palette you need
    to bind the List Items property. Just click the link and in the "Dynamic Properties" window, choose the table root node for Items, and the Text and Value atributes for Text and value properties respectively.
    After that, in the binding tab, you will have to do the "default binding", and bind the values clicking on "Specify Item Values".
    Edited by: Aldo Velazquez on Nov 29, 2010 4:32 PM

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    Forms Personalization is a feature of the Oracle Enterprise Business Suite (EBS) not a feature of Oracle Forms.  Please post your question in the EBS General Discussion forum.  If you have a general Forms question, by all means, ask it here!

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    Hi Friends,
    I am using OO ALV for editable grid display.
    I am unable to change grid data in the cell in which user enters something, using OO ALV. Did through debugging of my own program and found that some problem with system program. Then I did all system debugging. Could not find out why is the grid not getting refreshed with the new data in the cell in which user had entered some value. Rest of the cell's data are getting refreshed with the values which i am updating in the final internal table. I can see that the data in the final internal table is changed for the cell in which user enters data. But even after the call of
          CALL METHOD obj_alvgrid1->refresh_table_display
    does not refreshes the data in the cell in which user had entered data. Rest of the cells data are getting refreshed.
    Piece of code:
      SET HANDLER obj_event_receiver->handle_data_changed
                                         FOR obj_alvgrid1.
        METHODS: handle_data_changed
                       FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                           IMPORTING er_data_changed
    METHOD handle_data_changed.
      DATA : v_valid    TYPE char1,
             v_refresh  TYPE char1.
    *--check mt_good_cells semantically
      CALL METHOD perform_semantic_checks( er_data_changed ).
    *--If PBO is again visited, just refresh the ALV grid.
      CALL METHOD obj_alvgrid1->refresh_table_display
          finished = 1
          OTHERS   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    METHOD perform_semantic_checks.
        LOOP AT er_data_changed->mt_good_cells INTO w_good.
          v_index = sy-tabix.
          CASE w_good-fieldname.
            WHEN 'ZASCAS'.
    *Now here based on some conditions I am changing my final internal table i_zamtsmatnp
                              MODIFY i_zamtsmatnp FROM w_zamtsmatnp INDEX
                                               w_good-row_id TRANSPORTING
                                                 zascas modif.
    User enters data in zascas field. Based on the data entered, I am changing other fields which is getting refreshed. I am also changing zascas in the program even after user had already entered the value which was bit wrong and i am correcting it in the program on the even "data_changed" even.
    Please help me friends as i m strugling past hours wondering why the data is not getting refreshed for the cell in which user enter data.

    Hi Surya,
       The approach you are following is correct. You need to use the comibnation of all these things:
    Event - DATA_CHANGED
                 -  GET_CHANGED_DATA.
    However, here are few standard programs which are having similar functionality.
    Check out these once.
    Note: If anything is helpful, dont forget to reward points
    Adithya K
    SAP Practise
    [email protected]

  • Add days to the dates when user enter +

    hello ,
    i have requirement that when user enter + 30 in date field he got + 30 dayas of current date is thr any why to do this it is modulpool and i have taken date field on screen.

    here is sample code to show next and previous month on button click and show current month
    and year default.
    REPORT  ztn_datechk_button.
    TABLES sscrfields.
    TYPE-POOLS icon.
    DATA month TYPE i.
    PARAMETERS: date TYPE spmon .
      date = sy-datum+0(6) .
      "date = sy-datum+0(2) - 1.
      IF date+4(2) < 1 ."or date+4(2) > 12.
        date+4(2) = 12.
        date+0(4) = date+0(4) - 1.
      ELSEIF date+4(2) > 12 ."or date+4(2) > 12.
        date+4(2) = 1.
        date+0(4) = date+0(4) + 1.
          name   = icon_previous_value
          info   = 'PREVIOUS'      "text = 'Button 2'
          RESULT = but1
          OTHERS = 0.
          name       = icon_next_value
          info       = ''      "text = 'Button 2'
          add_stdinf = ''
          RESULT     = but2
          OTHERS     = 0.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'PREV'.
          date = date+0(6) - 1.
          IF date+4(2) < 1 ."or date+4(2) > 12.
            date+4(2) = 12.
            date+0(4) = date+0(4) - 1.
        WHEN 'NEXT'.
          date = date+0(6) + 1.
          IF date+4(2) > 12 ."or date+4(2) > 12.
            date+4(2) = 1.
            date+0(4) = date+0(4) + 1.
      IF date+4(2) < 1 OR date+4(2) > 12.
        MESSAGE 'Invalid Month' TYPE 'E'.

  • Oracle Forms Personalization - Menu Icon

    Hello, hopefully a quick question. Looking at forms personalization and want to add a new menu item. I can achieve this using Forms Personalization no problem. My question is regarding the 'Icon Name' field for the Action Type of Menu. I understand that this is asking for a .ico file to display in the toolbar, however I'm not sure where to place this .ico file on the file system for it to be picked up? Any thoughts?

    Basically in the Forms Personalization Form for an Action Type of "Menu" there is a parameter called "Icon Name". According to the Forms Personalization documentation (279034.1) the definition for this field is:
    "Icon Name: Specify an optional icon name that you want added to the Toolbar to achieve the same functionality as in the special pulldown menu entry"
    I tried specifying one of the icons in the directory you mention below: afattach.gif (even tried just afattach) to see if that would render on the Toolbar, but no luck.
    Any thoughts on what is required for this field?

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