Formulas in PLD

Hi everybody.
I have a problem using formulas in PLD.
I need to use 2 conditions in the same formulas, but i don't see the "&" to concatenate the conditions in the same formula. is it possible?

suppose u want give tow conditions in a formule for example __linenum<10 & linenum>5__
step one :u have to give one formule like linenum<10
step tow :u have to give one formule like linenum>5
step three: link these tow formules then it works like one formule like __linenum<10 & linenum>5__

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    It happens in the newer versions when the field is too short. Just simply make the TotalPages() field wider.

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    plz tell me

    Refer to this elearning link for PLD forumulas.

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    Hi Sudatta,
    Your solution seems to be correct, but I am not getting the point of keeping some of the fields visible.. You can make field Z in your example invisible.
    To make the right formula in PLD you need an extra field, the formula fields in SAP allways give back an 0 or an 1.
    So if you have Field_A and Field_B and Field_C, you also have to create another field (eg Field_D)
    Field D should be typed as a formula field and contain Field_B > 0 or Field_B != 0 or Field_B > 0.00 (just the exact value when you don't want field_C to be filled.
    Field_C should be marked as a formula aswell and contain Round(Field_A,2) in this 2 is the ammount of decimals.
    Then you have to make a connection between field C and D on the general tab (as mentioned before). So Field_C should be connected to field D.
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    After that it should work.
    Good luck,
    Kind regards,
    Hendri Wessels

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    Hi Chinho,
    ok, for example, IF you use add the last 4 Character only in CardCode(-FAB)
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    If you want to use one template to print both currencies, you need add many fields to achieve your goal.  Both LC & FC fields should be hidden and using formula fields plus the condition fields to show the results.  Search the forum if you don't know how to use this Conditional Formula in PLD.

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    Can you used the substring formula in PLD.
    for example, Field_123 or F_123 -> XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-R.C or XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.c
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    Found additional info in some training material powerpoint:
    You can make fields appear only if certain conditions are true. To do this, you first need to build the condition with the help of one calculation field and two operator fields:
    The two operator fields are text or data fields. Usually, you want to compare the content of a data field with a fixed value. In this case, you would need the data field and a text field that contains the fixed value.
    The calculation field compares the two operator fields with each other with any condition operator (such as greater, less, or equal). The calculation field returns either a 1 if the condition is TRUE or a 0 if the condition is FALSE.
    You need to link the print layout field that you want to influence through the condition to the condition field.
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    use round formula in PLD.
    if the value is 0.78955 ,it will show 0.8 ,if the value after decimal is below 5 the round to lower value else to higher value.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi Ivin,
    Yes, Round Function only in formula on PLD.
    any other related Function not in Formula on PLD.
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