Forwarding msgs with pics in main body

When I try to forward any msgs that have pics within the main body of the msg, only the text and no pics are forwarded. I have tried forwarding to myself and the same holds true. How can I correct this? Thank you. (I am relatively new to Mac)

Is your OS detail provided accurate - you are running 10.3.2? If so, any reason you have not installed and are running 10.3.9?
Are the pictures included with these messages sent as attachments to the message which an attachments indicator below the message header which allows for using the Save feature to save the attachments outside of the message?
If not, this indicates the attachments are embedded which requires using HTML for message composition. Jaguar and Panther Mail render HTML received but do not support composing in HTML which includes when forwarding a message received that was composed in HTML.

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    Do you have another browser installed, I wouldn't usually advise another browser but it is kind of necessary to assess whether there is a problem with Firefox or Gmail.

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    Make a temporary, backup copy of your library if you don't already have one (Control-click on the library and select Duplicate from the contextual menu) and  apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
                                            Screenshot is for iPhoto 9
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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    I assume you are using Hotmail. It's a known issue that hotmail is working on. For more info, see [[Blank messages in Hotmail]]

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    I have tried out the following but it gives garbage:
    REPORT  ztest_pratik01.
          i_objpack   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sopcklsti1,
          i_objtext   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1,
          i_objbin    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1,
          i_hex       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solix,
          i_receivers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF somlreci1.
    DATA: wa_email_doc TYPE sodocchgi1,
          wa_objpack   TYPE sopcklsti1,
          wa_objtext   TYPE solisti1,
          wa_hex       TYPE solix,
          wa_receivers TYPE somlreci1.
    CONSTANTS: c_x     TYPE flag   VALUE 'X',
               c_u     TYPE char1  VALUE 'U'.
    DATA: v_body TYPE i.
      PERFORM sub_get_logo.
      wa_email_doc-obj_name = 'TEST Mail'.
      "Mail Subject
      = 'TEST'.
      v_body = LINES( i_hex ).
    Creating the entry for the compressed document
    *--(1): Creating entry for the Main Mail body text in itab i_objtext
    wa_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
      " Starting index(row) For header information in the itab i_objpack
      wa_objpack-head_start = 1.
      " No of lines for the header information in itab i_objpack
      wa_objpack-head_num   = 1.
      " The row(index) of the itab i_objtext from where the Mail Body starts
      wa_objpack-body_start = 1.  "Skipped the first Line
      " The number of lines in the Mail body
      wa_objpack-body_num   = v_body.  "We have two lines from the 2nd row
      " Document type. There are also whole lot of other options
      wa_objpack-doc_type   = 'RAW'.
      wa_objpack-obj_name   = 'LOGO.BMP'.
      wa_objpack-obj_descr  = 'MAIL BODY'.
      wa_objpack-obj_langu  = ' '.
      " In this case one can skip this. Normally ist calculated as
      " no of linex * 255
      wa_objpack-doc_size = v_body * 255.
      APPEND wa_objpack TO i_objpack.
      CLEAR wa_objpack.
    *Building the recepient list
    Receipient information
      wa_receivers-receiver = sy-uname.
      wa_receivers-rec_type = 'B'. "To SAP Inbox
      APPEND wa_receivers TO i_receivers.
      CLEAR wa_receivers.
      wa_receivers-receiver = mail id.
      wa_receivers-rec_type = c_u.
      APPEND wa_receivers TO i_receivers.
      CLEAR wa_receivers.
    Finally Send the Document
          document_data              = wa_email_doc
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
          commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = i_objpack
          contents_bin               = i_objbin
          contents_txt               = i_objtext
          contents_hex               = i_hex
          receivers                  = i_receivers
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *&      Form  SUB_GET_LOGO
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM sub_get_logo .
      DATA: graphic_url(255),
      DATA: graphic_size TYPE i.
      DATA: l_graphic_xstr TYPE xstring,
          l_graphic_conv TYPE i,
          l_graphic_offs TYPE i.
      DATA: BEGIN OF graphic_table OCCURS 0,
            line(255) TYPE x,
          END OF graphic_table.
      CLEAR: graphic_url,
      CALL METHOD cl_ssf_xsf_utilities=>get_bds_graphic_as_bmp
          p_object  = 'GRAPHICS'
          p_name    = 'Z_LOGO'
          p_id      = 'BMAP'
          p_btype   = 'BMON'
          p_bmp     = l_graphic_xstr
          not_found = 1
          OTHERS    = 2.
      if sy-subrc = 1.
        message e287 with g_stxbitmaps-tdname.
      elseif sy-subrc <> 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      graphic_size = XSTRLEN( l_graphic_xstr ).
      CHECK graphic_size > 0.
      l_graphic_conv = graphic_size.
      l_graphic_offs = 0.
      WHILE l_graphic_conv > 255.
        graphic_table-line = l_graphic_xstr+l_graphic_offs(255).
        APPEND graphic_table.
        l_graphic_offs = l_graphic_offs + 255.
        l_graphic_conv = l_graphic_conv - 255.
      graphic_table-line = l_graphic_xstr+l_graphic_offs(l_graphic_conv).
      APPEND graphic_table.
      LOOP AT graphic_table.
        wa_hex = graphic_table.
        APPEND wa_hex TO i_hex.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUB_GET_LOGO
    Any Ideas how to do the same???

    Hi ,
    I advice you to raise a OSS Note so that SAP Can suggest what needs to be done in this case .
    Hope my suggestion is helpful.
    Thanks & Regards
    Pradeep Akula .

  • How to pick out the main body/article when surrounded by ads ?

    Hi all,
    First of all, not exactly sure where I should post this, so please let me know a better forum if you know of one.
    I am working with a linguisitic search engine that takes pdf articles and indexes them based on lists of keywords, and then does word counts. For this latest project the pdfs are downloads of newpaper articles, typically 1 to 2 pages long. My linguistic engine works on these fine but because these are downloads from the web, the pdfs have extraneous advertisements and links (and so on) surrounding the main article. This leads to false negatives and so I need to get rid of the things around the main body. If the articles were all written with the same format  (e.g. headline at the top and then some sort of copyright at the end) I 'd be able to focus the linguistics engine solely on the article. Unfortunately that is not the case. What I am considering now is some sort of pre-processing using some sort of pdf editor. From what I understand text in the pdf format is stored in elements which describe the layout. Typically, within an article the width of the actual article remains the same. The article typically spans a larger width than say something like an advertisement which contains a link and a description. Would it be possible to pick out the text elements based on something like width or font-type and then save just those portions to another pdf or text file? Can one do such things with Acrobat or the SDK? I'll have about 5-10,000 docs to work on. Thus I need an automated procedure. Going thru manually and copying&pasting the relevant portions will be too tedious. Thanks for any suggestions.

    It's really hard to say what will be possible without the benefit of seeing a typical example. It's not generally true that "...text in the pdf format is stored in elements which describe the layout..." If the ads are in consistent locations (e.g., on the right 2 inches of the page), you can automate the redaction process using JavaScript.

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    Here's the Bottom Case Replacement Link
    It doesn't answer your specific questions about cost... but it does advise to contact an Apple Store or an AASP...
    Anyway have a look at it... if you haven't already..
    Cheers and Good Luck...

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    1.Logistics--Materials Management--Purchasing ---Purchase Requisition --Follow-on functions --- Assign and Process
    3.Select the Assigned Purchase Requisitions checkbox if you also want to see requisitions already assigned, and choose Execute.
    4.On the Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions screen, select the requisition lines for your material.
    5.Choose Assign Manually if the info record already exists.
    6.On the pop-up Assign Source of Supply Manually dialog box, make the following entries:
    Agreement     46XXXXX            Agmt item     10          
    7.Choose Assign Source of Supply.
    For assign the source of supply, you can also choose Assign Automatically (only if not already assigned by MRP due to existing source list). If more than one source exists, select the contract in the Source Overview for Purchase Requisition 100XXXXX window and confirm with Enter.
    When assigning a source, make sure to select the contract.
    8.Choose Save.
    9.Select the line item, and then choose Assignments Overview (SHIFT+F5).
    10.On the Assign and Process Requisitions: Overview of Assignments screen, select the line below Vendor (you can only select one at a time), then choose Process Assignment.
    11.On the Process Assignment: Create PO window, check and make sure the Order Type (NB), Purchasing Group and Purch. Organization fields then choose Continue (Enter) to confirm.
    12.On the Create Purchase Order screen, select the requisition in the Document Overview section and choose Adopt in the left part of the Document Overview screen.
    13.Choose Save.

  • HT1694 Unable to read main body of hotmail messages, only headlines

    Unable to read main body of emails in hotmail, only titles

    Quit the mail app completely and reboot the iPad. Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Double tap the home button and the recents tray will appear with all of your recent apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the app that you want to close. Tap the home button or anywhere above the task bar.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

  • Is there a way to create a custom screensaver with pics/slides that display for different amounts of time?

    Is there a way to create a custom screensaver with pics/slides that display for different amounts of time? Or even add a "video slide" into the screensaver?
    My business has 3 TVs displayed in our lobby, each with its own apple TV and they are all linked to the same photo stream. Currently the Atv screensaver displays the photostream pictures of our products for the default 3 seconds. We just added pics/slides that now display messages and useful info for our customers but I want that info to be displayed for a longer period of time than the pictures to give people a chance to read it.
    I tried using flickr and powerpoint as a work around but no luck.  I created a slide in powerpoint with play length of 15 secs and saved it as a wmv file.  I added that file to a "screensaver" set in flickr and pointed the Atv screensaver to that flickr set.  It still displays everything, pics and the wmv file at the default 3 sec.
    I know I can increase the duration of all pics in the screensaver to display for longer but the goal is to have the pics display at 3 secs and the info slides to display at 15 secs.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    No that's not possible.
    If you have any suggestions that you think might enhance the Apple TV you can send Apple your feedback here 

  • Why is iMessage taking my incoming emails and then not making them available for my PC to get?  Why can I not send a text msg with photos when iMessage is turned off (but MMS is still on).

    Apple is great!
    Why is iMessage taking my incoming emails and then not making them available for my PC to get?  Why can I not send a text msg with photos when iMessage is turned off (but MMS is still on).
    I compose an iMessage with the destination as my email address and I attach 2 photos I want on my PC.  I send them several times from my iPhone 5C but they never arrive. I look at my ipad later and realize that it's iMessage app is getting ( and swallowing) these emails. I then turn the ipad off.  Still can't get the photos through because iphone is now getting them on it's iMessage.  I turn off the iMessage feature and try to send photos from text msging.  Phone tells me it can't send photos unless iMessage it turned on.  What happened to regular MMS text messaging?  I go and try to send photos as an email attachment and see that there is no option to attach from the stupid email program.  I look up online to learn about the brave new world of apple attachments and send them.
    Why is iMessage taking my incoming emails and then not making them available for my PC to get?
    The email program on my iphone is not configured to remove messages from the server.
    If iMessage is turned off I don't have the issue.
    Why can I not send a text msg with photos when iMessage is turned off (but MMS is still on).

    Did not work. I've selected iMessage to ON and left it. After a few hours I recieved a message "activation unsuccessful. Turn on iMessage to try again". This has been going on for the past 3 days.

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  • I creating firefox extension when add this into firefox all works right but when i open a new link show a dialog box with message "Error: document body is null"

    I am creating firefox extension (No error in extension because it work fine in chrome). But it show box with error "Error: document.body is null" why

    Thanks for reply cor-el &jscher2000
    i am not using "window.content.document.body".
    we send some screenshots for understanding problem
    i created this extension for firefox, chorme
    It Works fine in chrome but in firefox show error(Which have no effect on my extension or other browsing).

Maybe you are looking for