Forwarding SMS

Is there anyway to forward sms from a receiver to another contact. i have been receiving business sms that i would want to share with other colleaues but cannot as there is no option to forward sms. Is it true that there is no forward facilities in iphone for sms???

These are all issues that have been discussed thousands of times on hundreds of iPhone forums and news outlets since the original iPhone several years ago. 30 minutes on Google before buying the iPhone would have revealed these shortcomings. I certainly knew about them when I purchased mine. Unfortunately, many people buy these things on impulse.
It's not 'criminal' for any company not to provide a feature, especially on a phone. That's the sad mentality of most people - they think they 'deserve' things when in reality, they should be happy they have so many options. If you see a shortcoming in a product segment, start your own company and fill it! I agree that Apple should have provided some of these features. I also agree that we should appropriately report our feedback to companies, but to continue ranting about these things is useless and shows the immaturity of many people.
And lastly, I'd don't think I'll pay your 10% restocking fee - I'm not the one who made what apparently was a bad decision on which phone to purchase.

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    This is not currently possible. Sorry.
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  • How forward SMS with the Iphone 3G ? Txs

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    vous ne pouvez pas transmettre des messages texte
    you can not forward text messages

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    Actually that't not correct. SMS isn't email and it's not sent by internet protocols. That email address is a conduit for ATT to forward SMS sent from computers. AT&T coverts the email into SMS and sends it through the cell voice network, not the internet used by email. SMS sent from other cell phones don't use the email address at all.

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    you can do so in 3.0 and 3.0.1

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    Hi baggywar,
    If you are having issues with your iPhone being unable to forward SMS message, you may want to try some things to troubleshoot.
    First, quit all running applications and test again -
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Next, I would try restarting the iPhone -
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    If the issue is still present, you may want to restore the iPhone as a new device -
    iOS: How to back up your data and set up your device as a new device
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L  

  • Can I auto forward sms/text messages to another phone?

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    Take a look at Google Voice. I use it so I don't have to carry 2 phones. One personal, one for work.
    It gives you a new number that you can direct to ring multiple phones simultaneously if you like. It will also handle text messages and forward them for you.
    Even if you're only going to carry one phone, this gives you a # you can have other people call without having to give them your personal #.
    There are other neat tricks you can pull with this. For example, it can display your GV # in the caller ID for incoming calls instead of the actual callers #. If you have a plan that gives you unlimited calling to specific #s, that means all those calls can be free if you add it to your friends/family/Alist/whatever they call it now.
    You can also set time restrictions so that it will only forward calls/messages during certain hours or to different phones at different times. When I'm working or on call, I get calls from the office. If I'm not, they won't ring through (they want me on call, they can pay me for it. lol)
    I don't know if it will be helpful for you, but it might be.  The service is free with cheap international calling rates.

  • Forward sms!!!

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    for mms to other companys phones
    Alltel = [email protected]
    AT&T = [email protected]
    Boost Mobile = [email protected]
    Cingular (AT&T) = [email protected]
    Einstein PCS = [email protected]
    Sprint = [email protected]
    T-Mobile = [email protected]
    US Cellular = [email protected]
    Verizon Wireless = [email protected]
    Virgin Mobile = [email protected]
    hope that helps

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    Hi RedElise,
    well I have wiped my 8900 this afternoon and reinstalled the same OS hoping to fix this annoying problem.
    I am afraid it has not worked, I am still getting exactly the same problem as before.
    I hope one of the other techy guys can resolve this for us,
    Can you please click on the KUDOS star if this was helpful and click on Accept as Solution if your problem is solved.

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    A forwarded message does not retain the original date or original sender in any way or form (when you forward, it is just a new message with the text of the original, that's all).
    If you need to know the original date, you need to look at the original message (and if it was forwarded by somebody else to you, you need to look at the phone of this somebody else, and not your phone).

  • Please Help me " Forwarding SMS "

    Hi guys
    i lov this phone and i have some problem with it
    1- in my recent number i cant delete one number , AND JUST ONE NUMBER!!! i should clear all recent ??!really?it hasnt this feature to delete one number??
    2- i want to forward SMS that i recieved!!! when i click on the sms just i can reply !!!
    help plz

    Just like that forward/edit/copy/paste function on ALL current cell phones. It is expected to be present because it's BASIC.
    Sorry but the cut/copy/paste function is not available with ALL current cell phones.
    I think you are mistaken if you believe not including these functions was just an oversight on Apple's part. Apple doesn't always get things right but they are known for doing plenty of research so for whatever reason I believe these functions were purposely not included and weren't some oversight that was missed as if all Apple employees that were involved with the design and implementation don't have a cell phone for business or personal use or a PDA or phone in the "smart phone" category.
    MMS may come about at some point but I rarely if ever used it before the iPhone and prefer doing so via email instead where the recipient can view photos in full view and not on some small lower quality cell phone screen.
    Cut/copy/paste functions with a touch screen interface is probably a little tricky but providing the ability to forward an SMS or sending an SMS to multiple recipients shouldn't be a major function to add but there is likely some reason this was purposely left out that we aren't privileged to and not due to an oversight by those involved.

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    select the message to forward after adding the 2 contacts and then click on the contacts added. the + sign appears again as it was just pushed beneath the contacts.

  • N73 - How to forward SMS to Email?

    Would appreciate any help here.
    Simply how to forward an sms to an email address - cant seem to figure this out, but can do it easily with my old Nokia simply by selecting "send sms to email".

    I think if you put the email address in the To: box it'll work.
    Orange Handsets : Nokia 51 > NK702 (6130) > 6210 > 6310i (silver)> 7210i > 6230 > 6230i (silver) > N80 (silver) > N95-1
    T-Mobile: N96

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    1.1.3 does not support SMS forwarding. Nor for that matter does 1.1.2 (or 1.1.4). With 1.1.3, it became possible to send group SMS, that's all. I expect that you have an unlocked iPhone (?), and that you were able to forward with 1.1.2 because you had a 3rd party application to do this. When you updated to 1.1.3, you reverted to factory settings, and lost that ability. Sorry, but we can't really help you here, if the phone is unlocked, as we don't know much about them, and those that do are not allowed to advise, as per the TOU of this forum. Your best bet is to go to another forum where they may be able to help you more. Good luck with it.

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    Take a look at Google Voice. I use it so I don't have to carry 2 phones. One personal, one for work.
    It gives you a new number that you can direct to ring multiple phones simultaneously if you like. It will also handle text messages and forward them for you.
    Even if you're only going to carry one phone, this gives you a # you can have other people call without having to give them your personal #.
    There are other neat tricks you can pull with this. For example, it can display your GV # in the caller ID for incoming calls instead of the actual callers #. If you have a plan that gives you unlimited calling to specific #s, that means all those calls can be free if you add it to your friends/family/Alist/whatever they call it now.
    You can also set time restrictions so that it will only forward calls/messages during certain hours or to different phones at different times. When I'm working or on call, I get calls from the office. If I'm not, they won't ring through (they want me on call, they can pay me for it. lol)
    I don't know if it will be helpful for you, but it might be.  The service is free with cheap international calling rates.

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