FrameMaker 11 - Fehlermeldung nach dem Start: Internal Error 11024, 4976964, 4977258, 7720757

Hallo zusammen,
wir haben auf einem Rechner (Win7 x64 SP1 DE) eine FrameMaker 11 Installation in EN installiert.
Nach dem starten kommt direkt die Fehlermeldung unten:
Wir haben bereits die komplette Installation deinstalliert, Registry gesäubert, alle verfügbaren Updates installiert. Leider hat bisher noch nichts geholfen.
Vielleicht hat einer von euch eine Idee, woran das liegen kann.
Anbei noch der Inhalt der .txt Datei, welche er in der Fehlermeldung angibt:
=== Header Begin ===
Internal Error: 11024, 23458116, 23458410, 26201909
FrameMaker 11.0.2 for Intel
Window System: MSWindows
Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 ( 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
Generated on: Montag, 4. November 2013 11:39:09
To file: C:\Users\elijou\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\11\FrameLog_13.11.04_11.39.09.txt
=== Header End ===
Danke & Gruß

Hi Tanner,
If your framemaker is throwing these kind of exceptions as mentioned in  screenshot. Please go to your machine's App data folder as mentioned below:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\Application Data\Adobe\FrameMaker\
Note: <Username> is your username as a local user.
Now you get a folder here with the name of the version of your FrameMaker's version
e.g. 11
Now delete this folder and restart your FrameMaker. At the starting point, FrameMaker provides you two buttons, one is Structured and another one is FrameMaker. You can click any one of them and start the FrameMaker according to your needs. FrameMaker will take a few minutes to initialize the settings and create the app data folder and will start easily.
Note: FrameMaker button is for unstructured or ordinary FrameMaker. 
Thanks and please let me know if the solution works for you.

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    /*The client will add a new Menu –Book Utilities when the books is in the current focus.
      This Menu option will have following two sub-menus:
      - Book MIF Wash: MIF Wash the book components. Before continuing the operation the
      client will prompt the user to make a backup copy of the file set as the files
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    * To Register your client with the FrameMaker product.
    * The FrameMaker product needs to know about your client to initialize it. To let the FrameMaker product know about this client, you must make some changes to the environment under which the client runs.
    * 1. Copy the attached dll to FrameMaker 10\fminit folder in the Program Files installation directory.
    * 2. Open maker.ini file in the FrameMaker 10 directory. Add the following lines to the [APIClients] section of the maker.ini file:
    * MIFwash=Standard, MIF Wash, fminit\BookComponentMIFWash.dll, all
    * Note: This is the format for the maker.ini client entry.
    * ClientName=ClientType, description, path, mode
    * ClientName is the name that the FrameMaker product and other clients use to reference your client. ClientType specifies your client type: for example, Standard, DocReport, or TextImport. description is a string describing your client. path is the pathname of your client’s DLL. mode determines what product interfaces your client supports—can be one of all, maker, or structured.
    * 3. Launch FrameMaker 10. To verify that the client has been registered successfully open a new book. A menu bar with “Book MIF Wash” name should get added.
    Note: the book file must be in focus in order to get the "Book Utilities" menu to appear.

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    Viele Grüsse!

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    Data and renaming the Control Panels folder (read this somewhere as
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    continues to work without any problems.

    Originally posted by:
    Very Invisible
    Originally posted by:
    I had this same issue. When I loaded Fireworks CS4, it would
    get past the splash screen but then come up with an error "An
    internal error occurred. An internal error occurred" (yes the
    message appeared twice in the same message box).
    I resolved this issue by deleting my Fireworks CS4
    "configuration" folder.
    For Vista users you can find this folder under
    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\. Sorry XP users
    but I don't know the exact path for you but will assume that it is
    something like C:\Documents and
    Settings\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\.
    I renamed the "Fireworks CS4" folder to "Fireworks CS4 OLD"
    (just so I could access it again if need be). When I relaunched
    Firefox CS4, the "configuration" folder was recreated and my
    problem disappeared (along with any preferences and workspaces that
    I had created - but hey that is better than NOT being able to
    access the application fullstop).
    I hope this can help you all.
    I did that. I even deleted the whole Adobe folder and still
    having no luck.
    I can only try and reinstall Windows Vista :(
    When you say that you deleted the whole Adobe folder do you
    mean the one I described
    (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\)? The only reason
    I ask is that you say in your earlier post that you were playing
    around with "Program Files/Adobe/Fireworks CS4".

  • FrameMaker 9 - Internal Error 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0 when launching

    Hi Adobe community,
    I have been assisting a user with this FrameMaker 9 issue that has been returning many many times. When she launches FM9, she gets an Internal Error.
    The workaround is to rename the Linguistics folder to something else relaunch FrameMaker 9 which will create a new Linguistics folder. However, the issue returns almost every month and we are not sure why. Any advice on how to prevent the Linguistics folder from being corrupted?
    One thing to note is that the user has FrameMaker 7.2 and FrameMaker 10 installed concurrently. She often has FM 9 and FM 10 open at the same time.
    Here is the *.txt file that the error message is referring to:
      === Header Begin ===
    Internal Error: 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0
    FrameMaker 9.0.0 for Intel
    Build: 9.0p255
    Window System: MSWindows
    Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 ( 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
    Generated on: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:13:04 PM
    To file: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\9\FrameLog_13.01.30_16.13.04.txt
    === Header End ===
    [Spurious content deleted by moderator]

    I have Frame 9 patched fully, patch 4, in Windows 7 Ultimate running in VMmare Fusion fully updated. I get this error every time I start Frame.
    I have the same Frame version and updates running in the same Windows Ultimate running on Parallels Desktop 9, fully updated and it runs fine, no issues at all.
    I have removed Frame in VMware several times. completely, with YourUninstaller which cleans all files, folders, and registry entries to no avail. I have deleted and/or renamed the Linguistics folder several times. Changed the maker.ini "sitedictionary=" entry to no avail, (I saw this in another post on another discussion site", didn't work... A side note, Frame 12 runs fine on the VMware machine...
    I am at a loss other than Frame 9 and VMware Fusion are not compatible for some crazy reason. Any ideas?

  • Internal Error 8004, 6964255, 4843886, 4843614. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must q

    Has anyone experienced the above error message? I always receive this message when I start scrolling through a FrameMaker file. It does not matter if I scroll with the mouse or using the keyboard. When I click OK to this message, FrameMaker immediately shuts down. At times, it corrupts the file on a particular page(s) and continually gives me this message. Most often, I need to recreate these lost pages. Very frustrating and I do not know if it is FrameMaker or a problem with refresh and the graphics card. Help!

    I wanted to post this as another thread but at the same time I believe it's related to what's been discussed in this one.
    These are my error codes when FM has crashed in my system:
    Internal Error: 8004, 8443342, 4459945, 4414681
    Internal Error: 8004, 6343116, 8483344, 0
    Internal Error: 8004, 6961695, 4843246, 4842974
    and others that I thought related to the scrolling thing... however, I installed FreeWheel and the crash happened again as soon as I updated my book to generate my lists. I've had the scrolling issue in past and it's true that at the time the FreeWheel solution was pretty effective. However, this time I really am sort of not knowing what to do about it.
    I have FM 8 with the latest patches running on Vista.
    I would really appreciate any input that could help me work this out.

  • Windows Backup - The backup application coud not start due to an internal error: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this task. (0x8100000010).

    Windows 7 users in my domain are unable to configure or change backup settings.  Users are able to open Control Panel > Backup and Restore, but when they click
    Change settings, they receive the error: Windows Backup - The backup application coud not start due to an internal error: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this task. (0x8100000010).
    The same error is received when executing sdclt.exe /configure at the command prompt, regardless of whether the command prompt is launched using "run as administrator".
    I've done significant testing, and have been able to determine that the local administrator account is able to configure backups before the computer is joined to the domain.  Once the computer is joined to the domain, the local administrator account
    and domain users who are in the local administrators group are no longer able to configure backup and restore.  Domain administrators are able to configure backups.
    This is a new issue, which began occuring sometime in the last 2 months.  3 months ago, users were able to configure backups without issue, and those computers with backups configured are still able to run their backups and do restores; however the
    settings can no longer be changed. 
    Clearly something in the domain is doing this, but Group Policy has not been altered, and I can find no setting that would be doing this in any case.  Any help is appreciated. 

    So you mean you have tried different accounts in the local Administrator group and all of them failed?
    If so, please check what group the local Administrator group belongs to? Does it belong to a group with limited privileges, such as the Guests group?
    Tim Quan

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