Framemaker Created PS files - Distiller crashing

I have posted this in the Acrobat forum also. They suggested that I post itover here also.
We have a directory with 173 postscript files in it. These postscript files were created with Framemaker 7.2. Distiller is set to watch the folder and starts distilling.
Distiller will process a number of files and then crash. The message is "Acrobat Distiller has encountered a problem and needs to close". Distiller is then manually restarted and process some more files and then crashes again. Doing this enough times, it will successfully distill all of the files in the directory.
It does not appear to be related to any file (because there are no error messages in the distiller status window and the "Last Page" line shows up). It appears to occur when the disilling of a file has completed (around the time it copies the file to the out folder.). No error messages are generated in any log files.
All files around where the error occurs can be distilled singly without error.
Acrobat 8 was uninstalled and reinstalled with no change. Another different computer was used with the same result.
I have opened up an Adobe tech support case. But it would be extremely helpful to have some assitance from the many experts ins in this forum.
Tech support recently responded with:
"For the problem you are having, it sounds like Distiller is running out
of memory to be used to convert the postscript files. Quite a bit of
the conversion process happens in the RAM and temporary files folder, so
while you might have a large Hard drive, the program itself will crash
out if given too much work to do at once."
I can get it to occur with 10 files in a directory and have distilled these quantities of files for the last years using distiller 4,5,6 and 7. Is this a reasonable explanation?
They also responded with:
"Older versions of Framemaker it was recommended to go to postscript first and then turn the files to PDF. Framemaker 7.0 and higher though, the conversion directly to PDF is much more stable and now is the recommended work flow for getting your FM files into PDF format."
Is this indeed the offical position now? I have looked in the FAQs for this forum and haven't seen this.
I apologize for the length of this posting.

I think the network is stable. One of our test cases is a standalone computer also. The problem occurs on this computer also.
Interestingly, we have another task going to look at upgrading some of our work to Framemaker 8. This testing was being performed on a Vista computer. This computer is not a precisely controlled configured (not configured for publishing, only used for development). When we recreate the PS files using Framemaker 8 on the Vista platform, Distiller 8 doesn't crash.
This was an unrelated activity and there may be a lot of different variables. It is not clear which change (framemaker 8, vista, fonts,etc) may have eliminated the problem because that wasn't the purpose of the testing.
We only have a limited supply of workstations to play with. And the workstations that we do have are used for other purposes. So it is difficult to get the configurations that we need to test.
The files that we have been distilling are different from our historical source files in two primary ways. We have started using OpenType fonts and we are using tagging to be section 508 compliance. Distiller 7 doesn't have a problem with these files.
We have also used distiller 8 to distiller our historical (5 year old) source files that use Type 1 fonts with "tagging" turned off. Distiller 8 crashes on these files also. Distiller 6 and 7 have never crashed on these files.
I wish it was an realistic option to switch tools, but we are under some tight time constraints that won't allow us to modify our work flow that much (because we can stay with distiller 7 if needed). It is a long range option, but we have to select a solution that has the best chance of being around and supported for at least 7 years. Changing our workflow is a very big deal that we do very cautiously. That is why we stay with the Adobe products.
Thanks for you input.

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  • FAQ: Creating PDF Files from FrameMaker v.6 & earlier Documents -- Why you should not use "save as PDF"! -- Windows & MacOS Only!

    An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF email lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
    I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
    But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
    The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
    (1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
    (2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
    (3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i.e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
    (4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
    (5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
    (6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
    (7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
    (8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i.e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
    (9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
    (10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
    If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
    It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
    In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
    Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
    Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
    What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
    Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
    Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
    Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
    Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
    Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
    Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
    Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
    Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i.e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
    The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
    The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
    Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products
    PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
    PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
    Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller
    Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    Case 3: Acrobat 3
    Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
    - Dov

    You're asking a lot of ancient Acrobat to work with an Office that never existed when it was made. "Just updated my office suite" is a massive change, and Window 8 didn't exist at that time either...

  • TPS file is not deleted after FrameMaker creates PDFs via Acrobat 8

    Using FrameMaker 7.2 build 158, and Adobe Acrobat 8, when creating PDF files, the temporary PostScript file (*.tps), which is created before the final PDF, is not deleted after the creation of the PDF is complete.
    This is a big deal for us because we are using a tool which hooks into the PDF-creation of FrameMaker/Distiller, and is reliant on this TPS file being deleted.
    Is this a known bug? Does Adobe know about this? Do any other users have workarounds for this?

    FWIW, speaking from experience with the Save As route, I've seen
    random "phunnies" in the final PDFs (such as the missing fonts
    issues), a bigger .tps file than the .ps file generated from directly
    printing to file, slower throughput in both the intermediate
    postscript file creation and actual distilling (probably tied in to
    the larger .tps file) and other differences from what the joboptions
    should have been.
    There should not have been any differences in the file sizes being
    created if the same printer instance/configuration was actually being
    used. I also see this on some automated runs with Miramo. It's not
    consistent either - sometimes it works fine and then the next run, the
    process is considerably slower and there are dropouts in the PDFs.
    So far, manually printing to a ps file and distilling always seems to
    work without any issues.
    Your mileage may vary.

  • Problem Creating Postscript File with FrameMaker 7.2

    My usual book easily goes more than 500 pages with lots of graphics (eps) and text. I am trying to create pdf. My problem is I am unable to print book in one shot - always received error messages. If I break the book and print selected files, I am able to create the postscript files. (I need to break into 5 to 6 postscripts files). But by doing this I lost the link to my TOC when I combine the files into 1 pdf file.
    Have anyone encounter this problem before? Any suggestion? (I am using FrameMaker 7.2 and Distiller 6.0).

    The plugins for JBuilder only worked on JB 5 as far as I can recall.  In any case, the plugins for JBuilder are no longer supported (I think).  If you want plugin support, please use Eclipse or the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (based on Eclipse 2.1).  If you don't need plugin support, then you can use the Ant build scripts that are supplied with the PDK.

  • Photoshop CS5 crashes when opening file/creating new file

    I can load up CS5 and its fine. I then go to open or create a file and it just crashes.
    Can someone help me please
    I really need photoshop for my photography

    Photoshop uses OpenGL for some things that won't function if you disable it, but for the most part Photoshop will work fine.  Things you will miss include:
    Alt-right click and drag mouse gestures for changing brush size/hardness won't show you a preview of your brush size/hardness, just an outline.
    Smooth zoom and panning.
    Some 3D functions of the Extended edition.
    Some performance improvements in the display.
    Adobe has done a great job of making almost all of Photoshop work well without OpenGL, but I encourage you to visit the following site and download the latest video drivers for your card.  It may clear up all the Photoshop problems and possibly others you don't know you have yet.   (Note the "Download Drivers" section to the upper-right).

  • Cannot create PS file and PDF in Framemaker 9

    I'm using Version 9.0p196.
    When I used the "Advanced Save" to save an .fm file to a pdf, I got the message "The specified printer 'N/A' cannot be found, use printer 'Adobe PDF' instead. After I click OK, it said "cannot create PS file", and "failed to create PDF file.
    It worked fine before.This problem was occurred after I copied some fonts to the following locations:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker9\fminit\fonts\adobe
    Those fonts are:
    I have no idea if that's the cause of the problem. Does anyone know?
    By the way, the FM 9 is running on XP.

    You may or may not have created a mess with fonts. I would try not to have duplicate fonts, it is totally sufficient to have them in C:\Windows\Fonts.
    But your FrameMaker verson is definitely four (4) patches behind. The current version is 9.0.4 (9.0p255) and you can get the updaters here:
    You have to install them one after another.
    Some of the patches improved the Save as PDF feature.
    For further communication, please add your OS version and Acrobat version.
    - Michael

  • Why .pdf file, created by Acrobat Distiller 10.1.2. (Windows) failed to convert to MS Word

    I tried to convert .pdf file  to MS Word, but it failed.
    I noticed in  a previous discussion on that topic that this converter ccnnot work with
    .pdf files cteated by certain producers
    My was created by Acrobat Distiller 10.1.2. (Windows)
    Is that a rogue producer too?
    Alexey Kovalev

    At this point, try Acrobat XI Pro to see if you can convert the document there.  A 30-day trial of Acrobat XI Pro is available here:
    If the file fails to convert with Acrobat, it may be corrupted. How did you get this PDF?

  • Illustrator CC crashes on opening or creating a file

    Out of the blue Illustrator CC has decided to crash immediately on trying to open or create a file.
    I am on a 64 bit windows 7 machine.

    Here is the usual list (including the usual suspects in Item 7 in the link in Step 5)) that Monika refers to (the non destructive preference resetting is Step 4):
    You may try the following (you may have tried/done some of them already) and see whether it helps (the following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file; 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences):
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder Other options (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.
    Edit: Hi Monika. Still autumn there, too?

  • PSE 8.0 windows 7 slideshow created but output to wmv file repeatedly crashes (with 1 exception)

    I have PSE 8.0 Windows 7 and successfully create slideshows but the output to wmv file repeatedly crashes (with 1 exception) & adobe crash reports submitted have gone unanswered. Can anyone suggest solution(s) please?

    Please see if windows media player is present on your system.

  • Unable to create pdf files after upgrade to acrobat dc, acrobat crashes

    Since I just upgraded to Acrobat DC I am not able to create PDF files any more. Whatever program I tried, the PDF-printing process always crashes. Deinstallation and reinstallation does not help in any way. Even worse, there is no option to install any former version of Adobe Acrobat through the Creative Cloud App. Any office or CAD software from which I am trying to print also totally stucks from the PDF printing process. I am a freelancer and have some urgent deadlines tomorrow, so the last thing I need right now is trouble with my pdf-printer. Any help is highly appreciated. (Windows 7 Professional, HP ZBook 15 Mobile Workstation).

    For those of you who are Creative Cloud members and are facing the same problem, this is the way to reinstall Acrobat XI Pro (you will not find this option within the Creative Cloud App):
    1. Make sure you uninstalled Acrobat DC.
    2. Log in with your account data on
    3. Go to
    4. Choose Acrobat XI Pro from the dropdown menu and click the download button.
    5. An event handler will ask you in a popup window if you want to open the link within the Adobe Creative Cloud App. Choose CreativeCloud(URIHandler) from the list and hit okay.
    6. The Download will now apear in the Apps list of the Creative Cloud App and can be installed by hitting the Install button.
    Took me some time to figure that out and I would prefer to use the latest Acrobat version. But as long as Acrobat DC causes my other applications to crash, Acrobat XI Pro will do the job.

  • Illustrator Crashes when creating new file and opening a file

    Every time I try to create a new file, or even open an existing file Illustrator crashes. I have re-installed luck. I have tried running Illustrator while holding luck. I am using windows 7, and have no crazy drivers that I believe need to be updated.
    Thank you for your help!

    Have been Googling like always after Illustrator CC crashes with these specific symptoms (Opening fine, New file of Opening existing file crashes).
    All other threads had no working solution for me and the symptoms seemed little different - Opening the program and keeping it open without opening or creating a file was no problem.
    This was the well-appreciated solution that did the trick for me.
    Re: Illustrator CC 17.1 Crashing on New File or Open File (Win 7) works under a different user?
    (In my case I think my default printer had been changed in the background by using a VPN connection this morning which I hardly use ever. Never had been thinking in that direction of course.)
    Good luck to you all.

  • Illiustrator CS6 crashes when creating New File

    Im using windows 7 x64. And i have installed both Illiustrators x64 and x32. I can open Illiustrator but when i trying to create new file Illiustrator stop working.
    Windows 7 Hompe premium x64
    procesor i3 4x2.93
    ram : 4gb
    network with printers
    error reaport

    Hi Saras,
    We really apologize for all the inconvenience which has caused you.
    Try the steps below to check the issue.
    1. Try to reset the preferences
    Press Alt-Crtl-Shift on a PC  as soon as you click Illustratir icon to reset the preferences to the factory defaults.
    2. If that doesnt help try removing all the installed printers from the system one by one & check.
    3. Also you can try to put the system in clean boot & check if the AI still crashes if you try to create a file.
    In the meanwhile if these steps doesn't resolve your issues you can contact Adobe support by following the link below:

  • Creating PS file with Adobe PDF very slow

    Hallo Framers,
    I use FrameMaker 7.1 and Distiller 8.1.3 under Windows XP.
    As recommended in many posts on this forum, I have set Adobe PDF as my default printer. I use the Print To File setting and process the resulting PS with Distiller. However it is S-L-O-W. Making the PS of a 1250-page document takes less than 2 minutes when I use the driver of my PS printer (Xerox WorkCentre 7132PS), and 48 minutes using the Adobe PDF driver. The PS and PDF files are about the same size (900MB PS, 14MB PDF) and the appearance and links seem to be good in both.
    I know that Tagged PDF can be slow, but I have switched that off in Format > Document > PDF Setup > Tags. Are there any other settings where I can speed up the Adobe PDF?
    aTdHvAaNnKcSe (thanks in advance)
    --- Derek

    Since my name has been used in vain here at least a few times ...
    (1)     My presentation from 2002 is somewhat dated. Acrobat 5 is four releases back from Acrobat 9, the current release. Likewise, the current FrameMaker at that time was FrameMaker 7.0, also four releases back from the current FrameMaker 9 (I am counting 7.1 and 7.2 as releases). Some of the recommendations from that 2002 still make sense and apply, others don't.
    (2)     For example, there is the issue of the spooling settings for the Advanced tab of the Adobe PDF PostScript Printer Driver Instance. Ideally, this should be set to Start printing after last page is spooled. But if you set that option for that particular printer instance under Windows Vista or Windows 7, you break Acrobat (it is a security “feature” added by Microsoft). Leave the setting at the default of Start printing immediately if you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 (which of course implies that you must have Acrobat 8 or Acrobat 9).
    (3)     The glacial speed issue is really associated with the fact that there are a number of “layers” of code interpreting each of the calls made by FrameMaker to Windows GDI to pass not only graphics to the driver to be converted to PDF, but many fragments of PostScript for purposes of providing support for reflow, structure, links, etc. If you turn off those features you really don't need for a particular publication, you will likely see significant performance improvements. Alternatively, something that essentially saves just to file without going through the driver plug-in directly feeding the Distiller may also cut the overhead.
    (4)     There is no new printer driver dated from 2002 or otherwise on the Adobe website. I assume the reference is to the Adobe Universal PostScript Windows Driver Installer 1.0.6 dating back to 5/23/2002. First thing to know about this “installer” is that it won't run properly and may crash on Windows Vista and Windows 7 32-bit systems and won't run at all on 64-bit Windows systems. It is a 16-bit installer application that was originally designed for Windows'95 and Windows'98. The second and most important thing to understand is that it doesn't install any new driver on any OS versions other than Windows'9X, Windows ME, and Windows NT 4.0. For Windows 2000 and XP, it uses the existing Windows PSCRIPT5 driver and associates that with a PPD file to create a PostScript printer driver instance. Again, it installs nothing new. What you can do with this is to create a new PostScript printer driver instance using the Distiller PPD and set it to print to FILE: using that to create PostScript from FrameMaker and then funnel either manually or via a “watched folder” to the Distiller for creation of PDF from the PostScript.
              - Dov

  • Acrobat 8.1.2 - PDF Printer still not working & Distiller crashes on startup!!!

    when 8.1.2 update was released my hopes where great but now I'm realy disappointed!!!
    After 3 times reinstalling CS3 Suite (incl. clean cs) and updateing for hours NOTHING seems to be fixed! Oh, well, the bouncing icon seems to be but maybe just because I'm not using Acrobat any more...
    Here's a summary of my specs and the problems I have:
    OSX 10.5.2 on a Intel 8-core MAC Pro w. 4 GB Ram
    Suitcase Fusion (also for System Fonts)
    CS3 Premium w. latest Update(s)
    Xpress 7 + Love Bundle
    Country settings: Lang. German, country Austria
    Installed Hardware:
    ATI Radeon graphic card
    Mighty Mouse wireless + New wireless Apple keyboard
    24" DELL TFT monitor
    2 x 500 Gb HDD's
    The main problem is that I HAVE TO create print PDFs from Xpress doc's wich is impossible without Distiller!
    The 8.1.2 update seems to fix the "pausing PDF printer Problem", now the PDF printer sends the PS file to Distiller wich just crashes!
    Here's the Distiller crash log (looong):
    Process: Distiller [1022]
    Path: /Applications/Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional/Acrobat
    Identifier: com.adobe.distiller
    Version: 8.1.2 (8.1.2)
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [76]
    Date/Time: 2008-02-20 09:50:33.461 +0100
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C31)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 11
    Thread 11 Crashed:
    0 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x010fcf49 os_strcmp + 10
    1 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x01112942 PSRIPAppendHostSearchDir + 385
    2 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x01112b01 PSRIPAppendHostSearchDir + 832
    3 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x01136c09 RgstUnixStoDevFileNameProc + 90
    4 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x010e8aae StoDevCreateStm + 253
    5 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x010e5476 CreateFileStm + 25
    6 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x0115562d PurgeFilterStorageTempFiles + 129
    7 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x01147210 FiltersInitProc + 500
    8 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x01148065 RegisterFiltersInit + 79
    9 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x0122f379 PSRealTime + 230
    10 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x0122f752 InitPostScript + 607
    11 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x012be9a6 AwaitAllPSPages + 1802
    12 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x012bece0 HPGLInterpreter + 192
    13 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x011122c7 PSRIPInitialize + 1165
    14 com.adobe.DistillerLib 0x00efa598 DistillerPSRip::PSInit(void*) + 256
    15 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x95705409 CooperativeThread + 309
    16 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90bf7c55 _pthread_start + 321
    17 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90bf7b12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 11 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
    eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x011128b4 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0xffffffd1
    edi: 0x16e03248 esi: 0xb05d8440 ebp: 0xb05d8418 esp: 0xb05d8414
    ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010202 eip: 0x010fcf49 cs: 0x00000017
    ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037
    cr2: 0x00000000

    I posted this elsewhere, but I thought it couldn't hurt to repost here:
    I had a similar problem and finally figured out why (and now to fix it).
    Permissions were messed-up on ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat
    I did not have read-write permissions in it and Distiller was failing to create the ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/Distiller 8/FontCache subdirectory.
    I simply changed the owner and permission on ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat and the problem went away.

  • Distiller Crashes

    Did a fresh install of Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Pro on my Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit system and it is not working properly. When I try to launch Distiller it crashes. When I try to print to the Adobe PDF printer, the application asks to save to a location and looks as if it is saving but nothing gets created. I am able to open Acrobat and create PDF's but not print to the PDF printer or run Distiller.
    Thing's I've already tried:
    - Run repair with no success
    - Reinstall twice with no success
    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the reply! AA9 Pro is supported on Win 7 x64 and I've installed it successfully on many Win 7 x64 computers. However, this issue is occuring on one specific computer. I will try the updates and see if that works. I use the same source files for all the installs that I do and this one just happens to not work accordingly. However, the user that I am installing it not particularly follow the rules of IT but regardless I need to find a fix. Could it be conflicting with a specific application? I actually tested it with most of his applications that he has and so far my AA9 is working fine. The user does install some applications on the D:\ which shouldn't matter.  I just took a look in the the event viewer and I indeed get an error about distiller crashing.

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