Free class agent of a persitance class

Hey guys,
is there a way to free the agent of an persistence class? I used the persistences service for saving my data. After save i am not leaving the program an want to save data again. It seems the persistence service has some buffer problems. therefore i want to free the agent of the persistence class.

i already set a commit work, but if i save again, i can see it is the same object .....

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    You are not alone! Things to check are that your extended class bean does not have issues with naming. I had the same problem and it was due to me naming the class AB but when compiled on NT 2000 it was compiled as ab.class
    To resolve the issue though run this to find the instances as they are still there!
    SELECT id, name
    FROM odm_publicobject
    WHERE classid IN (
    SELECT id FROM odm_classobject
    WHERE uniquename IN ('EXTENDED CLASS NAME'));
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    Folder f = (Folder)ifs.findPublicObjectById(new Long(ID));
    ifs.delete(f, true);
    That should help you out.
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    Please refer link:
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    I have a metalink account. Do I go to metailink?
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    Everytime I launch this Tivoli TME client I get this access Violation error. I have un-install java and re-installed it with the same result. It use to work fine but now just does a dump. Reloaded the program on other pc's and it works fine.
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION TITLE subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ===============================
    1TISIGINFO signal 11 received
    1TIDATETIME Date: 2011/12/29 at 12:46:01
    1TIFILENAME Javacore filename: C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\javacore.20111229.124601.2836.txt
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION XHPI subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ==============================
    1XHEXCPCODE Exception code: C0000005 Access Violation
    1XHEXCPADDRESS Fault address: 700D6DC3 01:000D5DC3
    1XHEXCPMODULE Fault module: C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\bin\awt.dll
    1XHREGISTERS Registers:
    2XHREGISTER EAX:00000002
    2XHREGISTER EBX:08246338
    2XHREGISTER ESI:00000000
    2XHREGISTER EDI:701178E8
    2XHREGISTER SS:ESP:0023:07BEE9C0 EBP:00000015
    2XHREGISTER DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000
    1XHFLAGS Flags:00010202
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION CI subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1CIJAVAVERSION J2RE 1.4.2 IBM Windows 32 build cn142-20070317 (SR8)
    1CIRUNNINGAS Running as a standalone JVM
    1CICMDLINE C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\bin\javaw.exe\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jcf.jks -Dnv_inst_flag=NO -Dnvwc.cwd=\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\log.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\evd.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_console.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jhall.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jrim.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\avail_common.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\console.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\ibmjsse.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jcf.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\uif.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_ui_svr.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_ui_svr_stubs.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_svr.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_svr_stubs.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\java-getopt-1.0.6.jar;; -DINTERP=w32-ix86 -DDISPLAY= com.tivoli.tec.console.EnterpriseConsoleLauncher
    1CIJAVAHOMEDIR Java Home Dir: C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre
    1CIJAVADLLDIR Java DLL Dir: C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\bin
    1CISYSCP Sys Classpath: C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\core.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\graphics.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\security.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\server.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\xml.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmcertpathprovider.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjaasactivelm.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjaaslm.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjcefw.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjgssprovider.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjssefips.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjsseprovider.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmorb.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmorbapi.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmpkcs.jar
    1CIUSERARGS UserArgs:
    2CIUSERARG vfprintf 0x4030F0
    2CIUSERARG -Dnv_inst_flag=NO
    2CIUSERARG -Dnvwc.cwd=
    2CIUSERARG -DINTERP=w32-ix86
    2CIUSERARG -Dinvokedviajava
    2CIUSERARG -Djava.class.path=C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\log.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\evd.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_console.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jhall.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jrim.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\avail_common.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\console.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\ibmjsse.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jcf.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\uif.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_ui_svr.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_ui_svr_stubs.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_svr.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\tec_svr_stubs.jar;C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\java-getopt-1.0.6.jar;;
    2CIUSERARG vfprintf
    1CIJVMMI JVM Monitoring Interface (JVMMI)
    NULL ------------------------
    2CIJVMMIOFF No events are enabled.
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION DC subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1DCHEADEREYE Header eye catcher DCST
    1DCHEADERLEN Header length 24
    1DCHEADERVER Header version 1
    1DCHEADERMOD Header modification 0
    1DCINTERFACE DC Interface at 0x70DC039C with 15 entries
    2DCINTERFACE 1 - dcCString2JavaString 0x70CCF0C0
    2DCINTERFACE 2 - dcInt642CString 0x70CCF280
    2DCINTERFACE 3 - dcJavaString2NewCString 0x70CCF4A0
    2DCINTERFACE 4 - dcJavaString2CString 0x70CCF3C0
    2DCINTERFACE 5 - dcJavaString2NewPlatformString 0x70CCF5F0
    2DCINTERFACE 6 - dcJavaString2UTF 0x70CCF990
    2DCINTERFACE 7 - dcPlatformString2JavaString 0x70CCF710
    2DCINTERFACE 8 - dcUnicode2UTF 0x70CCF8C0
    2DCINTERFACE 9 - dcUnicode2UTFLength 0x70CCF830
    2DCINTERFACE 10 - dcUTF2JavaString 0x70CCFD60
    2DCINTERFACE 11 - dcUTFClassName2JavaString 0x70CD0060
    2DCINTERFACE 12 - dcJavaString2ClassName 0x70CCFA60
    2DCINTERFACE 13 - dcUTF2UnicodeNext 0x70CD02E0
    2DCINTERFACE 14 - dcVerifyUTF8 0x70CD03D0
    2DCINTERFACE 15 - dcDumpRoutine 0x70CD0A60
    1DCARRAYINFO Array info at 0x70D749A8 with 16 entries
    2DCARRAYINFO 1 - index 0 signature 0 name N/A factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 2 - index 0 signature 0 name N/A factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 3 - index 2 signature L name class[] factor 4
    2DCARRAYINFO 4 - index 0 signature 0 name N/A factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 5 - index 4 signature Z name bool[] factor 1
    2DCARRAYINFO 6 - index 5 signature C name char[] factor 2
    2DCARRAYINFO 7 - index 6 signature F name float[] factor 4
    2DCARRAYINFO 8 - index 7 signature D name double[] factor 8
    2DCARRAYINFO 9 - index 8 signature B name byte[] factor 1
    2DCARRAYINFO 10 - index 9 signature S name short[] factor 2
    2DCARRAYINFO 11 - index 10 signature I name int[] factor 4
    2DCARRAYINFO 12 - index 11 signature J name long[] factor 8
    2DCARRAYINFO 13 - index 0 signature 0 name uint[] factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 14 - index 0 signature 0 name uint1[] factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 15 - index 0 signature 0 name uint2[] factor 0
    2DCARRAYINFO 16 - index 0 signature 0 name uint3[] factor 0
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION DG subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1DGTRCENABLED Trace enabled: Yes
    2DGTRCTYPE Trace: Internal
    2DGTRCBUFFERS Buffer specification: 8k
    2DGTRCBUFALLOC Buffers allocated: 0
    2DGTRCBUFUSED Buffers in use: 0
    1DGJDUMPBUFF Javadump buffer size (allocated): 2621440
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION ST subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1STGCMODES Resettable GC: No
    1STGCMODES Concurrent GC: No
    1STCURHBASE Current Heap Base: 0x100401FC
    1STCURHLIM Current Heap Limit: 0x108BFBFC
    1STMWHBASE Middleware Heap Base: 0x100401FC
    1STMWHLIM Middleware Heap Limit: 0x108BFBFC
    1STGCHELPERS Number of GC Helper Threads: 1
    1STJVMOPTS -Xconcurrentlevel: 0
    1STJVMOPTS -Xconcurrentbackground: 0
    1STGCCTR GC Counter: 7
    1STAFCTR AF Counter: 7
    1STHEAPFREE Bytes of Heap Space Free: 1adcb0
    1STHEAPALLOC Bytes of Heap Space Allocated: 87fa00
    1STSMBASE SM Base: 0x0
    1STSMEND SM End: 0x0
    1STPAMSTART PAM Start: 0x0
    1STPAMEND PAM End: 0x0
    1STCOMACTION Compact Action: 0
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION XE subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1XETHRESHOLD MMI threshold for java methods is set to 2000
    1XEJITINIT JIT is initialized
    1XEJVMPIOFF JVMPI is not activated
    1XEJNITHRESH MMI threshold for JNI methods is set to 0
    1XETRCHIS Trace history length is set to 4
    1XEJITDUMP JIT dump routine is not yet implemented.
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION LK subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1LKPOOLINFO Monitor pool info:
    2LKPOOLINIT Initial monitor count: 32
    2LKPOOLEXPNUM Minimum number of free monitors before expansion: 5
    2LKPOOLEXPBY Pool will next be expanded by: 16
    2LKPOOLTOTAL Current total number of monitors: 32
    2LKPOOLFREE Current number of free monitors: 29
    1LKMONPOOLDUMP Monitor Pool Dump (flat & inflated object-monitors):
    2LKMONINUSE sys_mon_t:0x002BBC90 infl_mon_t: 0x000386A8:
    3LKMONOBJECT java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@100C2990/100C2998: <unowned>
    3LKNOTIFYQ Waiting to be notified:
    3LKWAITNOTIFY "Reference Handler" (0x7014808)
    2LKMONINUSE sys_mon_t:0x002BBCD8 infl_mon_t: 0x000386D4:
    3LKMONOBJECT java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@100C26C8/100C26D0: <unowned>
    3LKNOTIFYQ Waiting to be notified:
    3LKWAITNOTIFY "Finalizer" (0x7016BA8)
    2LKMONINUSE sys_mon_t:0x002BBD20 infl_mon_t: 0x00038700:
    3LKMONOBJECT javax.swing.TimerQueue@104FFE50/104FFE58: <unowned>
    3LKNOTIFYQ Waiting to be notified:
    3LKWAITNOTIFY "TimerQueue" (0x8082290)
    1LKREGMONDUMP JVM System Monitor Dump (registered monitors):
    2LKREGMON JITC PIC Lock (0x070DE440): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITC CHA lock (0x070C8748): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITC MB UPDATE lock (0x07610070): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITC Global_Compile lock (0x07610020): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Free Class Loader Cache Entry lock (0x0003A490): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON IO lock (0x0003A448): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Evacuation Region lock (0x0003A3B8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Heap Promotion lock (0x0003A370): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Sleep lock (0x0003A328): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Method trace lock (0x0003A2E0): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Heap lock (0x0003A1C0): owner "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (0x80B4138), entry count 1
    2LKREGMON Monitor Cache lock (0x0003A130): owner "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (0x80B4138), entry count 1
    2LKREGMON JNI Pinning lock (0x0003A208): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JNI Global Reference lock (0x0003A178): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Classloader lock (0x0003A298): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Binclass lock (0x0003A0E8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Thread queue lock (0x002B2838): owner "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (0x80B4138), entry count 1
    3LKNOTIFYQ Waiting to be notified:
    3LKWAITNOTIFY "Thread-0" (0x381F0)
    2LKREGMON Monitor Registry lock (0x0003A250): owner "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (0x80B4138), entry count 1
    2LKREGMON System Heap lock (0x00039408): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON ACS Heap lock (0x00039450): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON PAM lock (0x00039498): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Intern String Table lock (0x000394E0): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Classloader lock (0x00039528): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Byte Code lock (0x00039570): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Global Compile lock (0x000395B8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT BINCLASS lock (0x00039600): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Debug lock (0x00039648): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Log lock (0x00039690): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITmemT 1 lock (0x000396D8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITspaceT 1 lock (0x00039720): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITcodeT 1 lock (0x00039768): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITnccbT 1 lock (0x000397B0): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Invoke Interface Cache lock (0x000397F8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Class Map lock (0x00039840): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT Code lock (0x00039888): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JITmblkT 1 lock (0x000398D0): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT MB Update lock (0x00039918): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Permanent Variable subpool lock (0x00039960): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Intern String Buckets subpool lock (0x000399A8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON UTF8 Cache subpool lock (0x000399F0): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Namespace Cache subpool lock (0x00039A38): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON Class Storage subpool lock (0x00039A80): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON CL Tables subpool lock (0x00039AC8): <unowned>
    2LKREGMON JIT General subpool lock (0x00039B10): <unowned>
    1LKFLATMONDUMP Thread identifiers (as used in flat monitors):
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x09 "TimerQueue" (0x8082290) ee 0x080820B0
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x02 "Thread-0" (0x381F0) ee 0x00038010
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x08 "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (0x80B4138) ee 0x080B3F58
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x05 "Finalizer" (0x7016BA8) ee 0x070169C8
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x04 "Reference Handler" (0x7014808) ee 0x07014628
    2LKFLATMON ident 0x03 "Signal dispatcher" (0x7011D58) ee 0x07011B78
    1LKOBJMONDUMP Java Object Monitor Dump (flat & inflated object-monitors):
    2LKINFLATEDMON java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@100C26C8/100C26D0
    3LKINFLDETAILS locknflags 80000200 Monitor inflated infl_mon 0x000386D4
    2LKINFLATEDMON java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@100C2990/100C2998
    3LKINFLDETAILS locknflags 80000100 Monitor inflated infl_mon 0x000386A8
    2LKINFLATEDMON javax.swing.TimerQueue@104FFE50/104FFE58
    3LKINFLDETAILS locknflags 80000300 Monitor inflated infl_mon 0x00038700
    2LKFLATLOCKED sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment@107D9788/107D9790
    3LKFLATDETAILS locknflags 00080000 Flat locked by thread ident 0x08, entry count 1
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION XM subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1XMCURTHDINFO Current Thread Details
    NULL ----------------------
    3XMTHREADINFO "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (TID:0x100ADE40, sys_thread_t:0x80B4138, state:R, native ID:0xA4) prio=5
    4XESTACKTRACE at Method)
    4XESTACKTRACE at<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice.<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.makeScreenDevice(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment.getScreenDevices(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Window.init(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Window.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Frame.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Frame.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.uif.controls.UFFrameManager.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.uif.controls.UFFrameManager.startFrameManager(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.console.ConsoleLauncher.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.console.SingleAppLauncher.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.tec.console.EnterpriseConsoleLauncher.<init>(
    1XMTHDINFO All Thread Details
    NULL ------------------
    2XMFULLTHDDUMP Full thread dump Classic VM (J2RE 1.4.2 IBM Windows 32 build cn142-20070317 (SR8), native threads):
    3XMTHREADINFO "TimerQueue" (TID:0x100ADD90, sys_thread_t:0x8082290, state:CW, native ID:0x169C) prio=5
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    3XMTHREADINFO "Thread-0" (TID:0x100ADDE8, sys_thread_t:0x381F0, state:CW, native ID:0xC3C) prio=5
    3XMTHREADINFO "TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLauncher" (TID:0x100ADE40, sys_thread_t:0x80B4138, state:R, native ID:0xA4) prio=5
    4XESTACKTRACE at Method)
    4XESTACKTRACE at<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsDevice.<clinit>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.makeScreenDevice(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment.getScreenDevices(
    4XESTACKTRACE at sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Window.init(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Window.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Frame.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.awt.Frame.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.uif.controls.UFFrameManager.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.uif.controls.UFFrameManager.startFrameManager(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.console.ConsoleLauncher.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.console.SingleAppLauncher.<init>(
    4XESTACKTRACE at com.tivoli.tec.console.EnterpriseConsoleLauncher.<init>(
    3XMTHREADINFO "Finalizer" (TID:0x100AE0B0, sys_thread_t:0x7016BA8, state:CW, native ID:0x1340) prio=8
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    3XMTHREADINFO "Reference Handler" (TID:0x100AE108, sys_thread_t:0x7014808, state:CW, native ID:0xB00) prio=10
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.Reference.process(Native Method)
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.Reference.access$300(
    4XESTACKTRACE at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    3XMTHREADINFO "Signal dispatcher" (TID:0x100AE160, sys_thread_t:0x7011D58, state:R, native ID:0x194) prio=5
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION CL subcomponent dump routine
    NULL ============================
    1CLCLASSPATH      Classpath Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\core.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\graphics.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\security.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\server.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\xml.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\charsets.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmcertpathprovider.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjaasactivelm.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjaaslm.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjcefw.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjgssprovider.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjssefips.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmjsseprovider.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmorb.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmorbapi.jar),Z(C:\Tivoli\TEC39FP8\jre\lib\ibmpkcs.jar)
    1CLFLAGOLDJAVA      Oldjava mode false
    1CLFLAGBOOTSTRP     Bootstrapping false
    1CLFLAGVERBOSE      Verbose class dependencies false
    1CLENUMVERIFY      Class verification VERIFY_REMOTE
    1CLPNTRNAMECLLO     Namespace to classloader 0x00000000
    1CLPNTRCHAINLO      Start of cache entry pool 0x081A1978
    1CLPNTRCHFREE      Start of free cache entries 0x081A39E4
    1CLPNTRMETHODTB     Location of method table 0x06FA2F40
    1CLPNTRANCHRGLN     Global namespace anchor 0x002B383C
    1CLPNTRCLSLOADS     System classloader shadow 0x06F4B008
    1CLPNTRSYSLOADS     Classloader shadows 0x081265C0
    1CLPNTRCLSEXT      Extension loader 0x100ADFD8
    1CLPNTRSYSLOADR     System classloader 0x100ADF58
    1CLTEXTCLLOS      Classloader summaries
    1CLTEXTCLLSS           12345678: 1=primordial,2=extension,3=shareable,4=middleware,5=system,6=trusted,7=application,8=delegating
    2CLTEXTCLLOADER          ------a- Loader sun/reflect/misc/MethodUtil(0x081265C0), Shadow 0x100ADD28, Parent sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x100ADF58)
    3CLNMBRLOADEDCL               Number of loaded classes 1
    3CLNMBRCACHECLS               Number of cached classes 7
    3CLHEXDALLOCTIO               Allocation used for loaded classes 1
    3CLHEXDPCKGEOWN               Package owner 0x100ADD28
    2CLTEXTCLLOADER          -x---t-d Loader sun/reflect/DelegatingClassLoader(0x079559A0), Shadow 0x100ADEA0, Parent sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x100ADFD8)
    3CLNMBRLOADEDCL               Number of loaded classes 1
    3CLNMBRCACHECLS               Number of cached classes 3
    3CLHEXDALLOCTIO               Allocation used for loaded classes 3
    3CLHEXDPCKGEOWN               Package owner 0x100ADEA0
    2CLTEXTCLLOADER          -----ta- Loader sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x070DC9A0), Shadow 0x100ADF58, Parent sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x100ADFD8)
    3CLNMBRLOADEDCL               Number of loaded classes 51
    3CLNMBRCACHECLS               Number of cached classes 341
    3CLHEXDALLOCTIO               Allocation used for loaded classes 1
    3CLHEXDPCKGEOWN               Package owner 0x100ADF58
    2CLTEXTCLLOADER          -xh-st-- Loader sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x070CFFD0), Shadow 0x100ADFD8, Parent none(0x00000000)
    3CLNMBRLOADEDCL               Number of loaded classes 10
    3CLNMBRCACHECLS               Number of cached classes 95
    3CLHEXDALLOCTIO               Allocation used for loaded classes 3
    3CLHEXDPCKGEOWN               Package owner 0x100ADFD8
    2CLTEXTCLLOADER          p-h-st-- Loader System(0x06F4B008), Shadow 0x00000000
    3CLNMBRLOADEDCL               Number of loaded classes 952
    3CLNMBRCACHECLS               Number of cached classes 956
    3CLHEXDALLOCTIO               Allocation used for loaded classes 3
    3CLHEXDPCKGEOWN               Package owner 0x00000000
    3CLTEXT3CLTEXTCLASS                [S(0x002D1D58)
    NULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0SECTION Javadump End section
    1DGJDUMP Javadump Buffer Usage Information
    NULL =================================
    2DGJDUMPALLOC Javadump buffer size (allocated): 2621440
    2DGJDUMPUSED Javadump buffer size (used) : 84652
    NULL ---------------------- END OF DUMP -------------------------------------

    It use to work fine Something changed. Could be a newer (maintenance) version of Java. Seems like those have been having more than a few problems say in the last year or so.
    Wild guess alternative - could also be a graphics driver problem.
    Everytime I launch this Tivoli TME client IThat sounds like a product. This is not a product support site. It is a site for programmers who use java. Product support should be directed to the source of the product.

  • Freezes on startup during password prompt

    Whenever I restart my computer it boots normally until the password prompt comes on. It still looks fine until i go to enter in a password.
    As soon as i begin to enter a password the color spinning wheel appears and will start spinning forever. I usually have to turn it off and then turn it back on again.
    Then sometimes on restart it will just go to a gray apple screen with the apple logo and hte spinning progress dial. This can also go on forever.
    After many times of restarting the computer it will work. But i just switched to a mac and was wondering if there is anything I might be doing wrong or anything I should do to fix this.
    MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.4.10)

    There's no reason not to take it in or call Applecare on the phone--I have found them to be very good at walking you through problems and determining if it is just a matter of setting preferences or if there is something actually wrong.
    If you have access to an Apple store, I think they have free classes which will teach you how to use your computer (at least our Apple Store does). You might find this helpful if you are new to Macs.
    Good luck!

  • Problem with brand new Imac, please help

    I was suggested that it would be best for me to post this topic here in this forum.
    Hi I am new to Mac, I had just gotten my 17" imac isight last week, for the most part i am very happy with it. But last night I was having some troubles with it. I had been online and was using Firefox as my browser....I went on one website and all of a sudden my mac froze up, the cursor changed to a spinning colored pinwheel and i couldn't click out of the page at all. In the upper right hand corner of the webpage which i didn't notice when i originally went on it was a message saying "you've been owned noobie" only guess was that this person's page had been hacked.
    I tried manually shutting down the imac, when it came back on I could not do anything. Firefox and Safari kept shutting down, and even when i tried going into System Peferences it kept closing on me. I tried shutting down at one point and the computer seemed like it was still on, the light in the lower right hand corner was going in and out. I tried starting up again and could not get onto the desktop, it was stuck on the blue screen. I tried holding the power button down in the back for a few seconds and i took the power cord out from the back for 30 seconds, after that it seemed to work fine.
    I am afraid that this may happen again, right now everything seems fine....has anyone else experienced this issue or has any insight on it? Is it a hardware problem or simply a bad webpage?
    I appreciate any help that you guys can give me!

    Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of iMacs. I too, just got the same iMac as you.
    Here are some new usesr tips & links to check out:
    - Get Applecare in the first 90 days.
    - Apple stores have Free classes, and online seminars & tutorials.
    A new service called: One to One for new users. (all made4mac apps, utilities,
    games etc.)
    **For new Switchers from Pc to Mac:
    - for comparisons of hardware and apps, etc.'s_Guide
    ** For Questions, Problems, and lots of answers:
    - Always try the Help feature in the top menu of the finder and any
    app for lots of info. And, Spotlight, too.
    - try: forums and, as well. They have
    excellent forums, and tutorials.
    * David Pogue's, The Missing Manual Series, of books are
    indispensable! Just make sure to get the correct version for your
    particular OS! Panther, Tiger, & Leopard. He has one just for
    Switching, from PC to Mac.
    - For more help try MacUser group in your area:
    - You can also sign up for Kbase info from apple, too.
    - Check out the MacFixit Pro news, too. Tons of info.
    - Helpful tutorials:, and http,
    - software resource:
    Have Fun,
    New iMac Intel 17" Core 2 Dou, 2.0Ghz, 1G Ram, 160G HD   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   500mhz Cube, 1.2g ram, 120g HD, Geforce2MX, iSticks + iSub

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