Free lion upgrade in india ??purchase after 20july..

can someone tell me ,if i will purchase the macbook pro tommorow ie. 24/07/2011,will apple provide me a free upgrade in india ,as there is no link in apple site which says clearly about the upgrade for free lion .
pls. reply & provide the link for apple india site

Its the same malek
It will still give you the link I gave you above
Qualifying purchases on or after 21 July 2011
Customers who purchase a qualifying new Mac Computeron or after 21 July 2011 that does not include OS X Lion can upgrade to OS X Lion for free.
Follow this link to participate in the programme. Remember your completed order must be entered within 30 days of the date of your purchase of a qualifying computer (described in this offer). Subject to terms and conditions.

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    it is called the up to date program: Apple - OS X Lion and Lion Server - Up to Date Program

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    You might want to just manually power down your machine and, if necessary, start the installation process anew. You're unlikely to damage anything by doing this. It may have actually installed and is just hanging when it's supposed to reboot.
    Good luck,

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    See Here for what purchase qualifie and the procedure for getting a free update.

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    It's definitely linked to Time Machine and backups.
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    Hey Scott/Tanya
    If you go to this address you should be able to get your code to redeem:
    I had exactly the same problem with the US one as I am from UK but I figured out if you put the insert the country code into the URL you will get to where you want to be!
    Hope this helps and good luck.

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    Try two things:
    Reset the SMC and PRAM (instuctions in knowledge base articles.
    If that does not help, either take the computer to an Apple strore or call Applecare.  You are within the warranty period so there should be no cost to you at all.

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    The key is a supported iOS device activated for the first time after September 1. That iPad mini would qualify if it has never been activated before. If you're purchasing a used one it probably won't work.
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    You're absolutely right. It should have had Lion installed in it. However, you should be able to download it from the Apple "App" store at no cost.

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    The Mid-2007 model didn't come out until June 2007, so you must have bought an earlier model. It won't run Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8.x), but it might run Lion (10.7.x) if you can get hold of a copy, depending on which earlier model it is.
    Lion requires at least a Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The first MacBook Pros came out in January 2006, but they had "Core Duo" processors (no "2"). The Core 2 Duo MacBook Pros came out in October 2006. You could have bought either in March 2007.

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    You will have to call AppleCare. This is only a user forum:
    Apple Store Customer Service at 1-800-676-2775 or visit online Help for more information.
    To contact product and tech support visit online support site.

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    You need to request the download code from Apple
    Just go there and fill out the info and they will email you the code to get Lion for free.

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    Please help someone. I just want to get my wife's iphoto and iMovie back that she loves to tinker with (without having to pay for it all over again).

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    What about the freezing problem my iMac is having after I performed the task Apple tech supt told me to, which didn't work and created a new problem. You didn't address the freezing issue. You stating what I already said and adding a snooty comment to the end of it, while not offering any real help or advice pertaining to my questions, has been a waste of my time and an inconvenience to me that was not need. How about you think next time, before you type.
    If anyone else would like to point out that I messed up or that I have no choice but to pay again, please hold your comments and allow those who might have a suggestion or answer to post, so I can get the help I asked for. Thank you, and thank you QuickTimeKirk for the speedy reply.

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