Freemind under ratpoison - messed up fullscreen

When running the mind-mapping tool Freemind under Ratpoison, it will not correctly start in fullscreen; you can see what I mean in this screenshot.
Has any past or present ratpoison user got any simple suggestions for getting round this? I've tried using Rat's shrink command on the window; that doesn't work... 

I tried various things for this, and was unable to solve the problem. I'm about to switch to openbox anyway, so it'll be fine in that.
For anyone who has an issue similar to this with other java apps in Ratpoison, I'd advise you to use RPs functionality for launching another WM, and install openbox, since it's tiny, lightweight and provides the desired WM functionality and nothing more.

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    Same problem as posed here:
    I was excited when I read the following:
    I fiddled with Apple's X11, which I'd installed on my Desktop, to no avail. Nowhere could I disable the screen-spanning behavior. On a hunch, I decided to try out XDarwin, however, and lo and behold --- a checkbox for enabling/disabling Xinerama! In addition, XDarwin seems to be better behaved than Apple's X11 when it comes to correctly sourcing some of my $HOME/.X* configuration files (e.g., I always had to run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap manually under X11, even after putting the command in my .xinitrc).
    I only ever use Xquartz(currently XQuartz 2.6.0 (xorg-server 1.9.3)) which is Xdarwin now. But I do not see the mentioned checkbox for enabling/disabling Xinerama.
    Which sounds exactly like what I want to do. I want to have my macbook air(mba) to display full screen Xquartz on external 27" Dell monitor only. On the macbook screen I want to show the OSX desktop with open applications not blacked out by X11.
    Any pointers to this checkbox's location would be great. Or any other way to configure this setup would also be good.
    I'm not looking for solutions that keep the laptop monitor off in any way as I have seen suggested many times. This is because I want to use it to view state of other OS X apps on the macbook screen while working in full screen X session on the external monitor.
    The xnest solution sounds inferior for the same reasons pointed out by Michael C. Lee in the post I mentioned above.

    Hi Andy,
    I really appreciate your help!
    I believe you're correct in that I wouldn't be able to start the X server and have it only produce output on one of my monitors, as they are necessarily part of a single "display" (in OS X, at least). Barring that, however, I wanted to be able to at least keep X11 from creating a single screen that spanned both my monitors (the problem with this is that it doesn't recognize the separate monitor geometries, so large chunks of the virtual spanning screen were inaccessible, and it also made dealing with X apps that are none dual-head friendly a pain). On my linux machine, I was able to get this behavior by default (i.e., separate screens named '.0 and .1' under a single X display), and could get monitor spanning only after enabling the Xinerama extension.
    I fiddled with Apple's X11, which I'd installed on my Desktop, to no avail. Nowhere could I disable the screen-spanning behavior. On a hunch, I decided to try out XDarwin, however, and lo and behold --- a checkbox for enabling/disabling Xinerama! In addition, XDarwin seems to be better behaved than Apple's X11 when it comes to correctly sourcing some of my $HOME/.X* configuration files (e.g., I always had to run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap manually under X11, even after putting the command in my .xinitrc).
    Anyway, that basically gave me what I needed, so I'm a happy camper. Just thought I'd post this in the unlikely event that someone else is in the same situation. Oh, and if you're curious, the reason I needed to do this in the first place was because I wanted to run the ratpoison windows manager fullscreen --- great for dealing with ADD!

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    Yes, I understand what you are saying. The day I purchased my new phone, as well as changed my plan, I was told that all data used previously would be rolled back into the last billing cycle and would NOT reflect onto the next billing cycle. But they did mess it up, that's not what they did and it was up to them to correct. The retailer that I bought the phone from. And then was told on numerous occasions, that it was being taken care of, do not worry. That this would be off my bill within a week. In the meantime, it never leaves my bill. I call and  talk with Verizon themselves and to the independent retailer that caused this mess in the first place. Neither can seem to solve anything for me. Who am I supposed to even write to? They won't even give me a contact to anyone that could ever expedite this process. I have never gone over my 2 GB's that I currently have on the new plan. I removed mobile hotspot immediately and purchased internet at home and now use Wifi, both here and at work. So that was never the problem. They are charging me for data that I used when I was still under an unlimited plan.
    Thank you for your advice, I will be filing a claim with small claims, as well as sending something in writing to whoever. Though, I highly doubt it gets anyone's attention or this problem solved. Hopefully a lawsuit will. At this point, I am not really concerned of the cost or time, it's now about the principle of the matter! I've already wasted HOURS on the phone and at the local retail store.

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    I'll copy it here for you, maybe you know what it means and how to fix them:
    [oracle@localhost ~]$ dbca
    Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
    #0 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b767]
    #1 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b831]
    #2 /usr/lib/ [0xc58ee4]
    #3 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1cd57b8]
    #4 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8ef4b]
    #5 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f21b]
    #6 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f445]
    #7 [0xb3b32401]
    #8 [0xb3b2be9b]
    #9 [0xb3b291c4]
    #10 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdcf4]
    #11 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e8373d]
    #12 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdf46]
    #13 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db2fbf]
    #14 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db76ec]
    #15 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db220b]
    #16 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db79ff]
    #17 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e300a8]
    #18 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e1f370]
    #19 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xb7be197e]
    Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
    #0 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b767]
    #1 /usr/lib/ [0xc0b90e]
    #2 /usr/lib/ [0xc58079]
    #3 /usr/lib/ [0xc4e246]
    #4 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8de89]
    #5 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8e10a]
    #6 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f343]
    #7 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/ [0xa1c8f445]
    #8 [0xb3b32401]
    #9 [0xb3b2be9b]
    #10 [0xb3b291c4]
    #11 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdcf4]
    #12 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e8373d]
    #13 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7dcdf46]
    #14 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db2fbf]
    #15 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db76ec]
    #16 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db220b]
    #17 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7db79ff]
    #18 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e300a8]
    #19 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client/ [0xb7e1f370]
    Warning: Cannot convert string "-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-sans-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
    This can be found in my .bash_profile for user oracle:
    #oracle settings
    TMP=/tmp; export TMP
    TMPDIR=$TMP; export TMPDIR
    ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1; export
    ORACLE_SID=orcl; export ORACLE_SID
    ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM
    PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
    PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export CLASSPATH
    umask 022
    First time i installed Oracle my .bash_profile was wrong, i had forgotten to add oracle in my ORACLE_HOME-PATH so i guess the others under was messed up to. But ive changed it now and restarted my computer, i have even tried to exclude the lines about LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH (i guess the first errors i posted refer to these paths).
    I followed a guide with my friend and his system is fine without the errors, mine isnt. But maybe you know more about the errors i get when starting graphic tools like dbca and netca.
    Johan from Sweden

    Software uses a "lock" to guard a data structure against concurrent
    modifications, leading to corruption.
    A "backtrace" is the trail of how the program reached this point in the code --
    sort of like a trail of cookie crumbs in a maze.
    Looks like the X-Org stuff Fedora 10 uses improved things so much that legacy
    apps have started breaking. I checked the source code for the libxcb RPM. It
    appears that:
    is supposed to avoid crashing but will still report this backtrace. Ultimately,
    the application will need to be fixed for libxcb-1.1.91 but until this RPM
    version gets used in a supported Oracle environment, a fix may not happen soon.
    So, if it ain't crashing then it works :)

  • Printing in WIndows 7

    I have been successfully printing using lightroom to do the color management with paper profiles used (color management off).  I ungraded to windows 7, and now photos I printed perfectly 2 days ago on my old computers with xp come out with hideously bad colors.  I have reloaded driver a couple of times and also reloaded paper profiles several times.  I am sure I am using the same settings to print.  I am using an Epson r2880 if that matters.  What's happening?  Any idea who to contact to help me?  I am so frustrated and have spent so many hours trying to figure this out.....

    I had to change my printer settings when I made this same move.  Actually, I was able to go to more default/automatic settings on the printer to get accurate LR prints.  The adjustments I needed under WinXP messed things up in Win7.  You may just need to experiment more.  Your issue may be more related to how Win7 is handling your printer, video card, and monitor (their drivers) than it is to LR.
    And yes, you didn't say you use a hardware calibrator/colorimeter.  Anyone having problems matching display to printer needs to get at least an entry level calibrator and follow its directions to the letter before proceeding.  Otherwise you can waste a ton of time and ink trying to match prints to your display.  These hardware calibrators are not plug-n-play devices, if you want good results. It is vital to follow instructions for removing color profiles, resetting the monitor settings, lighting the room exactly as instructed, etc., before calibrating, and you need to do calibrate your monitor in Win7.

  • Removal of toolbar in IE

    Hi All,
    Just inquisitive, is it possible to provide full screen(F11) without user intervention once the user logs into portal. I have a requirment to remove the IE toolbar and to make available more space to avoid scrolling.
    Any input would be appreciated.
    Vikram Saxena

    hello you can try to make a simple html page with a little javascript function on top under the head:
    function fullScreen(theURL) {, '', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto');
    later at the body you can call the above function at the onclick event of the hyperlink passing the url of the portal as theurl of the function.I did try to sent you the html code but sdn restrictions did't let me do it.You can send me your email to post you an example of the exact html fullscreen code .it is really a simple script.Whatever url you pass to the above function will give you full screen.You can exit fullscreen by pressing ctrl+W
    reward if usefull.
    Message was edited by:
            Andreas Nikolaou

  • Why can't I navigate back and forth in iTunes with gestures anymore?

    In leopard, with any app that has a back/forward navigation available (iTunes, AppStore), you could swipe three fingers to move back and forth. Now, in Lion, you can only swipe back/forward in safari (default is two fingers, which is fine with me)... What gives? Is there a way to turn this feature back on?
    It's kind of annoying that one has to click the little [<][>] buttons to move back and forth anymore instead of swiping. With all these improvements, why remove the ones that worked before?
    I still enjoy my Lion, however.

    In something that I've chosen to file under "how messed up is this?", iTunes Store seems to support 3 finger swiping to move forwards and backwards and two finger scrolling in all directions. iTunes itself also supports two finger scrolling in all directions and three finger swiping to go backwards, but not forwards - if it helps I've attached my trackpad settings
    There's one particular finger gesture I'd like to make at Apple for releasing this half thought-through operating system on the general public...(and after the confusing time I just had trying to navigate "Duplicate" and "Save a version" and other such nonsense when using Preview to convert the screenshot Grab just gave me, I'll double that Gesture)

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    chpln wrote:
    If I understand right, Emacs-style keybindings for input fields (for example) are handled by the toolkit or application, not by the window manager.  In the case of GNOME / Xfce, this can be done by modifiying .gtkrc-2.0.  This should also work under ratpoison or StumpWM for any programs using GTK.
    gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"
    Were there any particular programs you were having trouble with?
    This is exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you!

  • Avoiding "shredding" by e.g. synchronized buffer flipping?

    Java supports different buffering strategies for efficient rendering, but is there any way to avoid the "shredding" that takes place when the image to be rendered changes at the instant when the screen is being updated?
    Back in the days of Commodore 64, the video chip provided those raster interrupts that could be used to synchronize execution with screen lines, but I don't know how modern graphics interfaces deal with this matter.
    Any ideas? I haven't found any reference to this kind of synchronicity in connection with flip buffering or related Java API documentation.

    Maxideon wrote:
    As you found out, java does v-sync under the hood only under certain situations (ex: fullscreen with page flipping BufferStrategy). There's no public api that guarantees it all the time.With this oldish Windows XP computer I'm typing now and Java SE 6 (update 16 probably), I am able to create a full-screen mode with a page flipping strategy whose BufferCapabilities returns true for isPageFlipping() whereas getFlipContents() returns null. I was able to get it rather well synchronized using getRefreshRate() and system.nanoTime(), but found no evidence of under-the-hood v-sync. I used a flickering program that , basically, calls BufferStrategy#getDrawGraphics, draws a large rectangle on screen with a different color than last time, and then calls BufferStrategy#show.
    I wonder what it means that the method BufferCapabilities#getFlipContents returned null instead of FlipContents.UNDEFINED even though isPageFlipping returned true. According to the API doc, a null is returned if BufferCapabilities#isPageFlipping returns false.
    The best you can do is insert your own Thread.sleep to wait for the refresh. And you obtain the refresh rate via DisplayMode#getRefreshRate().Thanks for that getRefreshRate tip. If the wait is very accurately synchronized with the refresh rate, you can get either the perfect result with no shredding for some time and/or the worst-case result that the shredding line stays in the middle of you image for several successive updates... Well, as long as you keep your screen update rate slower or equal to the refresh rate, shredding won't be excessive.

  • Mortgage Modification Question

    o I was on the phone with my dad yesterday and he said that he was trying to get a mortgage modification. I asked if he meant refinance and he said but its similar.
    So I started during some research and I now I am greatly concerned. I have learned that the modification will adjust someone's mortgage payments by either adjusting length of the loans and/or the interest rates. However it seems to be targeted to people who are behind on payments.
    My dad says he needs to come up with $5,000 to do this loan modification. He doesn't have it.
    My parents are house poor (obviously) there entire wealth is in this one home. They have about $100,000 in equity. My dad wants to get a line of credit to open a business. Sounds like a bad idea to me!
    How bad is this? Are my parents close to foreclosure or is faily common. They would never tell me so I am hoping someone here knows. He also said that his interst rate on their mortage is 5%. They purchased in 2009. Credit not good enough to refinance. 

    StartingOver10 wrote:
    mynameainttracy wrote:
    Just to clarify, getting into something more affordable doesn't necessarily meaning buying right away.I'm with you mynameainttracy.  If he is not able to come up with $5k and he wants to start a new business, he needs to sell his house and straighten out his finances before he considers opening the business.  Ah well, I guess this is an example of only knowing the world as it's presented to you (talking about me here): would people really sacrifice their home to chase a new business? I could maybe see it a bit later in the process but in this situation I'd be taking on a second job to get out from under my mess, not likely adding to it by starting a business... and that's even applicable in my case where my several potential businesses could be started on a minimal capital expense budget.  If I actually needed inventory or real infrastructure, unless it were VC friendly, ugh, probably not. Selling and renting for a while at a lower pricepoint, that's something I guess I could see, just most people get emotionally attached to their houses.

  • I was messing arouond with the general settings and I turned on the voice (under General settings) and when the screen timed out, I can't get it to take my 4 number passcode to get into my ipad.  Please help!  I'm totally locked out!

    I would appreciate any help I can get.  I was just messing around with the general setting on the ipad (64GB 3G...1st edition ipad), and did not realize that if I went under the general settings and changed the option to turn "on" the voice over, that it would require a double click on everything automatically.  I have my ipad set up to lock after 2 minutes on non-use, and when I tried to sign back in, it said that my 4 digit passcode was incorrect.  Then I tried to double click on each number, and that didn't seem to work.  The numbers 1-9 seemed to input ok, but a zero seemed to throw it off.  I have no idea if it has anything to do with it, but any help on getting back in to my ipad, I would greatly appreciate it, and I will be turning off that stupid voice over off as soon as I can.  I was just goofing off, and was not going to let it stay on permenantely, but I tried to go back under the settings immediately, and I couldn't easily find it, but if someone could help on just getting me back in....I would owe you a big favor!
    Thanks......freaking out in Mobile, AL!! 

    Touch or tap the field that you want to use/select and it should get a box around it ; then double-tap that field to activate/type it. Once you've entered your password you can do the same (i.e. touch to select, double-tap to activate) to gradually get into  Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver and turn it off.
    So to enter your passcode you first need to tap the 'slide to unlock' button to hightlight it (it should get a box around it), then double-tap it to unlock it. Then for your passcode tap the digit that you want and it should get a box around it; then double-tap that digit to type it; and similar for the other three digits in your passcode.
    The manual ( also that you should be able to switch voice-over off by connecting to your computer's iTunes :
    Turn VoiceOver on or off in iTunes: Select iPad in the iTunes sidebar. In the Options section of the Summary pane, click Configure Universal Access. Select VoiceOver, then click OK.
    So select Configure Universal Access at the bottom of the Summary tab and set Seeing to Neither

  • I had an iPhone 4 and recently upgraded to iphone5 now iCloud will not back up new phone.  Under iCloud it shows 2 iPhones and my iPad. Is it trying to write new phone over the old one?  What should I do?  I a, afraid I might lose everything messing with

    I had an iPhone 4 and recently upgraded to iphone5 now iCloud will not back up new phone.  Under iCloud it shows 2 iPhones and my iPad. Is it trying to write new phone over the old one?  What should I do?  I am afraid I might lose everything messing with

    I see.  If you go to Settings>General>About>Name, that is the current name of your phone.  The backup bearing that name should be the more recent one, and therefore the one you want to keep.  I would delete the other one (presumably the one set up by Best Buy under your real name, assuming you changed it later), then see if that gives you enough space to back up again.
    If it still reporting insufficient storage, use this guide: to try to determine what's taking up all your room.  In them meantime, you can perform a manual backup on your computer so your have a current one while you're troubleshooting this.  To do so, connect your phone to iTunes, then right-click on the name of your phone on the left side and select Back Up.

  • Fullscreen bugs in Air 2 apps under client Air 2.5 runtime?

    We produce video distribution apps handling DRM in Air 2.0
    We've  encountered quite a serious bug in our Air applications' handling of  Flash when going fullscreen.
    Under Air 2.0, our apps  were fully functional. No issues.
    After the upgrade to Air 2.5,  all PC installs no onger display video content in full screen when  prompted to do so.
    We have noticed the same error  occurs in AMP 1.8 and are yet to find an example of an Air application  that does not experience this issue.
    As the bug is  isolated to PC (not present on Mac at all), is it related to either:
    a) Flash handling of the Output protection enacted with this update or
    b)  h264 hardware decoding
    We have over 30K apps deployed  and seek information regarding a resolution for this asap.
    We have  drafted a workaround, but it is not an ideal situation.
    Is  Air 2.5 being updated again (within 48hrs)?

    I'm sorry you've run into this fullscreen playback bug.  We found this issue with AMP after the release of 2.5 (internal bug #2732895) and it will be fixed in our next release.  Adobe announced yesterday that an update to Flash Player would occur on or before November 9th.  Typically AIR and FP releases occur in tandem.
    In our testing, we were only able to reproduce the issue with Adobe's Media Player, attempts to reproduce using AOL, BBC iPlayer, or MovieFone were unsuccessful.  Could you point me to another example where this bug occurs?  I'd like to verify it's fixed on more than one application.
    I'm going to follow up with you via the forums private message system, you can also email me at [email protected]

  • When opening firefox to my Yahoo homepage, all of the formatting is screwed up. If I open it under explorer, it's fine. Any suggestions as to why firefox is messing up the yahoo formatting?

    The whole yahoo homepage is pushed to the left side and listed in a columnar format. None of the picture graphics appear as well. It's seems like yahoo isn't compatible. The whole page is setup in almost an outline format with numbers for each topic. (for example, Mail is showing as #1 with a small box with a decimal underneath. #2 is Autos with a box with a decimal underneath..and so on. The links are just boxes and there are decimals throughout. At the top left of the page, displayed over the Yahoo title is "YAI". If I close out and open yahoo under explorer, the site is perfectly normal so this tells me it has something to do with the firefox formatting. Using windows vista 2007.

    I do not want to download another virus program.. I do not believe it is a virus. I am running the full version of Norton 360 and it is doing a daily scan. I have Windows 7, 64 bit OS.
    This is very irritating !! If I wanted Yahoo I would ask for it !

Maybe you are looking for

  • Serial Port not accessible until I run MAX

    Hi! On my machine I can access all Serial ports perfectly. I put a Vias Resource in my VI and get a drop down menu with all my serial ports. But on other machines (Runtime v7 and VISA runtime installed) I don´t get the names (e.g. com1 com2) but only

  • HT3275 What is a sparsebundle and how do I get it doing whatever it is meant to be doing?

    Backups using Time Capsule were fine until my husband backed his notebook up to the TC. Since then I have been receiving an error message as follows... The backup disk image "/Volumes/MYNAME's Time /MYNAME MacBook Air.sparsebundle is already in use."


    On Syke desktop June/July 2015: Scammer's email: [e-mail removed for privacy and security] Shut this scammers Skype and Gmail accounts. A semi-literate person in GHANA called DAVID, pretends to be a CAPTAIN EDMONSTON, US ARMY who is attempting a swin

  • Unable to map the record variables in SubProcess

    Hi All, We are using Oracle BPM 11g.In my requirement,we are using one database adapter for selecting the records from table,after that we are using the subprocess to loop the process record by record,we also created the busines data objects and proc

  • Problem in running OWB maps

    Hi , We use DBMS to kick our OWB maps.Previously it worked very fine ..But from near about 2 weeks we are facing problems. Problem is though our JOB_QUEUE_PROCESS is set to 8 and even I can see 8 jobs with this_data populated in dba_jobs (means jobs