Frequency filtering with sound card input

I created a VI that filtered a particular input at the desired
frequencies (I have attached it incase you are interested, but its not
necessary to answer my question).  However, when I replaced my
testing signal (express vi) with the soundcard input, it no longer
filtered.  I think this is becuase my filters require dynamic data
type input and the soundcard doesnt output that, thus requiring me to
use a converter.  Could you please direct me to more information
about the "dynamic data" type?  As well as offer any solutions or
insight into filtering in the frequency domain with input from a
soundcard.  Thanks.
Attachments: ‏806 KB

Hi Elen,
The Dynamic Data type (DDT) can hold many different types of data. When
you use the "Convert to Dynamic Data" Express VI, you can configure
exactly how you want to interpret your data. In your case, you are
converting the array to a "1D array of scalars - single channel". This
basically means that you are still passing the data as an array in DDT
The issue with your VI is that you only are passing the array of data
to the Filter Express VI. When this VI receives an array that doesn't
hold any timing information (t0 and dt) it expects that dt is 1 second.
In your case, dt is the reciprocal value of the sample rate, so you
will get wrong results if you don't specify this for the Filter Express
VI. What you have to do, is create a Waveform that includes the dt and
the array, and then pass this Waveform to the Filter VI. Here's the
easiest way to do it:
It is not necessary to specify t0 unless you need to take absolute time
into account. The above changes should be enough to make your example
Have fun!Message Edited by Philip C. on 07-20-2005 09:53 PM
- Philip Courtois, Thinkbot Solutions
ArrayToWDT.PNG ‏7 KB

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    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    Hi Ed,
    First, I was wondering, how do you get the audio from the sound card?  Is it from a LabWindows program? I've never done that.  Second, I was wondering how do you play the audio on the remote machine?  Is that through a LabWindows program?  I've never done that either.
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    LabWindows has the TCP server create and client create functions so that's pretty easy.  The harder part is that you probibly want to set the Radio's PC to a fixed IP address so that you can connect to it without worrying about domain names and such.  Then the two TCP ports that the LabWindows uses for command and audio might need to be setup in all the routers to let you establish a connection.  Your IT guy's can answer that.
    PS. you can play around with this suff on one PC by using the RegisterTCPServerEx function and setting the local host address to "localhost", or "" on one LabWindows project and using the corresponding ConnectToTCpServerEx with "NULL" as the server host name on another LabWindows project.  This creates a virtual TCP connection on the same machine.  This does not duplicate the different audio clock issue I talked about above.

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    > even though i have switched back to win 7, the sound still doesnt work.
    How did you do that?
    Did you use the Toshiba Recovery Disk in order to install Win 7 or did you install the Win 7 using fresh and clean Windows 7 disk?
    The notebook supports Conexant sound chip. The sound driver is available on the Toshiba EU driver page and in case the sound chip is already recognized in device manager after the sound driver installation, I assume the driver has been installed properly.
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    Beside the headphone check, you could check also the settings within the control panel -> sound -> playback tab.
    Usually the speakers should be set as default device.
    Check this option too.

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    Path:            /Applications/Photo Booth
    Version:         6.0 (517)
    Build Info:      PhotoBooth-517000000000000~1
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
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    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2014-03-07 15:00:07.851 -0500
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  53ACDF60-C860-B571-1A5F-5687E317BF3D
    Sleep/Wake UUID: 38B27BE0-7764-46DD-84CA-618218C3D4CC
    Crashed Thread:  4  Dispatch queue: audioCaptureQueue
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: EXC_I386_GPFLT
    Application Specific Information:
    objc_msgSend() selector name: release
    Thread 0:: main  Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a56 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2fa15 _dispatch_semaphore_wait_slow + 206
    2                    0x00007fff852631a8 -[NSThread start] + 350
    3                    0x000000010c5f2542 0x10c59f000 + 341314
    4                    0x000000010c5f2c75 0x10c59f000 + 343157
    5                    0x000000010c5d648e 0x10c59f000 + 226446
    6                    0x00007fff85260cb7 __NSFireDelayedPerform + 333
    7                0x00007fff891cc564 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20
    8                0x00007fff891cc09f __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1151
    9                0x00007fff8923d5aa __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 298
    10                0x00007fff891878e5 __CFRunLoopRun + 1525
    11                0x00007fff891870b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    12                     0x00007fff88001a0d RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 226
    13                     0x00007fff880017b7 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 479
    14                     0x00007fff880015bc _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 65
    15                        0x00007fff8c3483de _DPSNextEvent + 1434
    16                        0x00007fff8c347a2b -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 122
    17                        0x00007fff8c33bb2c -[NSApplication run] + 553
    18                        0x00007fff8c326913 NSApplicationMain + 940
    19  libdyld.dylib                           0x00007fff85aad5fd start + 1
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233c662 kevent64 + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2d43d _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 239
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2d152 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 52
    Thread 2:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 3:: CVDisplayLink
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233b716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c8c77 _pthread_cond_wait + 787
    2                     0x00007fff83dcd464 CVDisplayLink::waitUntil(unsigned long long) + 244
    3                     0x00007fff83dcc998 CVDisplayLink::runIOThread() + 496
    4                     0x00007fff83dcc78f startIOThread(void*) + 147
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 4 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: audioCaptureQueue
    0   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x00007fff877b0097 objc_msgSend + 23
    1                0x00007fff8913067f CFRelease + 591
    2                     0x00007fff859fbaa1 sBufFinalize + 29
    3                0x00007fff891305d8 CFRelease + 424
    4                  0x00007fff8ad72ada __ConsumerRender_block_invoke + 149
    5   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2e1d7 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
    6   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2b2ad _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    7   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2d68f _dispatch_queue_drain + 451
    8   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2e9dd _dispatch_queue_invoke + 110
    9   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2cfa3 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 75
    10  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8fa2e193 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 40
    11  libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7ef8 _pthread_wqthread + 314
    12  libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2                0x00007fff89188155 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    3                0x00007fff89187779 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    4                0x00007fff891870b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    5                        0x00007fff8c4e816e _NSEventThread + 144
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233ba3a __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff85770dc0 nanosleep + 200
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff85770cb2 usleep + 54
    3                   0x00007fff879c46bb CMIOGraph::OneOrMoreInputUnitsAreReadyToBePulled(bool&) + 571
    4                   0x00007fff879c4f7f CMIOGraph::DoWork(unsigned int) + 129
    5                   0x00007fff879c7cb2 CMIO::Thread::QueuedTWorkThread<unsigned int>::DoWork() + 120
    6                   0x00007fff879d0b9f CMIO::Thread::SignaledThread::ThreadLoop() + 129
    7                   0x00007fff879d0afb CMIO::Thread::SignaledThread::WorkQueuedThreadCallback(void*) + 159
    8                     0x00007fff85a104aa figThreadMain + 382
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    10  libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    11  libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2                0x00007fff89188155 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    3                0x00007fff89187779 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    4                0x00007fff891870b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    5                0x00007fff8923c811 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                0x0000000115dfdf8b 0x115df7000 + 28555
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233ba3a __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff85770dc0 nanosleep + 200
    2                    0x00007fff852ad2f2 +[NSThread sleepUntilDate:] + 176
    3                      0x00007fff8b7a83dc -[IKTaskManager taskLoop] + 1906
    4                    0x00007fff8526376b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
    5   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 12:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233be6a __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c7f08 _pthread_wqthread + 330
    2   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafb9 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 14:: QTKit: listenOnDelegatePort
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2                0x00007fff89188155 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    3                0x00007fff89187779 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    4                0x00007fff891870b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    5                0x00007fff8923c811 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                         0x00007fff85b7af3c listenOnDelegatePort + 385
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 15:: QTKit: listenOnNotificationPort
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2                0x00007fff89188155 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 181
    3                0x00007fff89187779 __CFRunLoopRun + 1161
    4                0x00007fff891870b5 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 309
    5                0x00007fff8923c811 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                         0x00007fff85b7b404 listenOnNotificationPort + 353
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 16:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8233b716 __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c8c3b _pthread_cond_wait + 727
    2                     0x00007fff85a0fb56 WaitOnCondition + 11
    3                     0x00007fff85a0f96a FigSemaphoreWaitRelative + 133
    4                   0x00007fff879d0b64 CMIO::Thread::SignaledThread::ThreadLoop() + 70
    5                   0x00007fff879d0afb CMIO::Thread::SignaledThread::WorkQueuedThreadCallback(void*) + 159
    6                     0x00007fff85a104aa figThreadMain + 382
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 17::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2               0x00007fff85b3d918 HALB_MachPort::SendMessageWithReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, mach_msg_header_t*, bool, unsigned int) + 98
    3               0x00007fff85b3d8a6 HALB_MachPort::SendSimpleMessageWithSimpleReply(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int&, bool, unsigned int) + 42
    4               0x00007fff85b3c02e HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() + 950
    5               0x00007fff85b3bbcd HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOThreadEntry(void*) + 97
    6               0x00007fff85b3ba8d HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) + 75
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    9   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 18:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82337a1a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff82336d18 mach_msg + 64
    2   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8232d221 _kernelrpc_mach_port_set_attributes + 155
    3                0x00007fff891641a6 __CFRunLoopCreate + 310
    4                0x00007fff89163f30 _CFRunLoopGet0 + 528
    5                    0x00007fff852633ab __NSThread__main__ + 358
    6   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c6899 _pthread_body + 138
    7   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866c672a _pthread_start + 137
    8   libsystem_pthread.dylib                 0x00007fff866cafc9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 4 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x00007fff73717060  rcx: 0x8000000000000000  rdx: 0x00007fff73751410
      rdi: 0x00007fb0595323b0  rsi: 0x00007fff8cd74666  rbp: 0x0000000111930d30  rsp: 0x0000000111930cd8
       r8: 0x0000000000003fff   r9: 0xffff9f7fff995fbf  r10: 0x00007fff8cd74666  r11: 0x8000000000000000
      r12: 0x00007fb0595323b0  r13: 0x0000000100017080  r14: 0x00007fb059544de0  r15: 0x0000000000000001
      rip: 0x00007fff877b0097  rfl: 0x0000000000010246  cr2: 0x000060800066c030
    Logical CPU:     1
    Error Code:      0x00000000
    Trap Number:     13
    Binary Images:
           0x10c59f000 -        0x10c620fff (6.0 - 517) <542C249A-9DDE-3539-A02F-E14AD82E5BB7> /Applications/Photo Booth
           0x10df3c000 -        0x10df44ff3  libCGCMS.A.dylib (599.20.11) <BB1E8D63-9FA1-3588-AC5D-1980576ED62C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGCMS .A.dylib
           0x10df5c000 -        0x10e0e9ff7  GLEngine (9.6) <51D58F76-B9B3-3B4F-B65A-F6D213C2EED7> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
           0x10e126000 -        0x10e14ffff  GLRendererFloat (9.6) <16871296-2EB9-3FF6-AB00-3E2E55A45A63> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLRendererFloat.bundle/GL RendererFloat
           0x10e1fa000 -        0x10e1fbffa +cl_kernels (???) <276F35DE-0F25-410F-8632-AB50F3BFC441> cl_kernels
           0x10fa87000 -        0x10fa8affa  libCGXType.A.dylib (599.20.11) <C0B41DDE-0988-3652-B03B-9E5EB0DABAEB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXTy pe.A.dylib
           0x1102eb000 -        0x1102f0fff (1.2 - 12) <57109267-53A1-3D88-B079-67DF0FBA1FED> /System/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Patches/FaceEffects.plugin/Contents/MacOS/FaceEffects
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           0x1103b7000 -        0x1103f2ff2 (1.10 - 88) <1EA92CDE-75AB-354C-99E5-BB5763AF988C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Versions/A/CoreMIDI
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           0x111a35000 -        0x111a35fec +cl_kernels (???) <312595E5-0B4A-4FBE-9F25-32000372626C> cl_kernels
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           0x112cfd000 -        0x112cfdff3 +cl_kernels (???) <BA1D9CB0-B1C1-4064-B373-08C4EC154CC8> cl_kernels
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        0x7fff89117000 -     0x7fff892fcfff (6.9 - 855.14) <617B8A7B-FAB2-3271-A09B-C542E351C532> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
        0x7fff892fd000 -     0x7fff892feff7  libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (100) <4CDB0F7B-C0AF-3424-BC39-495696F0DB1E> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
        0x7fff89330000 -     0x7fff89334ff7  libsystem_stats.dylib (93.90.3) &lt

    Hello Niku
    Yes, you can add sound, but not by using PB (or Leopard's PB2.)
    If you have your music playing while you record a PB2 video, the sound can be recorded WHILE you are capturing video, but there is no way in in PB or PB2 to add sound to existing video or still images (that you have already made.)
    I do not know any app that adds sound to still images. (You can make HTML simulations by imbedding both a still image and a sound file in an HTML page, but that is not really adding sound to the picture.)
    You can convert any snapshot, whether made with PB2, the original Photo Booth, iChat, or any other app that can make a snapshot by importing it into iMovie or QuickTime Pro and adding the sound track in one of those apps. Then save the file as a QT movie.
    Even if you do not make the image move, the file will still be a QT movie file, and QT movies can contain sounds.
    You could also use the same procedure with iMovie or QT Pro to add to or change the existing sound on a movie clip that has already been saved, whether recorded by PB2 (the original PB did not record video), WebcamTweaker, or any other app that can record movie or video clips.
    So go buy Leopard, and enjoy. However, you will not be able to add sound to either the still or movie files you make using Photo Booth 2 except by using some other application.
    If you would rather, you can certainly use iMovie and Tiger to do what you want without buying Leopard or any other software, but you will miss out on all the other new, fun features in Leopard.
    Did that give you what you need?
    EZ Jim
    PowerBook 1.67 GHz w/Mac OS X (10.4.11) G5 DP 1.8 w/Mac OS X (10.5.1)  External iSight

  • Have you problems with sound card when playing Netflix movies on MacBook Pro ?

    We have been having difficulty playing movies recently and we called Netflix last night. Accrding to their error code, we should re-install sound cards they said. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm not sure what to do to remedy this issue? thank you!!

    I'm so ****** off that it's been weeks and no solution has been provided for this.  In the middle of video editing, watching quicktime videos, youtube, or playing any games the computer hard freezes with a black screen and looping audio of about 1/2 second.
    FIX IT!

  • I have a problem with sound card

    I Have MSI 865PE Neo2-S Motherboard.
    I have downloaded the new Sound Card Driver, and I have problems with gaming in 5.1ch
    In Unreal Tournament 2004 my computer resets when it is set to 3D Sound + EAX
    In the old version of the sound card Driver the Unreal Tournament 2004 was working good, but in the old version I have problems with the SPDIF out
    In the new version the SPDIF working very good but I have problems with gaming
    How can I fix that?

    have you tried unistalling the sound drivers and then re-installing?  Its a shame I don't have Unreal Tournament 2004 as i have the same motherboard as you and I could try it.  Why do you need to set your in-game sound to 3D Sound + EAX?  3D sound I always thought its didnt sound very good.    
    Try the unreal Tournament forums and look for sound problems.  Maybe that might help
    Good Luck!

  • ALSA: Problem with sound card detection

    Hi all...
    I have small problem with alsaconf..
    alsaconf report:
    "No supported PnP or PCI card found"
    I have DELL Latitude C500 laptop
    Sound card: ESS Maestro3 (This soundcard is supported by ALSA)
    Archlinux detect my soundcard correctly:
    00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: Aurora Technologies, Inc. Unknown device 1998 (rev 10)
            Subsystem: Dell Unknown device 00b1
            Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 4
            Memory at 30002000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled] [size=256]
            Memory at feffe000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled] [size=8K]
            Capabilities: <access denied>
    modprobe snd-maestro3 doesn't work.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
    Any ideas ?

    I had installed a new archlinux , and also have this Error.
    [root@myhost eric]# alsamixer
    ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default
    alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory
    [root@myhost eric]# ls /dev/snd
    controlC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D1c  pcmC0D3c  pcmC1D0c  seq
    controlC1  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D2c  pcmC0D4p  pcmC1D0p  timer
    [root@myhost eric]# lsmod |grep snd
    snd_seq_oss            29312  0
    snd_seq_midi_event      6528  1 snd_seq_oss
    snd_seq                46672  4 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
    snd_seq_device          6924  2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq
    snd_pcm_oss            38560  0
    snd_mixer_oss          14592  2 snd_pcm_oss
    snd_intel8x0           28700  1
    snd_intel8x0m          14092  0
    snd_ac97_codec         95780  2 snd_intel8x0,snd_intel8x0m
    ac97_bus                2432  1 snd_ac97_codec
    snd_pcm                69124  4 snd_pcm_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_intel8x0m,snd_ac97_codec
    snd_timer              19204  2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
    snd                    44644  10 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_intel8x0,snd_intel8x0m,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm,snd_timer
    soundcore               6496  2 snd
    snd_page_alloc          7816  3 snd_intel8x0,snd_intel8x0m,snd_pcm
    [root@myhost eric]# /etc/rc.d/alsa restart
    :: Saving ALSA Levels                                                    [BUSY] ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
    /usr/sbin/alsactl: get_controls:533: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or directory
    :: Restoring ALSA Levels                                                 [BUSY] ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
    /usr/sbin/alsactl: set_controls:1179: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or directory

  • MSI 845 Ultra C with sound card???

    I recently bought a P4 2 Ghz with MSI 845 Ultra C, Geforce 4 Ti4200 128.
    A few weeks later i bought a simple sound card with surround support. Now when i try to install this software (Xp compatible) i get the error that the sound card is not installed and that the data is incorrect. I use the latest drivers from the internet. I believe this problem had to do with the onboard sound card of the motherboard. Is there anyway i can disable that???

    it is an XP bug, you might try windows update to see if MS fixed it.
    Here is for example ATI's doumentation of the error.
    I assume the bug won't be fixed by the update, so in that case you need to reinstall XP with the card already insalled in the slot.

  • [845 Series] mb msi 848p neo-v problems with sound card

    Since I've bought my new MB, I'm experiancing some problems with my sound card. WinAmp and MusicMatch Jukebox ( any version) does not support 5.1 sound system, but playing in stereo system. The soundcard AC97 is OK, cause Winows Media Player is working properly.Does anyone had such problem and solved it?
    I must say that I've already used MSI MB, and all APPs worked properly with the same sound card. The difference is that my ex MB was based on old Intel processors, but not Presscot based as this one.

    Have you installed the latest driver to
    the Realtec soundchip(ALC 655)?

  • [Soundblaster Z] PC won't boot with Sound Card

    today i got my new Soundblaster Z but my monitors stay black if i try to boot with it installed.
    Intel i7 4970k
    Geforce GTX 980
    Win 7 64
    All drivers up to date.
    Since my PCIe(x1) 1 is blocked by the CPU Fan and PCIe(x1) 3 is blocked by the fan of the graphics card i only have 4 and 5 left - both are PCIe x16. I tried them several times but the results where always the same - the PC has power but the Monitors stay black. The LED of the soundblaster is red glowing by the way - i don't know if thats normal or a warning signal.
    Is the sound card faulty or am I missing something?

    Hi Korahan,
    1) You may want to rearrange your cards to free up a slot, other than 4 and 5, that can fit in the card. If your CPU fan is a separate unit, you might want to remove that temporarily to see if it works. What we want to do here is to identify whether any of the slots are working fine. The PCIe x16 slot is within the specs of the Sound Blaster Z.
    2) Next suspect is perhaps your PC's power supply, whether there is enough power for all your installed peripherals.
    3) You can try the card on another system just to ensure that the card is not faulty
    4) Regarding the LED, this is normal; there are some who found this rather annoying. You can easily search online on how to disable or hide the 2 LEDs. Just note that any physical modifications made to the card will void its warranty.

  • 915P Neo2, problem with sound card...

    I formatted my hd, and installed the WinXP OS again,
    WinXP can't detect the sound card, also Sound card's software can't detect the card.
    I checked the BIOS settings and the audio onboard in ENABLED mode.
    Before the reinstall the sound worked.
    What can be the problem  ???

    Quote from: elimalka on 28-April-06, 14:47:02
    I formatted my hd, and installed the WinXP OS again,
    WinXP can't detect the sound card, also Sound card's software can't detect the card.
    I checked the BIOS settings and the audio onboard in ENABLED mode.
    Before the reinstall the sound worked.
    What can be the problem  ???
    (in this Forum
    Go in Mainboards-> Intel P4 & Celeron P4 based boards, see in Stickies, subjects  look at "Cmedia CMI9660 Azalia driver problem solution" -started by voodooghost-.
    I hope solve your problem.

  • Person That bosted a Conflict with Sound Card Please Read

    I am sorry, I was trying to click on your thread to read it and my mouse was slightly off and it clicked on the Delete Thread.  For some reason there is no longer a warning saying "Are you sure you want to delete this thread" it was just POOF Gone! (I have reported the bug to MSI, not that it helps you at all.)
    I am sorry but you will have to post it again.
    My Apologies,

    Hi I am experiencing the same issue since that I have upgraded my osx to 10.6.8 yesterday !
    Basically , my mac pro freezes after 10-15 minutes and I have no choice but to reboot the computer which is extremely frustrating !!! It is not only doing this with logic 9 but also with safari (youtube) or anything osx related.
    For now I have just unplugged my duet and nothing happened so far.. I am going to try it on my macbook pro and see how it goes..
    I will update later.

  • Help please with Sound card problem in CS6

    I have just discovered that after installing AA CS 6...  that the ASIO driver I've had for several years for my Presonus Firebox seems to have disappeared!!!
    I have ASIO selected in  edit >preferences > audio hardware... but in WIN XP Pro "device manager" my FireBox shows up as a "1394 WDM device"  and the driver... although "working properly"... shows up as a WDM driver as well.
    Does CS6 replace the ASIO driver with WDM???
    If anyone can guide me on how to get back to ASIO I would appreciate.  Forgot to mention that ASIO always worked as it should when I was using AA 2.0 and AA CS 5.5
    Many thanks in advance for any help   :-)

    cyberman45 wrote:
    I have ASIO selected in  edit >preferences > audio hardware... but in WIN XP Pro "device manager" my FireBox shows up as a "1394 WDM device"  and the driver... although "working properly"... shows up as a WDM driver as well.
    Does CS6 replace the ASIO driver with WDM???
    As Bob says, Audition doesn't replace drivers. I'm not sure whether the OS actually recognises the presence of an ASIO driver though, because its primary purpose is to bypass as much of the OS as possible, and give software that does recognise it direct low-latency access to the device. So pretty obviously it has nothing to do with Microsoft!

  • Useing WindowsXP problem with sound card

    Hi there,
    When I lisening music, there is this like small delaying (crackling) sound and when I whatching video is same problem, video and sound to delaying, it's like variable processor work. Is that normal? Maybe problem is that I'm using Windows XP SP2 (32bit), my procesor is Intel Core Duo (64bit)?

    Do you mean CSM(Compatibility Support Module) mode when you mean Legacy mode?
    Do you want to try this it changes your Windows 8 boot to Legacy boot.

  • [Solved]vmware player crash with sound card  ubuntu 14.04

    hi people  how are you
    i'm new on this forum i need help...
    i'm running  OSX yosemite in Vmplayer 7.1.0 , osx  run fine ..but  when  i will  play a sound,  the vmplayer go to crash
    if disconnect the sound in emulator, this work fine without this   but.. i need sound ..
    how fix this crash ??
    Fix:  i have changed sound.virtualdev = "hdaudio" to  sound.virtualdev = "es1371"  in .vmx and downloaded  EnsoniqAudioPCI_v1.0.3_Common_Installer.pkg  and now work fine!  no crashes.. .

    Are you on kernel 3.10?
    EDIT: Seems to work fine for the Debian folks.
    W520: i7-2720QM, Q2000M at 1080/688/1376, 21GB RAM, 500GB + 750GB HDD, FHD screen
    X61T: L7500, 3GB RAM, 500GB HDD, XGA screen, Ultrabase
    Y3P: 5Y70, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, QHD+ screen

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