Friendship between focus point and exposure metering point etc

Dear camera app developers
suggestion from photographer
1)Maybe in the next firmware, touch focus points stick together with exposure point?
 2) Disable continuous autofocusing during video shooting 
3)Settings should be set and saved once and not on each time i turn on the camera by long press on shutter button.
Thanks a lot!

YES to settings being saved. I want it to be able to go straight to manual mode when I launch it from the hardware key when the screen is off. 

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    there is a workaround you can try, create audience and add DL to them and deal with the audience or convert DL to groups
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Technical Consultant/Architect
    MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation
    Please remember to mark your question as answered if this solves your problem

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    The situation is worse than you realize, Dennis. Test with a linear grayscale gradient in 16-bit or 8-bit RGB mode instead of arbitrary images. Remember to view at 100% zoom for an accurate display.
    Gamma adjustments of less than 1 performed by Levels adjustment layer and Exposure adjustment layer do differ but to a less obvious extent than when the adjustment is greater than 1. Differences can be seen in histograms, and low level differences when differencing layers can be made more obvious by adding an Exposure adjustment layer with the exposure increased.
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    Hai all,
           Can any one tell me wt is the relation between Sales Org and Shipping point?

    Hi Ravi,
    There is no direct relation.
    Sales organisation in broader level, it is responsible for selling a product in a company.
    It is liable to the customer interms of service of the product or service and confirmation of the sale order, delivery and invoicing.
    Shipping Point is a logical point from where the shipment / dispatch begins.
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    hope this is clear to you now!

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    _Measuring Point_
    Measuring points in the SAP System describe the physical locations at which a condition is described, (for example, Temparature and Pressure on a Boiler ). The characteristics associated with the measuring points which record the value can only be numeric characteristic. Measuring points are located on technical objects, in other words, on pieces of equipment or functional locations. For every measuring point there should be some characteristics to measure the reading.
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    The parameters like Running Hours, Temperature, Pressure etc,, on equipments can also be mapped under measuring point.
    A type of measuring point, where a continuous reading is recorded (e.g. Milometer). In case the measuring point is a counter, it needs to be defined likewise.
    Counter readings are taken at counters at particular intervals and in particular measurement units.
    For Example, counter readings for kilometers driven or electricity used
    Krishna Mohan.

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    Thanks Tony,
    Did you try this:
    Shoot a photo with your camera set to your local time.
    Import into your Mac set to the same local time.
    Quit Aperture
    Set the time on your Mac to another time zone.
    Open Aperture.
    Open the photo.
    View the Focus Points
    Then see if the time metadata is changed.
    Mine changes and the place of the photo in the line-up of my folder changes.
    It still does it after I updated to Aperture 3.0.3 from the 3.0
    I know this is a lot of steps in the test process, but this is how it happens for me.
    If this doesn't work I'll have to look into a new Nikon for you and a flight to Hawaii.

  • Aperture 3 and focus points

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    A minor point, sure, but having the color change for no apparent (or documented!) reason was disorienting.

    Hi and welcome to the list.
    Is the lack of focus points only happening on the pictures your friend is taking in burst mode? Knowing that would at least narrow down the search for a solution.
    I'm not sure if burst mode would effect this, it may also be a camera specific thing. Does your friend have the cannon software? if so you could import into that and see what the results are.
    In the mean time I would suggest you do a test. Take a series of shots normally and then take a series in burst mode. See what happens. Report back.
    good luck

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    Not sure I see a question in there. If you feel there is a bug in Aperture you should contact Apple. You can do this through the feedback form *Aperture->Provide Aperture Feedback*
    As this is a user to user forum there isn't much anyone here can do for you regarding this issue.

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  • Difference between "access point solution" and "hot spot solution"

    Hi to all, i'm Fabio.
    My customer has a bookshop and wants to allow to his customers access to the internet using wifi connection.
    Here in Italy there are a lot of laws and is very hard to create this type of solution without legal permission, authorization and so on.
    However, i'm reading some technical website, and lot of them propose solution based on hot spot and not access point.
    Now my question my doubts:
    -Is there some difference (technical and "conceptual") between hot spot and access point?
    -How are the law outside Italy, in order to satisfy this type of request?
    You have to think that here, based on the Italy rules, my customer should become a telecommunication operator to allow him to install ten access point for public use!!!!!!!!
    Thanks, Fabio Marino.

    Ok Surendrea, in this case i post here what you have to translate from my link
    "Quali soluzioni tecnologiche possono essere  adottate per tutelarsi in questo senso? Una esaustiva risposta a tale  domanda viene data in questo articolo di Possiamo sintetizzarne i concetti. I gestori dovrebbero preferire soluzioni di tipo hotspot, invece che access point.  Questi ultimi infatti hanno la funzionalità basilare di diffusione del  segnale, senza però poter tracciare l'autore di eventuali attività  illecite, in quanto non esiste distinzione tra gli utenti collegati e  non rimane traccia del traffico prodotto. Gli hotspot, invece, permettono di far autenticare con username e password univoci ciascun utente, e quindi rintracciarlo in caso di necessità, gestire  ticket di navigazione, gestire la banda in modo che un singolo utente  non la monopolizzi rallentando o intasando la navigazione altrui,  separare la rete personale/aziendale da quella del Wi-Fi pubblico, e  mantenere traccia di tutto il traffico attraverso i file di log (i  registri degli accessi). Ecco la soluzione ideale che consente  all'esercente di dimostrare di non essere l'autore di attività illecite."
    English version:
    "What technological solutions can be adopted to protect themselves in this way? An exhaustive answer to this question is given in this article We can summarize the concepts. managers should prefer solutions like hotspots, rather than access point. These in fact have the basic functionality of spreading the signal, without being able to trace the perpetrators of any illegal activities, as there is no distinction between connected users, and no trace of the traffic generated. hotspots, however, allow to authenticate with username and passwords each user, and then track it down if needed, manage navigation tickets, manage bandwidth so that a single user does not monopolize the slowing or clogging the navigation of another, separate network and personal business than that of Wi-Fi public, and keep track of all traffic through the log files (access logs). This is the perfect solution that allows operator to demonstrate that it is not the author of any illegal activity."
    May be based on this information you can learn something new

  • Difference between ECC5.0 and SAP 4.7 (ABAP developer point of view)

    dear experts,
    can anyone tell me the mian difference between ECC5.0 and SAP 4.7 from an abap developer view point.
    thanks in advance

    From an ABAP perspective, there are not many changes, but addition of new classes, methods etc.
    Please refer to the link -
    The above link tells about both of the versions.
    For more information, you can refer to release notes of ECC 5.0.

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