Function to get business days

version oracle 10g
Function should accept start date and business_days_to_add and it should return date.
to a given date i want to add business_days(business days are all days except SAT SUN)
lets say i want to add 4 business days to sysdate then function should return date as 09/16/2010thanks

One way of doing it:
  v_return DATE;
   (SELECT rownum rn, trunc(p_date) + decode(sign(p_bus_days), 1, LEVEL - 1, -1, (LEVEL * -1) + 1, 0) theday
      FROM dual
     WHERE to_char(p_date + decode(sign(p_bus_days), 1, LEVEL - 1
                                                   ,-1, (LEVEL * -1) + 1
                                                   , 0), 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH') NOT IN ('SAT', 'SUN')
           OR ROWNUM = 1
    CONNECT BY rownum <= abs(p_bus_days) + 1)
  SELECT theday
    INTO v_return
    FROM t
   WHERE rn = abs(p_bus_days) + 1;
  RETURN v_return;
END;Sample execution:
  2    v_return DATE;
  3  BEGIN
  4    WITH t AS
  5     (SELECT rownum rn, trunc(p_date) + decode(sign(p_bus_days), 1, LEVEL - 1, -1, (LEVEL * -1) + 1, 0) theday
  6        FROM dual
  7       WHERE to_char(p_date + decode(sign(p_bus_days), 1, LEVEL - 1
  8                                                     ,-1, (LEVEL * -1) + 1
  9                                                     , 0), 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH') NOT IN ('SAT', 'SUN')
10             OR ROWNUM = 1
11      CONNECT BY rownum <= abs(p_bus_days) + 1)
12    SELECT theday
13      INTO v_return
14      FROM t
15     WHERE rn = abs(p_bus_days) + 1;
16    RETURN v_return;
17  END;
18  /
Function created
SQL> select add_business_days(sysdate, 5) from dual;
SQL> select add_business_days(sysdate, -55) from dual;
SQL> select add_business_days(sysdate+1, 1) from dual;
SQL> select add_business_days(sysdate+1, -1) from dual;
SQL> Edited by: fsitja on Sep 10, 2010 12:49 PM Fixed to take into account negative numbers.

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    Hello userPrasad.
    Business or working days can not only be affected regionally but also by the nature of the industry that the system is used for; not to mention that change can occur. The few systems that I've worked with have typically provided a user-maintained listing of dates to be considered as business/working days. Obviously, this would contain more data than the system and your coding would actually require, but this is normally the most straightforward presentation to the business user.
    Make it simple
    Make it obvious
    Make it usable
    Make it flexible
    Some food for thought,
    Please mark the answer as helpful or answered if it is so. If not, provide additional details.
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    We solved this with the following package:
    create or replace
    package body zentr_date_functions as
      function eastern (p_year in number) return date is
        -- Calculate easter sunday (valid from 1900 to 2099)
        -- based on a Gauss algorithm
        l_a pls_integer;
        l_b pls_integer;
        l_c pls_integer;
        l_d pls_integer;
        l_e pls_integer;
        l_p pls_integer;
        function make_date(p_d in pls_integer, p_m in pls_integer, p_y in pls_integer) return date is
          return to_date(to_char(p_d, '00')||to_char(p_m, '00')||to_char(p_y, '0000'), 'DDMMYYYY');
        if p_year not between 1900 and 2099 then
          return null;
        end if;
        l_a := mod(p_year, 19);
        l_b := mod(p_year, 4);
        l_c := mod(p_year, 7);
        l_d := mod(19 * l_a + 24, 30);
        l_e := mod(2 * l_b + 4 * l_c + 6 * l_d + 5, 7);
        l_p := 22 + l_d + l_e;
        if l_p > 31 then
          if l_p = 56 and l_d = 28 and l_a > 10 then
            return make_date(18, 4, p_year);
          elsif l_p = 57 then
            return make_date(19, 4, p_year);
            return make_date(l_p - 31, 4, p_year);
          end if;
          return make_date(l_p, 3, p_year);
        end if;
      end eastern;
      function is_workday (p_date in date) return number as
        -- Is p_date a working day?
        l_eastern date;
        if to_char(p_date, 'DY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = AMERICAN') in ('SAT', 'SUN') then
          return 0;
        end if;
        if to_char(p_date, 'DDMM') in ('0101', '0105', '0310', '2412', '2512', '2612', '3112') then
          return 0; -- fixed bank holidays in lower saxony, Germany
        end if;
        if to_number(to_char(p_date, 'MM')) not between 3 and 6 then
          return 1;
        end if;
        if to_number(to_char(p_date, 'YYYY')) not between 1900 and 2099 then
          return null;
        end if;
        l_eastern := eastern (to_number(to_char(p_date, 'YYYY')));
        if trunc(p_date) in (l_eastern - 2, l_eastern + 1, l_eastern + 39, l_eastern + 50) then
          return 0; -- eastern depentent bank holidays in lower saxony, Germany
        end if;
        return 1;
      end is_workday;
      -- This is what you are looking for:
      function workdays_between (p_date1 in date, p_date2 in date) return number as
        -- count number of workdays between p_date1 and p_date2 (both p_date1 and p_date2 included).
        l_count pls_integer := 0;
        for i in 0 .. p_date2 - p_date1 loop
          l_count := l_count + is_workday(p_date1 + i);
        end loop;
        return l_count;
      end workdays_between;

  • Is there any function to get the name of the days?

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    Is there any function to get the days of the week?
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    But just want to know whether there is any other way.
    I need to show the 7 days in a poplist in my form, thats the requirement

    David_Aldridge wrote:
    BluShadow wrote:
    Note: you may want to include "fm" in the format mask, otherwise the name of the day is padded with spaces:
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
    1  select replace(to_char(dt,'Day'),' ','*') as fmt1
    2        ,length(to_char(dt,'Day')) as length_fmt1
    3        ,replace(to_char(dt,'fmDay'),' ','*') as fmt2
    4        ,length(to_char(dt,'fmDay')) as length_fmt2
    5  from (select TRUNC(SYSDATE ,'DAY')+Level-1 dt
    6        from   dual
    7        connect by Level<8
    8*      )
    SQL> /
    Monday***           9 Monday              6
    Tuesday**           9 Tuesday             7
    Wednesday           9 Wednesday           9
    Thursday*           9 Thursday            8
    Friday***           9 Friday              6
    Saturday*           9 Saturday            8
    Sunday***           9 Sunday              6
    7 rows selected.
    I think you should use a pl/sql function for this.
    Nah ... just joking.
    I'd be tempted to just use a union all statement to return the seven literals. People will look at it and know exactly what it does.Yeah, agreed, I was just demonstrating that the format mask of a to_char(..., 'Day') pads with spaces, which seems to have been missed in the above answers. ;)

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    FYI: For the current week, I was able to use:
    select next_day(case to_char(sysdate,'Day') when 'Thursday' then trunc(sysdate-1) else trunc(sysdate) end, 'Thursday')
    from dual;
    select next_day(trunc(sysdate-7), 'Friday') from dual;
    I want something similar to that.

    No, not separate functions, but you can tweak next_day to get what you want:
    select trunc(sysdate) today,
           next_day(trunc(sysdate)-1, 'THURSDAY')-7 last_thursday,
           next_day(trunc(sysdate)-1, 'FRIDAY')-14 prev_2nd_friday
    from   dual;
    23-JUN-09 18-JUN-09 12-JUN-09

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    You can pull holiday info from outlook.hol file and do the date math based on it. It won't be 100% reliable though. Not all the holidays listed in calendar are non-business days (not in all countries at least). International support may also present additional
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    I like the functions I built to get this done:
    create function NthDayOfMonth (@year int, @month smallint, @weekday varchar(15), @nth smallint)
    returns datetime
    declare @the_date datetime, @c_date datetime, @cth smallint
    set @cth = 0
    set @c_date = convert(varchar,@year)+'-'+convert(varchar,@month)+'-01'
    while month(@c_date) = @month
    if datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @cth = @cth + 1
    if @cth = @nth and datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @the_date = @c_date
    set @c_date = dateadd(day,1,@c_date)
    return @the_date
    create function Holidays(@year int)
    returns @table table
    date date,
    type varchar(10),
    name varchar(25)
    insert into @table
    select convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@year)+'-01-01') as date,'Holiday' as type ,'New Years Day' as name UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,2, 'Monday',3),'Holiday','Family Day' UNION ALL
    select dateadd(d,0-case when datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') in (1,2) then 5+datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') else datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25')-1 end, convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') ,'Holiday','Victoria Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-07-01' ,'Holiday','Canada Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,8, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Civic Holiday' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,9, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Labour Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayofMonth(@year,10,'Monday',2),'Holiday','Thanksgiving' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-11-11' ,'Holiday','Rememberance Day'UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-25' ,'Holiday','Christmas Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-26' ,'Holiday','Boxing Day' UNION ALL
    SELECT CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0))),'Holiday','Easter Sunday' UNION ALL
    SELECT DATEADD(DAY,-2,CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0)))),'Holiday','Good Friday' UNION ALL
    SELECT DATEADD(DAY,1,CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0)))),'Holiday','Easter Monday'
    update @table
    set date =
    case when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 2 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    else date
    create function Dates(@date datetime)
    returns @table table
    now datetime,
    today datetime,
    Month_start datetime,
    Month_end datetime,
    Prev_Month_Start datetime,
    Prev_Month_End datetime,
    Week_Start datetime,
    Week_End datetime,
    Prev_Week_Start datetime,
    Prev_Week_End datetime,
    Quarter_Start datetime,
    Quarter_End datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_Start datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End datetime,
    Year_Start datetime,
    Year_End datetime,
    Prev_Year_Start datetime,
    Prev_Year_End datetime,
    Month_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Month_End_TS datetime,
    Week_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Week_End_TS datetime,
    Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Year_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Year_End_TS datetime,
    Year smallint,
    Month smallint,
    Day smallint,
    Month_Name varchar(15),
    Day_Name varchar(15),
    Week INT,
    isHoliday bit
    if @date IS NULL set @date = getdate()
    insert into @table
    @date as now,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)) as today,
    dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Month_Start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Month_end,
    dateadd(month,-1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_start,
    dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Month_End,
    dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,7-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_End,
    dateadd(day,-6-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,0-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_End,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as quarter_end,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as prev_quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as prev_quarter_end,
    dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Year_End,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Prev_Year_End,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))))) as Month_End_Ts,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+2,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,8-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as prev_quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Year_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_End_TS,
    Year(@date) as Year,
    Month(@date) as Month,
    Day(@Date) as Day,
    datename(month,@Date) as Month_Name,
    datename(WEEKDAY,@date) as Day_Name,
    datepart(weekday,@date) as WD,
    DATEPART(WEEK,@date) AS Week,
    FROM dbo.Holidays(YEAR(@date)) h
    WHERE = @date),0) AS isHoliday
    The holidays function is set up for Saskatchewan right now, but its a small matter to adjust it to your region.
    You can then do this:
    DECLARE @calendar TABLE (date DATE)
    WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @calendar) < 365
    INSERT INTO @calendar (date)
    SELECT MONTH(date) AS month, MIN(date) AS fbd
    FROM @calendar c
    CROSS APPLY dbo.Dates(
    WHERE DATEPART(DAY, NOT IN (1,7) AND isHoliday = 0
    GROUP BY MONTH(date)

  • Function, procedure to find next 10 business days

    Is there any function procedure to find next 10 business days in oracle.
    Also i have a local holiday table which are non-working days.

    user7987260 wrote:
    Is there any function procedure to find next 10 business days in oracle.
    Also i have a local holiday table which are non-working days.
    Thanks.Welcome to OTN!
    This forum is for PL/SQL Developer questions. SQL and PL/SQL questions have their own forum that you can find under the Oracle Database heading. You should get a better answer if you ask your question there

  • Function, procedure to find next "x" business days

    Is there any function procedure to find next 10 business days in oracle.
    Also i have a local holiday table which are non-working days.

    Ramin showed how to get the next 10 days.
    If you want to exclude holidays and weekends, and get only the 10th day, then you can do something like this:
    WITH     next_hundred_days     AS
         SELECT  TRUNC (SYSDATE) + LEVEL          AS bnsdate
         FROM      dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL <= 100
    ,     work_days          AS
         SELECT     n.bnsdate
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY bnsdate)     AS day_num
         FROM           next_hundred_days  n
         LEFT OUTER JOIN      holidays         h  ON  h.dt  = n.bnsdate
         WHERE   TO_CHAR ( bnsdate
                   , 'Dy'
                   , 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=ENGLISH'
                   )     NOT IN ('SAT', 'SUN')
         AND     h.dt          IS NULL
    SELECT  bnsdate
    FROM     work_days
    WHERE     day_num     = 10
    ;This assumes that there will be at least 10 work days in the next 100 days. Where I work, that's a very safe assumption.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for a few rows from your holiday table.
    Post a few (starting date, number of days) pairs, and the results that you would want from each pair, given the data you posted in the holiday table.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • 5. We need additional time to process your transaction You should get an email from us by next business day. If you don't hear back from us, you can check your order status on your account page or call us at +1 800-585-0774. If you're not in North America

    Step 5.
    5. We need additional time to process your transaction You should get an email from us by next business day. If you don't hear back from us, you can check your order status on your account page or call us at +1 800-585-0774. If you're not in North America, you can look up a local number here. For now, check out all the great free features of Creative Cloud! Get started with trials
    I keep getting this.
    The Bank and Paypal states that Adobe needs to process my transaction twice.
    I have no order number/ no status nor contact from Adobe. I called customer service and he transferred me to sales where the phone rang with no answer.

    Since this is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need to contact Adobe staff to help
    Adobe contact information -
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"
    -or by telephone

  • Can I get a Calendar event to repeat every 4 business days?

    I go to a school with a 4-day timetable; that is to say, classes repeat in the same order every 4 days. Is there any way to get events in Calendar to repeat every 4 business days?

    I just tested and here is what I get...

  • DATE function to get name of day for a Date given?

    hi guys,
    can anyone tell me what is the DATE function to get the name of day for a date given
    (12/dec/2004)---returns SUNDAY

    Hi peter
    Your Query will return an error.
    SQL> select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'mm/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual;
    select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'mm/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01816: month may only be specified once.
    month is specified twice.
    select to_char(to_date('12/dec/2004', 'dd/mon/yyyy'), 'DAY')from dual;

  • Can I buy an unlock iphone 5 in US now?  If I can, how many business days can I get it?

    Can I buy an unlock iphone 5 in US now?  If I can, how many business days can I get it?  Thank you!

    Yep, officially for sale now. Apple's online store shows it ships immediately, so should be in stock at just about every Apple store.

  • Function to get the last day of the current month

    Hi friends
    Now I need to know a function to get the last day of a month. I had between my notes that function but I do not find it and I think you can give the answer faster.
    Joel Pérez
    DBA Oracle

    I know emoticons are a bit naff but in the absence of a UBB markup to indicate humourous intent they do serve to indicate a joke. This is useful in a purely verbal domain like these forums, especially given that many participants don't have English as their first lanaguage and so often miss the wordplay.
    Cheers, APC

  • Getting one day difference in add_months function

    when i am using the add_months for a
    particular days i am getting one day
    ex : select add_months(to_date('30-aug-2000',
    'DD-mon-YYYY'),27) from dual;
    result : 30-nov-2002
    select add_months(to_date('30-nov-2000','DD-mon-YYYY'),-27) from dual;
    result : 31-aug-2000.
    differnce between : 31-aug-2000 and 30-aug-2000
    is comming

    When you are passing the last day in the month to the add_month function ( 30-NOV-2002) it will always return the last day in the resulting month ( 31-AUG-2000).
    This is a known Oracle bug and you'll need to create your own logic for adding month to avoid this problem. You can use last_day function in there.

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