Functions returning TRUE or FALSE

Morning chaps,
Wrote a function that converts a date in the format "01 Jan 2010" to a Unix timestamp. It also returns FALSE if it cannot convert the date it is being passed, which is great because I can use:
<cfif convertDateToUTS(>
     <cfset #date# = #convertDateToUTS( />
     <p>Your date: <cfoutput>#date#</cfoutput></p>
     <p>Could not convert date.</p>
Here is the function:
<cffunction name="convertDateToUTS" output="no">
    <cfargument name="date" required="Yes" />
    <cfargument name="time" default="00:00"/>
    <cfset #date# = trim(left(trim(date), 11)) />
    <cfset #time# = trim(left(trim(time), 5)) />
    <cfset #dateArr# = #listToArray(date, " ")# />
    <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Jan", 1)# />
    <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Feb", 2)# />
    <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Dec", 12)# />
    <cfset #dateTime# = ArrayToList(dateArr, " ")&" "&time />
    <cfset #dateTimeBits# = listToArray(dateTime, " :") />
    <cfset #ODBCdateTime# = CreateODBCDateTime(CreateDateTime(dateTimeBits[3], dateTimeBits[2], dateTimeBits[1], dateTimeBits[4], dateTimeBits[5], 0)) />
    <cfset #unixDateTime# = #DateDiff("s", CreateDate(1970,1,1), ODBCdateTime)# />
    <cfreturn #unixDateTime# />
    <cfreturn FALSE />
However, now I want to write a similar one which converts a timestamp to a date in that format:
<cffunction name="convertUTStoDate" output="no">
     <cfargument name="uts" required="Yes" />
     <cfset #date# = #DateFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"),"DD MMM YYYY")# />
     <cfset #time# = #TimeFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"), "HH:mm")# />
     <cfreturn #date#&" "&#time# />
     <cfreturn FALSE />
This does the conversion correctly but it it won't let me use it as the condition in a CFIF like the first function does eg <cfif convertUTStoDate(uts)> but, it does work exactly as I want if I do this: <cfif convertUTStoDate(uts) NEQ FALSE>
What am I doing wrong? I really want it to behave like the first function when used in a condition. Massive thanks to anyone who can help!

What dou you think of the following version of your code? It is the same as your original code but, in my opinion, a bit simpler.  For example, your test now becomes something like
<!--- remember returntype is now a struct --->
<cfif convertDateToUTS(>
     <cfset date = convertDateToUTS(>
     <p>Your date: <cfoutput>#date#</cfoutput></p>
     <p>Could not convert date.</p>
      Reason: <cfoutput>#convertDateToUTS(</cfoutput>
<cffunction name="convertDateToUTS" output="no" returntype="struct">
    <cfargument name="date" required="Yes" />
    <cfargument name="time" default="00:00"/>
    <cfset var returnStruct = structNew()>
    <cfset returnStruct.datetime = "">
    <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= false>
    <cfset date = trim(left(trim(date), 11)) />
    <cfset time = trim(left(trim(time), 5)) />
    <cfset dateArr = listToArray(date, " ") />
    <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Jan", 1) />
    <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Feb", 2) />
    <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Dec", 12) />
    <cfset dateTime = ArrayToList(dateArr, " ")&" "&time />
    <cfset dateTimeBits = listToArray(dateTime, " :") />
    <cfset ODBCdateTime = CreateODBCDateTime(CreateDateTime(dateTimeBits[3], dateTimeBits[2], dateTimeBits[1], dateTimeBits[4], dateTimeBits[5], 0)) />
    <cfset returnStruct.unixDateTime = DateDiff("s", CreateDate(1970,1,1), ODBCdateTime) />
    <cfset returnStruct.message = "Conversion succeeded.">
    <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= true>
    <cfreturn  returnStruct>
    <cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message>
    <cfreturn  returnStruct>
<cffunction name="convertUTStoDate" output="no" returntype="struct">
     <cfargument name="uts" required="Yes" />
     <cfset var returnStruct = structNew()>
     <cfset returnStruct.datetime = "">
     <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= false>
     <cfset date = DateFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"),"DD MMM YYYY") />
     <cfset time = TimeFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"), "HH:mm") />
     <cfset returnStruct.datetime = date&" "&time />
     <cfset returnStruct.message = "Conversion succeeded.">
     <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= true>
     <cfreturn  returnStruct>
      <cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message>
      <cfreturn  returnStruct>

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    0            1            0  
    1            0            1
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    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
    $scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
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    [float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace;
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    return $true;
    return $false;
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    $drive = "C:";
    $lim = 25;
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    $Alert += $server + " || " + $drive + " is low<br>"
    $server = "###server1";
    $drive = "D:";
    $lim = 35;
    if(isLow $server $drive $lim)
    $Alert += $server + " || " + $drive + " is low<br>"
    #-----------------###(more servers ect.)--------------
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    $ReportSender = "[email protected]"
    $users = "[email protected]"
    $MailSubject = "ALERT!!! Low DiskSpace"
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    Write-Host "Sending Email notification to $user"
    $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $msg.From = $ReportSender
    $msg.Subject = $MailSubject
    $msg.IsBodyHTML = $True
    $msg.Body = $Alert
    Write-Host "No one is pass the limit"

    Using a CSV is good.  Just load the "$servers" hash array from a CSV and the rest will work the same. The overall structure would work better if it was more like this.
    Function isLow($server, $drive, $limit){
    $disk = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3 and DeviceID = '$drive'"
    if($disk.FreeSSpace -lt $limit){
    $results=foreach($servers in $servers){
    if(isLow $server.Server $server.Drive $server.Limit){
    '{0} || {1} is low<br>' -f $servers.Server,$server.Drive
    Write-Host 'Sending Email notification' -fore green
    From='[email protected]'
    Subject='ALERT!!! Low DiskSpace'
    Send-MailMessage @mailprops
    Write-Host 'No one is past the limit' -ForegroundColor green
    The biggest issue is to realize that this is a computer.  If you type the same thing more than once then consider that the computer can do it for you.  Once you learn to think like a computer all of this becomes easier.

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    Does a activex api function exist? I didn't found one, or is their an other way to change the property value?
    Thanks and regards
    M. Brosig

    Ah! I understand.
    You can change the runtime properties from you sequence or inside your step by using the Lookup string of
    Use the TS API  PropertyObject.SetValBoolean("DatabasesOptions.DisableDatabaseLogging", 0, newValue) method with RunState.Caller.Locals as your ActiveX Reference. (where newValue would be True or False.)
    Depending at what level you perform this API method depends how many "RunState.Caller" you have in your lookup string.
    My example of
    PropertyObject.SetValBoolean("DatabasesOptions.DisableDatabaseLogging", 0, newValue) with RunState.Caller.Locals as your ActiveX Reference is based on a step in MainSequence which has been called by the Process Model sequence.
    If you have a step in a Sub-Sequence of MainSequence then the lookup string would be
     "RunState.Caller.RunState.Caller.Locals" as the activeX reference.
    Hope this helps
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • Regex: how can Matcher.matches return true, but Matcher.find return false?

    Consider the class below:
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class RegexBugDemo {
         private static final Pattern numberPattern;
         static {
                   // The BigDecimal grammar below was adapted from the BigDecimal(String) constructor.
                   // See also p. 46 of for a regex that matches Java floating point literals; uses similar techniques as below.
              String Sign = "[+-]";
              String Sign_opt = "(?:" + Sign + ")" + "?";     // Note: the "(?:" causes this to be a non-capturing group
              String Digits = "\\p{Digit}+";
              String IntegerPart = Digits;
              String FractionPart = Digits;
              String FractionPart_opt = "(?:" + FractionPart + ")" + "?";
              String Significand = "(?:" + IntegerPart + "\\." + FractionPart_opt + ")|(?:" + "\\." + FractionPart + ")|(?:" + IntegerPart + ")";
              String ExponentIndicator = "[eE]";
              String SignedInteger = Sign_opt + Digits;
              String Exponent = ExponentIndicator + SignedInteger;
              String Exponent_opt = "(?:" +Exponent + ")" + "?";
              numberPattern = Pattern.compile(Sign_opt + Significand + Exponent_opt);
    //     private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+");
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              String s = "0";
    //          String s = "01";
              Matcher m1 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m1.matches() = " + m1.matches());
              Matcher m2 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              if (m2.find()) {
                   int i0 = m2.start();
                   int i1 = m2.end();
                   System.out.println("m2 found this substring: \"" + s.substring(i0, i1) + "\"");
              else {
                   System.out.println("m2 NOT find");
    }Look at the main method: it constructs Matchers from numberPattern for the String "0" (a single zero). It then reports whether or not Matcher.matches works as well as Matcher.find works. When I ran this code on my box just now, I get:
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 NOT findHow the heck can matches work and find NOT work? matches has to match the entire input sequence, whereas find can back off if need be! I am really pulling my hair out over this one--is it a bug with the JDK regex engine? Did not seem to turn up anything in the bug database...
    There are at least 2 things that you can do to get Matcher.find to work.
    First, you can change s to more than 1 digit, for example, using the (originaly commented out) line
              String s = "01";yields
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 found this substring: "01"Second, I found that this simpler regex for numberPattern
         private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+");yields
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 found this substring: "0"So, the problem seems to be triggered by a short source String and a complicated regex. But I need the complicated regex for my actual application, and cannot see why it is a problem.
    Here is a version of main which has a lot more diagnostic printouts:
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              String s = "0";
              Matcher m1 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m1.regionStart() = " + m1.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m1.regionEnd() = " + m1.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.matches() = " + m1.matches());
              System.out.println("m1.hitEnd() = " + m1.hitEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.regionStart() = " + m1.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m1.regionEnd() = " + m1.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.lookingAt() = " + m1.lookingAt());
              System.out.println("m1.hitEnd() = " + m1.hitEnd());
              Matcher m2 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m2.regionStart() = " + m2.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m2.regionEnd() = " + m2.regionEnd());
              if (m2.find()) {
                   int i0 = m2.start();
                   int i1 = m2.end();
                   System.out.println("m2 found this substring: \"" + s.substring(i0, i1) + "\"");
              else {
                   System.out.println("m2 NOT find");
                   System.out.println("m2.hitEnd() = " + m2.hitEnd());
              System.out.println("m2.regionStart() = " + m2.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m2.regionEnd() = " + m2.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1 == m2: " + (m1 == m2));
              System.out.println("m1.equals(m2): " + m1.equals(m2));
         }Unfortunately, the output gave me no insights into what is wrong.
    I looked at the source code of Matcher. find ends up calling
    boolean search(int from)and it executes with NOANCHOR. In contrast, matches ends up calling
    boolean match(int from, int anchor)and executes almost the exact same code but with ENDANCHOR. Unfortunately, this too makes sense to me, and gives me no insight into solving my problem.

    bbatman wrote:
    I -think- that my originally posted regex is correct, albeit possibly a bit verbose, No, there's a (small) mistake. The optional sign is always part of the first OR-ed part (A) and the exponent is always part of the last part (C). Let me explain.
    This is your regex:
    (?:[+-])?(?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)|(?:\.\p{Digit}+)|(?:\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?which can be read as:
    (?:[+-])?(?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)        # A
    |                                               # or
    (?:\.\p{Digit}+)                                # B
    |                                               # or
    (?:\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?      # COnly one of A, B or C is matched of course. So B can never have a exponent or sign (and A cannot have an exponent and C cannot have a sign).
    What you probably meant is this:
    (?:[+-])?                                   # sign       
        (?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)         #   A
        |                                       #   or
        (?:\.\p{Digit}+)                        #   B
        |                                       #   or
        (?:\p{Digit}+)                          #   C
    (?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?                # exponent
    and that this must be a sun regex engine bug, but would love to be educated otherwise. Yes, it looks like a bug to me too.
    A simplified version of this behavior (in case you want to file a bug report) would look like this:
    When `test` is a single digit, m.find() returns _false_ but matches() returns true.
    When `test` is two or more digits, both return true, as expected.
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String test = "0";
            String regex = "(?:[+-])?(?:\\p{Digit}+\\.(?:\\p{Digit}+)?)|(?:\\.\\p{Digit}+)|(?:\\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\\p{Digit}+)?";
            java.util.regex.Matcher m = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(test);
            System.out.println("matches() -> "+test.matches(regex));
            if(m.find()) {
                System.out.println("find()    -> true");
            } else {
                System.out.println("find()    -> false");

  • Lot of returns on Playbook according to Futureshop tech. ? True or False ?

    I'm in Quebec city,
    According to a FutureShop tech. "1 of 2 Playbook sold are returned " ? "A lot more than other tablet"...
    True or False ? 50% ?
    What are the reason of return ? 
    He also told me "Playbook hardware is cheap"...
    I don't think so, I think that RIM is making good product.
    His friend, who work at BestBuy as seller, says the same.
    I'm the proud owner of a PlayBook, never had problem, and I don't hesitate to recommend it to my friends.
    So what's the truth ?  Thanks.

    Ha, you are not alone. I am annoyed by RIM-bashing also.
    It seems a popular sport of late, but as is usual, it normally comes from those immature people with some other inadequacy  in which they feel putting another down makes them feel greater.
    But I am also annoyed by mosquitoes and arrogant people the same, and 10,000 years, nothing has kept either from multiplying.
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  • Page Validation - Function Returning Boolean - Check for NULL

    I have 3 Page Validations which all fire on "When Button Pressed" = "Submit".
    Number 1 is of type "Item specified is NOT NULL" for "P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1".
    Number 2 is of type "Item specified is NOT NULL" for "P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2".
    Number 3 is of type "Function Returning Boolean" and has the following code:
        RETURN FALSE ;
        RETURN TRUE  ;
    END IF ;<br>
    When P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1 is NULL and P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2 is NOT NULL, I get the Error from Validation 1. Perfect.
    When P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1 is NOT NULL and P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2 is NULL, I get the Error from Validation 2. Perfect.
    When P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1 is NOT NULL and P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2 is NOT NULL, I don't get an Error Message. Perfect.
    When P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1 is NULL and P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2 is NULL, I get Error Message 1 & 2, <strong>but nothing from 3.</strong>
    If I change the code to:
    IF :P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1 = '01'   AND
       :P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2 = '01'  THEN
        RETURN FALSE ;
        RETURN TRUE  ;
    END IF ;<br>
    and change both values to '01', I get the appropriate Error Message.
    What is going on? Is there some reason I can't check for NULL in a Function Returning Boolean?

    Instead of adding the Validations, I changed my code from:
        RETURN FALSE ;
        RETURN TRUE  ;
    END IF ;
    <br>to the following and got the desired results:
    IF  REPLACE(:P199_BUSINESS_UNIT1,<strong>'%null'</strong> || '%',NULL) IS NULL   AND
        REPLACE(:P199_BUSINESS_UNIT2,<strong>'%null'</strong> || '%',NULL) IS NULL  THEN
        RETURN FALSE ;
        RETURN TRUE  ;
    END IF ;<br>
    Note that I changed the word REPLACE to upper case and the second occurrence of the word NULL to upper case to accentuate the fact that the '%null' is case sensitive, using "%NULL' does not work, it has to be "%null' in lower case.
    <strong>Thanks for your help.</strong>

  • [Help plz]Can't set a boolean attribute to true or false

    I'm new in NWDS development. I need to develop a download functionality
    I used a FileDownload UIElement for that and I created a node context (ExcelExport) with 3 attributes :
    - ExcelFile
    - ExcelIcon
    - And ExcelEnabled (Boolean type)
    My problem is that everytime I try to set the attribute ExcelEnabled to true or false, it return me a java.lang.NullPointerException
    I'm binding this attribute with "Enabled" property of the UIElement.
    Have anyone got this error before? Thanks a lot for your help.
    Kind regards,

    Hello Safae,
    Have you tried to put true/false value for the enabled property? I mean without using a context attribute?
    Also try to create the attribute out of the node.

  • Extract Function return NULL

    Hello All,
    I am new to XML so bear with me. I have a situation where I need to extract column field name from XML file stored in table column. I am trying to use extract function but getting NULL value from below SQL. In this case I am expecting to have list of all caption text listed. Please let me know what wrong I am doing below.
    SELECT X.XML.EXTRACT('/report/criteria/columns/column/columnHeading/caption/text()').GETSTRINGVAL() FROM <Table_name>
    XML File is stored in Column name XML in table
    - <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlVersion="201008230" xmlns:sawx="">
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    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:filtersView" name="filtersView!1" />
    <saw:prompts scope="report" subjectArea=""Study Execution"" />
    Edited by: Dinesh Chauhan on Jan 19, 2012 4:34 AM

    2) In reality I'll have another column defined in same table which will have same value as columnFormula (from xml file). I would need to extract caption from the XMLType and store in another column.OK, let's see if I understand correctly.
    You want to extract the caption text from the column where the columnFormula contains the value in COL1?
    If I'm correct, it's this one :
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">" Site Life Cycle Metrics"."# of Sites Activated with FPS by Deviation"</sawx:expr>Assuming there's a unique match, you can do :
      2           XMLQuery(
      3             'declare default element namespace ""; (: :)
      4              declare namespace x = ""; (: :)
      5              /report/criteria/columns/column[ora:contains(columnFormula/x:expr,$val)>0]/columnHeading/caption/text'
      6             passing t.xml
      7                   , t.col1 as "val"
      8             returning content
      9           )
    10           as varchar2(100)
    11         ) as caption_text
    12  FROM temp_xml t
    13  ;
    # of Recruiting Sites (FPS)
    If you want to update the same table, say COL2, you can do it directly like this :
    UPDATE temp_xml t
    SET t.col2 =
               'declare default element namespace ""; (: :)
                declare namespace x = ""; (: :)
               passing t.xml
                     , t.col1 as "val"
               returning content
             as varchar2(100)

  • Function return boolean with combine query and validation

    Wondering how would you combine a query and the condition together...
    Right now i have a computation that would do a single sql query.
    and in my validation i would use a function return boolean call the result from the computation to do some if statements
    wondering how would you combine the two in the validation? ( tried pasting both in the validation but it doesn't seem to work.)
    Select count(NAME_ID)
    FROM table
    WHERE to_char(NAME_ID) = :P1_NAME_ID;
    IF :P1_results = 1 THEN
    END IF;

    OK, then does this work for you as validation on your item; P1_NAME_ID ?
       l_rowcount   PLS_INTEGER;
       SELECT COUNT (name_id)
         INTO l_rowcount
         FROM my_table
        WHERE TO_CHAR (name_id) = :P1_NAME_ID;
       IF l_rowcount = 1
          RETURN TRUE;
          RETURN FALSE;
       END IF;

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