Create link which returns true or false

i need something that allows the server to send a message to the client asking them if they wish to acept a file. Idealy i would like it to be a link similar to that of msn messenger. but i cant seem to find something similar.. any sugestions as to what i could use would be great

ive looked intho this option and it seems u required the actionevent listener to perform this task. howeve because im calling another gui there wont be a action event. i need create the pannel without a action click is there a way to do this?
        Component source = (Component) actionEvent.getSource();
        JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane("Accept file?",
            JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
        JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(source,
            "File Sent");;
        int selection = OptionPaneUtils.getSelection(optionPane);
        System.out.println(selection);Message was edited by:
Message was edited by:

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    Nevermind. Figured it out.
    Heres my code if it will help anyone:
                    <cfset theDate = Now()>
                    <cfset NextMonth = DateAdd('m', 1, theDate) />
                    <cfset nextMonthNum = daysInMonth(#NextMonth#) />
                    <cfset weekNum = (#weekOfMonth(now())#) />
                    <cfset daysNum = daysInMonth(now()) />
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                                                      function weekOfMonth(thisDate) {
                                                                var thisDay=day(thisDate);
                                                                var thisWeek=0;
                                                                if (thisDay LTE 7)
                                                                else if (thisDay GT 7 AND thisDay LTE 14)
                                                                else if (thisDay GT 14 AND thisDay LTE 21)
                                                                return thisWeek;
                    <cfset datearray = ArrayNew(1)>
                    <cfif #DatePart('w', TheDate)# GTE 2 AND #weekNum# GTE 3>
                        <cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#daysNum#">
                                      <cfset datearray[x] = "#DateFormat(now(), "mm")#/#x#/#DateFormat(now(), "yy")#" />
                                <cfset recordnumber = #x#>
                        <cfloop index="y" from="1" to="#nextMonthNum#">
                                  <cfset potato = #y# + #recordnumber# >
                                      <cfset datearray[potato] = "#DateFormat(NextMonth, "mm")#/#y#/#DateFormat(NextMonth, "yy")#" >
                                  <cfloop index="z" from="1" to="#daysNum#">
                                <cfset datearray[z] = "#DateFormat(now(), "mm")#/#z#/#DateFormat(now(), "yy")#">
                    <cfif #arrayContains( datearray, "#form.activitydate#" )#>
                              <cflocation url="monkey.cfm">
                                      <cfset datetrue = "no">
                                                                                    alert("Date Not Valid. Please Specify Event Date Within Valid Range.<br>(Allow a couple seconds to refresh)")

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    How about this?
    Sequence created.
    SQL> SELECT test_sequence.nextval FROM DUAL;
    SQL> SELECT test_sequence.nextval FROM DUAL;
    SQL> SELECT test_sequence.nextval FROM DUAL;
    SQL>Here is some further reading on sequences:

  • Functions returning TRUE or FALSE

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    Wrote a function that converts a date in the format "01 Jan 2010" to a Unix timestamp. It also returns FALSE if it cannot convert the date it is being passed, which is great because I can use:
    <cfif convertDateToUTS(>
         <cfset #date# = #convertDateToUTS( />
         <p>Your date: <cfoutput>#date#</cfoutput></p>
         <p>Could not convert date.</p>
    Here is the function:
    <cffunction name="convertDateToUTS" output="no">
        <cfargument name="date" required="Yes" />
        <cfargument name="time" default="00:00"/>
        <cfset #date# = trim(left(trim(date), 11)) />
        <cfset #time# = trim(left(trim(time), 5)) />
        <cfset #dateArr# = #listToArray(date, " ")# />
        <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Jan", 1)# />
        <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Feb", 2)# />
        <cfset #dateArr[2]# = #replace(dateArr[2], "Dec", 12)# />
        <cfset #dateTime# = ArrayToList(dateArr, " ")&" "&time />
        <cfset #dateTimeBits# = listToArray(dateTime, " :") />
        <cfset #ODBCdateTime# = CreateODBCDateTime(CreateDateTime(dateTimeBits[3], dateTimeBits[2], dateTimeBits[1], dateTimeBits[4], dateTimeBits[5], 0)) />
        <cfset #unixDateTime# = #DateDiff("s", CreateDate(1970,1,1), ODBCdateTime)# />
        <cfreturn #unixDateTime# />
        <cfreturn FALSE />
    However, now I want to write a similar one which converts a timestamp to a date in that format:
    <cffunction name="convertUTStoDate" output="no">
         <cfargument name="uts" required="Yes" />
         <cfset #date# = #DateFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"),"DD MMM YYYY")# />
         <cfset #time# = #TimeFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"), "HH:mm")# />
         <cfreturn #date#&" "&#time# />
         <cfreturn FALSE />
    This does the conversion correctly but it it won't let me use it as the condition in a CFIF like the first function does eg <cfif convertUTStoDate(uts)> but, it does work exactly as I want if I do this: <cfif convertUTStoDate(uts) NEQ FALSE>
    What am I doing wrong? I really want it to behave like the first function when used in a condition. Massive thanks to anyone who can help!

    What dou you think of the following version of your code? It is the same as your original code but, in my opinion, a bit simpler.  For example, your test now becomes something like
    <!--- remember returntype is now a struct --->
    <cfif convertDateToUTS(>
         <cfset date = convertDateToUTS(>
         <p>Your date: <cfoutput>#date#</cfoutput></p>
         <p>Could not convert date.</p>
          Reason: <cfoutput>#convertDateToUTS(</cfoutput>
    <cffunction name="convertDateToUTS" output="no" returntype="struct">
        <cfargument name="date" required="Yes" />
        <cfargument name="time" default="00:00"/>
        <cfset var returnStruct = structNew()>
        <cfset returnStruct.datetime = "">
        <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= false>
        <cfset date = trim(left(trim(date), 11)) />
        <cfset time = trim(left(trim(time), 5)) />
        <cfset dateArr = listToArray(date, " ") />
        <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Jan", 1) />
        <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Feb", 2) />
        <cfset dateArr[2] = replace(dateArr[2], "Dec", 12) />
        <cfset dateTime = ArrayToList(dateArr, " ")&" "&time />
        <cfset dateTimeBits = listToArray(dateTime, " :") />
        <cfset ODBCdateTime = CreateODBCDateTime(CreateDateTime(dateTimeBits[3], dateTimeBits[2], dateTimeBits[1], dateTimeBits[4], dateTimeBits[5], 0)) />
        <cfset returnStruct.unixDateTime = DateDiff("s", CreateDate(1970,1,1), ODBCdateTime) />
        <cfset returnStruct.message = "Conversion succeeded.">
        <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= true>
        <cfreturn  returnStruct>
        <cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message>
        <cfreturn  returnStruct>
    <cffunction name="convertUTStoDate" output="no" returntype="struct">
         <cfargument name="uts" required="Yes" />
         <cfset var returnStruct = structNew()>
         <cfset returnStruct.datetime = "">
         <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= false>
         <cfset date = DateFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"),"DD MMM YYYY") />
         <cfset time = TimeFormat(DateAdd("s",uts,"1970/01/01 00:00:00"), "HH:mm") />
         <cfset returnStruct.datetime = date&" "&time />
         <cfset returnStruct.message = "Conversion succeeded.">
         <cfset returnStruct.isConverted= true>
         <cfreturn  returnStruct>
          <cfset returnStruct.message = cfcatch.message>
          <cfreturn  returnStruct>

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    How can I make them open in new browser window.

    Try this suggestion in Ted's blog -- Opening PDFs in a New Browser Window.
    It works for PDFs as well as URLs.

  • Problems w javascript function return true/false

    Hi all,
    I have a javascript function that return true or false.
    It's called by a link in a report (URL-target):
    javascript:return showForr(&APP_ID.,&SESSION.,#PERSON_ID#,'#STARTDATUM#','#SLUTDATUM#');
    With the return it does NOT work. If I remove return it works with no problem but then I can't "end" the function where I want.
    Any pointers how I can achive what I want here?
    BR Daniel

    The solution is the to put a span around and make the on-click there:<br><br>
    select 'Daniel' namn, <br>'>span onclick="return test();"><br>>a href="javascript:test2();"><br>Calling func return true/false<br>>/a><br>>/span>'  id3
    from dualSee for details.

  • CI - Powershell Boolean Rule Always Returns True

    I'm trying to create a configuration baseline / item for a particular piece of software using a powershell script of data type Boolean. However, I'm having the issue that the evaluation is always returning compliant whether the workstation is or not. The
    script is as follows:
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    $Condition1 = (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Premiere Pro')
    $Condition2 = (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS6\Presets\Textures\720_govt1_bar.png')
    if ($Condition1) {
    if ($Condition2) {echo $true}
    else {echo $false}
    else {echo $true}
    This script works perfectly fine when run locally and always returns $true or $false as expected. However it only ever returns Compliant when used in a CI. It doesn't matter what the state of the 2 conditions are, it always evaluates Compliant.
    Any ideas?

    I'm beginning to wonder if there is variation between how well this feature works on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I'm beginning to notice that it usually works well on 7 but I have constant hell with it on 8. The last thing I tried which seemed to work (assuming
    it was not just randomness) was accepting the default "Platform" settings of the CI/CB. Before I had chosen Windows 7 and 8.1 only and was never able to return any value except Compliant on 8. Accepting the all platforms default Finally
    allowed me to show a state of Non-Compliant on 8. This was using a powershell script of string data type as discussed previously.
    My latest torment is discovering how to force a true re-evaluation of an updated CI/CB. In my non-compliant Win8 example, I have added a remediation script to an existing Monitor-Only CI and configured it to remediate. In my Win 7 members of the collection,
    everything works successfully, the condition is remediated and the state reports Compliant but on the Win8, although the local Control Panel applet shows both the CB and CI to have new revisions and the evaluation shows it has run with a new date/time,
    the remediation script never runs and changes to Compliant.
    Any suggestions how I can force an updated CI/CB to really re-evaluate, not just report it has?

  • Regex: how can Matcher.matches return true, but Matcher.find return false?

    Consider the class below:
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    public class RegexBugDemo {
         private static final Pattern numberPattern;
         static {
                   // The BigDecimal grammar below was adapted from the BigDecimal(String) constructor.
                   // See also p. 46 of for a regex that matches Java floating point literals; uses similar techniques as below.
              String Sign = "[+-]";
              String Sign_opt = "(?:" + Sign + ")" + "?";     // Note: the "(?:" causes this to be a non-capturing group
              String Digits = "\\p{Digit}+";
              String IntegerPart = Digits;
              String FractionPart = Digits;
              String FractionPart_opt = "(?:" + FractionPart + ")" + "?";
              String Significand = "(?:" + IntegerPart + "\\." + FractionPart_opt + ")|(?:" + "\\." + FractionPart + ")|(?:" + IntegerPart + ")";
              String ExponentIndicator = "[eE]";
              String SignedInteger = Sign_opt + Digits;
              String Exponent = ExponentIndicator + SignedInteger;
              String Exponent_opt = "(?:" +Exponent + ")" + "?";
              numberPattern = Pattern.compile(Sign_opt + Significand + Exponent_opt);
    //     private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+");
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              String s = "0";
    //          String s = "01";
              Matcher m1 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m1.matches() = " + m1.matches());
              Matcher m2 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              if (m2.find()) {
                   int i0 = m2.start();
                   int i1 = m2.end();
                   System.out.println("m2 found this substring: \"" + s.substring(i0, i1) + "\"");
              else {
                   System.out.println("m2 NOT find");
    }Look at the main method: it constructs Matchers from numberPattern for the String "0" (a single zero). It then reports whether or not Matcher.matches works as well as Matcher.find works. When I ran this code on my box just now, I get:
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 NOT findHow the heck can matches work and find NOT work? matches has to match the entire input sequence, whereas find can back off if need be! I am really pulling my hair out over this one--is it a bug with the JDK regex engine? Did not seem to turn up anything in the bug database...
    There are at least 2 things that you can do to get Matcher.find to work.
    First, you can change s to more than 1 digit, for example, using the (originaly commented out) line
              String s = "01";yields
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 found this substring: "01"Second, I found that this simpler regex for numberPattern
         private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{Digit}+");yields
    m1.matches() = true
    m2 found this substring: "0"So, the problem seems to be triggered by a short source String and a complicated regex. But I need the complicated regex for my actual application, and cannot see why it is a problem.
    Here is a version of main which has a lot more diagnostic printouts:
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              String s = "0";
              Matcher m1 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m1.regionStart() = " + m1.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m1.regionEnd() = " + m1.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.matches() = " + m1.matches());
              System.out.println("m1.hitEnd() = " + m1.hitEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.regionStart() = " + m1.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m1.regionEnd() = " + m1.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1.lookingAt() = " + m1.lookingAt());
              System.out.println("m1.hitEnd() = " + m1.hitEnd());
              Matcher m2 = numberPattern.matcher(s);
              System.out.println("m2.regionStart() = " + m2.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m2.regionEnd() = " + m2.regionEnd());
              if (m2.find()) {
                   int i0 = m2.start();
                   int i1 = m2.end();
                   System.out.println("m2 found this substring: \"" + s.substring(i0, i1) + "\"");
              else {
                   System.out.println("m2 NOT find");
                   System.out.println("m2.hitEnd() = " + m2.hitEnd());
              System.out.println("m2.regionStart() = " + m2.regionStart());
              System.out.println("m2.regionEnd() = " + m2.regionEnd());
              System.out.println("m1 == m2: " + (m1 == m2));
              System.out.println("m1.equals(m2): " + m1.equals(m2));
         }Unfortunately, the output gave me no insights into what is wrong.
    I looked at the source code of Matcher. find ends up calling
    boolean search(int from)and it executes with NOANCHOR. In contrast, matches ends up calling
    boolean match(int from, int anchor)and executes almost the exact same code but with ENDANCHOR. Unfortunately, this too makes sense to me, and gives me no insight into solving my problem.

    bbatman wrote:
    I -think- that my originally posted regex is correct, albeit possibly a bit verbose, No, there's a (small) mistake. The optional sign is always part of the first OR-ed part (A) and the exponent is always part of the last part (C). Let me explain.
    This is your regex:
    (?:[+-])?(?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)|(?:\.\p{Digit}+)|(?:\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?which can be read as:
    (?:[+-])?(?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)        # A
    |                                               # or
    (?:\.\p{Digit}+)                                # B
    |                                               # or
    (?:\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?      # COnly one of A, B or C is matched of course. So B can never have a exponent or sign (and A cannot have an exponent and C cannot have a sign).
    What you probably meant is this:
    (?:[+-])?                                   # sign       
        (?:\p{Digit}+\.(?:\p{Digit}+)?)         #   A
        |                                       #   or
        (?:\.\p{Digit}+)                        #   B
        |                                       #   or
        (?:\p{Digit}+)                          #   C
    (?:[eE](?:[+-])?\p{Digit}+)?                # exponent
    and that this must be a sun regex engine bug, but would love to be educated otherwise. Yes, it looks like a bug to me too.
    A simplified version of this behavior (in case you want to file a bug report) would look like this:
    When `test` is a single digit, m.find() returns _false_ but matches() returns true.
    When `test` is two or more digits, both return true, as expected.
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String test = "0";
            String regex = "(?:[+-])?(?:\\p{Digit}+\\.(?:\\p{Digit}+)?)|(?:\\.\\p{Digit}+)|(?:\\p{Digit}+)(?:[eE](?:[+-])?\\p{Digit}+)?";
            java.util.regex.Matcher m = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(test);
            System.out.println("matches() -> "+test.matches(regex));
            if(m.find()) {
                System.out.println("find()    -> true");
            } else {
                System.out.println("find()    -> false");

  • Lot of returns on Playbook according to Futureshop tech. ? True or False ?

    I'm in Quebec city,
    According to a FutureShop tech. "1 of 2 Playbook sold are returned " ? "A lot more than other tablet"...
    True or False ? 50% ?
    What are the reason of return ? 
    He also told me "Playbook hardware is cheap"...
    I don't think so, I think that RIM is making good product.
    His friend, who work at BestBuy as seller, says the same.
    I'm the proud owner of a PlayBook, never had problem, and I don't hesitate to recommend it to my friends.
    So what's the truth ?  Thanks.

    Ha, you are not alone. I am annoyed by RIM-bashing also.
    It seems a popular sport of late, but as is usual, it normally comes from those immature people with some other inadequacy  in which they feel putting another down makes them feel greater.
    But I am also annoyed by mosquitoes and arrogant people the same, and 10,000 years, nothing has kept either from multiplying.
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  • Can I create a pdf with clickable links which open new pdfs?

    My client now wants me to create pdf with links to open new pdfs (in an offline mode). He wants to put all the content onto memory sticks to hand out at a conference.
    I have suggested the alternative of links which redirect to other pages within the same pdf, but if I could create one which open whole new pages or documents this would be really smart.
    Many thanks,

    When you create the links, use "Go to a page view" type, as opposed to "Open a file". This allows you to create links that will open another PDF to a particular page and view (zoom and position).

  • I'm unable to delete a div which is having contenteditable false and the contenteditable false div is inside another having cotenteditable div true, plz guide

    i'm unable to delete a div which is having contenteditable false and the contenteditable false div is inside another having cotenteditable div true, plz guide

    There are better answers to this in

  • I need to create a link which will send on email

    hi All
    i need to create a link which will send to email after click to that link it will directly opent that portlet so i want to know how to create
    runtime link.

    What you're referring to is a drop down menu. Those can't be created normally in iWeb. They can be added to a iWeb page but require an HTML snippet and javascript. Some possible javascript solutions have been posted in this forum. Search for drop down menu. Also do a Google search for drop down menu to get a number of sites with possible solutions.
    Or, you can create a separate Residential page and put photos of windows, shower doors, etc. on it and use them as links to the pages for the windows, shower doors. Those pages don't have to be included in the navbar. You can turn it off in the Inspector/Page/Page pane.
    Also see Section 9 of this iWeb FAQ site.
    Happy New Year

  • Help creating a formula which returns current date last year

    I need help creating a formula which returns the current date last year. I also need it to work during leap years.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Dagros,
    I'm lucky to be a universe designer, I have to do this only once
    The easiest way would probably be to use
    So subtractiing 365 to get the same date last year,
    but you would need some extra logic for the years with a feb 29 in those 365 days.
    =If FormatDate(RelativeDate(CurrentDate();-365);"dd") = FormatDate(CurrentDate();"dd")
    Then RelativeDate(CurrentDate();-365)
    Else RelativeDate(CurrentDate();-366)
    Another question to ask is if you really want the same date last year, or if you also want a really 'same day' so monday compared to monday etc. in this case you would just subtract 364 days and get the day 52 weeks back...
    Good luck,

  • How to create a link which will redirect to a different iView?

    I have a certain iView, let's call it "myiView" which sits inside a certain Role, let's call it "myRole".
    At the Homepage of the users I have KM navigation iView which shows a certain folder. I would like to create inside this folder a link to "myiView", this way when users will click on this link at the Homepage they will be redirected automaticly to "myiView". I remember reading once something regarding internal links perhaps this is solution but I'm not sure. Can anyone please show me how to create such link which redirects to another iView at the portal.

    Hey Prakash,
    I am creating a KM link to this target, where at this link I can write javascript? As far as I know it is only possible at the iView level no? And where do I take the PCD URL from?
    Hey Ashutosh,
    I think that your method will open a whole new browser since it is an external link, I woulk like to keep the current navgation at the same page, simply navigate the user to a different place at the portal...

Maybe you are looking for