Future support for C++0x in Sun Studio

I've recently been having to defend my choice of using the sun studio compiler against several gcc advocates here in the office. The one reasonable issue they keep bringing up is when the upcoming C++0x (more like C++1x or even C++2x at the pace the standards committee is operating at) features will be available in complete fashion in sun studio. They say, and I have to begrudgingly agree, that judging by the amount of time it took studio to support boost (template templates, certain partial template specializations, etc), there could be a long delay between the release of gcc's C++0x support and that of studio's.
I understand that many of the new features of C++0x, even from initial glance, appear to be quite complicated, especially lambda functors and their associated []/auto return types, variadac template parameters and class concept checking. In addition, I understand gcc has an unfair advantage so to speak since it is being used as the test bed for many of the committee proposal submitter's proof-of-concept implementations (the variadic template parameter feasibility implementation written for gcc comes to mind).
Could a developer please assuage my fears and inform me that the studio team has a roadmap/timeframe in place to release a studio that fully supports the new language-level features in a reasonably competitive time frame? It apparently will be the responsibility of the STLPort team to essentially copy many of boost's libraries (shared_ptrs, random numbers, type_traits) and rename them and move them to the std namespace and also supply the new unordered<> containers, to name a few.
I for one can't wait until boost::mpl, boost::fusion, boost::format and others are all reduced from 10's of 1000's of lines of pre-processor generated crufty template definitions to a single variadic template declaration. Also, I won't feel quite so willfully derelict to efficient code every time i bust out an std::for_each and drop in a boost::bind generated functor and instead can use a lambda function with the various efficiency gains ranging from direct referencing to the stack variables passed in as the closure arguments to the ability for the compiler to actually inline the body of the lambda function where appropriate.
I'm in no way trying to accuse you compiler developers of being slow to implement features, but just would like to be assured that there is nothing to worry about and there is a plan and current work being done on the required features. I know it's still a couple of years off, but I personally can't wait to replace hundreds of lines of boost::bind() calls with their more efficent lambda equivalent, and in addition clean up interfaces that could have used boost::bind if it weren't for the unacceptable overhead introduced often executed blocks of code.
Chris Knight - Faithful sun studio user through at least 2 major name changes and since at lest when it was called Forte 4.2 and RougeWave and classicIO libraries roamed the earth in vast quantities.
P.S. I truly fear that the other 3 major compilers (gnu, intel, ms) will be out the door with C++0x in around the same time and boost will then willingly drop support for the sun compiler if it doesn't support the required language features at that time as they had no problem not supporting studio at all until Studio 12 so I'm sure as soon as the 3 compilers they run nightly tests with support it, they'll be just as eager to
make use of the new features as I am.
This leaves someone who has based their entire system on Solaris + SunStudio + Boost in a potentially undesirable situation. Solaris is far too stable and Linux to ever-changing to ever consider Linux as a platform for critical systems yet the idea of running g++ on Solaris w/ gcc's propensity to change their ABI on a weekly basis gives me immediate heartburn.
Thanks again.

You raise some very good points, and believe me, we are even more aware of them than you are!
Short answer: We are planning to bring out a compiler conforming to C++0X in a timely fashion.
Longer answer:
Right now, we are working on providing binary compatibility with g++ as an option in the next compiler release. When we are done, you will be able to use g++ headers with Sun C++, and link the code with binaries created by g++. The first implementation will be on Linux. (Which versions of g++ and which versions of Linux? Stay tuned.)
Implementing all the new features of C++0X will require a re-design of parts of the compiler front end. The current compiler organization does not support "concepts", for example. (We've been looking for an excuse to re-design the front end for a while, and C++0x is not just an excuse -- it's a requirement.) With the g++ ABI work done, we'll ready to start the re-design, and begin to implement C++0x features.
We won't release an official (stable, fully-supported) product with C++0X features until the standard is final. Until then, any feature could change in unpredictable ways. We got caught by that problem with C++ 4.2 and C++98 -- we implemented what we thought were final features that changed dramatically after we released the compiler. We won't do that again. Compiler stability is one of our most important considerations.
Beginning some time next year, we expect to have Express releases with some C++0X features. Express releases are our way of providing compilers with experimental features that might not be stable yet. It gives our customers a chance to try them out and provide feedback before they become part of a stable release. That is to say, a feature flagged as experimental is subject to change, and compatibility with other Express or official releases is not guaranteed. We can therefore fix bugs and catch up with late changes in the Standard as necessary.
We have not yet done all the planning for our C++0X compiler, so I can't give you any estimates about specific feature availability and time frames. When we are farther along, we'll post the road map on a public site, and I'll announce it here.
Steve Clamage
Sun C++ Team

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    My main problem is two 'concurrent' areas holding state in an application system based on DB-stored PL/SQL-logic in combination with ADF BC.
    For a new System everything can be made ok:
    Sure, it is possible to build a new system with the business logic included in ADF BC only. All long-living state will be handled in the BC layer ( including support for UnitsOfWork longer than the webside short HTTP-requests and HTTP-sessions and longer than the database transactions.
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    -> Reengineering of the PL/SQL-logic to make the ADF BC layer aware of the changes is a big effort (notifying BC about any change)
    2. longer living database transactions
    Our PL/SQL-logic in some areas makes use of lengthy database transactions. The technical DB-transaction is similar to the UnitOfWork. If we call this existing logic from ADF BC, database state is produced which will not be DB-committed in the same cycle.
    This reduces scalability of ADF BC AM pooling.
    a) Call a DB-stored logic to check if some business data is consistent and prepare some data for versioning. This starts a DB-transaction but does not commit it.
    b) Control is handed back to the user interface. Successful result of step a) is displayed
    c) User now executes the versioning operation
    d) Call another DB-stored logic to execute the versioning. DB-transaction is still open
    e) Business layer commits the transaction automatically after successful finishing step d). Otherwise everything from a) to e) is rolled back.
    -> redesign of this behavior (= cutting the 1to1 relation between LogicalUnitOfWork and the technicalDatabaseTransaction is a big effort due to the big amount of code.

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    @"C:\My\SnippetsIndex.xml", // Path to snippets index
    SearchPaths = @"C:\My\Snippets\")] // Path to snippets
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    <Language Lang="My Language" Guid="{1c9caaac-65b9-40f8-9f39-ab77a824d351}">
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    <CodeSnippets xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/2005/CodeSnippet">
    <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
    <Code Language="My Language" Delimiter="$"><![CDATA[TEST TEST]]></Code>
    I've added method for detecting installed snippets from this article to
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    private void _GetSnippets(Guid languageGuid,
    ref ArrayList expansionsList)
    IVsTextManager textManager = (IVsTextManager)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
    if (textManager != null)
    IVsTextManager2 textManager2 = (IVsTextManager2)textManager;
    if (textManager2 != null)
    IVsExpansionManager expansionManager = null;
    textManager2.GetExpansionManager(out expansionManager);
    if (expansionManager != null)
    // Tell the environment to fetch all of our snippets.
    IVsExpansionEnumeration expansionEnumerator = null;
    0, // return all info
    null, // return all types
    0, // return all types
    1, // include snippets without types
    0, // do not include duplicates
    out expansionEnumerator);
    if (expansionEnumerator != null)
    // Cache our expansions in a VsExpansion array
    uint count = 0;
    uint fetched = 0;
    VsExpansion expansionInfo = new VsExpansion();
    IntPtr[] pExpansionInfo = new IntPtr[1];
    // Allocate enough memory for one VSExpansion structure. This memory is filled in by the Next method.
    pExpansionInfo[0] = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(expansionInfo));
    expansionEnumerator.GetCount(out count);
    for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
    expansionEnumerator.Next(1, pExpansionInfo, out fetched);
    if (fetched > 0)
    // Convert the returned blob of data into a structure that can be read in managed code.
    expansionInfo = (VsExpansion)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pExpansionInfo[0], typeof(VsExpansion));
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expansionInfo.shortcut))
    If I call this method from package initializing method I got count
    == 0 in line
    expansionEnumerator.GetCount(out count);
    And if I call it from method ParseSource in LanguageService class
    as MSDN recommends, I've just got expansionEnumerator
    == null.
    I've spent much time trying to understand whats going on, but still got this strange result. Could anybody tell me what am I doing wrong?

    Your XML files look good. Maybe it is necessary to add a shortcut to the snippet.
    In my ViewFilter, I also react on the VSStd2KCmdID.INSERTSNIPPET command in HandlePreExec():
    case VSConstants.VSStd2KCmdID.INSERTSNIPPET:
    ExpansionProvider ep = this.GetExpansionProvider();
    if (ep != null) {
    ep.DisplayExpansionBrowser(this.TextView, "Snippets", null, false, null, false);
    return true;

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    This is a well-known issue with this code, as you can see in the thread you copied the code from.
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    There is no supported way of getting the Sun Studio IDE (or NetBeans) to recognize
    Make.bld as a Makefile. However, the solution Nik pointed out with a .nbattrs file will
    Here is a complete file which, if copied to each directory containing a Make.bld file
    will work. However, if the directory already contains a .nbattrs file you should edit
    the existing one and add the <fileobject>...</fileobject> lines rather than overwriting
    the entire file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE attributes PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD DefaultAttributes 1.0//EN"
    " http://www.netbeans.org/dtds/attributes-1_0.dtd">
    <attributes version="1.0">
    <fileobject name="Make.bld">
    <attr name="MAKEFILE_TYPE" stringvalue="foo"/>
    Note: I split the DOCTYPE line myself. It should be a single line in the file (although
    its probably OK if split, I didn't verify that so I'll suggest a single line).
    I should warn you that the next release of the Sun Studio IDE will no longer use
    .nbattrs files and you'll need a different solution. A preliminary version of the next
    release is currently available by downloading Sun Studio Express 3. The IDE is
    significantly better than the current one! You also get a lot of the same features
    by downloading NetBeans 5.5 with the C/C++ Development Pack.

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    # /opt/sun/sunstudioceres/bin/sunstudio
    Sun Studio is unable to find a supported version of Java.
    Sun Studio supports Java version 1.5.0_03 and newer and looks for a valid Java installation in the following order:
    1) Location specified with --jdkhome command line option
    2) In PATH environment variable
    3) At /usr/jdk/latest location, if exists
    4) At /usr/java location, if exists
    5) At /usr location, if exists.
    I'm using FC9, and I have installed the following in Java
    # rpm -qa | grep java
    Can somebody help me to see what I'm missing, and how can I point to the right direction?

    You have GNU Java 1.5.0. In order to use IDE and Performance Analyzer you need to install SUN Java 1.6.0.
    [http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/downloads/ssx/express_November2008.html|http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/downloads/ssx/express_November2008.html] :
    The Sun Studio package installer, IDE, and Performance Analyzer require Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 Update 3 or higher, which can be downloaded from the [Java SE Downloads site|http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/?intcmp=1281] if the required version is not available on your target platform.

  • Core dump using iostream with Sun Studio 8

    I'm running on Solaris 9 using C++ compiler Sun Studio 8, and encoutered a very strange problem.
    My application failed with a core and here is the stack.
    [1] t_splay(0x3774b470, 0x387a0ec0, 0x389aec60, 0x39e5ef1f, 0x3774b470, 0x1), at 0xfc347930
    [2] t_delete(0x387a0ec0, 0x80, 0x39be9748, 0x20, 0x383ccd20, 0x0), at 0xfc347698
    [3] mallocunlocked(0x80, 0x0, 0x21b08, 0xfc3bc000, 0x10, 0x20), at 0xfc346d40
    [4] malloc(0x80, 0xfbaa7400, 0x1, 0x759c40, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfc346b74
    [5] operator new(0x80, 0x0, 0xd3a18, 0x759c74, 0x0, 0x8345fc), at 0x760c10
    [6] strstreambuf::overflow(0xf41f6e28, 0x29, 0xf41f6e28, 0x39fe0e88, 0x39fe0e88, 0x8345fc), at 0x75bb1c
    [7] streambuf::xsputn(0xf41f6e28, 0xfee00bc0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x81010100, 0x1), at 0x75ab94
    [8] unsafe_ostream::outstr(0xf41f6e78, 0xfee00bbf, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf41f6e7c, 0xfffffffe), at 0x757bac
    =>[9] unsafe_ostream::operator<<(this = 0xf41f6e78, _s = 0xfee00bbf ")"), line 1211 in "iostream.h"
    [10] ostream::operator<<(this = 0xf41f6e74, _s = 0xfee00bbf ")"), line 1350 in "iostream.h"
    [11] CorInterfaceEntity::ifState(this = 0x1bc3de78, newState = MISMATCH_OF_INSTALLED_AND_EXPECTED, needToSendEvent = false
    Can somebody help me giving a direction of investigation ?
    Is there perhaps known problem with iostream on Sun Studio 8 running on Solaris 9 ?
    Thanks for any tips.
    Yaakov Berkovitch
    [email protected]

    But sorry for my insistence, but do you think that
    purify or/and runtime are not able to detect any
    corruption of the heap ?They can detect some kinds of corruption, such as some uses of an invalid pointer.
    But a wild pointer that changes the value of data that is part of your program cannot be detected by RTC or Purify. Those programs can't know whether that change is intentional.
    BTW, we are not using any volatile declaration, and weIf non-local data is shared among threads, it should be declared volatile. For example, suppose you have
    x = foo;
    ... // code not changing foo
    y = foo;
    If foo is not marked volatile, the compiler is allowed to assume its value hasn't changed, and assign to y the same value assigned to x. If foo was changed by another thread, y will not have the current value of foo. The "volatile" declaration says that the variable's value might change without any obvious reason, and the compiler should generate code to load a fresh value each time it is referenced.
    are using the rwtools library packaged with the
    compiler, and are not using the STD library.OK, you are not running into a std::string synchronization bug.
    Also about the compiler option -xarch=v8, is probably
    not relevant for us because we are running Solaris 9.
    So the relevant compiler is probably -xarch=v9. Do you
    advise us using this option ?I think you misunderstand. The -xarch values refer to the kind of processor your program will run on.
    The -xarch=v8 option generates 32-bit code that will run on all SPARC chips, including the chips found in very old SPARCstations. This option is the default for compilers prior to Sun Studio 9 (which ships this week).
    The -xarch=v8plus option generates 32-bit code that runs only on UltraSPARC chips, found in Ultra workstations. These are the only kinds of workstations shipped by Sun since about 1996. Unless you need to support the ancient SPARCstations, we recommend compiling with -xarch=v8plus, to get smaller and faster code.
    The -xarch=v9 option generates 64-bit code that runs only on UltraSPARC chips, an only on Solaris 7 or later. Unless your program requires a very large address space, you generally don't want to generate 64-bit code. On SPARC, 64-bit code is larger and slower than 32-bit code. (Type "long" and all pointers are 64 bits instead of 32 bits.)
    Also I want to return you two new questions:
    1) I read in another discussion,
    that another memory manager can be more efficient in
    multi-threaded environment (libmtmalloc.so), and also
    an alternate threads library (/usr/lib/lwp) that
    reduced CPU usage. Do you advice us using this
    alternate library ?The libmtmalloc library usually has better performance in MT programs than the default version of malloc. It also can result in more memory fragmentation. In that case, the larger working set can sometimes have a large negative effect, more than offsetting the MT efficiency. You have to experiment to see whether it is appropriate for your particlular program. If you are running into heap corruption, the pattern of corruption will probably be different with libmtmalloc than with the default malloc. The differences might provide a clue to what is wrong.
    The alternative "T2" threads library was introduced in Solaris 8 as an option.
    In Solaris 9 it is the default, so you are already using it.
    2) We are using the Rogue Wave library shiped with the
    compiler. Is it an up-to-date version ? Can we assume
    that is a good choice or it will be preferable to move
    to the STD library ?I assume you mean Rogue Wave Tools.h++. As explained in the compiler docs, this version of Tools is obsolete, and has not been supported for many years. We continue to provide it for customers who used it before the introduction of the C++ Standard Library in 1998, and who don't want to change their code. We do not recommend it for use in new code.

  • Sun Studio Early Access Testers Needed...

    <b>Software Developers!
    Apply for the Sun Studio 10, Update 1 Early Access Testing Opportunity</b>
    <p>Here is an invitation for you to apply for our upcoming<b> Sun
    Studio 10 Update 1, Early Access evaluation program</b>. This opportunity is being
    extended to a select group of current Sun Studio users. This 12-week program
    is scheduled to begin mid-June 2005 and all accepted participants will be directly
    supported by the product team.</p>
    <p>We will be using Sun's Feedback Portal, Connect by Centercode, for this EA
    program. If you do not already have a Connect Tool user account from a previous
    Early Access program, you will be required to follow 4-steps to successfully
    get yourself setup in the Feedback Portal and apply for the <b>Sun
    Studio 10, Update 1 Early Access</b> program.</p>
    <li> Create a <i>Username</i> and <i>Password</i></li>
    <li>Answer some generic questions to help us know where you are located, your
    availability, and your interests.</li>
    <li>Submit details about the platform
    you will be using during the EA testing cycle for <b>Sun Studio 10, Update
    <li>Fill out and submit the <b>Sun Studio 10, Update 1 Program Application</b></li>
    <p>Applications are being accepted until June 6, 2005. You will be notified of
    your acceptance into the program and asked to confirm that you will participate.
    We look forward to your application and appreciate your ongoing support of
    Sun Studio software.</p>
    <p>To participate in this Early Access program, please use this <b>link</b> for
    program details and to apply.</p>

    The following threads on netbeans.org and sunappserver foums discuss the same issue:
    This seems to be an issue with appserver; you may wish to join the above threads or post a new question at the appserver forum at:

  • General and specific questions on the applicability of Sun Studio 11

    Hi. In an e-mail letter from Sun Microsystems I read about Sun Studio 11 to "utilize its record-setting parallelizing compilers." From this message I was attracted by the possibility of adding something like parallel processing, not by changing the processor (hardware), but by adding Sun-Studio-11 software to a Linux operating system. Now I already have a Fortran compiler, the Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux, which is free and can handle Cray-style pointers, a feature hard to find in a free Fortran compiler.
    1a. So for the most basic of questions, without having parallel-processing hardware, just an ordinary processor [a 1-GigaHertz (GHz) Advanced MicroDevices Duron central processing unit, in my case], is it possible to have parallel processing and thereby increase one's computing speed by installing Sun Studio 11 in a Linux operating system?
    1b. If so, by what factor could one expect the speed of computation to increase over not having Sun Studio 11 installed? (If the gain in speed is dependent on the type of computations being performed, I imagine possibly using a Fortran code to perform numerical calculations using and perhaps searching for minima or maxima in a two-or-more-dimensional surface. So please give me an idea of the sort of gain in speed one could expect for these two types of activites, calculations using formulas and searches for minima and maxima among already-computed quantities.)
    1c. Again if so, how could one just by adding software have parallel processing without two or more hardware processors? In other words, what is the basic working principle of the software to make the simultaneous performance of multiple tasks (multitasking or parallel processing) possible?
    2a. Does Sun Studio 11 include a Fortan compiler?
    2b. If so, must one use it to have parallel processing with Sun Studio 11?
    2c. Or will the Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux work with Sun Studio 11 to have a parallel processing capability?
    Concerning hardware requirements I read that Sun Studio 11 requires a minimum of 512 MegaBytes (MB) of memory, presumably Random Access Memory (RAM). My Hewlett-Packard, ZE1110, Pavilion, notebook computer has 256 MB of RAM, but is expandable to a maximum of 512 MB of RAM. So in this respect it is in principle at least technically possible for me to meet the minimum system requirement for Sun Studio 11 with my computer, if I choose to increase its RAM. Somehow accommodating the cost of such a RAM addition, including whether one may have to buy two, matching, 256-MB RAM modules or just presumably one additional 256-RAM module, is another requirement. But before spending money for such an upgrade, one should first thoroughly investigate other matters to determine if other things are going to work and to determine what gain, if any, one could expect in computing speed with Sun Studio 11 and an additional 256 MB of RAM; then decide, based on such data, whether the purchase is personally worth the money or not. That's one motivation behind this posting; another motivation is for me to learn some things.
    Lastly I would like to here thank whoever was thoughtful enough to provide the Sun Download Manager (SDM) 2.0, which allows the pausing and resumption of the 207-MB download studio11-lin-x86.tar.bz2 for the Linux version of the Sun Studio 11! Using a slow, dialup, Internet connection like mine having a maximum speed of 28.8 kilobits/second, this makes it possible to download that file over a number of Internet sessions instead of having to have an uninterrupted, 19-or-more-hour Internet session. Besides the invconvenience of tying up one's telephone line for that long a time, it might be even be difficult to have such an uninterrupted Internet session for that long a time. I have at least started such a download using the SDM 2.0 potentially over multiple Internet sessions. Whether or not I carry it out to completion could depend on whether everything looks good with Sun Studio 11 for my particular situation. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks for both of your postings here. I'm mostly trying to learn something here.
    From Maxim Kartashev: "For example, if one thread (or process, or lwp) frequently performs an I/O operation, then the other thread (process, lwp) can utilize processor resources to perform, say, some computations while first one waits for operation to complete."
    I think I might understand what you meant above. I guess lwp in the above context stands for light-weight process. And I think you may be talking about a potential gain in speed with just one, ordinary processor. I guess you meant that one program, or perhaps group of programs, could perform input/output processes at the same time it is performing calculations because different parts of the processor are being used in these two groups of processes. Then on "while first one waits for operation to complete" I guess you meant that if the input/output operations finish before the computations finish, then thread 1 that was performing the input/output operations will have to wait until the current computations ordered by thread 2 are complete before thread 1 can utilize the computational resources for its own computations; i.e., two threads can't use the same computational resources of an ordinary processor at the same time. How is my thinking so far, Maxim, right, partly right, or all wrong?
    Now if the above thinking of mine is right, then it appears that one could have some gain in speed doing things like you suggest with just one, ordinary processor. And if so, I imagine that the gain could be a maximum of a factor of two for a program that requires spending as much time in input and output as it does in computation; i.e., keeping both the computational and input/output resources working all of the time without the input/output resources waiting on the computational resources or vice versa. How is my thinking here?
    If the above thinking is correct, just for purposes of discussion with just one, ordinary processor, not a dual processor, and a program which does nothing but computations there would be no gain in speed using Sun Studio 11 and a Fortran compiler over not using Sun Studio 11. In other words, to increase the speed of computation one would have to buy a faster computer, buy parallel processing hardware for an existing computer and use parallel-processing software, or somehow figure out how to harness two or more computers to work for you at the same time with instructions from one piece or perhaps set of pieces of code set up for parallel processing using two or more different computers. The latter case would be a computer analogue or "two 'heads' are better than one," not human heads, but computers. How is my thinking here?
    Here I am still assuming that it is possible for one processor to be used to do two different kinds things at once. However, I don't see how one Fortran program could instruct two things to be done at once. This is because I have not seriously studied parallel processing, I suppose. That is I am used to a sequential set of instructions that proceed from top to botton down the lines of code; i.e., one instruction or line of code can't be executed until the line of code before it has been completely executed. That is the computing "world" with which I am familiar. So how about someone here teaching me with an example of parallel-processing Fortran code how parallel processing works, explaining what instruction or group of instructions tells the computer to execute input and computational instructions at the same time?
    Based on the encouraging information from one or more other people I have been able to use the Intel Fortran for Linux 8.1.024, if I remember correctly, in a computer with a 1-GigaHertz (GHz), Advanced MicroDevices (A.M.D.), Duron Processor. So this is at least one case where it is not essential to have an Intel processor to use the Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux 8.1.024.
    Is the Sun Fortran compiler free for personal use? And can it handle Cray-style pointers?

  • HBA support for solaris 10

    Hi All
    I need to know which HBA card will support solaris 10.we have sunfire 1280 server, brocade silkworm 12000 and hitachi 9980

    I would beg to differ on this response. This is not a service call and the storage vendor is not responsible for making decisions on what the customer is allowed or not allowed to use.
    EG, I have a Sun StorEdge 9990 (actually a HDS USP 1100 and not the 9990 Lightning series which is on the web site) and I made the call to put the Fibre Channel HBA's of my choice into my systems and I also chose the Cisco 9509 switches. Both HDS and Cisco put out documentation regarding compatibility of the HBA's.
    So, I would suggest RPS check out the Brocade website or sales people and ask them if they recommend anything.
    states that the option X6768A is supported for Solaris 10.
    Sun 9980 will work on most of the HBA's available in the system handbook.
    The could be either the rebadged Qlobic or JNI HBA's. You could even use Emulux if you are that way inclined.
    My systems are full of dual channel HBA's such as SG-XPCI2FC-QF2.
    You should also be aware that the 1280 has only one 66 MHz PCI slot. You can upgrade the I/O boat to all 66 MHz slots if you are after good throughput. The upgrade will also give the opportunity to use the 4 Gb HBA if you can find a system to use them on.

  • VNext Support for Web and Worker Roles

    I see there's support for Azure websites in visual studio 14 CTP for vNext but I can't find any information on when Cloud services WebRole/WorkerRole support is coming?

    hi Pete,
    I wil confirm it fome someone familiar with this feature. There might be some time delay. Appreciate your patience.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • WLC 5500 support for Diameter protocol?

    We have been having issues with wireless user authentication (sessions start/die). Multiple authentications are sometimes needed for end users to connect. We use 802.1x to Microsoft Radius in server 2008 R2, and it's flaky. I've read up on the Diameter protocol, and it looks like it would be very good to use. However, our WLC 5508's only support the normal (and very old UDP version) of Radius.
    Does Cisco plan on enhancing the software to be able to support Diameter in the future?

    That is something you would need to ask your Cisco SE about. I haven't heard anything regarding future support for that, but that doesn't mean it will not happen. 
    Mad far as your current deployment, I have many customers who are using Microsoft IAS and NPS for radius with no issues like what you are having. It's something you need to understand why they are not connecting right away. Many times it can be how the WLAN is configured or driver related issues. 

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