FX5600 Issues

My Current Video card (FX5600- TD256), ever since installing, has been randomly deciding to reboot my system, i have no clue as to what it could be, its done this to my old system and as well as my current, as listed in the sig.. anyone have an idea as to what might be the trouble?

sorry for not getting back sooner but..
and heres a link for powersupply stats
also how do i move the SB live to IRQ 5?
Thanks for the help and again sorry for the late response

Similar Messages

  • Issues with MSI FX5600 cards

    In my part time i build computers from a small buisiness i started while in university.
    I have several issues concerning the new MSI FX5600 Cards, that have not been completely answered in any post that i have read here in the forums or in the poor FAQ section of the MSI website.
    These cards have been around long enough now that MSI should start taking Customer service into consideration and start answering some of these issues that many have mentioned and have yet to get an answer to.
    The first Set are Hardware related. Second are Software.
    HARDWARE#1 First off is the poor construction of the heatsink/fan assembly on these cards, the one im using now, along with pretty much every one i have seen has large gaps between the RAM chips and the heatsink ( well its not really a heatsink more like a heat spreader plate).
    The solution given in this forum is for the consumer to do the work of assembler himself (thats pathetic). So i guess MSI should stamp "some assembly required on their boxes and drop the price some $50 for the time it takes a user to repair this problem.
    MSI should hire some good assembly people at your factories! I have installed many cards over the years and by far this is the worst heatsink assembly i have seen, which is quite obviously due to MSI using cheap labour done at a rapid rate.
    Or just abandon this one heat spreader plate idea and paste individual passive heatsinks on each ram chip, like Asus and many others do.
    And best idea yet is to Recall all your cards and offer everyone a decent heatsink solution to replace this poor design.
    HARDWARE#2 Why is there no temperature monitoring on these FX cards? Simple question however i have yet to see an answer. Will there be in the future, or is there no temperature monitoring due to lack of a hardware, or do we all have to go buy thermocouples and connect them to our heatsinks, if we want to know the temp of our cards. Given the above #1 it would also be good to know the temp of the RAM given that many of the chips have no heatsink at all connected to them.
    HARDWARE#3 The unit that plugs into the back of the VIVO cards never quite stay plugged in well and are so short that due to a lack of slack in the cable weight put on it by pluging in other cables tends to cause the whole unit to become unplugged. Why not just make that cable a litle bit longer?
    HARDWARE#4 (related to above vivo connector unit) why use a (infra red )IR reciever connected to the video card? Why not just supply a seperate ir reciever and have that connected to a USB port or somthing else. Does it really make sense to have IR using the AGP resources? Also the quality of the ir reciever is absolutely the cheapest i have ever seen, and is awkward to place in any usefull position without using tape to stick it it to somthing.
    Hardware#5 Cheap Remote control. Lots of buttons on it however most are really useless, and dont work anyways.
    Instead of providing these remotes free with the cards, make a good remote remote control that uses RF (radio frequencies) instead of the awfull IR, and that can actually controll common software that people would normally use, or that ships with operating systems like media player etc.. Also why not have it also act as a second mouse like other manufacturers do?
    SOFTWARE #1 Lets start off with the IR software or driver, I have used several other IR recievers/software that work perfect within windows. HOWEVER MSI has the absolute worst i have ever seen. The memory leaks everyone has is a perfect example of how poor their IR hardware/software work together. Will you be providing some new drivers to fix this? Or was providing a remote control just a gimmick to try and capture a few early customers?
    SOFTWARE #2 the media center is so awfull, due to many reasons here are some.
    a) for many people it wont even work to begin with
    b) the resolution and more importantly Refresh rate ( 60hz ) is just plain stupid. ( i dont know anyone who can stand looking at a 60hz refresh rate for more then a few min without getting a headache).
    c) use of remote control is full of bugs and is limited to this software alone.
    d) i have yet to find any way of even adding pictures or other media files to the lists (not that i really care) this just points out the poor user interface.
    I could go on about how bad it is, but i wont.
    I recommend that MSI re-think their media centre and just get rid of it all together and start from scratch on somthing new. Try looking at what competitors such as ati's software and even Nvidia have as thier media centres. Also just dont use Intervideo's WinDVD and do like Asus and go with Cyberlinks PowerDVD.
    c) lack of any monitoring software for video chip or ram heat status. This is related to the hardware comment #2
    d) 11 cd's software bundell. Who cares why do you guys hype this if its basically 11 cds of old games that dont even use direct x9 capabilites of the card, or apps that i would question if anyone would even use. Most would prefer a drop in price versus having this large cd set.
    Well that is it for now. Normally i would get paid for my ideas and suggestions where i work full time as a product development technologist, But this short list I provide freely hoping that MSI get their act together and make a better product. There is lots of potential there however it would require much more in terms of fixing these bugs that really reduce customer satisfaction and thus reduce sales especially in the customer recommendation sales.
    Two last comments not related to the cards:
    i) The packaging. is it really necessary to pay for the extra ink to put colorfull images within the inside of the box? could you not use that extra money saved and put it into either hiring better assemblers or making wires a little longer etc..?
    ii) There is nothing mentioned in the manual concerning the Remote control its use or that of the media center.
    It would now be nice if MSI would plese answer some of the above questions and sittuations and create a new FAQ for this card and have it available within the FAQ section of their website.
    Thank you for reading this post.
    hope for some improvements soon

    I echo these words too. :O

  • [GeForceFX] GeForce FX5600 Controler Remote Issue !!!

    Hi Everyone, I have Windows XP Media Center 2005, the lastest driver dor my FX5600 but i can make work the remote controller that come with my card, i download a software controller kit but the manul dont say anything specific and only found a few dlls int the pack but no instruccion where copy them, someone can help me ?
    Best Regards...

    I cant use the remote control. Alredy have instaled the lastest drivers and the msi media center deluxe 2 patch.

  • Msi FX5600 VTDR128 + 3D!Turbo Experience Temperature issue

    I bought a MSI FX5600 VTDR128 board, to use on a Abit VP6 board  - 2x PIII 933@133 FSB, 512 MB SDRAM 133 CL3, PSU AOPEN 300 W - installed MSI/Nvidia drivers 44.03 and 3D!Turbo Experience, first the one that came with the drivers and utilities CD, this one reporting erroneous memory and GPU speed (100 MHz and 54 MHz respectively). After that, downloaded and installed latest version of 3D!Turbo Experience, claiming support for FX boards. This  new software reported correctly the core and memory speeds on 2D mode 270/550 MHz, but on 3D mode 270/550 MHz keeps reporting 270/550 MHZ. The temperature and fan values only appeared the first time I ran the program, never showing up in the subsequent runs. The values for Fan/Temp were: 48 ºC/2700 RPM (ambient temp +/- 27 ºC) after playing GTA Vice City for 30 min, with the game still running.  After playing GTA Vice City for 1 hour, one sistem notification box (not from the HTML/Flash frontend) appeared notifying for unusual temperature - 255 ºC   8o . On the previous version of 3D!Turbo Experience a similar box showed up with 127 ºC. In either situations the HTML frontend kept reporting absolutely normal values (48 ºC/2700 RPM). The board is warm to touch (+/- 40 ºC), both the heatsink and the PCB. I find this very strange and i'm not sure if the notification box temp. value is correct - are 127 º C the upper limit of the temp. range (127=(2^7)-1)  on the previous software version and 255 (255=(2^8)-1) on the latest software version ?
    The board does not crash when the box appears and keeps running steady as a rock, altough after that i closed the game for protection.
    Anyway, I am terribly scared, considering those temperature values may represent a terrible overheating situation. Please HELP!!! . Thanks for your consideration.

    More problems playing 3D Games:
      3D Turbo XP stops reading Fan and Temperature after playing for 20 min. The alarm starts sounding and voltages climb real high: GPU:3.060, Memory I/O:3.060, Memory Core:6.120.
    Idle (2D) Voltage Readings - GPU:1.310-1.320, Memory I/O:2.560-2.570, Memory Core:2.540-2.570.
    My Power Supply Unit is an AOPEN 300W.
    What should I do? Maybe returning back to the dealer and activate the warranty?
    Aopen Big Tower ATX/Aopen PSU 300W
    Abit VP6+2xPIII 933MHZ@133 MHZ
    512 MB SDRAM CL3 OEM
    MSI FX 5600 VTDR 128
    Maxtor Diamond Max 9 80 GB HD
    Ibm Deskstar 60 GXP 40 GB HD
    DVD-ROM Pioneer 16X
    CD-RW HP 10X/4X/32X
    Hercules Game Theater XP 5.1 Sound Card
    LAN Adapter Dlink DFE 530-TX 10/100 Mb/S
    Modem Diamond/Supra 56k Pro
    Win XP Pro SP1

  • IRQ Conflicts and some other issues

    I have a K7N2 Delta-L mobo with an XP2400+ and an MSI FX5600-VTDR128, the reason for this question is that I have some problems, the first of them is at the system information page of XP:
    I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7   PCI bus
    I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7   Direct memory access controller
    I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF   NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
    I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
    IRQ 20   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
    IRQ 20   NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Codec Interface
    IRQ 22   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
    IRQ 22   NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Controller
    Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xDFFFFFFF   NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
    Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xDFFFFFFF   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
    Memory Address 0xE4000000-0xE5FFFFFF   NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
    Memory Address 0xE4000000-0xE5FFFFFF   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF   PCI bus
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF   NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
    Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
    I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB   NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
    I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
    I/O Port 0x0000C000-0x0000CFFF   PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
    I/O Port 0x0000C000-0x0000CFFF   Tekram DC-395U/UW/F, DC-315/U or DC-305I/E PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapter V3.0.3
    Looking at this it looks pretty bad if you ask me :(
    But when I look at device manager I see no conflicts and every device that's listed here does not have any conflicts reported, anyway here are my IRQ (according to System Information)
    IRQ 0   System timer   OK
    IRQ 1   Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard   OK
    IRQ 3   Communications Port (COM2)   OK
    IRQ 4   Communications Port (COM1)   OK
    IRQ 5   NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management   OK
    IRQ 6   Standard floppy disk controller   OK
    IRQ 8   System CMOS/real time clock   OK
    IRQ 9   Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System   OK
    IRQ 13   Numeric data processor   OK
    IRQ 14   Primary IDE Channel   OK
    IRQ 15   Secondary IDE Channel   OK
    IRQ 17   Tekram DC-395U/UW/F, DC-315/U or DC-305I/E PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapter V3.0.3   OK
    IRQ 19   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600   OK
    IRQ 20   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 20   NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Codec Interface   OK
    IRQ 21   Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 22   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 22   NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Controller   OK
    So, my first question is obvious, what's wrong with my system?, am I missing some BIOS setting?, I believe APIC may have something to do, but this isn't the case because it is enabled (at least it says so in BIOS). I have the latest BIOS for this mobo (5.40)
    The second issue is something strange that Sisoft Sandra keep telling me: "SMBIOS/DMI information may be inaccurate", an here's what the help says:
    Notice N224 - SMBIOS/DMI information may be inaccurate. This information is reported verbatim and cannot be checked by Sandra. While brand-name companies set this information most generic manufacturers use generic data that is meaningless. This issue generates more technical support queries than all other issues combined.
    Fix: If the information is not correct, check for a BIOS update (clear DMI pool) or fix any errors using the DMICFG tool provided with the board. Alternatively, disable Sandra’s DMI/SMBIOS reporting from module Options.
    Is this "normal"???
    Anyway, I hope any of you to be able to help me.
    Thanks in advice,

    Although I am unsure as to what is exactly your problem, but from what I see everything seems ok
    Regarding the Sisoft Sandra remarks, don't worry about it.
    Regarding the Computer in Device Manager
    Try changing it to
    Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC
    This has not given me any problems at all.
    Here is my system example
    IRQ 0   System timer   OK
    IRQ 1   Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard   OK
    IRQ 3   Communications Port (COM2)   OK
    IRQ 4   Communications Port (COM1)   OK
    IRQ 5   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 5   NVIDIA NForce MCP2 IDE Controller   OK
    IRQ 5   OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 5   NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra   OK
    IRQ 6   Standard floppy disk controller   OK
    IRQ 8   System CMOS/real time clock   OK
    IRQ 9   Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System   OK
    IRQ 10   Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 10   NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Controller   OK
    IRQ 10   NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) MCP Audio Processing Unit (Dolby(R) Digital)   OK
    IRQ 11   NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management   OK
    IRQ 11   Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller   OK
    IRQ 11   NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Codec Interface   OK
    IRQ 11   WinXP Promise FastTrak 376 (tm) Controller   OK
    IRQ 12   PS/2 Compatible Mouse   OK
    IRQ 13   Numeric data processor   OK

  • DVI Booting issues

    Hi all,
    I've got a FX5600 TD and a CTX LCD DVI monitor.
    When I first installed everything it worked like a charm.
    However something must of gotten mesed up because now it only displays analoge while booting and then switches to DVI mode as soon as Windows OS is up.
    I completely reinstalled my system but with no avail.
    Can anyone assist me in getting my monitor to display the post messages in DVI Mode again as this is the primary used setting. The monitor seems to be fine because I hooked it up to another system and on that system it boots and displays the post messages in DVI Mode.
    Greets, Merlin

    I'm lost on this one. If it is neither the LCD nor the BIOS, that only leaves the graphics card at fault.  It can't be an issue with the drivers because the change occurred before any disk resident drivers are loaded.   Yep, I think that some part of the gfx card is shot.  Try updating the motherboard BIOS if possible, just in case, because it's up to BIOS to drive your LCD at that early stage.
    If your card came with a DVI-VGA converter like mine, you could plug it into your LCD and use an analog VGA connection.

  • FX5600 freezes in 3D

    Hi, got GREAT PROBLEM. My MSI FX5600 -VDTR128MB freezes in 3D applications.
    IT IS NOT A MOBO ISSUE - i have got MSI K7N2 Delta-L mobo with PC3200 512MB 400MHz memory (Kingston). As far as seen allready on forum THIS ISSUE COMES UP QUITE OFFTEN, so WHERE IS THE SUPPORT TEAM FROM MSI! I will never select MSI again, furthermore explaining that all errors occure becouse not up-to -date drivers is a big missunderstanding - I HAVE ALL LATEST DRIVERS.
      So i am awaiting the support teams aswer.
    Currently on updated WinXP Prof (Service Pack 1),
    BIOS, drivers update made on 25-10-2003 using LiveUpdate3.

    Thanx Calmcookie,
    after running down AGP to 4x from 8x and replacing MSI Drivers with nVidia ones,
    all works fine.
    In fact I have also instaled the newest nVidia nforce drivers.
    Currently the GFX drivers version is:
    And the AquaMark3 benchmark result is:
    for the GPU 6.517
    for the GFX 2.040
    (5.312.896 tps)
    Overall: 17.648
      how about the results? (config below) are thy OK? or should I worry?
      but look at this, seems interesting:http://www.msi.com.tw/program/service/forum/index.php?threadid=33796&sid=
    Best Regards
    ...so I think i closed the configuration, time to say 'HELO'  If you know what I mean

  • VTDR-128 fx5600 - No Color Red on VGA plug (d-sub port)

    okay, i have a couple other posts here and i've decided to clean up my plea for help a little bit because i've solved the worst of my problems and, being more educated, can explain things a little easier.
    i will recap my experiance now:
    2-3 months ago i bought my spanking new VTDR-128 fx5600 card from a well known vendor.  i was given a period of 2 weeks for vendor RMA, but i waited too long as this card was intended for a system i was building for someone else.  when we finally were able to test it:
    1:  system would crash within five minutes, max.
    2:  no color red output from the monitor plug (d-sub port?)
    3:  bad, horrible artifacting in all games and even during low resolutions 2D windows usage.  after power off, card heatspreader could almost burn my finger if i touched it.
    4:  color looked fine on both tv-out dongle and dvi > CRT adapter that came with the card, if only i could boot for more than a few minutes at a time
    i wish i had taken pictures, but one day, i was convinced the card was "dead" and i decided to take the cooler off and put it on an older card i have.  i carefully removed the cooler front, then back, and noticed on the back, one of the ram chips was a smudge of thermal interface material (in the pins and such, on other components as well)
    i was astonished, i jumped with glee, and spent 45 minutes with a fine bristled brush.  after many inspections with a magnifying glass, and almost half a can of maxell "blast away" canned air, i put the card in my computer, re-loaded the newer drivers, installed all the msi software, and proceeded to run benchmarks!
    i was so happy i could pee my pants.  somewhere in the manufacturing process i think something got a little messed up and the thermal paste was smudged.  even with hefty overclocks the cooler doesnt feel NEARLY as hot as my old ti4200.
    many people have been disappointed with performance from this card, but i am very impressed!  i was able to run halo before at ~20-30FPS, now i'm getting 50 and things are much prettier.  its added 4000-6000 to my aquamark score, and i went from 11000 to 16000 in 3Dmark2001SE.
    the reason i'm posting again is because i want the vga plug to work.  nview dualview does not work with the DVI adapter and i use my TV for gaming.  so if i want to game i have to deal with the monitor having no color red.
    this card has been tried now in 3 systems, with 3 different monitors and the color RED is not visible on any (with the vga plug (d-sub))
    i am forced to believe nothing is wrong with my system, and it relies solely on a mistake made in manufacturing.  the card overheated and crashed and burnt before i took the heatspreader off, after cleaning the paste off it works perfectly.
    so, maybe GlennVidia will be kind to tell me if:
    MSI will help me fix or issue a replacement.  i doubt this has happened too many times before, i am probably one out of a million buying a graphics card with this mistake.
    i've made many attempts at contacting MSI support, and i've read through faqs and KB so many times i could write an encyclopaedia.  
    do you think MSI would even admit a mistake, i am betting that first they just tell me "i voided my warranty".  that makes me want to cry!  i emailed them 5 times so far, and they only tell me to "RMA with vendor" and "test in another systems" even after i explained everything...
    i'd do anything to get this card working, i love it regardless of it's redless vga!

    [    13.093] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.
    [    13.093] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
    [    13.093] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
    [    13.093] (**) |   |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
    [    13.093] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
            Using a default monitor configuration.
    First step would be to create the necessary entries (easier to make a complete xorg.conf versus xorg.conf.d/##-whatever.conf).
    All Desktop Environments / Window Managers rely on X.  Man pages are helpful, possibly some headaches ahead as I fought a dual-monitor display this way.
    I currently run a xrandr script to switch displays on my hp pavilion: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xrandr#Scripts
    Check it out.

  • FX5600 Corrupt video with 61.77 drivers

    When install the 61.77 drivers in any game appear a lot of corruption images.. like when your antenna is broken in TV....
    Can anyone help me?
    I got an MSI FX5600 128M with Athlon 64 3.2 GHz and a ASUS K8V SE DELUXE Mobo.
    By the way, with 56.xx drivers works fine but the performance is not good

    i still get lots of video issues, the 56.72 seemed to solve a few games, but i had not tried them all. its constant. i tried newer drivers and the issue does not go away, i tried card on a second machine and the issue is still there. i really think this card is bad. i tried a couple driver removal programs but the issue returns. Day of Defeat works fine, Dawn of War works fine.  Call of Duty works fine. But Men of Valor demo, Rome Total War demo, 3dmark 2005 and several others all have the same problem as can be seen here. i posted in another thread here. ill update that one next.  video errors here

  • FX5600 VTDR128

    A few days ago I bought a GeForce FX 5600-VTDR128. While testing the card I
    encountered the following problem:
    - Playing a video clip with MSI Media Center Deluxe: The clip appears in the
    small preview window and when I click on this window it appears full screen.
    After about two minutes the software automaticaly returns to the small
    preview window and I am not able to return to full screen. During the first
    two minutes it is possible to switch between the preview window and full
    At the moment I use the following software releases:
    Windows XP release 1
    MSI Media Center Deluxe II release 3 (the software itself indicates Product
    Nvidia drivers: At the moment I use the drivers that came with the card. Ik
    also tested the most recent drivers and they did not solve the problems.
    Can somebody help me plz?

    I am having a similar issue with my FX5600-VTDR128.  My games continue to run, but the images appear to \"smear\" or \'pixelize\'.  It is difficult to explain.  I play Wolfenstein and Mechwarrior Mercenaries.  In Wolfenstein, the images drawn on screen look great, as long as there is no movement.  As soon as sometime moves, parts of the moving object are drawn in random places on the screen.  For example, a sliver of the arm might be drawn diagonally from the top right to the center of the screen.  These instances happen very quickly, and the 'misdraw' is almost like a strobe effect.  In Wolfenstein, when the game really gets going, it is nearly impossible to play.  Same with Mercenaries.
    I have the latest DirectX, and I have the latest nVidia drivers.  My mobo is an ASUS A7M-266 and I run an Athlon 1.4 Ghz with 512 DDR.  
    This problem is quite frustrating, since I bought the new card mostly for gaming purposes.  If is doesn't get fixed, it'll go back to the seller.

  • GeForce FX5600 128 - Causes BSOD and STOP Error

    Hi everyone,
    I recently upgraded my Fathers computer from Win ME to XP (SP1), and I now cannot run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. It ran perfectly under ME, and I haven't changed any hardware during the upgrade.
    As soon as the game starts (plane on the runway) I get a blue screen and a 'STOP' error: *** STOP: 0x00000050 (0XC967C967, 0X00000000, 0X8053CDD1, 0x00000000)
    By turning off all 3dfx functions in the game settings, or by turning off hardware acceleration in Windows we have managed to get into the game, but the graphics are poor and so slow its unplayable.
    Apart from this, the system is working perfectly with no other problems when running normal windows apps. I have no other games to try the 3dfx functions on.
    The hardware configuration is:
    GeForce FX5600 128 graphics card
    512 mb RAM
    AMD Athlon 1.4Ghz processor.
    The software configuration is:
    Direct X 9b (same version as was being used to run the game under ME)
    Nvidia drivers tried:
    Nvidia VGA Driver 61.77 for Win XP/2000 (not WHQL)
    Nvidia VGA Driver available through windows update (WHQL – though I can't remember the driver number)
    Also tried an old driver 43.?? that came with the video card. The problem is always the same.
    I have run dxdiag and initially it told me that the 61.77 drivers were not WHQL certified. After then running windows update it downloaded a driver which shows as WHQL certified (I do not know the version of this driver), I ran dxdiag again, and the system reported no problems. I successfully completed all direct draw and direct 3d tests under the dxdiag program, with no problems reported.
    I have been in contact with Microsoft FS9 support initially, who later passed me to the operating system department as they had no luck in finding the fault. They tell me its a hardware issue and I should contact the manufacturer.  
    So far I have tried creating a (completely bare) parallel Windows XP installation and running the game in that, again the same problem occurs.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to resolve this problem? I have an opportunity this weekend to remove XP and go back to ME, which I am planning to do unless anyone has any thoughts on how I might fix this issue?
    Many thanks in advance, John

    Been running the Memtest86+ overnight on one stick and it came up with some 1690 errors... 
    Just stuck the other in now and leaving it run for a couple of hours... Not holding my breath though. Already sent my supplier an email to expect them in the post for a refund. Time to go down the old branded RAM route. Any suggestions for rock solid RAM that won't break the bank?
    Thanks once again fellas, 

  • FX5600-VTDR128 problems

    I'm having problems with my new MSI GeForce FX5600-VTDR128. When playing games, the graphics locks up for approx 20 sec's and unlocks for about 3 sec's. this cycle can repeat continuously. Sometimes the game doesn't resume and I had to hit the reset button. I've upgraded to the Detonator 44.03 drivers. I also checked IRQs and the video card is using IRQ 19 which is not shared with anything else. I am using DX9. I moved the card to another machine and the same thing occurs in the other machine. I can't see the card being faulty as it works in all other instances. I have checked the bios settings and I can't see any problems. The system board is a K7N2-ILSR as indicated below. Can anyone help with this problem? Could there be a VGA BIOS bug, and if so, is there a BIOS fix for it? Help please
     ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(  ?(

    I am having a similar issue with my FX5600-VTDR128.  My games continue to run, but the images appear to \"smear\" or \'pixelize\'.  It is difficult to explain.  I play Wolfenstein and Mechwarrior Mercenaries.  In Wolfenstein, the images drawn on screen look great, as long as there is no movement.  As soon as sometime moves, parts of the moving object are drawn in random places on the screen.  For example, a sliver of the arm might be drawn diagonally from the top right to the center of the screen.  These instances happen very quickly, and the 'misdraw' is almost like a strobe effect.  In Wolfenstein, when the game really gets going, it is nearly impossible to play.  Same with Mercenaries.
    I have the latest DirectX, and I have the latest nVidia drivers.  My mobo is an ASUS A7M-266 and I run an Athlon 1.4 Ghz with 512 DDR.  
    This problem is quite frustrating, since I bought the new card mostly for gaming purposes.  If is doesn't get fixed, it'll go back to the seller.

  • FX5600-VTDR128 or FX5600 Ultra Nbox 256Mb

    I'm trying to choose between these two but have a question...
    As I understand it, the VTDR's GPU clock runs at 325 Mhz, and the 128Mb memory runs at 550 Mhz.
    but the FX5600 Ultra's GPU clock runs at only 235 MHz core but has 256Mb of  memory running at 800 MHz .
    Is this correct and if so, which gives the best performance, the faster clock or the larger faster memory????
    The Nbox has a better games bundle, the VTDR a handy remote - but these wont influence my choice - just the performance.

    Thanks for the reply PoRsChE, and yes I agree with you, but......
    I'm not really a gamer, so ultimate perf' ain't as issue.
    I mainly want either of the FX56's because:
    1. They're not ATI's (have had BIG issues with compatability)
    2. I mainly need the ViVo function of the card (hence I don't need the extra speed of the 5700)
    3. I like the design of the MSI cards (they go with my illuminated case - yeah, I know, but what the heck!
    4. They are at my price limit!
    As I can afford either, it makes sense to go for the one with the better performance, just in case.
    As I said, I'm not really a gamer, but I fancy the software package of the Nbox, but then the remote of the VTDR would be handy, so in that, I have no preference.
    Big question, though is why is the clock speed of the Ultra so much lower than the non-ultra (or have i been miss-informed!)

  • FX5600 TD128 sets monitor into standby

    Hi all
    I searched the existing threads and found some similiar issues but nothing that was exactly the same.
    I formatted my drive and installed Xp with SP1a. Tried to install det. 53 from Nvidia and the monitor went into standby and didn't come on again. Installed 44 which came with the MSI FX5600 TD128 which worked. Then I installed 53 and XP was happy. Loaded Q3 and when I tried to run it the monitor went into standby.
    Found a link on the net about disabling Enable Write Combining in driver properties and this sorted out the Q3 problems. Then this past weekend I was surfing the net and the monitor switched off. I then tried UT2004 demo and the game loaded but the minute I click on the settings menu the monitor hung again.
    I got fedup and installed 2000 again. Q3, UT2004 and COD all run fine and my monitor isn't hanging.
    What could be causing the vga/monitor problem in XP? Here are my system specs( at work at the moment so can't supply the PSU voltage):
    AMD 900 Thunderbird
    Asus A7V Pro KT133
    512Mb PC133
    20Gb Fujitsu 7200rpm
    SBLive 5.1 DE
    Accton 10/100
    56K Modem
    MSI FX5600 TD128
    Viewsonic E70 17"
    Sparkle 300w PSU

    I appear to have a similar problem with a FX5600 VTDR128  .  I have the latest updates to XP, main board bios and NVIDIA drivers loaded  (the problem was not any worse under the previous versions of the drivers).
    Periodically, the screen goes blank. The blanking occurs in 3 forms, (1) things go blank for 2-3 seconds and then comes back, (2) the screen looses the signal entirely and the system continues to run but I have to reset and reboot; and (3) occasionally the whole system appears to be taken down by this process and reboots.
    Thinking that it could be a power supply issue, I installed an ANTEC 550 true power supply (which is great  ) but it did not solve the problem.  I have also tried a number of voltage settings for both video and memory but they did not seem to change things either.
    Any further suggestions would be appreciated  

  • FX5600 driver or BIOS fault?

    I changed my system from std monitor to my big screen tv (which worked), when i returned to monitor the computer will not get pass the win xp loading screen, and machine restarts after period of inactivity. If i enter safe mode and uninstal all nvidia drivers (which were current) it loads using std win driver. However once i try to install nvidia driver and restart the system same freeze then restart. I have zero filled hdd and reinstalled xp and all drivers but still fails. Is the bios on the fx5600 gone?, or is it the bios on the motherboard?

    It's probably neither. You probably need to use "Driver Cleaner" when installing new drivers or the particular driver you are using has a problem with your system.
    A little history and more details would be nice. Suggestions on posting and getting better answers
    Some items you should include are the exact driver you tried to install, ie MSI or direct from nVidia.
    Is this card a new edition to the system?
    Sometimes the latest driver is not the best option as the newer drivers are focused on the latest cards on the market. Granted nVidia claims they are all backwards compatable, but this is not always the case. Sometimes you have to go back to an older version to accomplish what you are trying to do.
    Here is a link to  nVidia Drivers
    Here is a link to nVidias ftp site where you can get all the versions you need. http://ftp://download1.nvidia.com/windows
    Here's a link to the site where you can get the latest version of "Driver Cleaner" http://www.driverheaven.net make sure you follow the documentation.
    Update: here is a more direct link to the Driver Cleaner Download page http://www.drivercleaner.net/
    If you want, you can try a System Restore point to see if you can get Windows to load normally and go from there. I usually disable system restore when installing new drivers and Windows has had a habit of pulling files from the last known good configuration and botching new driver installations. This seems to be a non issue lately but I am a creature of habit and I never have driver issues, except when I use manufacturer's drivers....cough...cough. In some cases I have to use them for specific functionality issues but rarely so I tend to avoid them unless I read others are raving about them...that is also rare.
    Good luck

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