FX5600VTDR "not supported" in Media Encoder 9

Hi all,
I have an MSI FX5600VTDR128 graphics card, and am trying to stream video from the s-video input onto my LAN using Windows Media Encoder 9.
The problem is that I don't get any picture in the Encoder preview window, just a message saying "not supported". The "start broadcasting" button works, but it just broadcasts a blank screen, the same as shown on the preview window.
I have set the assorted settings correctly, as far as I can tell, and tried all the options I can think of. Nothing works.
The video is getting in to the PC, as I can make a movie in Windows Movie Maker" with no problems.
According to MS's help, Media Encoder is compatible with capture devices that use WDM drivers (which I have installed from nVidia's download site).
Any help???

run53 wrote:
You may be on to something with that. I use Handbrake to rip the DVDs. Handbrake has a preset for Apple TV which uses h.264 codec. If MM doesn't support that codec, then I'm out of luck. I will have to re-rip them. But before I re-encode them, I went looking for a list of supported codecs for MM.
A google search turned this up on a MM forum.......
Important Note: Some supported video files may not be playable because the codec used to create the video is not supported. Supported Video Codecs in AVI/MP4 files: mjpg, m4s2, xvid, divx, wmv, mpg, flv1 vp6f, h264, and mp42.
so it appears that h264 is indeed supported. Still not sure what is going on.
 Are you trying to play the ripped H.264 on the STB using Media Manager?  Or on the PC?  If it's the former, than you are out of luck.  The STB only suppots AVI, WMV, FLV, 3GP/3G2, MPG (non-MPEG2 videos), and MP4/M4V (non-H.264 videos).  See this page link.

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    Thank you in anticipation --> Mal/Melboure/AU

    Sorry for your troubles.
    Pr 5.5.2 is still a bit persnickety for me on 10.6.8, but overall, it's still faster than FCP7 and MC6, and overall pretty dependable.  Imports and plays AVI files just fine.
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    Links to the scripts are on the troubleshooting page.

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    The DVD player you bought in the states as well as the discs are in NTSC format and in you part of the world the standard is PAL.
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  • CS4 MEDIA ENCODER (not responding) please help...

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    Used PREMIERE PRO CS4 to capture NTSC dv widescreen footage (from DVX100B)
    Used CS4 AFTER EFFECTS for GRAIN & TITLE GRAPHICS and rendered each clip as a QUICKTIME (newest version) .MOV animated file.
    SAVED RENDERED CLIPS TO a 1TB external hard drive...connected to pc via usb...not esata yet...
    IMPORTED RENDERED .MOV files into PREMIERE PRO and EDITED together a nice SEQUENCE just over 3min in length.
    EXPORTED TO MEDIA (used serval different export settings with the same result)  SEQUENCE FILE PULLS UP IN ENCODER and I click START QUE
    and it trys to load then (not responding) freezing MEDIA ENCODER where I have to reboot...due the task manager wont shut it down.
    Everything I have tried (Current Updates Installed, Video Card drivers updated, Re installed Premiere Pro, quicktime update, ENCODER update) is not working.
    1) Are my .MOV files to large? ( what is a good size for a .mov) they range from 60-500MB
    2)I read some forums about debugging  and corrupt .dll files (please advise if the makes sense)
    3) How do I run a clean script...will that help?
    4) I HAVE A BUNCH of audio files .wav and aaf files...in the squence are they loading it down?
    and thank you...hope I described the problem well enough.

    Alirght my ENCODER IS NOT WORKING...a week later...I have compressed my HUGE 50-650mb clips to tiny FLV files...MY CS4 ENCODER cant encode more than 2 clips on the CS4 PPR sEquence...just says  status: waiting    then I hit >start queue and it freezes >not responding 
    every once and a while it will unfreeze (2% of the time actually) and encoding a file...
    I dont have a previous copy of cs3 installed (never installed on this pc)
    I have rebuilt my project in a small compress FLV and AVI formats.
    I have unistalled and reinstalled twice.
    I have cleared my  media encoder 4.0 from my app data roaming file
    I have tried the Premiere.exe short cut fix in C: dynamiclinkmanager file
    Im stuck somebody out there has to had this problem...
    Im running a 32bit Vista Dual core 500gb hardrive, 200mhz processor, nvidia geforcegt220 video card, 550w power adobe CS4 MASTER SUITE COLLECTION...CLEAN COMPUTER NEVER ONLINE ALOCATED just for editing purposes...
    WTF ADOBE!!!

  • Adobe Media Encoder CC still crashes after beginning of encoding - bugs for months now!

    Adobe Media Encoder CC is still crashing after beginning of encoding! In my case this bug exists for months now and Adobe is not able to get rid of its own programming faults! The user pays a lot of money for the license and doesn't get a functioning software! I spent days to get a solution now, but NOTHING of your suggested help works!
    This is my 'support' history beginning in AUGUST (!):
    Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 ...
    Subject: Bug Report
    Product: Adobe Media Encoder
    Product Version: CC
    Operating System : Windows 7
    OS version: Service P1
    Concise problem statement: Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. Go to Premiere Media Export
    2. Stating Media Export Parameters for ME
    3. Starting ME
    4. Define video title and path
    5. Start Media Encoder CC rendering
    6. ME states 'Preview not available'
    7. Rendering aborts after about 15 sec.
    8. Media Encoder CC crashes, no matter which kind of video! Every time.
    9. Direct 'Export' from Premiere CC is possible with all the same parameters, but CC AME crashes!
    10. Also installed Premiere CS 6 Media Encoder WORKS without any problems, but not the CC Media Encoder!!
    Expected results: Media Encoder CC WORKING. This is still my expected result as a paying customer!
    My steps to solve these problems (with Adobe's help) were / are:
    - Cleant every suggested media cashes.
    - Tried to render the sequences also without audio.
    - Tried to render as one pass.
    - Even if I try just to export ONE simple standard SONY PMW EX1 mp4 file which should never cause problems it chrashes, also without audio.
    - Also if I clean all preferences and caches before, EVERY file type crashes, no matter if I try to export a video or a still picture.
    - This is not happening in Adobe AME CS6 with the same files, but in CC!! CS6 still renders reliably with preview, but CC crashes without being able to show any preview.
    - Held the Shift key down while starting AME. This should reset preferences and so on...
    - Deleted suggested "7.0" directories as described in other forum posts concerning this topic.
    - Logged out of my CC account.
    - Deinstalled and reinstalled PPro, After Effects, InDesign, Flash, using Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. All is the newest version 7.2.
    - Set GPU renderer to "Software Only".  Some video cards have issues when GPU is set to "OpenCL" or "CUDA".
    - Checked updates available for video driver. Latest is installed.
    - Turned off "Enable Native Premiere Pro sequence import" in AME prefs.
    - AMEEncodingErrorLog.txt doesn't have any content, not a single line.
    Windows Crash log:  WER3A92.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
            <Build>7601 Service Pack 1</Build>
            <Product>(0x3): Windows 7 Home Premium</Product>
            <BuildString>7601.18247.amd64fre.win7sp1_ ... private data erased here ...</BuildString>
            <Flavor>Multiprocessor Free</Flavor>
            <ParentProcessPath>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC\32\dynamiclinkmanager.exe</ParentProcessPath>
            <ParentProcessCmdLine>&quot;C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC\32\dynamiclinkmanager.exe&quot;</ParentProcessCmdLine>
            <Parameter0>Adobe Media Encoder.exe</Parameter0>
            <MID> ... private data erased here ... </MID>
            <SystemManufacturer>ASUSTeK Computer Inc.</SystemManufacturer>
    Adobe team, I'm at my wits' end now and don't know how to continue. Can you help me?


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