G15mpd needs a quick fix

g15mpd looks for libmpd.so.0, which is nonexistant.
Linking it to libmpd.so fixes the problem, altough I think it would be much better to just apply a fix in sources.

I wanted to get back to you and thank you for your suggestion. Before I read your post I was looking around to find some way 'out' of my situation.
Here is what I found (which really did not solve my dilemma): I went to file and clicked on 'restore to auto save'.
You will get a drop down menu that will give you time frames from your past workflow on the project. You can just go back to the earliest time and select it. Bingo! Problem solved!
But ....not really. As I need to know how to correct the minor jam I was in: the right way.
So....I do not know if your suggestion would have solved my problem, but it well may have.
The reason I am offering my solve solution is to inform other newbies to follow this path if they get into a jam....and need to get out in a hurry: before they get an online response.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.Dialog.*;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class DetailsPopup extends Dialog implements ActionListener
    Dialog Details;
    Dialog Confirmation;
    TextField SName;
    TextField FName;
    TextField Email;
    TextField CCard;
    Choice ChoiceExpMonth;
    Choice ChoiceExpYear;
    Color LightBlue = new Color(180,180,255);
    DetailsPopup(Frame f)
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       b3 = new Button ("Submit"); //add the button "Submit"
       Details = new Dialog(new Frame(),"Booking", false);
       Details.setSize(400, 500);
       Details.add("South", b3);
       setLayout( new FlowLayout());
    public void init()
       add( new Label("Surname"));
       SName = new TextField(15);
       add( new Label("First Name"));
       FName = new TextField(15);
       add( new Label("E-mail"));
       Email = new TextField(15);
       add( new Label("Credit/Debit Card"));
       CCard = new TextField(16);
       add( new Label("Expiry Date"));
       add( new Label("Month"));
       int i=1;
       while (i<13)
         ChoiceExpMonth.addItem(new Integer(i).toString());
       add(new Label("Year"));
       int j=2003;
       while (j<2008)
         ChoiceExpMonth.addItem(new Integer(j).toString());
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e)
       String Name = "";
       String First = "";
       String Card = "";
       String Mail = "";
       String TestEmail = Email.getText();
       StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(TestEmail,"@");
       if (SName.getText().length() == 0)
         Name = "bad";
       if (FName.getText().length() == 0)
         First = "bad";
       if (CCard.getText().length() != 16)
         Card = "bad";
       if (st.countTokens() != 1)
         Mail = "bad";
       if (Name.equals("bad") || First.equals("bad") || Card.equals("bad") || Mail.equals("bad"))
         Dialog Err = new Erratum (new Frame (),Name,First,Card,Mail);
         ConfirmationPopup Conf = new ConfirmationPopup(new Frame ());

    well forget what i said then. I see what you are trying to do and it can be done this way but I don't really like it. My opinion however is not important yet!
    I suggest you start by calling the init() method in the constructor. I don't see where you called this method and since you didn't then none of the text fields are created.
    DetailsPopup(Frame f)
       Button b3;  //submit
       b3 = new Button ("Submit"); //add the button "Submit"
       Details = new Dialog(new Frame(),"Booking", false);
       Details.setSize(400, 500);
       Details.add("South", b3);
       setLayout( new FlowLayout());

  • Need a Quick Fix

    Calculation I have;
    ----- form1.#subform[0].EvidenceLabel::calculate: - (FormCalc, client) -----------------------------
    if (EvidenceYear == null) ;
    then $.rawValue = "";
    else $.rawValue = Concat(FileNumberClientID, "-", FileNumberCheckDigit, "-", FileNumberDate, "-") ;
    Error I get:
    Generating PDF Document...
    Script failed (language is formcalc; context is xfa[0].form[0].form1[0].#subform[0].EvidenceLabel[0])
    script=if (EvidenceYear == null) ;
    then $.rawValue = "";
    else $.rawValue = Concat(FileNumberClientID, "-", FileNumberCheckDigit, "-", FileNumberDate, "-") ;
    Error: syntax error near token ')' on line 3, column 99.
    Font Service: Default font typeface is Myriad Pro.
    PDF generated successfully.
    1 warnings/errors reported.

    My mistake, LiveCycle does not use true or false for logical test, but uses 1 and 0.
    if (HasValue(EvidenceYear) == 0) then
    $.rawValue = ""
    $.rawValue = Concat(FileNumberClientID, "-", FileNumberCheckDigit, "-", FileNumberDate, "-")
    A clearer way to write the code could be:
    if (HasValue(EvidenceYear)) then
    $.rawValue = Concat(FileNumberClientID, "-", FileNumberCheckDigit, "-", FileNumberDate, "-")
    $.rawValue = ""
    Because you are using date field fields, you also might want to look at using the "formattedValue" property for the date fields so you do not get the entered string if it is different from the formatted display value.

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    What do you mean by Disabled? I think you mean this:

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    You give too little details.
    iDVD can appeear to be frozen, but it still works. This is especially true for the audio encoding. Depending on the complexity and duration of your project, as well as the power of your machine, the encoding phase can take long hours.
    I understand you don't have time for experimenting, so here's what you can try:
    - open Font Book;
    - select all fonts that have a dot on the right;
    - do Edit>Resolve Dupplicates.
    Then try again with iDVD and your project. This time leave enough time, even if a right-click in the iDVD's icon in the Dock tells it's not responding.
    And check you have enough free space: at least 10% of the HDD (general rule for Mac OS X), or 10 GB (some even say 20 GB).

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    Try this for a Quick Fix ...........
    After reading other forum comments from people having the same problem with the yellow cartridge popping-out, combined with others who have realised that HP have no interest in compensating anyone for this rediculous example of, at best, 'bad design', or at worst 'blatent planned obsolescence', I have created a 'quick fix' that may add another 1, 2 or more years of life to the HP Officejet Pro L7580 Printer.
    This is not the elegant technical solution I was hoping for.  However, in hindsight, it may prove to be a more reliable solution than replacing the faulty part that is actually causing the problem.  So, here it is the Quick Fix ........
    I found a wooden triangular door stop that I cut to size that fitted exactly in the space between the plastic door and the offending yellow cartridge. To hold it in place, I wrapped the doorstop with 2" cellotape, then I stuck the door stop to the inside of the plastic door with double sided cellotape (double sided stick-on foam would also work well). With the doorstop in the correct place, the plastic door closed perfectly and was snug enough to apply sufficent pressure to the offending yellow cartridge, and hence stopping it from popping out again.  To make sure the plastic door does not 'fly open' with the pressure of the yellow cartridge (when it wants to pop out!), I applied another piece of 2" cellotape around the outside of the door, holding it to the body of the photocopier.
    This exercise only took 10-15 mins to do.  I feel this is a much better option than spending another $300+ on a new All-in-One  system, as well as being a good environmental solution.  If this is DELIBERATE 'planned obsolescence', companies like HP need to be more accountable for, at best, 'sloppy design'.  Any feedback would be appreciated.

  • Need some quick help - fairly urgent!

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    I couldn't find an Illy file in the end and have ended up creating tables in ID to replicate what was already there!
    Didn't take very long and I guess if I didn't do it now, I'd come across the same situation next time!
    Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:48:07 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        Re: Need some quick help - fairly urgent!
        created by Peter Spier in InDesign - View the full discussion
    There certainly are viable "quick fix" solutions proposed here, and if the dealine is looming and this file never needs to be touched again I might be tempted, but they are only postponing the pain for a file that needs periodic updates, and I wouldn't waste effort on them, myself, when that time can be put toward a proper rebuild now if that's the ultimate goal.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4054725#4054725
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4054725#4054725. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in InDesign by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • Is there any "quick fix" code to make a Safari-ready site transfer to IE and Firefox?

    I have built a site offline that works absolutely fine in Safari, but when opening in Firefox the browser seems to totally ignore much of the CSS; text changes to default colors, font size alters and some alignment gets messy. Workign on a Mac, I assume IE is going to have the same problems as encountered by FIrefox.
    I feel I'm going to get a resounding "NO", but is there a quick-fix, a CSS band-aid, to make the site convert correctly?
    If not, is there a specific resource I can go to to get the tags etc needed to remedy those problems?
    The problems are relatively minor - I'm just wondering if I might have to <font> tag every incident where there's a problem...
    Ugh, cross-browser transfer SUCKS! Can't we all just get along?!

    As adninjastrator mentioned, there usually is no need to do cross-browser transfer with browsers nowadays. However, sometimes when coding, I run into problems with code being interpreted differently on mobile platforms, and I often turn to CSS browser selector, which is a "quick fix" but keep in mind, will be a constant chore in the future as browsers update, etc.
    Really though, your best option is to code the site so it works flawlessly across all major browsers. When you make a change, check in all browsers before continuing, that way you can see where certain issues are happening, and more often than not there is an alternative in your code to get around these issues.
    Hope this helps!


    I noticed the comment at the top concerning potential launch problems after applying the Acrobat 8.2 update. I have Acrobat 7.0 Professional. InDesign will not launch ... I have tried the quick fix which didn't work (probably because I have an earlier version of Acrobat). Can anyone help me out? I desparately need to get InDesign back up and running.

    "The application InDesign has unexpectedly quit. The system and other
    applications have not been affected. A report has been created that you
    can send to Adobe to help identify the problem."
    I have sent that report to Adobe twice and as yet have had no response to my problem.
    It's not a report that is going to cause Adobe to contact you. It's just a crash report, and I assume (hope!) that Adobe software developers and testers will use those in finding bugs or making patches, but no one is going to write you an email saying, "Oh hey, I see you're having an InDesign problem! Let me help you!" That error message really should say "[...] to help our developers identify the problem, which may result in the deployment of a patch or update."
    It does seem like this is caused by the Acrobat update, but it's worth it to try some of the normal OS X troubleshooting methods.
    Do you know how to make a new user in OS X? If so, make a brand-new user and try InDesign again. Does is still crash? That will show whether it's a
    problem with your user account or a system-wide problem.
    Did you try to clear the font cache? (That's probably irrelevant.) Did you repair permissions? (Maybe relevant.)
    I don't know offhand of any way to roll back updates to Acrobat 7. Sadly one of the easiest ways to find out if it's Acrobat that is causing the crash, or a change made by the Acrobat to another file or folder that is causing InDesign to crash, is to uninstall and reinstall your applications. Do you have your install media handy?

  • N70 problems that need to be fixed in next FW

    Since there's been a time since Nokia released a new FW for the N70, maybe they need to know what need to be fixed, and ASAP, since these are severe problems.
    1. The Music Player: It starts slow, very slow. In the v2 and v3 FW it used to open in a second, now it takes almost a minute. It displays the "Opening" sequence, and then "Processing" sequence, and only after that you enter the Music Menu. Also, veru important issue: If you go to All Songs -> select a song, and then hold a button from the joystick, the Music Player crashes. But the opening is the MOST IMPORTANT. Make it quicker.
    2. The Gallery has to be faster. We have to wait a lot of time for the Gallery to open, then we select Pictures & Videos. Here we find a "Opening" sequence of about a minute, and then we wait a lot until the pictures are loaded (if they're newly added).
    3. Speaking of pictures, when N70 owners make a picture/video, they don't really have time to view the picture/video, since the viewing time is very limited (about 3 seconds). How about making a BACK button, so that we'll go back to the viewfinder when we're done viewing newly captured moments?
    4. When in Messaging -> Delivery reports, you can't use the C button to delete delivery reports.
    5. No information about Radio in Active Standby, when Radio is on and playing.
    These are only a few of the problems that the N70 continues to have. Please, other N70 users, post your issues/bugs here, so that Nokia will try (hopefully) to improve the N70. I know the N70 is not an important product anymore, but it does not mean it has to have serious issues.
    Thank you.Message Edited by geojoking on 19-Jan-2007
    09:43 PM
    Previous phones: 3330, 3410, 3510i, 3200, 6230, Nokia N70, Nokia N73, Nokia N82, Nokia 5500 Sport & Nokia N97
    Current: Nokia N900

    Hi all,
    I have my problems described on /discussions/board/message?board.id=smartphones&message.id=24567
    1. It's video capture problem - microphone sensitivity is too high (only on mp4 and only on 5.xx firmware). Also refresh rate during videocapture is very slow. It's not possible to make nice mp4 video capture! Interesting is that 3gp capture is nice, fast with clear sound, only mp4 capture have a problem...
    2. I don't know why it's not possible to make clean reboot now. (e.g. on FExplorer, reboot). N70 with last firmware during reboot freezes (white screen)
    3. Should be possible to turn off the Nokia sound during N70 starting? I have little childrens and every morning when I turn on my N70 they all awake...
    NOKIA, please, is it possible to prepare new fw?
    DaSoft - N97 mini, N95II, old N70+1G kingston fw 5.0638.3.013 18-09-06 RM-84. (Orange SK)
    Other phones: HTC HD2, HTC TYTN, SE K800i+1G Sony, SGH-Z400...

  • PhotoShop CS5 Extended serial number - NOT accepted - is there a quick fix? Many thanks and hugs for the winning answer :-)

    guys, i need you help - CLEARLY - so I bought PhotoShop CS5 Extended two years ago - but never real used it - today I requested the serial number - which was sent asap - BUT the system doesn't accept it, says it invalid - question - am I doing doing something wrong or is there a quick fix? Many thanks and hugs for the winning answer :-) Somayeh!

    Unfortunately, only Adobe customer service can assist you with your issue. These are user forums; you are not addressing Adobe here.
    Click on the link below, and after that click on "Still need Help? Contact us."
    Then on the next page, click Chat
    There is also a phone option.
    http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?step=PHXS_downloading-installing-setting-up_licensing- activation

  • Ipad2 doesn't work without wifi although I pay Verizon for data. Is there a quick fix for this?

    My ipad2 no longer works without wifi. I pay Verizon for data but it won't work away from a hotspot.  Verizon says this is an apple fix. A girlfriend told me that there may be a quick fix for this that I can do myself without visiting the store?  Anything would be helpful. Thanks to all in advance.

    Check this out.
    Maybe you're right, if true, he needs to correct it  to get the proper help.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 14462: Quick fix to ensure total byte counts are accurate for -size-report.

    Revision: 14462
    Revision: 14462
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-26 14:11:20 -0800 (Fri, 26 Feb 2010)
    Log Message:
    Quick fix to ensure total byte counts are accurate for -size-report.
    QE notes: None
    Doc notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-25600
    Reviewer: Paul
    Tests run: Checkin
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    If this is textual input (as in a CSV file), you wouldn't use a DataInputStream or DataOutputStream. Use FileReader and FileWriter objects instead.
    Actually, unless this is a homework assignment that tells you to write it yourself, you should just use a library that can parse and format CSV files and just use that.
    My battle plan is to count the number of rows and commas. I would then use these counts in my subsequent loops. Why? What is the purpose of those counts?
    Personally, I'd suggest that you start by writing a method that does the changes you need on a single line of input. (The changes you describe sound like they can all happen on a per-line basis.) Write lots of unit tests to try out various inputs and that you get the correct outputs, given the changes you say you need on a given line.
    When you're done with that and have it working perfectly, then you can write the code to read a file, loop through it, call the method that fixes a single line, and then output that line.

  • What is "quick fix engineering"?

    Dear sir,
    in the 'driverupdate' info i can find the drivers 'quick fix engineering' : what do they mean, and do we have to download them ? I use Tecra M2 SP2 XP pro and have automatic windows update
    reg weekx

    Hi Reginald,
    Hope you are well. The Quick Fix Engineering items are effectively Microsoft patches. They are the same as the ones that you will receive from the Windows Update facility.
    If you have automatic update configured then you will not need to download them from the Toshiba site.
    Best wishes,

  • Quick fixes are not working

    I have 2 iphoto libraries (intentionally).  In one of them, my iphoto "quick fixes" function properly (auto redeye correction, enhance, etc.).  In the other, the auto redeye won't stay checked and won't do anything.  The auto enhance does some very strange things with the color.  Any idea how to fix this?  I'd really appreciate the help!!!

    Is the ownership set to be ignored?  Try this:  launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and create a new, test library on the EHD.  Import some photos and check to see if the same problem persists. If it doesn't then your library on the EHD is the culprit.
    If that's the case  Apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start with Option #3, followed by #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

Maybe you are looking for