Game help? simple question

I really want to make a dirt bike game, so basically a side scroller with a bike, that has collision detection obviously for ramps ect.
does anyone have any ideas onto how to approach this?

Look up the Box2D for flash tutorials.  Not specificly dirk bike, but they contain all the specifics for what you are wanting to do.

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    Haven't seen that problem before but try the following: in iTunes, right-click the playlist name and enable the option "Copy to Play Order." Then sync.
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    The simplest way is using the rendered attribute such as:
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    Actually, you can use jstl tags, but you have to provide the ids for each inner components.
    Sergey :

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    nope u can't do that i far as i know.
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    import javax.swing.JPanel;
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    {"Mary", "Campione",
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    {"Alison", "Huml",
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    {"Kathy", "Walrath",
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    {"Mark", "Andrews",
    "Speed reading", new Integer(20), new Boolean(true)},
    {"Angela", "Lih",
    "Teaching high school", new Integer(4), new Boolean(false)}
    String[] columnNames = {"First Name",
    "Last Name",
    "# of Years",
    final JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames);
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    if (DEBUG) {
    table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    private void printDebugData(JTable table) {
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    int numCols = table.getColumnCount();
    javax.swing.table.TableModel model = table.getModel();
    System.out.println("Value of data: ");
    for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
    System.out.print(" row " + i + ":");
    for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) {
    System.out.print(" " + model.getValueAt(i, j));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    SimpleTableDemo frame = new SimpleTableDemo();

    any help will get DUKE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    I would like to ask really simple question here: is that possible to establish (configure, setup, create, make etc.) a direct SIP connection between LYNC 2010 and AVAYA CS1000 PBX. On one side I have Lync 2010 Standard Edition acting as Front-End Server
    with co-located Mediation Server. On another side I have AVAYA CS1000 IP PBX Version 7.0. We are trying to make this happen for 1 full year with no luck. The issue is that we do not manage our PBX (external company does).
    Here is what we are basically trying to achieve:
    All I want is that basically LYNC user (phone # 5678) can dial PBX user (phone # 1234) and talk. Also PBX user can call LYNC user and they can talk. I'm pretty sure that all I'm asking is very simple thing. I don't expect magic to happen (e.g. when one user
    calls another user the world will change). All I want is to be able to call between LYNC and PBX users so they can talk.
    Sorry for repeating again but here is my simple question: can direct SIP (or call it SIP trunk if this is the right word) be established so LYNC and PBX users can call each other and talk. Whatever protocol is (G.711, G.722 etc.) I will be happy.
    If you can let me know I would very much appreciate this. I'm sure I'm not alone in this world and many companies out there using AVAYA CS1000 and deployed LYNC and probably have the same question so it may be helpful to other people as well.

    Hi Thamara for reply. I can see where you are going, but the challenge here is that I have found many threads including in this forums from people who successfully connected CS1000 PBX to Lync 2010 for two-way calling, and even dual-forking (which I cannot
    even dream about at this time).
    If you go to AVAYA WEB site, you can find official AVAYA compatibility MATRIX that is available here:
    According to this document, only CS1000 version 7.5 supports Lync 2010 and only via ACE - starting first quarter of 2011 (which is done deal by now) - see below for details. The problem is that I have a hard time to understand the meaning of the word "Supported".
    I do not really need full support, all I want is to be able to call in both directions using 2 distinct numbers (e.g. 4 digits extensions) that are configured in both systems.
    Another thing is this ACE. Apparently it is a big monster software that you need to buy and pay big bucks and lots of configuration just to make it working. But I'm not even sure what will work. We do have one-way calling (from Lync to PBX) - it just does
    not work other way, and I have no idea why. I'm not sure if this cannot be working, or because it was not setup right. As I mentioned before we have no access and clue about IP PBX - this is one of my issue here. Withoul knowledge how it works on PBX side
    I cannot be sure what is causing this.
    So I was wondering if anybody in this world was able to connect CS1000 PBX to Lync and perform two-way calling using two systems.
    Microsoft OCS 2010 Lync
    Supported (via ACE) - 1Q11

  • A simple question please help.

    I have 2 textfields and a button. I want to input a number( diameter) in the first textfield  ( inputField) and by clicking on the button (myButton), I want to get the result (circonference) in the second textfield ( inputField1). diameter*3.14. I know it is a simple question, but it comes from a very simple mind. So have mercy on me.
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
    var inputField:TextField = new TextField();
    var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.size = 44;
    inputField.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    inputField.restrict = "0-9";
    inputField.maxChars = 6;
    inputField.multiline = false;
    inputField.textColor = 0x000000;
    inputField.border = true;
    inputField.width = 150;
    inputField.height = 50;
    inputField.x = 75;
    inputField.y = 50;
    inputField.borderColor = 0xFF0000;
    inputField.type = "input";
    var inputField1:TextField = new TextField();
    var myFormat1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat1.size = 44;
    inputField1.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    inputField1.maxChars = 1;
    inputField1.multiline = false;
    inputField1.textColor = 0x000000;
    inputField1.border = true;
    inputField1.width = 150;
    inputField1.height = 50;
    inputField1.x = 275;
    inputField1.y = 50;
    inputField1.borderColor = 0xFF0000;
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_2);
    function fl_MouseClickHandler_2(event:MouseEvent):void
       trace("Mouse clicked");

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
    var inputField:TextField = new TextField();
    var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.size = 44;
    inputField.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    inputField.restrict = "0-9";
    inputField.maxChars = 6;
    inputField.multiline = false;
    inputField.textColor = 0x000000;
    inputField.border = true;
    inputField.width = 150;
    inputField.height = 50;
    inputField.x = 75;
    inputField.y = 50;
    inputField.borderColor = 0xFF0000;
    inputField.type = "input";
    var inputField1:TextField = new TextField();
    var myFormat1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat1.size = 44;
    inputField1.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    inputField1.maxChars = 1;
    inputField1.multiline = false;
    inputField1.textColor = 0x000000;
    inputField1.border = true;
    inputField1.width = 150;
    inputField1.height = 50;
    inputField1.x = 275;
    inputField1.y = 50;
    inputField1.borderColor = 0xFF0000;
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler_2);
    function fl_MouseClickHandler_2(event:MouseEvent):void

  • Current Year and current month?simple question

    How can i get four Digit current Year and two digit current month. So if is march it should get me as 03 and the Year as 2002. Please do help me, is a simple question isn't it ?. Thanks for your earliest response.
    Thank you.

    i have a directory structre of the format
    in which 2002 is current YEAR
    09 is current month
    and 9800001 is the code i would submit(list box) from a form
    so what i need is a program that can generate the above path and open that particular PDF file
    so basically E200209-98000001.pdf is the PDF file.
    i am submitting it from JSP page. PLEASE HELP ME how can i program.

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    When i use SQL to storage data and wanna Crystal Report to display the data in chart using %
    which data type should i use?
    float or string?
    and I found when i use 0.12 as 12% in database , It could not display in Crystal Report line chart normally.
    What should I do??
    Please Help!!!
    Thank you VERY MUCH!!!

    If you have the datatype as string from your database then try adding the string field as a summary field in chart and select maximum instead of count and if you have them in number format then you can directly select the percentage in chart.

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    Hi Goncalo,
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    Re: SW component version not visible in SPROXY

  • Load Balancing Directory Servers with Access Manager - Simple questions

    We are in the process of configuring 2 Access Manager instances (servers) accessing the same logical LDAP repository (comprising physically of two Directory Servers working together with Multi-Master Replication configured and tested) For doing this, we are following guide number 819-6258.
    The guide uses BigIP load balancer for load balancing the directory servers. However, we intend to use Directory Proxy Server. Since we faced some (unresolved) issues last time that we used DPS, there are some simple questions that I would be very grateful to have answers to:
    1. The guide, in section 3.2.10 (To configure Access Manager 1 with the Directory Server load balancer), talks about making changes at 4 places, and replacing the existing entry (hostname and port) with the load balancer's hostname and port (assuming that the load balancer has already been configured). It says that changes need not be made on Access Manager 2 since the LDAPs are in replication, and hence changes will be replicated at all places. However, the guide also states that changes have to be made in two files, namely, and the serverconfig.xml file. But these changes will not be reflected on Access Manager 2, since these files are local on each machine.
    Question 1. Do changes have to be made in and serverconfig.xml files on the other machine hosting Access Manager 2?
    Question 2: What is the purpose of putting these values here? Specifically, what is achieved by specifying the Directory server host and port in, as well as in serverconfig.xml?
    Question 3. In the HTTP console, there is the option of specifying multiple primary LDAP servers, as well as multiple secondary LDAP servers. What is the purpose of these? Are secondary servers attempted when none of the list in the primary list are accessible? Also, if there are multiple entries in the primary server list, are they accessed in a round robin fashion (hereby providing rudimentary load balancing), or are other servers accessed only when the one mentioned first is not reachable etc.?
    2. Since I do not have a load balancer setup yet, I tried the following deviation to the above, which, according to me, should have worked. If viewed in the HTTP console, LDAP / Membership / MSISDN and Policy configuration all pointed to the DS on host 1. When I changed all these to point to the directory server on host 2 (and made and serverconfig.xml on host 1 point to DS of host 2 as well), things should have worked fine, but apparently Access manager 1 could not be started. Error from Webserver:
    [14/Aug/2006:04:30:36] info (13937): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-machine_1_FQDN] at [search]
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: Exception in thread "EventService" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: Caused by: java.lang.InterruptedException
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at<clinit>(
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: ... 2 more
    In effect, AM on 1 did not start. On rolling back the changes, things again worked like previously.
    Will be really grateful for any help / insight / experience on dealing with the above.

    Update to the above, incase anyone is reading:
    We setup a similar setup in Windows, and it worked. Here is a detailed account of what was done:
    1. Host 1: Start installer, install automatically, chose Directory server, Directory Administration server, Directory Proxy server, Web server, Access Manager.
    All installed, and worked fine. (, serverconfig.xml, and the info in LDAP service, all pointed to HOST1:389)
    2. Host 2: Start installer, install automatically, chose Directory server, Directory Administration server, Directory Proxy server, Web server, Access Manager.
    All installed, and worked fine. (, serverconfig.xml, and the info in LDAP service, all pointed to HOST2:389)
    3. Host 1: Started replication. Set to Master
    4. Host 2: Started replication. Set to Master
    5. Host 1: Setup replication agreement to Host 2
    6. Host 2: Setup replication agreement to Host 1
    7. Initiated the remote replica from Host 1 ----> Host 2
    Note that since default installation uses as the encryption key, setting this to same was not an issue.
    9. Started webserver for Host 1 and logged into AM as amadmin.
    10. Added Host 2 FQDN in DNS Aliases / Realms
    11. Added http://HOST2_FQDN:80 in the Platform server (instance) list.
    12. Started Host 2 webserver. Logged in AM on Host 2, things worked fine.
    At this stage, note the following:
    a) Host 1: file has
    serverconfig.xml has:
    <Server name="Server1" host="host1_FQDN" port="389" type="SIMPLE" />
    b) Host 2: file has
    serverconfig.xml has:
    <Server name="Server1" host="host2_FQDN" port="389" type="SIMPLE" />
    c) If one logs into AM, and checks LDAP servers for LDAP / Policy Configuration / Membership etc services, they all contain Host2_FQDN:389 (which makes sense, since replica 2 was initialized from 1)
    Returning back to the configuations:
    13. On Host 1, login into the Admin server console of the Directory server. Navigate to the DPS, and confgure the following:
    a) Network Group
    b) LDAP servers
    c) Load Balancing
    d) Change Group
    e) Action on-bind
    f) Allow all actions (permit modification / deletion etc.).
    g) any other configuations required - Am willing to give detailed steps if someone needs them to help me / themselves! :)
    So now, we have DPS configured and running on Host1:489, and distributing load to DS1 and DS2 on a 50:50 basis.
    14. Now, log into AM on Host 1, and instead of Host1_fqdn:389 (for DS) in the following places, specify Host1_fqdn:489 (for the DPS)--
    LDAP Authentication
    MSISDN server
    Membership Service
    Policy configuation.
    Verified that this propagated to the Policy Configuration service and the LDAP authentication service that are already registered with the default organization.
    15. Log out of AM. Following the documentation, modify and directory.port in to point to Host 1_FQDN and 489 respectively. Make this change in of both Host 1 as well as 2.
    16. Edit serverconfig.xml on both hosts, and instead of they pointing to their local directory servers, point both to host1_FQDN:489
    17. When you start the webserver, it will refuse to start. Will spew errors such as:
    [https-host1_FQDN]: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP5 B06/23/2005 17:36
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: CORE3016: daemon is running as super-user
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.5.0_04] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amserver]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [ampassword]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amcommon]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amconsole]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [search]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: netscape.ldap.LDAPException: error result (32); matchedDN = dc=sun,dc=com; No such object (DN changed)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: Got LDAPServiceException code=-1
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.initLdapPool(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.getInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.getInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.filterStart(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: failure: WebModule[amserver]: WEB2783: Servlet /amserver threw load() exception
    [https-host1_FQDN]: javax.servlet.ServletException: WEB2778: Servlet.init() for servlet LoginLogoutMapping threw exception
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: ----- Root Cause -----
    [https-host1_FQDN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.sun.identity.authentication.UI.LoginLogoutMapping.init(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://host1_FQDN:58080 [i]ready to accept requests
    [https-host1_FQDN]: startup: server started successfully
    The server https-host1_FQDN has started up.
    The server infact, didn't start up (nothing even listening on 58080).
    However, if is left as it originally was, and only serverconfig.xml files were changed as mentioned above, web servers started fine, and things worked all okay. (Alright, except for some glitches when viewed in /amconsole. If /amserver/console is accessed, all is good. Can this mean that all is still not well? I am not sure).
    So far so good. Now comes the sad part. When the same is done on Solaris 9, things dont work. You continue to get the above error, OR the following error, and the web server will refuse to start:
    Differences in Solaris and Windows are as follows:
    1. Windows hosts have 1 IP and hostname. Solaris hosts have 3 IPs and hostnames (for DS, DPS, and webserver).
    No other difference from an architectural perspective.
    Any help / insight on why the above is not working (and why the hell does the documentation seem so sketchy / insecure / incorrect).
    Thanks a bunch!

  • Compilations are breaking my heart-simple question...

    OK folks, this is a simple question - so why can't i find a clear answer anywhere? I am running Itunes 8, Win XP, been running Itunes for my music for about 4 years.
    Current setup 3 users running Itunes on same pC.
    My problem is when I browse my lbrary each song in my compilations are showing upas different albums e.g. "O Brother where art thou" has 14 different "albums" as do some home-made compilations I have been given.
    "group compilations when browsing is selected" but obviously isn;t working
    It's obviously simple but not to
    Message was edited by: munstershug

    You mention enabling the iTunes option to *Group compilations when browsing*, but have you also set the *Part of a Compilation* flag to Yes for each track of your compilations? See my recent post on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

  • Need a simple answer for simple question???

    simple question... what is the best way to export my fce movie and burn it on idvd for the best quality for genaral use ... sd..4x3 ratio tv.. lots of ken burn effects on photos... lots of sd video... ???
    not so simple answer... i have read manuals.. apple discussions.. etc etc my eyes are blurry.. i have been exporting out of fce to qk time movie, then import to idvd and burn..
    i get lots of wavy or jitter when doing kens burn effects on photos.. i have been told that 1 field must be missing.. and its better to take the qk time movie convert it again making sure hi quality is checked(movie properties 720 x 480) and self contained movie, then import to imovie ver 5.02 which has better codecs then to idvd ... an apple store tech said..
    then another apple store tech said...dv pro or dv stream or interlaced or on and on and on
    its not 16x9, or for the web or anything but simply burn it and give it to my grandma to play in a standard dvd player.. best quality.. period.. i know it won't any better than my source video but the wavy photos bother me..

    The Apple store tech told you garbage. The quality will be the same. It's using the same QuickTime engine. There may be a difference because going through iMovie will go through a file conversion and the picture might be softened a little, which will mitigated this flicker you see.
    The wavy photos can be a lot of things, most likely due to the nature of the images themselves and the movements you've done on them. What often works on still images is to apply a one pixel vertical motion blur in an application like Photoshop or Elements. This helps to reduce interlace flicker on motion when the material is brought into a video editing application.

  • Simple question .... how to add photos to the body of my EMAILS -Found 1000 results for How do I add photos to my emails for Thunderbird

    Simple question - How do I add photos to the body of my emails . But instead of the answer - Found 1000 results for How do I add photos to my emails for Thunderbird. There are answers that don't apply at all to the question in anyway. Why does it have to be so hard to get a simple answer to a simple question?
    Thunderbird is acting much like Microsoft, the every reason I dumping MS Live Mail.

    First of all, much help for Thunderbird refers to menus which may not be visible. It would help you and us if you have your menus and toolbars visible.
    So, open a write window. Enable its menu and toolbar(s).
    Now do you see an "Insert" option?
    If not, you may be set to compose in plain text, which does not support embedded images.
    '''[,_Linux,_and_Mac Tools|Account Settings]|{select account}|Composition & Addressing''' and ensure "Compose messages in HTML format" is ticked. If it wasn't already ticked, go back to composing a message. Any better now?
    Once you have HTML composition mode going, you can use '''Insert|Image''' or various permutations of copy-and-paste and drag-and-drop into your message body.
    A manual, of sorts:

  • Simple Question Please URGENT

    Hello All,
    I'm having a little problem in witting an SQL statement.
    I'm sure there is a simple solution for it but its just not clicking with me!.
    I'm trying to write a statement that in the FROM clause, there is a formula, and i would like to assign conditions to this formula in the WHERE Clause
    I want the statement to convert the FLD_AS_STRING field (which is in string format) to Date format, and in the same time i want to only view fields that it's FLD_AS_STRING is greater than today's date (after it is converted to Date)?
    How can i do that in this statement?
    Thanks in advance,
    Best Regards

    who do you mean "we"?Forum members that are quite fed up with people declaring their matters (more) urgent then other people's questions. I'm also one of them.
    I just wanted to grab people's attention for helpA simple thread with an appropriate subject line that describes the problem in short and a message that includes enough information to develop a solution for said problem would suffice.
    in the same time, it IS urgent, because my work is
    based on the solution for this issue...So what about everybody's else work? Not as important as your task?
    BTW, i dont see how rude that could be, could you plz
    explain!?Just imagine if everyone that wants to grab attention in this forums uses urgent in the subject line. Do you really consider that the way to go?

  • A very very very simple question

    Hi guys,
    I have a very simple question and standard but I cant find anywhere...
    I have two dateTime variables, i need to calculate difference between this dates in days, thats it.
    I tried all functions and tried without success a Java Embed task but I couldnt retrieve this objects as java.util.Date so I couldnt calculate exactly the difference in days like this pure java code:
    (dataVencimento.getTime() - dataReferencia.getTime()) / 86400000L)
    can you help me this?

    Hi Jose
    Just see if these alternate approaches works. I know there may be lot like this and you may be lucky to find out simple out of box solution itself. If you want to solve this issue and move ahead, gives these approaches a shot.
    1. Create a very simple standalone WebService that takes 2 input date elements (can be of Date type or String type. If string type, convert to date in your java code). Create a simple operation like getDaysBetween(firstDate, secondDate). In the generated webservice impl class, use the java code apis (refer earlier link for usage), and get the difference. Return this value. NOW, invoke this WebService in your BPEL Process, and pass your 2 inputs (if the bpel payload elemetns are date object or string objects of date), and get output, and then use this output in your continuing bpel process.
    2. This approach, I did a long back. When we insert any expression using XPath, in that editor window on bottom right side, we see many categories and for each category we see list of functions we can use, like for String, we can use concat etc. I vaguely remember reading somewhere, that we can add our own custom functions also in this section. So explore this direction and see if you can add your own function and then use that fucntion with your 2 input dates.
    I have not given solution to your problem, but may be these directions can help you move ahead. Or something along these lines.
    Ravi Jegga

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