Gausian blur color artifacts

Can you please tell me why i get these horrible color artifacts when i use gausian blur... is there a way of blurring an image without them? is there something wrong with my computer? ...i blurred this image at 12 pixels gausian blur. the picture is zoomed at 800%

You're blurring the image so much that you're seeing the edges between values. This can be exaggerated by your document profile, display profile, and some (especially cheaper and laptop) displays.
In 16 bit/channel images, you can some see quantization because the display is only 8 bit, even though the data in the image doesn't actually have any visible steps.
It isn't an artifact - just a consequence of creating really smooth color gradations, and your eye is good at finding edges.
This is called "banding" or "quantization", and can be minimized by adding a small amount of noise back to the image.

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    I seeing what appears to be color artifacts being
    introduced when turning OFF chroma blur. > blur).... If I view the original > raw file in "Preview"
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    Certain features you are only going to see when the image is viewed within Aperture at 100%. This is similar to ACR, DPP and Lightroom.
    You need to view the image at 100% to see the effect of noise reduction. So, it's not an issue, it's just the way the program works.
    Chroma Blur eliminates or lessens chroma noise so it makes sense that turning it off would lead to noise and artifacts in images.

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    They are all in ProPhoto color space.
    DPP-5424.jpg   converted in Canon's DPP     nice smooth sky, very few artifacts
    ACR6-2003_NoBlotch-5424.jpg     using the 2003 process in ACR6 shows less clearly defined color noise that is spread more uniformly than the 2010 version
    ACR6-2010_MagentaBlotch_5424-1.jpg    using the 2010 process shows faint magenta patches or blotches.
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    Any comments/observations?
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    Thanks for your reply Doran.
    The problem happened using ACR 6.0, ProPhoto, 16 bit. But it was "solved" (or improved) by using AdobeRGB in 16 bit.
    And the problem did not happen using ProPhoto in 16 bit when using ACR 5.6.
    I don't really want a "work-around".
    I would like to be able to:
    1) Have the interface accurately represent what I will get in the final file.
    2) Be able to work in ProPhoto 16bit and get output that does not have banding and blotching.

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    1. You may be happy if the problem goes away with the lossless compression, but it would be a nice service to the D3/D700 owners' community to
    b prove
    this. There are many photogs convinced, that the lossy compression does not cause visible loss (Nikon created a myth about this issue already with the D70).
    If you can create pairs of shots demonstrating the effect and would not mind my using your images, I would spread this on other forums as well, as I did with the D300.
    2. Re WB:
    i normally
    you can accept the WB interpretations of different raw processors, but not if the issue is just the WB. The fact, that the displayed color temperatures are close, does not mean much: the color temperature is not absolute. I don't go so far as to say, that it
    i should
    be different between CNX and ACR, but you can not rely on the number.
    Even the snow is clearly reddish in the ACR created JPEG. You may complain about ACR's WB conversion, but that is a separate issue. In order to compare the colors, first the greys have to be made grey in both conversions.

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    R_Kelly, I appreciate your attempt at explaining this. But I think you should know after I scanned the old B&W photographic print as a 16bit RGB tiff, I selected out the red channel, converted the image to grayscale and edited to final tonality. After that I converted to ProPhotoRGB (dithering off-16bit), duped the image and applied a sepia effect using Photo Filter on one copy, another sepia colorization in Variation on the other and combined the two blending at 50% opacity. (Note: to add this sepia effect I was forced to work in 8 bit, but these artifacts showed up even in other scans of old B&W photos in 16 bit color).
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    SOLVED. After two days of intense debugging I've identified the issue as an interaction between the ICC color profile, integrated GPU, and Photoshop. The ICC profile was created with an i1Display Pro using the i1Profiler software. The issue occurs when you create the color profile using the LUT setting. Creating a profile using the matrix setting seems to be ok. In summary, these are the specific conditions that cause the issue (for me):
    1) Using a color profile created with the LUT setting with i1Profiler and i1Display Pro
    2) Using the integrated GPU (discrete GPU is disabled in Photoshop Performance setting)
    3) Running on Photoshop 13.0.4 (13.0+ all have the issue) on a 15" Macbook Pro with Retina display
    Creating a new profile with the matrix setting OR enabling the discrete Nvidia GPU will also make the artifacts go away. The integrated GPU using the LUT based color profile does not seem to have any artifacts in any other photography and video editing software that I've tried so Photoshop is playing a role. The nature of the artifacts also change from Photoshop version 13.0 to 13.0.4. For example, in Photoshop 13.0 the Marquee Tool has no issues while 13.0.1+ has artifacts.

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    Those gray halos on the edges of green and purple areas are from the Defringing lens-corrections area, so check your Defringing settings in ACR for the camera you’re using. 
    The Defringing function can’t tell the difference between purple and green halos caused by lens problems and purple and green edges of the subjects, themselves, so you have to be careful with it and probably shouldn’t Defringing on by default. 
    The Defringing slider of the Adjustment Brush can be used to reverse extra defringing that shouldn’t have occurred like you’ve pictured, or the Adjustment Brush with a positive Defringing amount can be used to reduce fringed areas visibility if you don’t want to use the automatic Defringing sliders.

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    The following line tells me that this is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    This means that you saved a child document as a template file at some stage.
    If you go to Modify->Templates->Detach from Template, you can remove the template structure from your document. All you then need to do is to re-save the document as a template.

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    Yes... remove your finger from the camera lense.

  • Camera Raw 7.1 Columnar Color Artifacts

    Adobe:  For some reason you wouldn't listen when these problems were reported during beta and you went ahead and released the new version, so I'm not sure I should even bother, but here goes:
    Camera Raw 7.1 introduces columnar artifacts in the red color channel (that I've seen), apparently as a result of the operation of the new half-baked defringing features.  I've seen this in a number of images.
    Here's a raw Canon EOS-40D file and associated XMP with which you can reproduce the problem. Look at the red channel in the blue water of the pool.
    Now convert the same file with version 7.0 (or 7.1 with the Defringe sliders set to 0) and compare the result.
    Trouble is, without being able to use the Defringe (Purple/Green) features at all, and considering the Defringe:  All Edges feature has been removed, edge artifacts from the debayering process get to be unacceptable.
    Let me spell out for you what you need to do, in case it isn't obvious:
    1.  You need to bring back the Defringe:  Off / Highlight Edges / All Edges feature that you had in 7.0 and earlier.
    2.  You need to fix this new slider-based defringe facility so that it doesn't do such nasty things to the image. I'd advise you to listen to Vit Novak's input on what else to do to it.
    With BOTH of these things done, between the two one could actually hope to get an improved result over the conversions from 7.0.  Fixing the second alone won't cut it.

    Back off?  I should heed your expert advice on avoiding confrontation, Jeff?    I have to assume by your unwavering support of Adobe on this issue that you are looking forward to having stylish artifacts like these in your own images.  I guess this will define your new style for 2012.  LOL
    All the slack that's going to be cut on this has already been cut.
    Hey, I could have just quietly dropped back to 7.0 and just have my own images be superior to those made by those using 7.1, but no - I chose to try to help Adobe by pointing out a problem to them here.
    When I reported this problem during the beta, I was clearly ignored.  When I reported it again after the release, I was argued-with.
    I don't need to be argued-with nor reasoned-with - Adobe needs to listen to people who know what they're talking about.  People not blindly praising the emperor's new clothes.
    I don't need nor expect appreciation, but I had thought I might have earned enough respect around here that Adobe's first response wouldn't be "choose different settings, stupid".
    An output image quality problem should be a release show-stopper. Experts like me and Vit telling Adobe that their latest color fringing reduction changes aren't working well enough should be considered seriously. Instead, it's just business as usual: Release whatever's in the pipeline.
    Adobe's dropping quality standards are something I find myself wanting less and less to be associated with each passing day.
    Just typing this message took me longer than it should have, because of this bogus forum software.
    There's a difference between leadership and "too big to fail" thinking.
    This is my last post in this thread.  Thanks for your participation.

  • Color artifacts in images

    iPad mini retina, iOS 7.0.4, Adobe Reader 11.2.0
    Artifacts in images in this document
    while previous version was clear.
    Examples of artifacts:
    They change after zooming, sometimes disappear.

    1. You may be happy if the problem goes away with the lossless compression, but it would be a nice service to the D3/D700 owners' community to
    b prove
    this. There are many photogs convinced, that the lossy compression does not cause visible loss (Nikon created a myth about this issue already with the D70).
    If you can create pairs of shots demonstrating the effect and would not mind my using your images, I would spread this on other forums as well, as I did with the D300.
    2. Re WB:
    i normally
    you can accept the WB interpretations of different raw processors, but not if the issue is just the WB. The fact, that the displayed color temperatures are close, does not mean much: the color temperature is not absolute. I don't go so far as to say, that it
    i should
    be different between CNX and ACR, but you can not rely on the number.
    Even the snow is clearly reddish in the ACR created JPEG. You may complain about ACR's WB conversion, but that is a separate issue. In order to compare the colors, first the greys have to be made grey in both conversions.

  • Color artifacts with A7s and A6000 files using Camera calibration profiles

    I'm seeing some really obvious chroma artifacts / false colors with RAW files from either a Sony A7s or A6000 when using any of the Adobe-provided Camera calibration profiles that emulate Sony's rendering.
    This seems to happen at any ISO, and is very frequent.
    If I use the Adobe Standard calibration profile then things look normal, but that's might just be because it produces rather desaturated images compared to the "sony" profiles.
    Prior to those Sony cameras I was using Nikon DSLRs for which I had somewhat similar issues when using the first version of the Nikon camera profiles.
    Those issues got fixed when Adobe released the "v4" camera profiles.
    Below are some examples without any adjustment, the only difference is the choice of camera calibration profile:
    Camera Landscape:
    Adobe Standard:
    Camera Standard:
    Adobe Standard:
    Camera Landscape:
    Adobe Standard:

    The legacy ACR X.x profiles are no more produced nor included for newer cameras (AFAIK, since ACR 5.1/LR 2.1). The Adobe Standard is the new default starting point for these.
    While I am at it....are the Canon camera profiles I downloaded for the 1Ds MKII the same as for the 5D MKII or do I have to download different one...I suspect they are the same or Lightroom wouldn't offer them to that correct?
    The profiles are different for each camera model, even if they share the same name in the Calibration panel. If you can see them when developing 5DII files, it means the camera-specific profiles are installed for your particular camera model (otherwise, you wouldn't see them).

  • Color Artifacts (Pixels) Introduced in Bridge & CS3

    I noticed after processing a lot of RAW files that colored pixels are introduced throughout the image most noticeable blacks and they carry over into jpgs. Yes, the final jpg has this noise in the picture. I then processed a few images using Breezebrowser's RAW conversion to jpg and they're clean as a whistle. Keep in mind this pixelation is in ISO 100 exposures and the exposures are dead-on. Any ideas? Thanks, Dan.

    Yes, I have ALL the latest downloads from Adobe. These pixels show up on files from both my 5Ds and Mark. I have been investigating and I don't get it on Canon software or Breezebrowser. In Camera RAW when I drag the exposure slider or any slider for that matter these colored pixels popup here and there--mostly in black or dark probably because you can see them. When I output the jpg the pixels are in the file but not necessarily where they were in the photograph in Camera RAW. This is really strange. Also, Lightroom 1.1 does the same thing. I don't think a video driver could cause this; if it were video I would think it wouldn't manifest itself in the jpg (you may see it on screen only). I hope this explains more. I am in a real time crunch here.

  • Mouse Down - color artifact

    when I mouse down there is a color in the background even though the fiil is set to none?

    Attached is the muse file along with the exported file
    Please let me know if you need anything else.
    Bruce Robinson | IT/Prepress Manager
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    Baltimore MD 21209
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    F 410 323 4113
    D 443 478 1117
    C 410 869-6247

  • Encore CS4 Issues - No Audio & 4:3 Letterbox Colored Artifact

    Vista 64 Ultimate, Quad 6600.
    I have exported SD 16x9 video from Premiere using the preset with the exception of sliding the quality to 5. It is using Dolby as well. The MPEG-DVD video looks and sounds great in WMPlayer. In Encore, I have set the Max bit-rate to 7 instead of 8, as everyone says to be compatible with all DVD players you should do this. I use a 16x9 project in Encore as to allow full screen on 16x9 tvs and then letterbox on 4:3s. First of all, no audio whatsoever. Second, on the 4:3 screen, there are colored horizontal noise lines skipping in and out of the bottom of the video. On a 16x9 screen tv, there is what appears to be slight interlacing, definetly not crisp video. Encore DID re-transcode...possibly this caused the issues? Note there is no audio in the monitor timeline in Encore before burning either. In CS3 it was always said that you should export AVI and then use encore to transcode. Is this carying over? Please, any other suggestions on the problems listed are appreciated.

    If you source .mpg file in En is muxed (audio and video together in one file) and Encore re-transcodes the video, then the audio will be processed as well.
    Export from Pr as separate elementary video and audio streams, then add those to the timeline in En.
    Finally, and most importantly, if En is re-transcoding your MPEG2 DVD footage from Pr, then you have done something wrong during the Pr export.

Maybe you are looking for