Generate UML diagrams for existing JSPDynpage projects

Hi all,
Are there any free tools which can generate UML diagrams from exising complex JSPDynpage projects. We have many JSPDynpage interlinked projects and want to have UML diagrams for those.
Any information on this will be of great help.

Can anyone help me in this? We don't have any UML tools for SAP JSPDynpages?

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    Right click on the class, package or project you want to model and select "Reverse Engineer" from the popup menu. This assumes that you're using version 6.

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    Yes, you can reverse engineer operations and create sequence diagrams using Java Studio Enterprise.
    Just right-click on the operation in the UML model that has the source file associated with it, and select "Create Diagram from Selected elements" or "Reverse Engineer Operation".

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  • Error : PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project

    Dear all,
    I'm using Project using Cost / Cost as revenue accrual/Billing method
    and I try to Generate Draft Revenue but I have a problem
    Please suggest what could be wrong.
    Log file :
    Projects: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/02 00:00:00
    project:35 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:02-Aug-09
    start project: end project:
    Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for release revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 02-Aug-09
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 35
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> Yes
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 804880
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 35
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt),sysdate)
    FROM     pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND      ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND      NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND      l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND      r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND      r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > TO_DATE(NVL('02-Aug-09', sysdate))))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 35
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:48
    ...generated revenue for project id 35, number DP700150.01
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:48
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    List of error messages for project id 35 for Revenue at location REG
    Procedure Name Message B Assgn Id Task Id
    pa_billing_pub.inse Create a default event type for this Bi 1
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 35, number DP700150.01 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 35, number DP700150.01 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Warning in Flex Validation for line '35:353:1:1'
    Null GL# 50269 key flexfield is not allowed
    Warning in Flex Validation for line '35:353:2:1'
    Null GL# 50269 key flexfield is not allowed
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',35, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...about to generate reports
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 804880      
    Number of copies : 0      
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50

    Hi Dina, thx for your response
    I have error "Rejection Error : Auto Accouting Error"
    There is Output :
    Project Num Revenue(Credited) Customer Agreement Rejection Reason
    DP700150.01 1 NOKIA SI( 1058) PKS-01/NSN/09 AutoAccounting Error

  • UML diagrams for Java petstore example

    In this forum and elsewhere I've notice requests for the UML diagrams for the java petstore example. I've posted some uml diagrams at
    Your comments are welcome.
    - Neeraj

    I browsed through some of your UML. Its a great start! Would you be interested in starting a project on and hosting your uml there? We now have the BluePrints projects out on and would like to encourage others to add their projects as well.
    Lots of people have done cool stuff with Java Petstore and other blueprints projects, and lots of people have created additions to these projects. These UML diagrams would seem to be a great addition to the J2EE community on
    Its easy to join and to create a new project. They give you a cvs repository where you can store your uml diagrams. We could include a reference to it from the blueprints since it is really useful supplemental material. By making it a project as part of the J2EE community on it makesd it accessible to a larger audience of people. Not everyone will read this forum, and lots more people might find your project useful. So if you wish we had more UML for the Petstore, ....then now is your chance to make a difference :-) Maybe a project called UML4Petstore?
    This page has some explanations of how to add a project if interested.
    hope that helps,


    i want UML diagrams for VT11 standard transaction .
    can anyone help me ?

    I browsed through some of your UML. Its a great start! Would you be interested in starting a project on and hosting your uml there? We now have the BluePrints projects out on and would like to encourage others to add their projects as well.
    Lots of people have done cool stuff with Java Petstore and other blueprints projects, and lots of people have created additions to these projects. These UML diagrams would seem to be a great addition to the J2EE community on
    Its easy to join and to create a new project. They give you a cvs repository where you can store your uml diagrams. We could include a reference to it from the blueprints since it is really useful supplemental material. By making it a project as part of the J2EE community on it makesd it accessible to a larger audience of people. Not everyone will read this forum, and lots more people might find your project useful. So if you wish we had more UML for the Petstore, ....then now is your chance to make a difference :-) Maybe a project called UML4Petstore?
    This page has some explanations of how to add a project if interested.
    hope that helps,

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    I browsed through some of your UML. Its a great start! Would you be interested in starting a project on and hosting your uml there? We now have the BluePrints projects out on and would like to encourage others to add their projects as well.
    Lots of people have done cool stuff with Java Petstore and other blueprints projects, and lots of people have created additions to these projects. These UML diagrams would seem to be a great addition to the J2EE community on
    Its easy to join and to create a new project. They give you a cvs repository where you can store your uml diagrams. We could include a reference to it from the blueprints since it is really useful supplemental material. By making it a project as part of the J2EE community on it makesd it accessible to a larger audience of people. Not everyone will read this forum, and lots more people might find your project useful. So if you wish we had more UML for the Petstore, ....then now is your chance to make a difference :-) Maybe a project called UML4Petstore?
    This page has some explanations of how to add a project if interested.
    hope that helps,

  • "PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a single project" not generating certain asset lines

    There are certain invoice lines for which the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is Y in AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL.
    However, on running the "PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a single project" the same are line amounts are not getting Generated, and are not being shown under Rejected Lines in the output file aswell.
    Can someone sugges what might be the issue?

    What is your PA Thru n FA Dates?
    PA date should be period end and FA date should be month end.........and also check CIP Interface amounts on Capitalization form..
    Ragahvender K

  • PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project shows error(The project does not have a baseline revenue)

    Project Num                    Project Name                        Revenue Project Invoice     Rejection Reason                             
                                                                       Accrual Invoice Method     
                                                                       Method  Method  at Top Task
    16                             Contract Project                    Event   Event   No          The project does not have a baseline revenue

    Hi Harvir,
    Please check:
    PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project Showing Reject Reason As the Project Does Not Have a Baseline Revenue
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

  • How do you generate uml diagrams And decoding java programs

    1)Hi i have neatbeans 5.0 i have finished witting my code and i wanted to know if there is a way to generate uml diagrams straight from the code.
    2) Also i think i have bought a java programme to improve your memory and i wanted to know is there a way you look in the java sorce code so i can change the settings the file has a dynamic.dll(application extension), a level(dat File) and a unins000(dat file)

    Darryl.Burke wrote:
    Also i think i have bought a java programme to improve your memory
    Did you remember to install it?I don't think his memory goes back that far :)

  • Generating an IDOC for Message type PROJECT in Change pointer?

    I am trying to generate an IDOC. for the Message Type PROJECT(Actually this msg. type PROJECT is for BAPI method) in CHANGE POINTERS but it is possible Error is coming, is there any other method to use the message type in change pointer technic.
    Message was edited by: vinayaga sundaram

    Hi Vinay,
    Had a similar requirement few days back..
    What we did was to do a multimapping of 1:N where N = N1 and N2, N1 is the Idocs which you are doing today, N2 is the set of invalid records...
    Now we have written this as a file and then created another interface which will pick the file and based on the name of file we decided the To address. We have used mail package and this interface (file to mail ) was made as a generic one so that it can be used across many interfaces...
    filename and To address relationship was maintained as a value mapping in ID... You can have a thought of this approach and try to send the invalid records as a mail rather than alert.

  • How to determine process template for existing team project ?

    I have existing team project ( TFS 2013 ) but I don't have information about which process template have been used.
    Is there any way to figure out which process template has been configured in existing team project ?
    Thank you in advance !
    Kind Regards,
    Dipti Chhatrapati

    You could also check the Process Template version If you have integrated TFS with SharePoint 
    Here are the steps:
    Team Explorer->Click on Documents -> Expand Process Guidance ->Click on ProcessGuidance.aspx 
    Based on the process template you have used, it will redirect you the guidance page.
    Example: You are being redirected to the guidance for the following process template: Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2013.4... (Here i have created a new project on TFS13.4 server with Scrum template)
    Thanks, BHSR

  • PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project shows error(The project has no assets with valid in service dates.)

    Project Number             Project Name                    Exception Reason
    15                         Capital Project Jatyuapura      The project has no assets with valid in service dates.

    HarvirSinghSaini wrote:
    Project Number             Project Name                    Exception Reason
    15                         Capital Project Jatyuapura      The project has no assets with valid in service dates.
    PRC: Generate Asset Lines For A Range Of Projects Prints Exceptions (Doc ID 1519498.1)
    Integrating Oracle Inventory Transactions Into Oracle Projects To Generate Asset Lines & Interface Assets To Fixed Assets (Doc ID 1392743.1)

  • Generating SQL Script for Existing Tables and DBs

    is it possible to generate automatically a SQL-Script from an existing table or oracle database ?
    I want to export an existing table from an Oracle DB (g11) if its possible with the data.
    Perhaps somebody could me explain how to to do this.
    I am using the "SQL Developer 2.1" and the "enterprise manager konsole".
    I'm a rookie in using this tools.
    Thank you for any informations.
    N. Wylutzki

    If you want to export data, you should use the export utility. This is documented:

Maybe you are looking for

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