Generating a Delimited Flat File

Halo BSP Gurus,
I am in need where I have to generate a delimited flat file. I would like to know whether it is possible in BSP and if so how to achieve that.
Your Suggestions will be appreciated.

generation is not a problem, its just a concatenation of field values with propet delimiters . but what do you want to do with the generated file content,
automatically store it in client desktop?
mail it?

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  • Unable to upload delimited flat file (Datastore)

    Dear All,
    Drilling down the tutorial:  ODI11g: Creating an ODI Project and Interface: Exporting a Flat File to a Flat File
    facing quite a problem while reverse-engineering delimited flat file (Datastore ->Model). No matter which type of delimited flat file is uploaded (txt, csv,prn), the system stayes intact while pressing "Reverse Engineering" button.  Changing to Fixed Flat File option reveals that the system uploads correctly only the first row - Header of the columns (second option from the top)..and ...of cource, all the rest of the rows were placed in the first column.
    I was preparing delimited flat files using Excel 2007 and  2010, in both cases no success. I tryied to create Fixed Flat File with Excel....confused completely since I could not realise how doing that?!
    Properties are below. Please, help!
    Oracle Data Integrator 11g 11.1.1
    Standalone Edition Version 11.1.1
    Build ODI_11.
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2011 Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
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    ODI Navigator oracle.odi.navigator Loaded
    Object Gallery Loaded
    Oracle Data Integrator oracle.odi Loaded
    Oracle IDE oracle.ide Loaded
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    oracle.ide.indexing oracle.ide.indexing Loaded
    palette2 oracle.ide.palette2 Loaded

    You might want to look at the documentation related to Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel - 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

  • How to extract table from oracle in to delimited flat files

    Hi i have the following requirement.i tried one dump procedure but i could extract table one by one.i need to do extract on regular basis using plsql procedure.
    Data will be extracted from production tables in Oracle into pipe delimited flat files that will be sent by SFTP. The list below represents the tables that will be used for extract along with a notation whether the entire table is extracted or only incremental transactional data.
    Table name extraction type No of records
    EXPIRE     All Records     157 - One Time     All Records     17
    ACE All Records     7,970
    DATA All Records     5,868
    MEMBER     All Records     24,794,879
    MEMBER Incremental & Update     13,893,587 (Initial Load)
    MEMBERRED All Records     25,108,606
    MEMBERPOINT     All Records     42,487,640
    MEMBERCOM     Incremental & Update     14,337,561 (Initial Load)
    MEMBERCODE     Incremental Only     14,985,568 (Initial Load)
    MEMBERDETAIL     Incremental Only     14,341,890 (Initial Load)
    MEMBERHISTORY     Incremental Only     70,021,067 (Initial Load)
    suggest me how can i extract these tables by using plsql procedure.In the above table some table has be extract select list of column.

    Saubhik wrote:
    This may help you.
    Re: Dynamic Fetch on dynamic Sql
    Well I was going to post my standard response, but I see I don't have to. ;)

  • Creating a comma delimited flat file

    I am trying to create comma delimited flat files from oracle large Oracle 8.0.6 tables. What is the best method? It seems like using the spool command is very inefficiant. Can sqldr be used?

    This looks very helpful -- thanks! I need to unload very large tables and this should do the trick.

  • Comma Delimited Flat File

    I have a comma delimited flat file.  For example - "This,is,a,test"  I want to read each word and perform something with the word in Business Logic Services.  What is the best way to accomplish this?

    In Business Logic, expand the XML Functions tab.
    At the bottom you will see an action called: String List To Xml Parse
    Use that action to parse the comma seperated items and then perform any logic required on the individual items.
    What this action does is it places all the items in a Rowset/Row, Row, Row type format common to xMII.
    Note: If this was helpful please award points

  • Importing a delimited flat file, what are the options?

    I need to import some data from an Informix database into oracle.
    Informix exports it's data into a delimited flat file. Once I have created the schema, tables in Oracle whats the best way to import the data into Oracle?
    Should I just create a massive SQL script with insert commands for each line or is there a better way?
    any help/ideas appreciated.

    SQLLoader and/or External tables are at least two options. These will be definitely faster than insert scripts.
    Gints Plivna

  • Generate a text (flat) file

    i use oracle8
    my OS is DGUX (data general UNIX)
    i want to generate a text (or flat) file from columns in oracle tables by using a method other than using the command 'SPOOL'

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gints Plivna ([email protected]):
    you may use package utl_file<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    May i asking you? How to use this?
    I think we must adding in init.ora file
    and share our directory first. May you describe this more detail and give me example?

  • CR & LF characters at the end of records when using delimited flat file (CR is missing)

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where data of SQL query needs to be loaded to a CSV file.
    The row delimiter of the CSV file has to be CR-LF.
    In the flat file connection manager, I have mentioned Header Row delimiter as "{CR}{LF}" and under columns section, row delimiter is specified as "{CR}{LF}".
    But when I open the detsnation CSV file using notepad++, I see only "LF" at the end of all rows.
    Can you please let me know how can I get both CR & LF at the end of each row
    Below is the screen shot of the flat file connection manager which I have used for CSV destination file:

    Hi Raksha,
    Just as Vaibhav said, I’m curious why you need use “CR & LF” as row delimiter in Flat File Connection Manage. Since you can use "CR" as row delimiter in Flat File Connection Manager and it worked fine, you can directly specify "CR"
    as row delimiter in Flat File Connection Manage.
    Besides, if you still want to replace “LF” with “CR & LF” in the text file, we can use Notepad++’s Find/Replace feature or Edit -> EOL Conversion to achieve the goal. Then we can specify "CR & LF" as row delimiter in Flat File
    Connection Manage.
    The following blog about conversion between “LF” and “CR & LF” row delimiter in Notepad++ is for your reference:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Pipe delimited flat file.

    Hello everyone out there!!
    I have a flat file which contains the fields in the following manner:
    MATNR| sloc |  date | plant |
    Basically a pipe delimited file. So can anybody pls help me on how would I read this flat file and seperate the fields into the ITAB.
    Thanks a lot in advance!!

    Hi Amrita,
    Use this sample code.
            filename                      = lv_file
            filetype                      = 'ASC'
            has_field_separator           = '|'
            header_length                 = 0
            read_by_line                  = 'X'
    *    DAT_MODE                      = ' '
    *    CODEPAGE                      = ' '
            ignore_cerr                   = 'X'
            replacement                   = '#'
    *    CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
    *    VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
    *    NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
    *    FILELENGTH                    =
    *    HEADER                        =
            data_tab                      = data_mat
    *    FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
    *    FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
    *    NO_BATCH                      = 3
    *    GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 4
    *    INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
    *    NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
    *    UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
    *    BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
    *    HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
    *    SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
    *    HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
    *    UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
    *    ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
    *    DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
    *    DISK_FULL                     = 15
    *    DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
    *    OTHERS                        = 17
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          LOOP AT data_mat.
            SPLIT data_mat-datastring AT '|' INTO
            APPEND it_data.
            CLEAR  it_data.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Getting correct field length when creating formats for delimited flat files

    Using Data Services 3.2 to pull in tsv and Excel source files.
    When creating a new format for each file, DS tries to intelligently set the field size for each column. However, it seems to sample only a portion of the file. The end result is that it often determines too short a length for a field.
    Is there a way to force it to scan an entire file before it sets the field length? Or alternatively, how to get it to at least throw an error instead of silently truncating my data?

    I am not aware of any way to force DS to scan the whole file, or to log a warning when it truncates.  The field sizes DS sets by using a sample of the data is only really to give you a starting point, you need to try and determine the maximum possible lengths preferably from someone who understands the source of the data or through profiling.  But the profiling method will obviously only be based on the data you have at the time of profiling, new data added to the source later could exceed the field lengths.  The way I prefer to handle this is to set all the field lengths to longer than expected, eg. varchar(999) and then use a validation transform immediately after reading the file to check for any fields that exceed the maximum allowed for the target system and send these to an error file/table.

  • XML data (Output) into a flat file

    I need to convert XML data into a flat file, which is having "|" as delimiter and ftp the same to a server. The XML data is an output of BPEL activity. The XML data is employee records. Each employee records should come as one line in the flat file.
    Is it possible to do this? if so, what will be the steps

    You need to use file adapter to write your XML payload as a flat file.
    Following are the steps to write XML payload into a flat file:
    1. Create a sample flat file and add few rows in which fields should be delimited with pipe symbol. See the record sample given below:
    Sam|32|2788 Viking Dr|Green Bay|WI|54304
    Here first row is the header row, you can remove the header row if it is not required.
    2. Create a file adapter service using adapter configuration wizard. Give file name and folder location where you want to write flat file. On step 5 of the adapter configuration wizard you have to define or select message schema. Click on Define Schema for Native Format button, then Native Format Builder Wizard will be opened, here you can define message schema for your flat file.
    2.1 Here you need to select Delimited for file type.
    2.2 Give details about your flat file, select your sample flat file here, which you have created in step 1 above.
    2.3 Click Next button twice and go to step 4, here give namespace and element names you want and click on Next.
    2.4 In step 5 you need to specify delimiters. Wizard doesn’t shows *|* as a delimiter so you need to enter *|* in the Delimited By combo box and click on Next button.
    2.5 Complete remaining steps and click on Finish in the wizard.
    3. Finish "Adapter Creation Wizard". Add BPEL activities (assign, invoke) to pass XML payload to file adapter and file adapter will generate *|* delimited flat file and write it to the given folder.
    See the following article for more details on Native Format Builder Wizard:

  • How to get purchasing data from SAP R/3 to Flat files

    Please can anyone help me to get the data from Purchasing extractors (2LIS_02_ITM, 2LIS_02_SCL, 2LIS_02_S012) to flat files? Here we dont want to load data from R/3 to BW for reporting, wanted to load data from flat files to OWB (Oracle warehouse builder) for reporting.  So Is there anyway to generate data into flat files from Purchasing extractors (Full and deltas)?

    here is a short report which converts S012 entries to strings with separator semicolon. Perhaps this will help you?
    Walter Habich
    REPORT habitest2 LINE-SIZE 255.
      strtab_t TYPE TABLE OF string.
      separator VALUE ';'.
      it_s012 LIKE s012 OCCURS 0,
      wa_s012 LIKE s012,
      strtab TYPE strtab_t,
      strele TYPE string.
    SELECT * FROM s012 INTO TABLE it_s012 UP TO 100 ROWS.
    PERFORM data_to_string
        'S012'. "requires it_s012 and wa_s012
    LOOP AT strtab INTO strele.
      WRITE: / strele.
    *&      Form  data_to_string
    FORM data_to_string TABLES strtab TYPE strtab_t
                        USING  ittab TYPE any.
        h_zaehler TYPE i,
        line_str TYPE string,
        l_tabellenname(10) TYPE c,
        l_arbeitsbereichsname(10) TYPE c,
        h_string TYPE string,
        h_char(255) TYPE c.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_tabelle> TYPE ANY TABLE,
                     <l_arbeits> TYPE ANY,
                     <feldzeiger> TYPE ANY.
      CLEAR strtab.
      CONCATENATE 'IT_' ittab INTO l_tabellenname.
      ASSIGN (l_tabellenname) TO <l_tabelle>.
      CONCATENATE 'WA_' ittab INTO l_arbeitsbereichsname.
      ASSIGN (l_arbeitsbereichsname) TO <l_arbeits>.
      LOOP AT <l_tabelle> INTO <l_arbeits>.
        CLEAR: h_zaehler, line_str.
        line_str = ittab.
          ADD 1 TO h_zaehler.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT h_zaehler OF
            STRUCTURE <l_arbeits> TO <feldzeiger>.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF.
          WRITE <feldzeiger> TO h_char LEFT-JUSTIFIED.          "#EC *
          h_string = h_char.
          CONCATENATE line_str separator h_string INTO line_str.
        APPEND line_str TO strtab.
    ENDFORM.                    "data_to_string

  • How to get summary columns in delimited text file

    How to get summary columns in delimited text file
    I am trying to generate a delimited text file output with delimited_hdr = no.The report is a Group above report with summary columns at the bottom.In the text file the headers are not getting repeated & thats ok.The problem is the summary data is getting repeated for each row of data.Is there a way where i will get all the data & summary data will get displayed only once.I have to import the delimited text file in excel spreadsheet.

    Sorry there were a typos :
    When I used desformat=DELIMITEDDATA with desttype=FILE, I get error "unknown printer driver DELIMITEDDATA". When you look for help, DELIMITED is not even listed as one of the values for DESTFORMAT. But if you scroll down and look for DELIMITER it says , this works only in conjuction with DESTFORMAT=DELIMITED !!!!!!??!! This is in 9i.
    Has this thing worked for anybody ? Can anyone please tell if they were able to suppress the sumary columns or the parent columns of a master-detail data for that matter ?

  • New EDI Implementation - Flat File format for SPSI in eCommerce Gateway

    we are trying to setup EDI with a business partner, goal is to import a DELFOR message into Oracle Order Management. Plans are: translate the inbound message into the SPSI flat file format, load it through eCommerce Gateway / Release Management into Order Management.
    For this purpose I'd like to test to the import of a SPSI flat file into eCommerce Gateway / Release Management, however I have difficulties to get a proper flat file. Is there a way to generate example flat files somehow? I tried to generate my own flat file, based on the Oracle manuals, but how can I be sure that the format is correct (besides of running the import program)? Any advice on this?
    Or is there a better way, e.g. through XML files?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi, thanks for the response.
    Yes I use that report already to get the details of the flat file. But what I am missing is for example which records are repeated, e.g. for every 4000 record, do I need one 0010 record, or can I put multiple 4000 records within one 0010 record?

  • Large Flat Files

    I have some large pipe delimited flat files (upto 1.5gb in size) from a Mainframe that i need to get into Oracle. I was just wondering if this is possible via Oracle Workbench.
    Problem with using SQL*Loader was getting the files onto the database box because of company politics :)
    any help or ideas much appreciated

    The Migration Workbench won't be able to help you in your case. As you say the files are coming from a mainframe then I assume they come from DB2 running on the mainframe.
    The migration workbenches - either the original or the SQL*Developer version - do not currently support migrating DB2 on z/OS.
    In any case, for migrating large amounts of data it was always recommended to use offline migration via SQL*Loader as the online migration was not really suitable.

Maybe you are looking for

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