Generating plsql webservices, output different namespaces not consistent

We've defined some database-packages which we want to publish as webservice. We use the option in jdeveloper to generate the plsql webservice.
If we look in the generated wsdl generated by user A, the wsdl gives namespaces like :
<schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://someurl/AlgemeenWS.wsdl/types/"
     elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="http://nl/fundeon/fundit/someurl/AlgemeenWS.wsdl/types/"if user B generates the same webservice it gives namespaces lile :
<schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://someurl/AlgemeenWS.wsdl"
     elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="http://nl/fundeon/fundit/someurl/AlgemeenWS.wsdl"Any idea how we can control this generated result?
update :
when we generate the classes, etc for the first time after selecting the program units to generates the correct wsdl.
when we repeat this step (second time of generation), we get the wrong namespace in the wsdl and the log gives us this warning :
WARNING: Ignoring target namespace for schema: "http://someurl/relatieWS/RelatieWS.wsdl", WSDL target namespace is used for the value types in the same package as Service Endpoint: "nl.packagename.relatieWS.RelatieWSUser_getadviseur_Out"

Hi Eric,
I experience exactly the same problem.
The first time the namespace contains 'types', regenerating the webservice afterwards omits the 'types' part.
This has some very awkward effects as the webservice envelop and any proxies are affected by this bug.
I have tried with both &, both have the same problems.
I am looking into regenerations of the webservice using ant tasks, there might be a bug in JDeveloper itself.. who knows...
perhaps someone from oracle can comment / test this and open up a ticket for resolving....
Fred Dullemond

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              int i;
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                   i =;
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    Thanks laginimaineb.You're welcome.
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    Kind Regards,
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    Just found the following information:
    Re: PL/SQL Webservice and XMLType return and xsd mapping
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    which so far is a dead end.
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    Hi Supriya,
    Check the following:
    * Whether the Report is locked in the server.
    * Are the parameters you pass from the form to report have the similar data types.
    Hope your problem is fixed.

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    How can I handle this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Christian.
    But can you please explain using a small example.
    Input message
    <person namespace="">
      <address>Some address</address>
    The above message needs to be mapped to a person object having namespace

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Transaction-856  xmlns="NS_495C37A0921C418BB66A86A6E75B2CA120070312140549" mlns:xsi="" XDataVersion="1.0" Standard="X12" Version="V4010" CreatedDate="2013-08-21T16:33:57" CreatedBy="XEngine_2956" GUID="{00C28978-0AA1-11E3-88B9-80C16E7DC6DA}">
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    "<xsd:schema xmlns="urn:oracle:b2b:X12/V4010/856" targetNamespace="urn:oracle:b2b:X12/V4010/856" xmlns:xsd="" version="1.0" elementFormDefault="qualified">"
    I am not sure why the XML translated from EDI in B2B console has the different namespace and XML start tag 2 times. Can you please help me resolve the issue. Let me know if i am missing anything.
    Thanks in Advance..

    Please set property as b2b.setDynamicNameSpace=false.
    To use EDI ecs and xsd files from Oracle B2B 10g version, set this property to true.
    When using EDI ecs and xsd files in Oracle B2B 11g which were used in Oracle B2B 10g, the XEngine may generate dynamic namespace for the translated xml. For example,
    To turn off dynamic namespace generation for inbound EDI messages, set this property to false.
    Satendra Pare

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    We are using Illustrator  CS5.5 (15.1.0)

    Post Author: fyz
    CA Forum: Exporting
    I think your pdf file is probably damaged. There is a tool called Advanced PDF Repair. I have used it to repair many corrupt PDF files successfully. Its homepage is  Maybe you can have a try.

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    I am using JDev 10.1.2 to create plsql webservices based on a package. From this package, I want to expose some procedures that have NUMBER input parameters that may have the value NULL.
    When testing the generated webservice, I get a java.lang.NumberFormatException when leaving the "decimal" values empty.
    But I want to leave those empty! Is there a way to do this, and not turn all number fields to strings/varchars?
    Jeroen van Veldhuizen

    Hai Jeroen,
    did you solve this issue ? Please let me know how you did this.

  • Generate analog current output

    I am a begineer to Labview.I would like to generate analog current output signals using a Labview card.I have been using the advantech cards till now,so have not much knowledge about which card to choose for the application.I would like to have high number (30 or more) of channels for this application. I would also like to generate pulse outputs.I have chosen the PCI-6514 to generate digital outputs,will this do for pulse output genration.It would be a great help if anyone could help me with some tips and example VIs to generate pulse outputs.

    There seems to be little reason for the user to completely replace their system with a compact RIO or something similar given they are already halfway there. They already have a card that can be used to generate their analog current output, so all they need is something to generate their pulse train.
    With respect to the relays: It's usually a good idea to put something between your signal source and your unit under test in order to protect both sides, especially if the items are expensive. Are your analog current sources isolated? Perhaps that's what caused 3 of the card to burn out, but that's mere speculation on my part. However, you must be clear in your terminology since you're just confusing matters. The relays are not triggering the digital signals. The relays are simply passing the signal through or cutting it off. That's considerably different than using the relays to trigger a digital signal. Also, you would only need a relay if you needed to guarantee complete physical isolation when there is no stimulus. After all, when the relay is on, the stimulus is connected to the PLC, so you no longer have isolation. For true isolation you should look into signal conditioning products that use transformers or optoisolators, as those will give you electrical isolation. It's not clear to me if that's the case in your application.
    Now, as far as the generation of the signal, as Hannah indicated the 6528 is also a static digital I/O board - you can usually tell by the price tag. While the M-series of cards provide timed digital outputs some of them require an external clock. I would second Hannah's suggestion and contact your local NI rep and explain your system in detail to them. For example, while the M-series of cards are not isolated, and if you need isolation, you may be able to use SCXI to give you the isolation. Again, I can't say for sure if you need isolation without doing a more detailed analysis of your system, and I'm not prepared to do that. One suggestion: resist the suggestion to completely replace your system unless absolutely necessary.
    Good luck.

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    Output message can not be created in a PO for a customer. During my tests, the yellow output message was created automatically after I have saved the PO.
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    Do you know how and why this can happen? Is it a program error or something else?

    Hi Esra,
    if I do understand you correctly, when creating the PO the system always finds a message to be created ("yellow" message). But arbitrarily the message cannot be generated in ME9F, correct?
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    Is my Extreme not working correctly?  Does anyone think it's problematic to have a second router (the Aruba) connected behind the Extreme?  I suppose I could force some components to use only specific IP's, but, that sounds like a pain.  If the Aruba is problematic, I would also consider a second internet connection, or, finding some way to split home IP traffic vs work IP traffic. 

    I've been doing some research and it appears the 'self assigned IP' address is a common problem in the Apple support community.  And, for what it's worth, it appears an inability to isolate or accurately troubleshoot the problem - by users or Apple tech support - is a recurring theme.  I totally understand that no two home networks are exactly alike (different ISPs, switches, configurations, etc.), but, after being a die-hard PC user for my entire life I can honestly say I never encountered anything like this while using my PC.  I'm not about to trash my Mac, but, the Apple 'ease of use' selling point is quickly losing it's lustre.
    I got into this mess because I added a GigE switch to my network.  Rather than buy a different switch (a tactic which assumes my problems are being caused by the switch) I'm inclined to buy another Airport Extreme and try daisy-chaining them together to overcome the reason I bought the GigE switch in the first place, which is not enough ethernet ports on the Extreme.  That, or I'll spend a weekend in my attic re-wiring my home network to daisy-chain my two Express devices together instead of requiring individual connections to my router.  My experience with Apple hardware thus far is that it prefers to 'play nice' with other Apple hardware over non-Apple hardware.  It could be $100 error on my end (or, a weekend of not doing yardwork), but, I think it's the best shot.  Other possible fixes, including manually assigned IP-addresses, put too much emphasis on software and network configuration - which (by my non-scentific analysis), are two areas even harder to troubleshoot. 
    I'll let you know how it goes. 
    Post Script - Dear Apple: please find a way to significantly increase the number of ethernet ports on your Airport Extreme Router.  Thank you. 

Maybe you are looking for