Generifying AccessController and related classes

Hi all,
I was wondering why AccessController, PrivilegedAction, PrivilegedExceptionAction and PrivilegedException have not been generified in 1.5 beta 1, since those classes appear to be good candidates.
While I understand that PrivilegedException cannot be removed, it would anyway be useful to generify its getException() method.
Thoughts and pointers to previous discussions will be much appreciated.

How does one get beta 2?Wait for it.

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    Hi Lucas, 
    We don't recommend making layout renderers for each item that needs to be laid out.  In fact you shouldn't be creating layout renderers at all (they are created automatically by the MediaContainer).  The best way to layout Media is to add LayoutMetadata to the MediaElements.  If you want to integrate layout into your controls, which aren't MediaElements, I wouldn't suggest you place them manually on the stage, and do you yourself.  If you absolutely need to use the OSMF layout system, I would recommend creating a MediaElement to wrap your controls, and then give the wrapper the layout metadata you need.   The easiest approach though, is to look at the OSMFPlayer example, which has a skinnable player.  You can specify image for every button in the player, as well as background color, etc....
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    BaffyOfDaffyA wrote:
    Please keep in mind that if you spell better you will get better answers and if you add duke stars you will get better answers and if you mark the thread as a question you will get better answers. That will make it look like you are paying attention and that you really want an answer.
    My best answer based on your rather vague question:
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    public Minimal(int var) {
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    public int getVariable() {
    return variable;
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    public Inner(int var) {
    innerVariable = var;
    public int getInnerVariable() {
    return innerVariable;
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    Minimal.Inner inner = new Minimal.Inner(5);
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    I'm more of a 1.3 chick myself, but the words are the same just in a different language.
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    I am sorry. I am not able to understand ur question properly. Actually i did some smartfroms work in my organisation relating to CRM 2007.
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    in service area i used.
    cl_doc_processing_crm_order (processing class)
    crm_srvorder_exec_smart_form (method).
    if u goto std one u find a lot.
    u better get the details from the funtional team.
    hope this will help you.
    best wishes,

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    HI ,
    There is no direct releation between valution class and the Price control.
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    Author:   [email protected]
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    Log Message:
    Add fixes to FLV related classes to support DRM protected contents
    Some minor fixes to FLV related classes
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    Thanks Erik,
    If nothing else, this huge list of updates and fixes, shows clearly that the Logic Dev team is working hard on fixing and improving LPX to a major degree.... and from the list of fixes done.. show they do read the bug reports submitted!
    As an aside....
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