Get # of month from sysdate

Hi all,
I have a table name emp is defined as:
ename varchar2(20),
hiredate date,
I want to display the employee name and calculate the number of months between today and the date the employee was hired. But I don't how to substract
from sysdate with the hiredate to display the # of months.
Please help
Thanks in advance,

You can use MONTHS_BETWEEN function. See

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    report ztest.
    data: myweek type SCAL-WEEK,
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    call function 'WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY'
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    ORA-01722: invalid number

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    does this syntax wrong????
    please revert my question back.
    How old are you?
    I just come back from holiday, I am quite busy at the moment. Here is a tiny function to get the age
    it is much safer than add_months, because add_months do some conversion at the end of the month, and I would never accept to wait until Feb 29th, 2008 (28-2-1990 + 18*12 months) to be 18 if I were born Feb 28th, 1990.
    Anonymous said...
    oh greate!!
    def birthdate = to_date('2000/02/29','yyyy/mm/dd')
    def sys_date = to_date('2003/02/28','yyyy/mm/dd')
    trunc((to_char(&sys_date,'YYYYMMDD')-to_char(&birthdate,'YYYYMMDD'))/10000) as age from dual;
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    thanxx in advance

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    I’m not totally sure how to incorporate that into my current syntax.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    I tried a couple versions of this.
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    Select @StartDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-28, 112), @EndDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-1, 112)
    declare @fullpath1 varchar(1000)
    select @fullpath1 = '''\\ms\london\FTP\' + ''' between ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @StartDate, 101) + ''' and ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @EndDate, 101) + '''_SP.SPC'''
    declare @cmd1 nvarchar(1000)
    print (@cmd1)
    select @cmd1 = 'bulk insert [dbo].[SPBMI_Monthly] from ' + @fullpath1 + ' with (FIELDTERMINATOR = ''\t'', FIRSTROW = 5, LASTROW = 675, ROWTERMINATOR=''0x0a'')'
    exec (@cmd1)
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    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'between'.
    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.
    I feel like I’m already pushing this thing to the limit. 
    Maybe this last part isn’t possible.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

  • How to get current month from BI 7

    Dear Expert,
    I am working on a BI 7 report and I need to restrict a key figure using the current month and previous month.
    Could you help me to find out how to do so?
    Thank you very much!

    if you want to make  2 diff rest key figures.
    check if you have current month variable under cal.month ,  if not create a variable( single, not range ) for current month
    and make a new selection take key fig and rest with current month. 
    and make a new selection and take the key fig and restrict with  current month variable keep off set as -1
    if you want to make only one restricted key fig  which shows both current and previous then.
    create a variable as range and write a exit code from  sy-datum ( take month and year ) as the high value and substract one and make it as low value.
    Hope this helps

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  • Customer Exit for 15 month from current month

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a requirement to write customer exit for 15 months from current month based on todays day.
    if current day is less than 10 then we have to get 15 months from current month other wise from next month to 15 months.
    this exit I am writing on calendar year/month.
    Please assist for logic.
    Ganesh Reddy.

    I hope this code will do the trick.
    zcalmonth(6) type c.
    zcurrentmonth(6) type c.
    zyear(4) type n,
    znextyear(4) type n,
    zyear1(4) type c,
    znextyear1(4) type c,
    zmonth(2) type n,
    zmonth1(2) type n,
    zmonth2(2) type c,
    zmonth3(2) type n,
    zmonth4(2) type c,
    IF i_step = 2.
    CASE i_vnam.
    zyear = sy-datum+0(4).
    znextyear = zyear + 1.
    zyear1 = zyear.
    znextyear1 = zlastyear.
    zmonth = sy-datum+4(2).
    if sy-datum+6(2) LE 10.
    zmonth1 = zmonth + 2.
    if zmonth1 GT 12.
    zmonth1 = zmonth1 - 12.
    zmonth2 = zmonth1.
    zcurrentmonth = sy-datum+0(6).
    concatenate znextyear1 zmonth2 into zcalmonth.
    zmonth1 = zmonth + 3.
    ZMONTH3 = ZMONTH + 1.
    if zmonth1 GT 12.
    zmonth1 = zmonth1 - 12.
    zmonth2 = zmonth1.
    if zmonth3 GT 12.
    zmonth3 = zmonth3 - 12.
    zmonth4 = zmonth3.
    concatenate znextyear1 zmonth2 into zcalmonth.
    concatenate znextyear1 zmonth4 into zcurrentmonth.
    l_s_range-low = zcurrentmonth.
    l_s_range-high = zcalmonth.
    l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
    l_s_range-opt = 'BT'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    rgds, Ghuru

  • Calander month from a calander day in a report

    Hi Experts,
    1)How to get calander month from a calander day in a report. .?
    2)I have a characteristic . .in which i need only 1st two numbers and its description in the report.
    More infor. .
    I have this report on the ODS . . and the client dont want any changes in the ods. .
    Any Help is Appreciated.

    Hi ram,
    Per my understanding that you want to get the period date based on the month selected and the given date, right?
    Could you please provide details information below to help us better understanding your requirements, thus we will be more effective to provide an solution:
    What is the format of the period date you want to get, is this date in the DB and you want to filter it based on the month and the given Date?
    Did the month and given date are two parameters in the report? if possible, could you please provide some sample data in the DB and also the snapshot of the report structure
    I assume you want to get the period date(mm/dd/yyy) between the select month(e.g:Feb) and the given date (10/1/2014) and you should get the date between(02/01/2014-10/1/2014).
    If so,and you also have two parameter "Month","EndDate"(EndDate is the given date), please reference to details information below:
    You can create an new parameter "BeginDate" (Date/Time) which is the begin date of the period, you can use the expression to get the value based on the value of the month and the year value from the given date,finally hide this parameter:
    Specify the available value:
    Label:=Parameters!Month.Value &"/01/"& DatePart("yyyy",Parameters!EndDate.Value)
    Value:=CDate(=Parameters!Month.Value &"/01/"& DatePart("yyyy",Parameters!EndDate.Value))
    Specify the default Value:
    Value:=CDate(=Parameters!Month.Value &"/01/"& DatePart("yyyy",Parameters!EndDate.Value))
    Add filter to the dataset as below:
    Preview you will get all the date in the given Period:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu

  • Using the EXTRACT function to get year and month from date

    I am trying to extract the month and year using the query below but am getting the error:
    Query cannot be parsed within the Builder
    select     distinct city AS "CITY",count(MOTOR_ASSIST2.CITY) as "COUNT"
    from     "MOTOR_ASSIST2" "MOTOR_ASSIST2"
    Can anyone help me figure out what im doing wrong?Thanks

    1. Whats the value of year you are passing here ??
    2. Whats the value of months you are passing here??
    Select City As "CITY", Count(Motor_Assist2.City) As "COUNT"
    Where ((:P53_Fiscal_Yr Is Null Or :P53_Fiscal_Yr = Motor_Assist2.Fy) Or
           (:P53_Month Is Not Null Or :P53_Month = Motor_Assist2.Month) And
           (:P53_Year Is Not Null Or :P53_Year = Motor_Assist2.Year) And
           Datetime >= To_Date(:P53_Year||:P53_Month, 'YYYYMON') And
           Datetime > Add_Months(To_Date(:P53_Year||:P53_Month, 'YYYYMON'), 1)
    Group By Motor_Assist2.City
    Order By City
    SQL> Select Sysdate From dual Where Sysdate = To_Date('2008'||'SEP', 'YYYYMON');
    Select Sysdate From dual Where Sysdate = To_Date('2008'||'SEP', 'YYYYMON');
    SQL> Select To_Date('2008'||'SEP', 'YYYYMON') From dual;
    will give you sept 1st or 1st day of the month,
    hows the data in your datetime column or variable ???
    SQL> Select Sysdate From dual Where trunc(add_months(last_day(Sysdate),-1) +1) = To_Date('2008'||'SEP', 'YYYYMON');
    9/12/2008 3
    there both side of '=' yield first day of sept ...

  • Get last august month from current date

    I need to get last august month from current date.
    e.g if current date is 1-OCT-2013 need to get last August date i.e.1-AUG-2013
    e.g. if current date is 1-MAY-2013 need to get last August date i.e.1-AUG-2012

    Something like this?
    SQL> WITH table_x AS(
      2     SELECT SYSDATE dt from dual UNION ALL
      3     SELECT TO_DATE('20-05-2013','dd-mm-yyyy') from dual
      4  )
      5  --
      6  ---
      7  --
      8  SELECT  dt,
      9    CASE
    10      WHEN (dt >= Add_Months(TRUNC(dt,'YEAR'),7)) THEN
    11          Add_Months(TRUNC(dt,'YEAR'),7)
    12      WHEN (dt < Add_Months(TRUNC(dt,'YEAR'),7)) THEN
    13          Add_Months(TRUNC(dt,'YEAR'),7) - 365
    14    END cs
    15  FROM table_x;
    DT        CS
    24-OCT-13 01-AUG-13
    20-MAY-13 01-AUG-12

  • Get the values from Day 1 of the Month

    Hi Friends,
    I have a requirement in which I have to Get the values from Day 1 of the Month.
    Ex : If I enter 19 - 07 - 2007.......the report should display Values from 01 - 07 - 2007.
    How to Code ?
    Please provide the Code.
    Thank you.

    Hello ,
              Check this code,
    DATA: test_datum1      LIKE sy-datum,
               test_datum2      LIKE sy-datum.
    WHEN 'TEST1'.
              IF i_step = 2.
          LOOP AT i_t_var_range INTO loc_var_range
            WHERE vnam = 'TEST2'.
            test_datum1      = loc_var_range-low.
        CONCATENATE test_datum1(6) '01' INTO  test_datum2.
        CLEAR l_s_range.
        l_s_range-low   = test_datum2.
        l_s_range-high  = test_datum1.
        l_s_range-sign = 'I'.
        l_s_range-opt  = 'BT'.
        APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.
    hope it helps,
    assign points if useful

  • How to get the current week from sysdate?

    Hi sir,
    i want to know how to get the current week from sysdate?

    Hi Nicolas
    It seems you like to check my post and also make commend ;) thanks for your attention
    Have you ever read the posts above and given solutions ?Yes, I did
    Have you read the docs ? Yes, I checked
    What's the added value here ?Did youYou shared doc with solution(long one), I shared short one which point same solution(Check what Joel posted)..So what is benefit, As you can guess oracle docs are sometimes become so complicated as specialy for beginner...(At least it was like that for me and Belive me somedocs are still sooo complicated even for oracle coworkers ) But for you I dont know ;)
    => Why writting the PS in bold ?Why.. Let me think... Ohh Maybe I am looking some questions(many) and even user get answer they should not changed status so I am reading some posts and try to get problem and loosing time..
    So I am putting that PS wiht BOLD because I dont wanna lose time my friend ;) Because While I am trying to help ppl here In same time I am trying to giving support to my customer prod systems. Which mean time is very important for me...
    Hope my answer could satisfy you..
    One important PS for you.. You may not like my posts (or someone) but my friend I become tired to read&answer and make commend to on your comment which is about my posts.
    I am not newbie in forum(At least I fell like that) and I belive I know how I should make post..
    Thank you

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