Get Type ArrayElement  fails if array length is 0

Get<Type>ArrayElement fails if the array length is 0 in 1.4. It seems to work fine in 1.5. I was "googling" and I found this link -- It mentions that this problem -- The JNI methods GetStringChars and Get<>ArrayElements threw OutOfMemoryError if called with a String or array of zero length -- was fixed in version 3.1.4. What is version 3.1.4 and how does this relate to JDK verions that I get out of java -version.
I will appreciate any pointers.
M.P. Ardhanareeswaran
Oracle USA

Drag and drop within a datagrid is rather an unusual thing to do.
I would suggest your problem lies in choosing to do something which will cause complications.
Hope that helps.
Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
Dynamic XAML

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            IInterface2[] GetObj();
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    double ret = 0;
    try {
    Double[] retArr = (Double[]) args.getArray();
    return retArr.length;
    } catch (Exception e){}
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    I've rewritten your code to include the display of any exception that might occur. Could you please run it and post any stack trace here? Thanks.
    public class Test_tb{
      public static double Test (oracle.sql.ARRAY args){
      double ret = 0;
      try {
        Double[] retArr = (Double[]) args.getArray();
        return retArr.length;
      } catch (Exception e){}
        return ret;

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    Thank you !

    I must use GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(..) instead of
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  • ActionScript 3.0: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert displayObject$ to DefaultPackage

    I'm a student I have a final project want to deliver it after two days.
    I'm making a drag and drop game, I watched a tutorial to do that.
    But after ending coding I faced a weird error!
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    This is the Debug error report:
        Attempting to launch and connect to Player using URL E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\DragAndDrop.swf
        [SWF] E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\DragAndDrop.swf - 87403 bytes after decompression
        TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert paper1$ to DragDrop.
                  at Targets()[E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\]
    My `.fla` File is containing 12 Objects to drag and another 12 Objects to drop on it.
    The idea here is when drop the Object on the target the Object will become invisible and the target become visible (in `.fla` file `target alpha = 0`).
    I made two classes: : for the objects that I'm going to drag.  : for the targets that I'm going to drop Objects on it.
    Note: match function is to animate "GameOver" MovieClip When complete the game.
                  import flash.display.*;
                  public class DragDrop extends Sprite
                            var origX:Number;
                            var origY:Number;
                            var target:DisplayObject;
                            public function DragDrop()
                                      // constructor code
                                      origX = x;
                                      origY = y;
                                      addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
                                      buttonMode = true;
                            function drag(evt:MouseEvent):void
                                      stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
                            function drop(evt:MouseEvent):void
                                      stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);
                                                visible = false;
                                                target.alpha = 1;
                                      x = origX;
                                      y = origY;
                  import flash.display.*;
                  public class Targets extends MovieClip
                            var dragdrops:Array;
                            var numOfMatches:uint = 0;
                            var speed:Number = 25;
                            public function Targets()
                                      // constructor code
                                      dragdrops = [paper1,paper2,paper3,paper4,paper5,paper6,
                                      var currentObject:DragDrop;
                                      for(var i:uint = 0; i < dragdrops.length; i++)
                                                currentObject = dragdrops[i];
                                       = getChildByName( + "_target");
                            public function match():void
                                      if(numOfMatches == dragdrops.length)
                                                win.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winGame);
                            function winGame(event:Event):void
                                      win.y -= speed;
                                      if(win.y <= 0)
                                                win.y = 0;
                                                win.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, winGame);
                                                win.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickWin);
                            function clickWin(event:MouseEvent):void
                                      win.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickWin);
                                      win.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDown);
                                      var currentObject:DragDrop;
                                      for(var i:uint = 0; i < dragdrops.length; i++)
                                                currentObject = dragdrops[i];
                                                getChildByName( + "_target").alpha = 0;
                                                currentObject.visible = true;
                                      numOfMatches = 0;
                            function animateDown(event:Event):void
                                      win.y += speed;
                                      if(win.y >= stage.stageHeight)
                                                win.y = stage.stageHeight;
                                                win.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDown);

    Thank you very much for replying.
    - dragdrops represents: the dragable objects.
    - Targets obtaining the dropable objects by hitTestObject, then the dropable objects visible is turned to false, & the target visible turned to true.
    Dragable objects is a 12 elements all of them have an instance names: paper1....paper12.
    When I focused to the project I noticed that I forget to give the dragable objects an instance names!
    after making the instance names to them, a new error occures:
    E:\FL\ActionScript\Drag and Drop Project\, Line 11
    1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: paper1.
    This error is continuing to paper2, paper3.....paper12 !
    Please download my project, I must deliver it to my college in 24/12. I will never forget your favor. thanks. | 715KB

  • Help with getting a set from a array

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    so its the last number in the array however i want to write j as the last number held in the last array number.
    I know there must be a simple method for this.

    I want j to be the last number in the array, how can
    i get this
    so its the last number in the array however i want to
    write j as the last number held in the last array
    I know there must be a simple method for this.Perhaps but I have no idea what you mean...
    int n = array.length -1;okay...
    You want to write j as the last number held in the last array number?
    Do you mean this?
    array[array.length-1] = array.length-1;If not then please restate your question a little more clearly.

  • How do i configure a FOR loop to have the behavior of the step Loop Type: Pass/Fail count?

    I'm using the Pass/Fail count set to one Pass to capture an event generated by my DUT.  I originally used a numerical compare step with the Looping type of Pass/Fail count to accomplish this.  Unfortunately the implementation changed and now I need to execute a few steps that can not be combined within one code module as before. Nor can these steps be put into a subroutine.  One of the steps executes a .NET asembly and I haven't figured out how to pass the reference to the subroutine.  When the subroutine is intered the reference is lost and the methode does not execute correctly.
    I have an evaluation function the exits the loop when the expected conditions are met. Everything works except for the Overall Pass/Fail result of the For loop.  If the loop exits due to the first numerical compare test passing, I want the loop overall execution to report as "Passed".  If the loop reaches it's predetermined number of iterations, the overall result needs to report as "Failed".  It would also be nice to have the radio button functionality of "Record Result of Each iteration".  Some conditions require a wait over a minute for the event to occur and I don't want to generate needless data for the report.
    Currently I get the pass/fail status for each For loop iteration, but only "Done" for each loop iteration.  I don't want the initial few failures to cause the test to fail.
    Does anyone know how to do this? Suggestions?

    I have 2 steps in the loop that can not be combined into one step. This forces me to implement the behavior in some form of loop.  A While Loop could be an option.  I would need to pass the Step.Result.Status from the Multiple Numerical compaire step to the condition of the While Loop.  I tried to use the Step.TS.ID without success.  Some form of reference to the numerical compare step would be needed. I'm using a For Loop as I do want to limit the number of iterations of the loop.  In the case where the loop iterations are reached, the event I am trying to detect did not occur at the correct time and a failure needs to be reported.
    I came up with something based on my comments in the second post:
    1) To start with I configured a Locals.ForLoop_5 variable.  This is used to set the limit on the loop iterations and for comparison after the loop has finished executing. More on that later.
    2) The first step inside the loop invokes a method within a .NET assembly that has been packed in a DLL This method gets the required data from the DUT and stores it to a text file.
    3) The next step is the Multiple Numeric Limit step.  This step invokes a VI that extracts the data from the text file.  This step has been customized in several ways.
      i)  In Run Options, the Results Recording Option was disabled.  This prevents recording of "Failed" while the loop executes when waiting for the event to happen.
      ii) In Run Options, the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure is unchecked.  Same reasoning as i)  These steps are not true failures.
      iii) A Post Action is configured to go to the nexxt step after the For Loop End step On Condition True with the logic of Step.Result.Status == "Passed".  This causes the loop to exit when the first "Passed" is encountered which corrolates with the event I'm trying to detect. On Conditon Fail remains set to default.
    4)  The step after the For Loop End is an expression step with everythin set to default except for the Status Expression logic set to: Locals.Loopindex < Locals.ForLoop_5 ? (Step.Result.Status = "Passed") : (Step.Result.Status = "Failed"). This step performs the overall Pass/Fail reporting for the For Loop.  If the number of loop iterations is less than the maximum it could have only gotten there by the previous logic triggered by the numerical compare passing, therefore "Passed".  If the loop index has reached the limit, then the event was not detected, therefore Failed.
    I have tested this work around with success, it just a pain to now have to implement this on my 40 some odd For Loops.
    If there is a better way, I'd still like to hear it.

  • Trying to send multiple types in a byte array -- questions?

    I have a question which I would really appreciate any help on.
    I am trying to send a byte array, that contains multiple types using a UDP app. and then receive it on the other end.
    So far I have been able to do this using the following code. Please note that I create a new String, Float or Double object to be able to correctly send and receive. Here is the code:
    //this is on the client side...
    String mymessage ="Here is your stuff from your client" ;
    int nbr = 22; Double nbr2 = new Double(1232.11223);
    Float nbr3 = new Float(8098098.809808);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    byte[] buffer = baos.toByteArray();
    //this is on the server side...
    byte [] buffer = new byte [5000];
    String mymessage = null; int nbr = 0; Double nbr2 = null;
    Float nbr3 = null;
    mymessage = (String)ois.readObject();
    nbr = ois.readInt();
    nbr2 = (Double) ois.readObject();
    nbr3 = (Float) ois.readObject();
    My main question here is that I have to create a new Float and Double object to be able to send and receive this byte array correctly. However, I would like to be able to have to only create 1object, stuff it with the String, int, Float and Double, send it and then correctly receive it on the other end.
    So I tried creating another class, and then creating an obj of this class and stuffing it with the 4 types:
    public class O_struct{
    //the indiv. objects to be sent...
    public String mymessage; public int nbr; public Double nbr2;
    public Float nbr3;
    public O_struct(String mymessage_c, int nbr_c, double nbr2_c, float nbr3_c){
    my_message = my_message_c;
    nbr = nbr_c;
    nbr2 = new Double(nbr2_c);
    nbr3 = new Float(nbr3_c);
    Then in main, using this new class:
    in main():
    O_struct some_obj_client = new O_struct("Here is your stuff from your client", 22, 1232.1234, 890980980.798);
    send code....according to UDP
    However on the receiving side, I am not sure how to be able to correctly retrieve the 4 types. Before I was explicitely creating those objects for sending, then I was casting them again on the receiving side to retrieve then and it does work.
    But if I create a O_struct object and cast it as I did before with the indiv objects on the receiving end, I can't get the correct retrievals.
    My code, on the server side:
    O_struct some_obj_server = new O_struct(null, null, null. null);
    some_obj_server = (O_struct)ois.readObject();
    My main goal is to be able to send 4 types in a byte array, but the way I have written this code, I have to create a Float and Double obj to be able to send and receive correctly. I would rather not have to directly create these objects, but instead be able to stuff all 4 types into a byte array and then send it and correctly be able to retrieve all the info on the receiver's side.
    I might be making this more complicated than needed, but this was the only way I could figure out how to do this and any help will be greatly appreciated.
    If there an easier way to do I certainly will appreciate that advise as well.

    public class O_struct implements Serializable {
    // writing
    ObjectOutputStream oos = ...;
    O_struct struct = ...;
    // reading
    ObjectInputStream ois = ...;
    O_struct struct = (O_struct)ois.readObject();
    I will be sending 1000s of these byte arrays, and I'm sure having to create a new Double or Float on both ends will hinder this.
    I am worried that having to create new objs every time it is sending a byte array will affect my application.
    That's the wrong way to approach this. You're talking about adding complexity to your code and fuglifying it because you think it might improve performance. But you don't know if it will, or by how much, or even if it needs to be improved.
    Personally, I'd guess that the I/O will have a much bigger affect on performance than object creation (which, contrary to popular belief, is generally quite fast now:
    If you think object creation is going to be a problem, then before you go and cock up your real code to work around it, create some tests that measure how fast it is one way vs. the other. Then only use the cock-up if the normal, easier to write and maintain way is too slow AND the cock-up is significantly faster.

  • Error in phase 4: Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed.

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    when trying to install SAPNW2004sSneakPreviewABAP in phase 4 I get error:
    ERROR 2006-08-08 08:52:40
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_TRANS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pc05\sapmnt\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node..
    I searched SDN and found as possible error causes: lacking authorization of installation user or users nspadm and SAPServiceNSP, wrong JRE version, but those are not applicable.
    Any other suggestions?

    Hello Prince Jose,
    thanks for the reply, it brought me to the solution: I had to de-activate the Windows Firewall and hat to check 'Network users are allowed to change files'.
    I know made it till phase 17, quite a step.

  • How to get the record set into array?

    I want to get the record set into array in the procedure and do the processing of the array later in procedure.
    below is the stored procedure i am working on:
    procedure bulk_delete_group(p_group_id in Array_GroupListID) as
    for i in p_group_id.first..p_group_id.last loop
    --Here I have to get the list of user id before deleting group
    SELECT user_id into *<SOME ARRAY>* FROM group_members WHERE group_id = p_group_id(i);
    DELETE group WHERE group_id = p_group_id(i);
    --Process the user id array after group deletion..
    end loop;
    end bulk_delete_group;
    Thanks in advance

    Something like this ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.20
    satyaki>select * from emp;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          9999 SATYAKI    SLS             7698 02-NOV-08      55000       3455         10
          7777 SOURAV     SLS                  14-SEP-08      45000       3400         10
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       4450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       7000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
    13 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.37
    satyaki>create type np is table of number;
      2  /
    Type created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:03.32
    satyaki>Create or Replace Procedure myProc(myArray np)
      2  is
      3    i   number(10);  
      4    rec emp%rowtype;  
      5  Begin  
      6    for i in 1..myArray.count
      7    loop  
      8      select *  
      9      into rec 
    10      from emp 
    11      where empno = myArray(i); 
    13      dbms_output.put_line('Employee No:'||rec.empno||' Name:'||rec.ename); 
    14    end loop; 
    15  End myProc;
    16  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.88
      2    v np:=np(9999,7777);  
      3  begin  
      4    myProc(v);  
      5  end;
      6  /
    Employee No:9999 Name:SATYAKI
    Employee No:7777 Name:SOURAV
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.30
    Satyaki De.

  • How do you get the average of an array bigdecimels

    how do you get the average of an array bigdecimels... I am looping through the array in a for loop
    for (int i = 0; i < prItems.length; i++) {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < prItems.length; i++) {
    sum = sum + prItems;
    int avg = sum/prItems.length;

  • I keep getting a filter fail message when i try to print

    i cannot print, i have a new mac and i need help, can someone help me out?

    Hi @pkjbadala ,
    I see that you are getting a filter failed message, when you try to print. I will certainly do my best to help you.
    Repair the Disk Permissions on the Mac:
    Close all applications.
    On the Apple menu bar, click Go, click Applications and then click Utilities.
    Double-click Disk Utility.
    Highlight your hard drive/partition on the left.
    Click Verify and then Repair Disk Permissions.
    Restart the computer..
    Reset the Printing System:
    Note: This will remove all printers in the print and Fax/Scan, any printer removed can be re-added later by clicking the plus (+) symbol.
    Click the Apple icon and then click System Preferences.
    Click Printers & Scanners.
    Right-click (or Ctrl +click) in the left white side panel, then click Reset printing system.
    Click OK to confirm the reset.
    Type the correct Name and Password.
    Click OK to reset the printing system.
    Then click the + sign to add the driver, highlight the printer. (you might have to click the drop down to select the printer's name) Then click on the Add button.
    Try and print a document.
    How is the printer connected? (USB/Ethernet/Wireless)
    If you need further assistance, just let me know.
    Have a great day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • EP 6.0 SP2 PL28 - connection pool for principal type UACC fails

    does anybody have the same problem? - We always lose the LDAP-Connection after restart of the j2ee-Services on our Enterprise Portal. We get then this error-message:
    <b>connection pool for principal type UACC fails</b>
    Loading application:
    Loading services:
    Loading service:|license
    Jul 2, 2005 4:27:09 AM # System_Thread_32 Fatal [][method=initConnectionPool()][cl=13324]connection pool for principal type UACC fails
    Thanks in advance.

    Does anybody can help me? - It´s important.
    Thanks in advance.

  • SCCM Get Collection Member Fails "Failed to get members of collection. The SMS Provider reported an error"

    Full Error is:  "Failed to get members of collection '{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}'.". The SMS Provider reported an error. Details: Generic failure
    Orchestrator 2012 R2
    Using Integration Pack 7.2 for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
    I have a Runbook that is setup to use Get Collection Members from SCCM.  The fields are:
    Collection:  {Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}
    Collection Value Type:  Name
    When I use the Runbook Tester (or when I try to run it myself) I get the error:
    "Failed to get members of collection '{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}'.". The SMS Provider reported an error. Details: Generic failure
    I have tried using the Collection ID and I get the same error.  From the Collection Property in Get Collection Members I can browse and see all the collections in SCCM, so I know the connection is working.
    An example of a collection I am trying to use is this:  SUM - Patch and Reboot Server - 3rd Sat 1AM .  I have tried using it with quotes and single quotes as well and I get the same error.
    The log file for SCCM looks like this when it fails:
    CSspQueryForObject :: Execute...~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    ~*~*~e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\siteserver\sdk_provider\smsprov\sspobjectquery.cpp(1782) : Failed to parse WQL string SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = "{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}"~*~*~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014
    11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    ~*~*~Failed to parse WQL string SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = "{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}" ~*~*~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    Execute WQL  =SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = "{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}"~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    Execute SQL =~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    Removing Handle 1792008112 from async call map~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    ExecQueryAsync: COMPLETE SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = "{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}"~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    CExtUserContext::LeaveThread : Releasing IWbemContextPtr=1862502880~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    My SCCM Administrator and I are out of ideas about what else to try.  Anyone have some ideas on what might be causing the issue? 
    MCITP | VCP4 | VCP5

    may I ask if you modified the log? Because of ...
    Execute WQL  =SELECT * FROM SMS_Collection WHERE Name = "{Collection Name from "Initialize Data"}"~  $$<SMS Provider><03-25-2014 11:34:52.904+300><thread=528 (0x210)>
    Have you typed or subscribe the Published Data to the Field Collection in the Activity "Get Collection Member"?
    It must be subscribed!: Click with right mouse key-> Subscribe->Published Data
    Stefan ,

  • Sub-apps event passing in multi-versioned application - type coersion fails

    I have the following structure on an application I'm working on:
    AirWrapper, basically just an AIR wrapper for the core. Includes AIR specific definitions of various classes needed by the core.
        |---- loads core.swf using SWFLoader, contains functionality for handling data saving/loading, subapp loading, etc.
                 |-----loads subapp.swf using SWFLoader, with loadForCompatibility = true;
    From subapp.swf I'm dispatching a ServiceReferenceEvent (custom event), which is supposed to be caught by the core.swf. If I set loadForCompatibility = false, then it works as it should. However if I set loadForCompatibility = true, then I get a
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to
    Now if I've understood the documentations correctly, the reason this error pops up is because the subapp is loaded into a sibling application domain of the core.swf and is therefore using it's own definition of the ServiceReferenceEvent (even though both the core and the subapp in fact reference the same .as file). My research on the issues suggests that I should be able to fix this by boot strapping the ServiceReferenceEvent class into AirWrapper. This should make both the core and the subapp use the same definition.
    The problem is that this doesn't work. Does anyone have any thoughts on why? Alternatively I would be happy if someone would suggest an alternate method for communicating between a main and subapp swf with loadForCompatibility = true (preferrably one that would allow me to pass custom events)? I need the loadForCompatilbility = true because we're expecting subapps to be created with different versions of the Flex framework over the life cycle of the application.

    Thanks Alex! I got it to work as you described. I realized that I of course also need to marshal every object that the event I send through references, which means even more extra code. Another issue is that the event that I'm marshalling is referencing an object that must implement a particular interface. What I've tried is creating a basic object, add references to the implemented functions, and then type cast it to the interface in question. I've also tried type casting directly but all fails. Is it possible to marshal an interface?
    Basically what I want to have happen is that the subapp I'm loading dispatches an event to the core. The event contains a reference to an object which implements an interface that the core.swf also knows about. The methods of this interface are then used as callbacks from the core.swf. If marshalling an interface is not possible, do you have any suggestions on how I could achieve a similar thing in some other way?

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