GetLocation - returning invalid coordinates - is this even possible?

I am using getLocation on a panel based object to set the destination point for a line.
I am getting incorrect coordinates.
The Java source for states:
* <p>
* Due to the asynchronous nature of native event handling, this
* method can return outdated values (for instance, after several calls
* of <code>setLocation()</code> in rapid succession). For this
* reason, the recommended method of obtaining a component's position is
* within <code>java.awt.event.ComponentListener.componentMoved()</code>,
* which is called after the operating system has finished moving the
* component.
* </p>
I am new to Swing and quite frankly baffled by this. What would a listener have to do with getting a component's location. Moreover, if I included a listener in my dierived component, what would I tell it to do?????
Does anyone have example code on hand? Experience with this problem? Clues?

I am new to Swing and quite frankly baffled by this. What would a listener have to do with getting a component's location.The point is if you are dragging a frame around the screen then the components location will change relative to the screen. Same thing is you are dragging a component around a panel.
I am using getLocation on a panel based object to set the destination point for a line. I am getting incorrect coordinates.I doubt you are getting incorrect coordinates if your panel has simply been added to a frame.
If you need further help then you need to create a [url]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
And don't forget to use the [url]Code Formatting Tags so the code retains its original formatting.

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    Please check if DFS Replication filter some special file from replication. For more detailed information, please refer to the article below:
    Exclude files or subfolders from replication
    If the issue still exists, please create a Diagnostic Report to see if there is any error message.
    Create a Diagnostic Report for DFS Replication
    Best Regards,
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    Hi Bryan,
    As jim said, you can use idm to do this, but another option for you
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    On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:50:11 GMT, [email protected] wrote:
    >Thanks for the info. I really wasn't sure where to post this question. I
    >really wasn't sure if I needed to be using Novell's RADIUS server or not to
    >do this. Reading the online docs didn't really help me to know which
    >solution or solutions to choose.
    >> [email protected] wrote:
    >> > Is this even possible?
    >> >
    >> > So, essentially, we would like the external RADIUS' user/password data to
    >> > be synced with the eDirectory data, but have the eDirectory receive updates
    >> > from the RADIUS (or LDAP, Kerberos or whatever system is necessary). Or is
    >> > an all-Novell solution the only possible way to use RADIUS authentication?
    >> What you want should be possible with Novell Identity Manager (formerly
    >> DirXML) product. This particular forum is for help with the NetWare
    >> Radius server, which would not factor into what you are trying to
    >> accomplish... you have a non-Novell Radius server that you want to sync
    >> eDirectory information with, and that is the realm of identity manager.
    >> As to the "hows", you might as in the nsure-identity-manager group here.
    >> --
    >> Jim
    >> NSC SYsop

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    I would advise against placing your iTunes library on a Time Capsule.
    The Time Capsule is designed as a backup device and not for wireless streaming of video.
    Before you do anything more, can I suggest you put into place a reliable, redundant backup strategy.
    Unless you are prepared to risk loss of your iTunes library due to a hard drive failure, I would not put iTunes on the Time Capsule.
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    For iTunes purchases:
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    For other music you need a third-pary program like one of those discussed here:
    Copy music from Ipod to new computer...: Apple Support Communities

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    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
    import javax.vecmath.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.TextureLoader;
    class System2 extends JFrame // implements ActionListener
         //a SimpleUniverse is used for this program
         System2() //constructor executes Program
              JFrame view = new JFrame("Program");
              GraphicsConfiguration config = SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration();
              Canvas3D c = new Canvas3D(config);
              Container cp = view.getContentPane();
              SimpleUniverse u = new SimpleUniverse(c);          
              BranchGroup run = createSceneGraph();
              u.getViewingPlatform( ).setNominalViewingTransform( );
         public BranchGroup createSceneGraph()
              //define Colors
              Color3f yellow = new Color3f(0.9f, 0.8f, 0.0f);
              Color3f bgColor = new Color3f(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.2f);
              Color3f white      = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);     
              Color3f nullCol = new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
              Color3f earthDiff = new Color3f(0.49f,0.34f,0);
              Color3f earthSpec = new Color3f(0.89f,0.79f,0);
              // Create a bounds for the background and lights
              BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 100.0);
              //create BranchGroup
              BranchGroup root = new BranchGroup();
              // Set up the background
              Background bg = new Background(bgColor);
              //add first TransformGroup
              TransformGroup earthTrans = new TransformGroup();
              Transform3D earth3d = new Transform3D();
              //Creating a Sphere for the Earth          
              //sets the appearance of the earth adds a texture image
              Appearance earthApp = new Appearance();
              earthApp.setColoringAttributes(new ColoringAttributes( yellow,ColoringAttributes.NICEST));
              PolygonAttributes polyAt=new PolygonAttributes(PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_FILL,
              Material earthMat = new Material(new Color3f(1f,1f,1f)
              ,new Color3f(0.25f,0.25f,0.25f)//Shadows color
              ,new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.8f)//Sun's light
              ,new Color3f(1f,1f,1f)
              TextureLoader picload = new TextureLoader("earth.jpg",this);
              Texture earthpic = picload.getTexture();
              earthpic.setMagFilter(Texture.BASE_LEVEL_LINEAR | Texture.NICEST);
              earthpic.setMinFilter(Texture.BASE_LEVEL_LINEAR | Texture.NICEST);
              TextureAttributes texAttr = new TextureAttributes();
              //adding lights to the sphere
              System.out.println("directional lights");
              Vector3f direction = new Vector3f(-1.0f,-0.5f,0.1f);
              DirectionalLight dirLight = new DirectionalLight(true,white,direction);
              //creates the earth
              Sphere earth = new Sphere(0.5f,Sphere.GENERATE_TEXTURE_COORDS | Sphere.GENERATE_NORMALS,100,earthApp);
              System.out.println("doing rotation");     
              //Setting rotation of Earth
              Alpha rotEarth = new Alpha(-1, 10000);
              Transform3D yAxis = new Transform3D();
              //Setting the rotation in a clock wise direction (could have used default constructor)
              RotationInterpolator rotator = new RotationInterpolator(rotEarth, earthTrans, yAxis,
                        0.0f,(float) Math.PI*2.0f);
              //end Earth
              //Start Moon
              TransformGroup moonTrans = new TransformGroup();
              Transform3D moon3d = new Transform3D();     
              Appearance moonApp = new Appearance();
              Material moonMat = new Material(new Color3f(1f,1f,1f)
              ,new Color3f(0.25f,0.25f,0.25f)//Shadows color
              ,new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.8f)//Sun's light
              ,new Color3f(1f,1f,1f)
              moonApp.setColoringAttributes(new ColoringAttributes( white,ColoringAttributes.NICEST));
              Sphere moon = new Sphere(0.2f,Sphere.GENERATE_NORMALS,moonApp);
              Alpha rotMoon = new Alpha(-1, 4000);
              yAxis = new Transform3D();
              //Setting the rotation in a clock wise direction (could have used default constructor)
              RotationInterpolator moonSpin = new RotationInterpolator(rotMoon, moonTrans, yAxis,
                        0.0f,(float) Math.PI*2.0f);
              Transform3D axisOfTranslation = new Transform3D();
              Alpha transAlpha = new Alpha(-1,
                        Alpha.INCREASING_ENABLE |
                        0, 0,
                        5000, 0, 0,
                        5000, 0, 0);
              PositionInterpolator translator =
                             new PositionInterpolator(transAlpha,
                             2.0f, 3.5f);
              return root;
         public static void main (String [] args)
              System2 sys = new System2();
              TransformGroup moonTrans = new TransformGroup();
              Transform3D moon3d = new Transform3D();     
              TransformGroup sunTrans = new TransformGroup();
              Transform3D sun3d = new Transform3D();     
              //creates the Sun that is used for Directional lighting
              Appearance sunApp = new Appearance();
              sunApp.setColoringAttributes(new ColoringAttributes( yellow,ColoringAttributes.NICEST));
              Sphere sun = new Sphere(0.2f,sunApp);
              //positions the sun
              Alpha posSun = new Alpha(-1,Alpha.INCREASING_ENABLE |
                        0, 0,
                        5000, 0, 0,
                        5000, 0, 0);
              PositionInterpolator sunPos = new PositionInterpolator(posSun, sunTrans);
              AmbientLight a = new AmbientLight(white);     
              System.out.println("point light");
              PointLight pl = new PointLight(true, white,new Point3f(1f,0f,1f),new Point3f(1.0f,0f,0f));
    Transform3D Trafo_1 = new Transform3D();
              Transform3D Trafo_2 = new Transform3D();
              RotationInterpolator moonEarth = new RotationInterpolator(rotMoon, moonTrans, Trafo_2,
                        0.0f,(float) Math.PI*2.0f);
              //Billboard moonEarth = new Billboard(moonTrans, Billboard.ROTATE_ABOUT_POINT, new Point3f(0f,0f,0f));

    Yes it is possible. Build a scene graph where the TransformGroup of the moon is a child of the TransformGroup of the earth.
    TG1 __________ Earth Shape3D
    |____ TG2 ___ Moon Shape3D
    In this way the overal transformation for the moon is the concatenation of TG2 and TG1. The transformation for the moon TG2 has to be given relative to the earth (i.e. the middle of the earth is the center of the local coordinate system for the moon).
    If you want the earth spinning then build the following graph:
    TG1___ TG3 ___ Earth
    |____ TG2 ___ Moon
    Put the transformation of the earth position in TG1. Put the spinning transformation of the earth in TG3 and the position transformation of the moon relative to the earth in TG2. Thus the spinning of the earth will not interfere with the position of the moon.

  • Complicated Sumbit Button Needed - Is This Even Possible?

    I have created a fillable form that, once filled, must be printed to gather required (various) signatures. I need to create a submit button to include with the Print button that with send an (prepopulated) email notification to the Director. The email will need to contain the first four fields filled in. How would I go about scripting the submit button to do this?
    Also, is there a way to create this button so that it sends ONLY the selected fields and not the entire PDF/XML data?
    Even further, though not as urgent, is it possible to validate the Print button so that the form will NOT print unless the submit button has been clicked?

    What you are explaining is possible to do.  I have designed a number of forms where I have consolidated many documents into one PDF.  In order to do this to offer the best user experience for those filling the form out you have to understand the company's requirements.  Are they wanting one PDF form which a user can select from a dropdown or radio button the type of form they want to fill out.  Do they want a design in which the customer can fill out different forms in the same pdf and then email the final results back to the designated email address?
    #1  If all they want to do is add have the form accessible via their website they just need to add the pdf form to a site page or set a link to the location of the pdf of the server.
    #2  When using the mailto function what script language are you using?  FormCalc or JavaScript?  Beyond this, are they wanting a filled in PDF form returned via email or just the data which can be passed back to the company via XML script in the email?
    #3  I don't like to incorporate digital signatures into the documents I create unless I know how they plan to use the forms and if the company's legal department approves a digital signature as opposed to liquid.  The best thing you can do is check with the company's legal department to see if a digital signature on the forms you are creating is acceptable for these types of document.
    #4  You had the right idea with the email button but you also need to Reader Extend the PDF form but the company or you (depending on who Reader Extends the form) needs to be aware of the licensing agreement for Reader Extensions unless one is purchased which can become expensive.
    #5  As far as the forms you pulled off the Governments website, you need to create your own version of the form and incorporate into the single consolidted form you are creating.
    Best of luck on this project.
    J Black

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    It depends if that information is entered as a metadata point.  Click on picture and see if that has specific data in the metadata tab.  Also check the metadata in preferences to see if you have checked this data to be displayed.
    If so I believe you can search the "all metadata" in Find.  Type in the appropriate fields in search boxes.

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    I would say that you would have a device at the dsl first then connect everything else up that is needed. It would have to be wired to the dsl.

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    Jneklason wrote:
    I know this email is confusing and really hard to understand...perhaps now you will know how i've been feeling--lost and confused with all the mis-information, with a hit and miss phone, and out of time with all the 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs EACH wasted on this issue.
    On top of all this, I can't even find out how to file a complaint with anyone higher up than Customer Service.
    I hate to tell you this, but you didn't write an email. You wrote a discussion post on the Verizon Wireless Community forum which is a public peer to peer forum. Unfortunately since you didn't mark your post as a question, the VZW reps that roam this community won't ever see your post. Before you re-post it, don't. Duplicate posts get removed from the community.
    I see there were several missteps both by the reps and yourself in your post. First you should have insisted on returning the phone within the 14 day return policy period. Second which Samsung Galaxy mini model did you purchase? The S3 mini or the S4 mini? Did you do any research prior to deciding on this device. The reps at that time deflected the easiest course of action, by trying to get you to replace the phone under insurance instead of returning the phone. The Early Edge payment option requires the current phone on the line using the early Edge must be returned to Verizon Wireless. Did you once considered going to a third party site like Swappa to purchase a gently used device for your daughter?

  • Google Calendar (gCal) and the iPhone - is this even possible

    Is it possible for me to configure gCal to work with the iPhone Calendar application? Are there any restrictions (I.e. view only, etc?)
    Much thanks in Advance!

    You can do it, it takes a bit of work.
    I did it like this -
    I have a Mobile Me account, so my iPhone calendar syncs automatically to Mobile Me.
    I have iCal on my iMac desktop machine set to sync with Mobile Me also.
    (So, so far, my iPhone and desktop iCal always match)
    THEN: Use Spanning Sync - this is a 3rd party app that you install on your computer. It allows you to sync in both directions (to and from) Google Calendar.
    You just give Spanning Sync the info about your Google Calendar, and it syncs it with the iCal on your computer. Then MobileMe syncs your computer with your iPhone. It works great, because I can put things onto my iPhone calendar, and they'll show up on my work calendar and my home calendar, so my family AND my coworkers can keep abreast of my schedule, and even update it for me if necessary! (Every now and then I'll get a new calendar appointment that says "2:00pm today: Buy chocolate for your wife"!)
    Hope that's useful!

  • In way over my head is this even possible

    Okay, I created a form that uses a combo box to fill various fields with additional information. now this information used to be static, now I have been informed that now some of the information requires additional calculation. Would it be possible if one of these selections is made it would ask the user to enter additional data that would be used to calculate a value that could be used to select the value from an array to fill a text field?
    // Custom Keystroke script for combo box
    (function () {
    if (!event.willCommit) {
    // array of NMFC Number.
    var aAddr = [];
    aAddr[0] = "";
    aAddr[1] = "39510";
    aAddr[2] = "61800";
    aAddr[3] = "122830";
    aAddr[4] = "119260";
    aAddr[5] = "18540-02";
    aAddr[6] = "61480";
    aAddr[7] = "69065-02";
    aAddr[8] = "51460";
    aAddr[9] = "51140-08";
    aAddr[10] = "125820";
    aAddr[11] = "121870";
    aAddr[12] = "120800-04";
    aAddr[13] = "180880";
    aAddr[14] = "181700-4";
    aAddr[15] = "123917";
    aAddr[16] = "127220";
    aAddr[17] = "116440";
    aAddr[18] = "29280-02";
    aAddr[19] = "121875";
    aAddr[20] = "121875";
    // array of class Number
    var bAddr = [];
    bAddr[0] = "85";
    bAddr[1] = "70";
    bAddr[2] = "77.5";
    bAddr[3] = "85";
    bAddr[4] = "70";
    bAddr[5] = "85";
    bAddr[6] = "77.5";
    bAddr[7] = "65";
    bAddr[8] = "50";
    bAddr[9] = "85";
    bAddr[10] = "77.5";
    bAddr[11] = "77.5";
    bAddr[12] = "85";
    bAddr[13] = "85";
    bAddr[14] = "70";
    bAddr[15] = "70";
    bAddr[16] = "77.5";
    bAddr[17] = "85";
    bAddr[18] = "70";
    bAddr[19] = "70";
    bAddr[20] = "70";
    // array of class Number
    var cAddr = [];
    cAddr[0] = "UN3164, Articles, pressurized hydraulic containing non-flammable gas, 2.2, DOT SP-1862 (Nitrogen compressed gas)24 Hour Emerency Contact call infotrac @ 1-800-535-5053, Infotrac account #104774";
    cAddr[1] = "";
    cAddr[2] = "";
    cAddr[3] = "";
    cAddr[4] = "";
    cAddr[5] = "";
    cAddr[6] = "";
    cAddr[7] = "";
    cAddr[8] = "";
    cAddr[9] = "";
    cAddr[10] = "";
    cAddr[11] = "";
    cAddr[12] = "";
    cAddr[13] = "";
    cAddr[14] = "";
    cAddr[15] = "";
    cAddr[16] = "";
    cAddr[17] = "";
    cAddr[18] = "";
    cAddr[19] = "";
    cAddr[20] = "";
    // Associate export values of combo box items
    // to corresponding index of address array
    var aIndex = [];
    aIndex[0] = 0;
    aIndex[1] = 1;
    aIndex[2] = 2;
    aIndex[3] = 3;
    aIndex[4] = 4;
    aIndex[5] = 5;
    aIndex[6] = 6;
    aIndex[7] = 7;
    aIndex[8] = 8;
    aIndex[9] = 9;
    aIndex[10] = 10;
    aIndex[11] = 11;
    aIndex[12] = 12;
    aIndex[13] = 13;
    aIndex[14] = 14;
    aIndex[15] = 15;
    aIndex[16] = 16;
    aIndex[17] = 17;
    aIndex[18] = 18;
    aIndex[19] = 19;
    aIndex[20] = 20;
    // Get the export value of the selected item
    var ex_val = event.changeEx;
    // Get the corresponding address
    var addr = aAddr[aIndex[ex_val]];
    var shpdr = bAddr[aIndex[ex_val]];
    var desc = cAddr[aIndex[ex_val]];
    // Populate the text field with the address
    getField("nmfc num r1").value = addr;
    getField("class numr1").value = shpdr;
    getField("discription enhaced row 1").value = desc;

    What you are explaining is possible to do.  I have designed a number of forms where I have consolidated many documents into one PDF.  In order to do this to offer the best user experience for those filling the form out you have to understand the company's requirements.  Are they wanting one PDF form which a user can select from a dropdown or radio button the type of form they want to fill out.  Do they want a design in which the customer can fill out different forms in the same pdf and then email the final results back to the designated email address?
    #1  If all they want to do is add have the form accessible via their website they just need to add the pdf form to a site page or set a link to the location of the pdf of the server.
    #2  When using the mailto function what script language are you using?  FormCalc or JavaScript?  Beyond this, are they wanting a filled in PDF form returned via email or just the data which can be passed back to the company via XML script in the email?
    #3  I don't like to incorporate digital signatures into the documents I create unless I know how they plan to use the forms and if the company's legal department approves a digital signature as opposed to liquid.  The best thing you can do is check with the company's legal department to see if a digital signature on the forms you are creating is acceptable for these types of document.
    #4  You had the right idea with the email button but you also need to Reader Extend the PDF form but the company or you (depending on who Reader Extends the form) needs to be aware of the licensing agreement for Reader Extensions unless one is purchased which can become expensive.
    #5  As far as the forms you pulled off the Governments website, you need to create your own version of the form and incorporate into the single consolidted form you are creating.
    Best of luck on this project.
    J Black

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