Getting a new computer - do I have to buy another copy of FCE?

I am about to buy FCE for installation on an iMac G4. However, in about six months I'm going to buy a MacBook Pro. Does the following excerpt from the FCE license agreement cover the switch?
2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on a single computer at a time. This includes the right to transfer your copy of the Apple Software licensed hereunder from an Apple G4 hardware platform to an Apple G5 platform.
I understand the "single computer at a time" part and I will obviously uninstall the original version when I reinstall on the MacBook. Just want to double check with some of you who know for sure before I go through with everything.

thrilcat said:
Also, you cannot use the software on both computers simultaneously.
You said:
The effect on Global Warming was becoming horrific
with all those people dutifully deleting and
reinstalling FCE on a daily basis before leaving
home, and then doing the same on their return.
How can the (albeit mighty) Fruit-in-the-Sky know that someone is using FCE on two computers, even at the same time? Joke, right? (I hope so!)
G5/2.0 GHz Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1 GB RAM, 150 GB HD, Sony DCR-HC96 mini DV, FCE HD 3.0 DVD SP 3

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