Getting epuser information into R3

Hi all,
I created one system object. By using  one sapuser was connected to multiple epusers.
i want to know which epuser has been updated or changed in r3 table.
how is it possible and can any body give the solution please.
Thanks and regards

Hi Bill,
First I like to state that I'm not an expert on CUEAC. Have you looked at this post,
I don't knoiw if it's realted or not, but the guy answering seems to be well versed in CUEAC.
Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

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    If your using a Macintosh computer then you can not do it other than  in Acrobat 9, go to advanced menu then  mouse down to extend Reader  Features in Reader ...
    You want the ability to filout and save forms.
    Then you emai to not more than 500 people. then you read the pdfs and manually key or save as fdf file and  can extract the information from the fdf files.
    If your a PC user you have the ability to use a system called liveCycle designer. But you need mucho bucks to subscribe to a special server Aodobe has for such purpose.
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  • Has anyone managed to get HP Warranty Information into SCCM?

    Has anyone managed to get HP Warranty Information into SCCM?
    I have tried a few scripts that I found on the net but none of them seem to work as I believe HP updated there site this year..

    OK, I played around a bit (scripting from a web page isn't way beyond me) but... a few caveats.  My lab isn't available right now; so all I could test was that the script ran on an HP laptop.  A single HP laptop.  and created the regkeys in
    (in my case) HKLM\software\wow6432node\CompanyName\WarrantyInformation.  So... one single test on one single workstation, and no testing of the mof edit means... I'll need your help to confirm it works.
    Anyway, below is the script.  Other caveats:  It drops a log, and then continuously adds to the log file in %temp% (of the SYSTEM, which is using %windir%\temp).  So depending upon what you want/need--you may want to change the EnableLogging
    = True to EnableLogging = False (once you confirm it works on all/most of your boxes).  The other caveat, of course, is to change the sCompanyname = to be your Company Name; although I suggest you don't have spaces or special characters in it.  Short
    'n' sweet.  Then, naturally, once you have a box with the regkeys, use Mark Cochrane's RegKeytoMof 3.0 or higher to build the mof edits for you to paste to the bottom of your configuration.mof and sms_def.mof.  In that blog above Eric Schloss was
    using DCM as the delivery method to deliver the script to populate the regkeys--that worked for him and I see no reason it wouldn't work for everyone--so once you've tested the script interactively from a psexec -s -i cmd.exe shell on an hp box (to see it
    create the regkeys) I'd make a DCM like Eric did and target a collection with a few HP laptops or desktops and confirm it works via the DCM. 
    Anyway, give this a try--again... only tested on 1 single, lonely little HP laptop.  Needs a bigger test base!
    Edit:  and... even using Regkeytomof sometimes regkeys can be tricky.  If the mof edit doesn't work right to pull the data back, post what you've added.  someone here can usually spot if there's something not right about it and help you fix
    the mof edit.
    Edit #2: removed bad space, and bad copy/paste job as discovered by sevengs.  Thanks!
    on error resume next
    EnableLogging = True
    sCompanyName = "CompanyName"
    Set oShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
    Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    strTemp = oshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
    If EnableLogging Then
    Set oLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTemp & "\WarrantyInfo.log", 8, True)
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    End If
    WriteLog "Beginning warranty information lookup."
    sWebServiceHost = ""
    sWebServiceURL = "WarrantyResults.jsp"
    sWebService = sWebServiceHost & "/" & sWebServiceURL
    'Get the system's serial number from WMI
    Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
    Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select SerialNumber from Win32_BIOS",,48)
    For Each objItem in colItems
    sSerialNumber = objItem.SerialNumber
    WriteLog "Serial number of system is " & sSerialNumber
    'Get the Product ID from WMI
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32
    lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
    strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//./root/HP/InstrumentedBIOS"
    strQuery = "select * from HP_BIOSSetting"
    Set objWMIService = GetObject(strService)
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
    sProductNumber = ""
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If objItem.Name = "SKU Number" Then
    sProductNumber = objItem.Value
    End If
    If objItem.Name = "Product Number" Then
    sProductNumber = objItem.Value
    End If
    If Len(sProductNumber) = 0 Then
    WriteLog "ERROR: Product Number could not be determined."
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    WriteLog "Product number of the system is " & sProductNumber
    End If
    Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor",,48)
    For Each objItem in colItems
    sAddressWidth = objItem.AddressWidth
    WriteLog "Operating system is " & sAddressWidth & " bit."
    'Define the parameters string to send to the web site
    sParameters = "nickname=&sn=" & sSerialNumber & "&country=US&lang=en&cc=us&pn=" & sProductNumber & "&find=Display+Warranty+Information+%C2%BB&"
    WriteLog "Opening the web site URL " & sWebService & "?" & sParameters
    'Define and call the web site
    Set oHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlhttp") "GET", sWebService & "?" & sParameters, False
    'oHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    If oHTTP.Status = 200 Then
    WriteLog "Successful response from the web site."
    'WriteLog oHTTP.ResponseText
    Process oHTTP.ResponseText
    WriteLog "ERROR: the web site returned status code " & oHTTP.Status
    WriteLog "Returning exit code 1."
    nExitCode = 1
    End If
    If EnableLogging Then
    oLogFile.WriteLine "*********************************************************"
    End If
    WScript.Quit (nExitCode)
    Function Process (HTML)
    WriteLog "Processing the HTML returned from the site."
    intSummaryPos = InStr(LCase(html), "serial number")
    If intSummaryPos = 0 Then
    Process = ""
    Exit Function
    End If
    intSummaryTable1Start = InStrRev(LCase(html), "<table", intSummaryPos)
    intSummaryTable1End = InStr(intSummaryPos, LCase(html), "</table>") + 8
    intSummaryTable2Start = InStr(intSummaryTable1End, LCase(html), "<table")
    intSummaryTable2End = InStr(intSummaryTable2Start, LCase(html), "</table>")
    table1 = getStr(intSummaryTable1Start, intSummaryTable1End, html)
    table2 = getStr(intSummaryTable2Start, intSummaryTable2End, html)
    const HKLM = &H80000002
    Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
    sKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\" & sCompanyName & "\WarrantyInformation"
    WriteLog "Registry key path is HKLM\" & sKeyPath
    oReg.CreateKey HKLM,sKeyPath
    WriteLog "Processing the first table from the web page."
    arrGeneral = processTables(table1,1)
    'arrGeneal should be in the form Serial Number, Product Number, Product Line, Product Description, Warranty Check Date
    WriteLog "Processing the second table from the web page."
    arrContracts = processTables(table2,2)
    'arrContracts should be in the format Warranty Type, HW Warrenty Start Date, HW Warranty End Date, HW Warranty Status, Setup Warranty Start Date, Setup Warranty End Date, Setup Warranty Status
    WriteLog "Setting registry values."
    WriteLog "SerialNumber is " & arrGeneral(0)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "SerialNumber", arrGeneral(0)
    WriteLog "ProductNumber is " & arrGeneral(1)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductNumber", arrGeneral(1)
    WriteLog "SerialLine is " & arrGeneral(2)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductLine", arrGeneral(2)
    WriteLog "SerialDescription is " & arrGeneral(3)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "ProductDescription", arrGeneral(3)
    WriteLog "WarrantyCheckDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrGeneral(4)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyCheckDate", CStr(CDate(arrGeneral(4)))
    WriteLog "WarrantyType is " & arrContracts(0)
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "WarrantyType", arrContracts(0)
    WriteLog arrContracts(1)
    WriteLog "HardwareWarrantyStartDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrContracts(1)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "HardwareWarrantyStartDate", CStr(CDate(arrContracts(1)))
    WriteLog "HardwareWarrantyEndDate is " & CStr(CDate(arrContracts(2)))
    oReg.SetStringValue HKLM, sKeyPath, "HardwareWarrantyEndDate", CStr(CDate(arrContracts(2)))
    End Function
    Function getStr(startpos, endpos, data)
    Dim tmp
    'Get the substring
    tmp = Mid(data, startpos, endpos - startpos)
    ' Remove end of line
    tmp = Replace(Replace(Replace(tmp, VbCrLf, ""), vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
    getStr = tmp
    End Function
    Function processTables(table, ttype)
    ' Remove HTML Tags and replace with "|"
    Set re = New RegExp
    re.Pattern = "<[^>]+>"
    re.IgnoreCase = True
    re.Global = True
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    table = Replace(table, "&nbsp;", "")
    table = Replace(table, ":", "")
    table = Replace(table, " ", "")
    ' Remove excess |
    re.Pattern = "[|]+"
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    ' Clean up a bit more
    re.Pattern = "\|\s+\|"
    table = re.Replace(table, "|")
    ' Remove | from start and end of string
    re.Pattern = "^\||\|$"
    table = re.Replace(table, "")
    arrTable = Split(table, "|")
    arrTmp = ""
    If ttype = 1 Then ' General Info Table
    i = 1
    For Each cell in arrTable
    Select Case LCase(Trim(cell))
    Case "serial number"
    sSerialNumber = arrTable(i)
    Case "product number"
    sProductNumber = arrTable(i)
    Case "product line"
    sProductLine = arrTable(i)
    Case "product description"
    sProductDescription = arrTable(i)
    Case "date of warranty check"
    sCheckDate = arrTable(i)
    End Select
    i = i + 1
    arrTmp = sSerialNumber & "|" & sProductNumber & "|" & sProductLine & "|" & sProductDescription & "|" & sCheckDate
    ElseIf ttype = 2 Then ' Contract Info
    i = 0
    For Each cell in arrTable
    cell = Replace(cell," ","")
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp hw maintenance onsite support") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp hw maintenance onsite support"
    end if
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp hw maintenance offsite support") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp hw maintenance offsite support"
    end if
    if Instr(lcase(trim(cell)),"wty hp support for initial setup") > 0 then
    cell = "wty hp support for initial setup"
    end if
    Select Case LCase(Trim(cell))
    Case "warranty type"
    sWarrantyType = arrTable(i+8)
    Case "wty hp hw maintenance onsite support"
    sHWStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sHWEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
                        sHWStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    Case "wty hp hw maintenance offsite support"
    sHWStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sHWEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
    sHWStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    Case "wty hp support for initial setup"
    sISStartDate = arrTable(i+1)
    sISEndDate = arrTable(i+2)
    sISStatus = arrTable(i+3)
    case else
    End Select
    i = i + 1
    arrTmp = sWarrantyType & "|" & sHWStartDate & "|" & sHWEndDate & "|" & sHWStatus & "|" & sISStartDate & "|" & sISEndDate & "|" & sISStatus
    End If
    ' Remove | from start and end of string
    re.Pattern = "^\||\|$"
    arrTmp = re.Replace(arrTmp, "")
    'wscript.echo arrTmp
    arrResult = Split(arrTmp, "|")
    Set re = Nothing
    processTables = arrResult
    End Function
    Function WriteLog (sText)
    If EnableLogging Then
    oLogfile.WriteLine Now() & " " & sText
    End If
    End Function
    Standardize. Simplify. Automate.

  • When I input song information into "get info" for each of my songs, some do not save when I close my Itunes. When I click on the song the correct info pops back up.Why?

    When I input song information into "get info" for each of my songs, some do not save when I close my Itunes. When I click on the song the correct info pops back up.Why?

    I ran into the same problem, I think that, If you tab on a song that is on your IPOD, and the song data is grayed-out, I think it means that the song is probably twice on your IPOD and that the iTunes directory can not edit THAT song data for two (or more) files @once. Check if this is the case, sinceI have the same problem,am looking for a way to have One and the same song in more playlists but only keep the song once on the IPOD.

  • How to get Requester Login information into the request dataset validator

    I need to check whether the requester is part of a group or not before submitting the request. If not I need to throw an error.
    Can you please let me know how to get Requester information.login into the request validator?

    Hi Thiago,
    I am getting the requester id from the requestData in the request data validator. Here is my full code for your reference.
    Bikash - I even tried with RoleManager service but still same error.
    public void validate(RequestData requestData)
    throws InvalidRequestDataException {
    tcUserOperationsIntf UserOppsIntf =Platform.getService(tcUserOperationsIntf.class);
    tcResultSet result=UserOppsIntf.getSelfProfile();
    String requesterID = result.getStringValue("Users.User ID");
    String userKey=result.getStringValue("Users.Key");
    System.out.println("Request Login:"+requesterID);
    if (isMemeber(getOIMGroupKey("testGroup"),userKey))
    System.out.println(requesterID+" is a Member");
    System.out.println(requesterID+" is not a Member");
    String reason = "Note[REQUEST_SUBMISSION_ERROR].text:You are not authorized to submit this request.";
    throw new InvalidRequestDataException(reason);
    catch(Exception e) {
    private String getOIMGroupKey(String GroupName) throws Exception
    String groupKey="";
    tcGroupOperationsIntf groupInstanceOps = Platform.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
    HashMap searchFor = new HashMap();
    searchFor.put("Groups.Group Name", GroupName);
    tcResultSet results = groupInstanceOps.findGroups(searchFor);
    for (int i = 0; i < results.getRowCount(); i++) {
    groupKey = Long.toString(results.getLongValue("Groups.Key"));
    return groupKey;
    private boolean isMemeber(String groupKey,String userKey) throws Exception
    boolean member=false;
    tcGroupOperationsIntf groupInstanceOps = Platform.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
    long grpLong = Long.parseLong(groupKey.trim());
    tcResultSet grpResultSet = groupInstanceOps.getAllMembers(grpLong);
    for(int i=0;i<grpResultSet.getRowCount();i++)
    long usrKeygrp = grpResultSet.getLongValue("Users.Key");
    if (usrKeygrp==Long.valueOf(userKey))
    catch(Exception e) {
    return member;

  • HT4519 I am using google contact and calendar on my computer now. How do I get my information off icloud into it?

    How do I get contracts and calendar to sync to new window computer on google calendar

    There is no way to export contacts or calendars from iCloud.
    Manually enter the desired information into Google.
    The closest that you can get to exporting from iCloud would be to sync the iCloud information to Outlook and then export from Outlook to a file that can be imported to Google.

  • When I get current user I get this info i:0#.w|(user name) that input the information into a list

     how would I removed the i:0#.w|  as I need to get this information in a  workflow email to send out to people, but  I dont want them to enter the
    all I want them to enter is
    <domain>\<user name>
    but I can not seem to capture just the domain \username  using the Sharepoint Designer Workflow items.
    IS there a way to strip or remove that garbage in from of the user name? some how in a SPD workflow

    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to remove the i:0#.w| from the user name using workflow.
    As the prefix is fixed value, then I recommend to use the Extract Substring from Index of String action to remove the i:0#.w| from the user name.
    After that, use the variable which is used to store the rest string to update a column value(use another column in Single line of text type).
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to restore deleted playlists to an itouch after syncing with wrong device. Tried to search for device to restore under devices and it completely removed it as a device on itunes. Is there anyway to get the information back?

    To start we have several users and devices on our itunes account....Several weeks ago I was using my itouch to create playlists for a few aerobics classes that I teach.  Right before I was about to unplug the itouch I got a notification that my itouch was full and didnt have any space left.  Since I was done with what I was doing at the time, I unplug my itouch and figured I would delete unwanted songs later to create more room. A week later, I went to sync my itouch into itunes and over the devices it told me that it was named another device and wanted to know if i wanted to sync the information to my itouch I had just plug in.  I had never seen this message before in all the other times I had used it, and at the time I didnt realize that it was giving my device the name of another user in my house. Without realizing it itunes started to sync the new information to my itouch.  I immediately unplugged the usb cable stopping the process.  I then replugged the usb cable in, hoping to get done what I needed to get done on my itouch thinking it might have just been a strange glitch. Also, since I hadn't notice any change on my itouch from the incorrect syncing, I continued to start itunes again.  This time it asked me the same question as before "did I want to sync the information from another ipod?". Since I didnt notice any changes before I just let it do the syncing not realizing at the time that it was earsing all the info I had on my itouch and replacing it with info coming from the other users ipod.
    I contacted Apple and they gave me infomation on how I could go look for my itouch under devices and get the information back.  When I did this my itouch was no longer there under the devices and it was replaced with the new name that itunes had given my itouch.  This device is one of the first generation itouches and has never been backed up that I know of... So my question to you all is...Is there any way of getting my playlists back???? I spend countless hours creating these playlists for my classes and have been completely out of my mind trying to figure out how I can possibly get the infomation back. Please let me know if you think there might be a way to do this!!!     

    The devices that are listed are: 2 under the name of the device that synced incorrectly with mine and then 3 others that are not associated with my itouch. The name of the ipod, before the incorrect sycning is no longer under devices.  It has been replaced with the incorrect one because I can see the serial # of my ipod under the wrong name.
    The playlists that are in my itunes library are from an ipod that I used a few times before I took this one over... Which happens to be the ipod that took on the ID of my itouch.
    Both of these ipods used to be my kids.. I used my sons a few times and then switched to my daughters.  They each had their names attachted to their particular devices and now it just says my sons, which is the ipod that itunes was connecting to when all this happened. The really strange thing is my son doesnt use his ipod any longer and now uses his phone for music...So, it had been a while since that particular device was even synced to itunes!
    I hope this helps!

  • How to write log information into SM37 batch job log

    I have a report running in batch mode, and I would like to log the start time and end time for some part of the code (different Function modules). I need to write this log information into the batch job log. Therefore I can check the time frame of my FMs.
    After search the SDN, I can only get some information on how to write log into the application log displayed in SLG1, but that's not I want. I want to write batch log information, and check it in SM37.
    If you have some solution or code to share, please. Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Nitin
    Thanks for the reply. Could you explain it with some code ?
    I tried to use the write statement , but it did not wrok. I could not see the result in SM37.
    write : "start of the FM1 processing".
    FM1 code
    write : "end of the FM1 processing".
    but those two statement did not show in SM37..
    1) how to use  a information message  ?
    2) how to use NEW PAGE PRINT ON and PRINT OFF command. ?
    I would appreciate if you can write some code ,that I can use directly.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards,

  • Is it possible to get the information from the complete forms send to different email account

    When i have a paid account is it than possible to get the information from the different forms send to seperate emailaddresses.
    Who dont have a account from formscentral but just need the information directly in there own inboxes?
    Because we're looking for a good and simple way to make qoustion & complain forms. But these need to go to different people in the company.

    You can have notifications sent to multiple email addresses, but each will need to have a FormsCentral account.  They can be free accounts.  What you do is create your form and set up the email addresses that you want the information to go to to be Co-authors or Contributors.  The co-author/contributor accounts will then need to log into FormsCentral, go to the Options tab and check the email notifications checkbox. 
    I hope this helps.

  • How to get the information like IP address,Host name of connected clients v

    Hi Every one,
    I want to get the information like (IP Address,Hostname,Active sessions , Database Server….etc) of the connected clients
    via V$Views(ORACLE).
    And then I like to load these infromation into a table “Client_Table”.
    Could some one give me suggestion that which V$ views/method I use in order to get the above information and then
    how to load these information into a table “Client_table”?
    Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.
    With Regards

    You could use a LOGON TRIGGER so every session insert its own environment into your client_info table.
    You could use the following view and choose whatever attribute you need:
    create or replace view my_userenv (
    BG_JOB_ID ,
    DB_NAME ,
    FG_JOB_ID ,
    HOST ,
    ISDBA ,
    LANG ,
    NLS_SORT ,
    OS_USER ,
    from dual;

  • How do i get my information and data back onto my 4s?

    Let me tell you how it happened and see if you can find an answer: I was going to the computer that i use to put music on to load some music on to my 4s. when i opened itunes, it said "set up as new iphone" or "set up from backup". i chose the "from backup" because i had an old 4s, but the speakers wern't working, so i got a new one, but the last backup to restore it from was from a couple of months back. i chose it, and it synced my iphone, but i hadn't done anything yet. when i checked my iphone, all of my contacts, notes, email accounts were gone. im desperate and how do i get this information back on?

    Thanks for replying.  I had to do this process in order to get ICloud activated so I don't have it there.  I do have an external backup of the Itunes library, but it sounds like that would also restore the restriction password that I don't know.
    Why would ICloud be different (if I had backed up there?) Does it only save data?
    And It sounds like I need to keep my contacts in another source .... such as? ...  No, I don't use email much and my contacts arec the phone numbers I've captured in my phone.  After I have them backed up to ICloud, do I also need to make sure they are somewhere else to where I won't run into losing them again?
    appreciate your experience and help.

  • How to get the information of the log related to t.code generated by basis.

    In the log generated by the basis personnel we found the details of user and corresponding t.code used details.  How to get the information reg. which document he went into using this t.code? For example me29 t.code used by 'x' user.  The log is showing time date t.code and user.  By using me29n which document he attended is the requirement. How to get this information. Let me know it pl.

    Thanks all for the help.
    Here is my solution. A mix from Julian and Thomas.
    In future I will encapsulate the code in a function module.
    DATA: BEGIN OF usr_tabl OCCURS 10.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE uinfo.
    DATA: END OF usr_tabl.
    DATA: th_opcode(1) TYPE x.
    CONSTANTS: opcode_list LIKE th_opcode VALUE 2.
    CALL 'ThUsrInfo' ID 'OPCODE' FIELD opcode_list
      ID 'TAB' FIELD usr_tabl-sys.
        CLIENT = sy-mandt
        USER   = sy-uname
        TID    = LV_TID.
    read table usr_tabl with key tid = lv_tid.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      CASE usr_tabl-type.
        WHEN 2.
          write :/ usr_tabl-type, 'SYSTEM'." (system)
        WHEN 4.
          write :/ usr_tabl-type, 'GUI'." (Gui)
        WHEN 32.
          write :/ usr_tabl-type, 'RFC'."(RFC)
        WHEN 202.
          write :/ usr_tabl-type, 'PLUG-IN'." (Plug-in &).

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