GIF file import

A have a problem correctly interpreting GIF file characters from an instrument. Any ideas on correctly interpreting a GIF file from an instrument. I'm stuck with the format, its what the instrument supports.
It appears that MS Windows platform, labview text control interpretation of GIF characters, like \s, \0, \FF, is different from the Agilent E4404B Spec An. I have no problem fetching the file, but characters are being changed (interpreted) whenever I use a labview text box (i.e. an ascii string control, I really need a character control, or some work around).
Attached is a good GIF from the instrument and the bad imported GIF.
Go to Solution.
bad.GIF ‏16 KB
00191RMT.GIF ‏16 KB

Unless I am missing something here, the issue is not with the GIF files per se.  What is happening is that somewhere along the lines the file is being interpreted as text and the nulls (x00) are being replaced with spaces (x20).  You can recreate this by taking the good GIF file, changing the extension to .txt, opening in Notepad, saving, then renaming back to GIF.  You will see that it is no longer a valid GIF and if you examine the file in LV or a hex editor you will see all of the spaces.
LV does not do this, it may cause trouble if you read a binary file as txt with the convert EOL option selected, but that is about it.  Something happens to the file along the way from the instrument to LV.  That is why I am curious to know how he fetches the file from the analyzer and gets it into LV.

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    If you are using FrameMaker and WWeP you can certainly use a reference to the animated GIF and pull the animated source into your HTML help from WWeP. Check a WWeP forum on doing that.
    Also, PDF now supports Flash. Have you tried using Flash animations?

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
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    case 1:
    JLabel temp = new JLabel(this.redX);
    return temp;
    case 2:
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    return temp1;
    JLabel temp2 = new JLabel();
    return temp2;

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    Thank you for your offer, I do appreciae it.  But I think the better question to ask at this point is :  What is the last version of Photoshop Elements that supports editing animated gif files.  This is too important to me to lose this ability and after checking further I see CS4 is out of my price and needed features range. I would rather hang on to my old laptop to manipulate photos than lose the ability to edit my .gif files.
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    Hi Darren,
    Yes, you can verify whether your GIF would fucntion correctly on HTML5 platform by Window--HTML5 Tracker Pod.
    I am not an expert on Photoshop, but still would like to make a recommendation.
    Set the 'delay' value for each of your Frame to 0.01 or some value if it shows as 0, this can be done using the animation frame Window. Save it as GIF again for Web Devices and import in Captivate, see, if you are abale to preview this time.

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    If you load your GIF into Premiere Elements 10, edit it, then share to an AVI file, you can then import the AVI file into GIF Movie Gear by Gamani, which will then create an animated GIF. I learned about this utility from a Microsoft tutorial on creating icons for Windows XP.
    If you use Firefox and get redirected, try using Internet Explorer instead.
    After the trial period is over, it's $29.95US for 4 licences.
    When you share to an AVI file, you will want to select the Microsoft AVI item from the list, then click the advanced button to open up the dialog where you will need to select a codec and enter the frame size and frame rate. The codec will have to be one that GIF Movie Gear likes, so there may be some trial and error needed to get a good codec. I shared to an AVI after picking Xvid for the codec, which GIF Movie Gear imported.

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    "Importing" .gif files is a very old QT Pro "trick" and was made available in the first "Pro" version of QT (3).
    I still use the feature to add logos or other, older animations to some of my newer QT "movies".
    Some of the older QT tricks can still be used today:
    I've been focusing my skill (very little) on the QuickTime discussions pages but visit these "iPod" discussions pages every now and then.
    Since the new iPod can also "do" the .mov format I thought I'd observe and comment for the newer users.
    Happy New Year!
    Oh, btw, QuickTime can also do some magic with your Photoshop files.

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    Would appreciate some guidance.

    Thank you for your offer, I do appreciae it.  But I think the better question to ask at this point is :  What is the last version of Photoshop Elements that supports editing animated gif files.  This is too important to me to lose this ability and after checking further I see CS4 is out of my price and needed features range. I would rather hang on to my old laptop to manipulate photos than lose the ability to edit my .gif files.
    Can anybody help with this question?

  • Is it possible and how to open animated gif files in Photoshop CS4

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    curt y, sorry for the late reply, I tried that but I doesn't work. I have to choose at least two files in the Load Layers window in order for the OK button to be available and then some action script uses the different files to make layers and merges them but not from the frames of the gif file. I can undo through the script to see what it did but it never accessed the frames of the gif file, just the first frame. Choosing "make frames from layers" in the animation palette only puts the original files into layers - that is only the first frame of the gif file.
    I guess I'm out of luck with the 64  bit version of Photoshop as Zeno suggested :-(
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    Hi, I'm making an underwater scene in java for my
    degree assignment. I have a JFrame with an underwater
    background and a bunch of .gif fish moving around
    inside, but they should be animated and they're not.
    They animate outside of java. How can I make the .gif
    files animate?A simple example:
    /* save as */
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class AnimGifPanel extends JPanel{
      Image[] imgs;
      int w, h;
      Random rand;
      public AnimGifPanel(Image[] ims, int wid, int hei){
        imgs = ims;
        w = wid;
        h = hei;
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h));
        rand = new Random();
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
        for (int i = 0; i < imgs.length; ++i){
          g.drawImage(imgs, rand.nextInt(w), rand.nextInt(h), this);
    public class AnimeGif{
    public static void main(String[] args){
    String filename = "fish.gif"; // an animated gif
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    Container con = frame.getContentPane();
    Image[] ia = new Image[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; ++i){
    ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(filename);
    ia[i] = ic.getImage();
    AnimGifPanel agp = new AnimGifPanel(ia, 500, 400);
    con.add(agp, BorderLayout.CENTER);

  • How to open animated .GIF files in Photoshop CS3 and newer

    Q: Since ImageReady is long gone from Photoshop, how can I open animated GIF files in Photoshop CS3 and newer?
    A: File -> import-> video to layers.
    In the dialogue box type "*.*" to show all file types.
    Select your GIF file and which frames to import.
    They will now be available in your animation palette.

    curt y, sorry for the late reply, I tried that but I doesn't work. I have to choose at least two files in the Load Layers window in order for the OK button to be available and then some action script uses the different files to make layers and merges them but not from the frames of the gif file. I can undo through the script to see what it did but it never accessed the frames of the gif file, just the first frame. Choosing "make frames from layers" in the animation palette only puts the original files into layers - that is only the first frame of the gif file.
    I guess I'm out of luck with the 64  bit version of Photoshop as Zeno suggested :-(
    What program would you people suggest for opening each frame from gif files?

  • How can I make a .gif file work in Keynote on my iPad Mini?

    How can I make a .gif file work in Keynote on my iPad Mini?
    Have saved a .gif file to my Camera Roll, and it works fine as I have checked it through mail. When I import it into Keynote however it won't animate. Even when I play slide. Any suggestions?

    The can use apps such as Apple's Pages app for Word documents and Numbers for Excel spreadsheets, and from third-parties apps such as Documents To Go ('premium' version) and QuickOffice Pro HD.

  • Creating a .gif file in QT Pro?!?!

    can someone help me out or even let me know if this is possible

    What you want to do (create a .gif using QT Pro) can't be done. QuickTime can open .gif files (even preserve transparency) but the saved file will be .mov.
    You can create an Image Sequence movie that will resemble the features on an animated .gif file, however.
    Create your still images (sized identically) and save them to a new folder using sequencial naming (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc.). They can be any format that QT understands.
    Select Open Image Sequence, navigate to this new folder and highlight (single-click) the first file in the list. Click OK and select a "frame rate" for the new file.
    QuickTime will assemble your files into one .mov file.
    Graphic Converter can now do some work with .mov files and may even be able to export your image sequence. .gif is 8 bit (256 colors) so if you wish to use the .gif format you will lose a lot of data if your original QT import were in any format other than .gif.
    Try this freeware to start and end in .gif format:

  • .GIF files, do they come from my iphoto?

    I have over 1000 .gif files in my mac. If I erase them will it affect my photos in iphoto?
    I don't know what they are or why I have so many of them. It is almost as if, whenever I download a photo, or anything having to do with an image for that matter, i am getting my computer cluttered up with these small images. Many of which i don't recognize. How did I get so many? Do they take up alot of space.
    When I go into finder and type in .gif, it showed over 1000 of them.
    Can I just delete them all without affecting my images in iphoto?

    Yes, you can delete the files if you don't need them.
    Do any of these gifs look like application or system icons, folder icons, etc? What may have happened is you dragged your hard drive icon onto the iPhoto application icon in the Dock on into the open iPhoto window and imported all image files on the hard drive. Each application has many icons inside of it as well as the system.
    Whether you have a managed library (i.e. your iPHoto's Advanced preferences will be as this screenshot ) or a referenced library (that checkbox is not checked and the file reside in the location where they were when added to the library) deleting them from the iPhoto Library by dragging them into iPhoto's Trash bin on the left and emptying that bin via the iPhoto->Trash menu there will be no affect on any other part of the computer.
    *DO NOT DELETE THEM VIA A FINDER WINDOW! Delete them from within iPhoto as described above.*
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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