Gl_interface help

I need to get GL data to oracle financials 11.5.5 from an billing system AR the data is the GURFEED table. Can any one help advice how to get that data to the gl_interface table use a adaptor or write a pl/sql program I have not done this.
Thanks in advance.

First of all create a mediator table as per column specification of GL_INTERFACE
and build a sql *loader to create a .ctl file for the legacy system data (BILLING in this case) to generate the data into the GL_INTERFACE table.
After building a PL/SQL customized script for the legacy system data(BILLING in this case) populate the data in GL_INTERFACE table.
for e.g
in the PL/SQL customized script call the .ctl file (where the data insertion in the GL_INTERFACE is done from the legacy system(BILLING in this case).
Then run the Journal import Program from the GL Module of specified responsibilty
where the population of data from GL_INTERFACE is distributed to GL_JE_BATCHES,GL_JE_HEADERS,GL_JE_LINES.

Similar Messages

  • Gl_interface help oracle 11.5.5

    I need to get GL data to oracle financials 11.5.5 from an billing system AR the data is the GURFEED table. Can any one help advice how to get that data to the gl_interface table use a adaptor or write a pl/sql program I have not done this.
    Thanks in advance.

    First of all create a mediator table as per column specification of GL_INTERFACE
    and build a sql *loader to create a .ctl file for the legacy system data (BILLING in this case) to generate the data into the GL_INTERFACE table.
    After building a PL/SQL customized script for the legacy system data(BILLING in this case) populate the data in GL_INTERFACE table.
    for e.g
    in the PL/SQL customized script call the .ctl file (where the data insertion in the GL_INTERFACE is done from the legacy system(BILLING in this case).
    Then run the Journal import Program from the GL Module of specified responsibilty
    where the population of data from GL_INTERFACE is distributed to GL_JE_BATCHES,GL_JE_HEADERS,GL_JE_LINES.


    Please help!
    I need to make an import from a custom Payroll application into GL. Everything would be working just fine, if I could use the JE_LINE_NUM from GL_INTERFACE table. In the tech documentation it was stated that this column is not used in version 10. Nothing stated about 11.03 or 11i
    If this doesn't work, any ideea how could I manage the journal detail line number the transaction is imported?
    Please answer at: [email protected]

    If I interpreted your requirements correctly, you wish to supply the JE_LINE_NUM in the GL_INTERFACE table.
    Unfortunately, you cannot do so. The GL_INTERFACE.JE_LINE_NUM column must be NULL for Journal Import to function correctly. This is mentioned in the User's Guide. Since the grouping of lines into batches and headers is done dynamically by journal import, it is not possible to support a user-specified journal line number. This will cause duplicates or gaps.
    This is true for all GL releases.

  • Beginner trying to import data from GL_interface to GL

    Hello I’m Beginner with Oracle GL and I ‘m not able to do an import from GL_Interface, I have putted my data into GL_interface but I think that something is wrong with it Becose when I try to import data
    with Journals->Import->run oracle answer me that GL_interface is empty!
    I think that maybe my insert is not correct and that's why oracle don't want to use it... can someone help me?
    ----> I have put the data that way:
    insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
    created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
    entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
    values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','4004',111.11,0,
    insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
    created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
    entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
    values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','1005',0,111.11,
    ------------> Oracle send me that message:
    General Ledger: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    GLLEZL module: Journal Import
    Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    Running in Debug Mode
    gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25sob_id = 124
    sob_name = Vision France
    coa_id = 50569
    num_segments = 6
    delim = '.'
    segments =
    index segment is SEGMENT2
    balancing segment is SEGMENT1
    currency = EUR
    sus_flag = Y
    ic_flag = Y
    latest_opened_encumbrance_year = 2006
    pd_type = Month
    << gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25fnd_user_id = 1008009
    fnd_user_name = JAB-DEVELOPPEUR
    fnd_login_id = 2675718
    con_request_id = 2918896
    sus_on = 0
    from_date =
    to_date =
    create_summary = 0
    archive = 0
    num_rec = 1000
    num_flex = 2500
    run_id = 55578
    << gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    SHRD0108: Retrieved 51 records from fnd_currencies
    gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25SHRD0118: Updated 1 record(s) in table: gl_interface_control
    source name = xx jab payroll
    group id = -1
    LEZL0001: Found 1 sources to process.
    glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    << gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26SHRD0108: Retrieved 110 records from gl_period_statuses
    << gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    glldat() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27Successfully built decode fragment for period_name and period_year
    gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 10 records from the budget tables
    << gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 15 records from gl_encumbrance_types
    << gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 6 records from gl_daily_conversion_types
    << gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27LEZL0005: Successfully finished building dynamic SQL statement.
    << gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllcje() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27main_stmt:
    select int.rowid
    decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , '', replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,'.','
    , replace(int.SEGMENT2,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT1,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT3,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT4,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT5,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT6,'.','
    ') ) flexfield , nvl(flex_cc.code_combination_id,
    nvl(int.code_combination_id, -4))
    , decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , '', decode(ccid_cc.code_combination_id,
    null, decode(int.code_combination_id, null, -4, -5),
    decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    1, -1,
    decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    -1, -1, 0)) +
    'N', -10, 0) +
    decode(ccid_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
    'B', decode(ccid_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
    'N', -100, 0),
    'N', -100, 0)))),
    null, -4,
    decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    1, -1,
    decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    -1, -1, 0)) +
    'N', -10, 0) +
    decode(flex_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
    'B', decode(flex_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
    'N', -100, 0),
    'N', -100, 0)))))
    , int.user_je_category_name
    , int.user_je_category_name
    , 'UNKNOWN' period_name
    , decode(actual_flag, 'B'
         , decode(period_name, NULL, '-1' ,period_name), nvl(period_name, '0')) period_name2
    , currency_code
    , decode(actual_flag
         , 'A', actual_flag
         , 'B', decode(budget_version_id
         , 1210, actual_flag
         , 1211, actual_flag
         , 1212, actual_flag
         , 1331, actual_flag
         , 1657, actual_flag
         , 1658, actual_flag
         , NULL, '1', '6')
         , 'E', decode(encumbrance_type_id
         , 1000, actual_flag
         , 1001, actual_flag
         , 1022, actual_flag
         , 1023, actual_flag
         , 1024, actual_flag
         , 1048, actual_flag
         , 1049, actual_flag
         , 1050, actual_flag
         , 1025, actual_flag
         , 999, actual_flag
         , 1045, actual_flag
         , 1046, actual_flag
         , 1047, actual_flag
         , 1068, actual_flag
         , 1088, actual_flag
         , NULL, '3', '4'), '5') actual_flag
    , '0' exception_rate
    , decode(currency_code
         , 'EUR', 1
         , 'STAT', 1
         , decode(actual_flag, 'E', -8, 'B', 1
         , decode(user_currency_conversion_type
         , 'User', decode(currency_conversion_rate, NULL, -1, currency_conversion_rate)
         , NULL, decode(currency_conversion_rate,NULL,
         decode(decode(nvl(to_char(entered_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),decode(nvl(to_char(accounted_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),-20,-3),-3),-9),-9))) currency_conversion_rate
    , to_number(to_char(nvl(int.currency_conversion_date, int.accounting_date), 'J'))
    , decode(int.actual_flag
         , 'A', decode(int.currency_code
              , 'EUR', 'User'
         , 'STAT', 'User'
              , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User'))
         , 'B', 'User', 'E', 'User'
         , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User')) user_currency_conversion_type
    , ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(substrb(int.reference1, 1, 50)) || ' ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896: ' || int.actual_flag || ' ' || int.group_id, 1, 100)))
    , rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference2), 'Journal Import ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896:'), 1, 240))
    , ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(rtrim(substrb(int.reference4, 1, 25)) || ' ' || int.user_je_category_name || ' ' || int.currency_code || decode(int.actual_flag, 'E', ' ' || int.encumbrance_type_id, 'B', ' ' || int.budget_version_id, '') || ' ' || int.user_currency_conversion_type || ' ' || decode(int.user_currency_conversion_type, NULL, '', 'User', to_char(int.currency_conversion_rate), to_char(int.currency_conversion_date))) || ' ' || substrb(int.reference8, 1, 15) || int.originating_bal_seg_value, 1, 100)))
    , rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference5), 'Journal Import 2918896:'))
    , rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference6), 'Journal Import Created'), 1, 80))
    , rtrim(decode(upper(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference7), 'N'), 1, 1)),'Y','Y', 'N'))
    , decode(upper(substrb(int.reference7, 1, 1)), 'Y', decode(rtrim(reference8), NULL, '-1', rtrim(substrb(reference8, 1, 15))), NULL)
    , rtrim(upper(substrb(int.reference9, 1, 1)))
    , rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference10), nvl(to_char(int.subledger_doc_sequence_value), 'Journal Import Created')))
    , int.entered_dr
    , int.entered_cr
    , to_number(to_char(int.accounting_date,'J'))
    , to_char(int.accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD')
    , int.user_je_source_name
    , nvl(int.encumbrance_type_id, -1)
    , nvl(int.budget_version_id, -1)
    , NULL
    , int.stat_amount
    , decode(int.actual_flag
    , 'E', decode(int.currency_code, 'STAT', '1', '0'), '0')
    , decode(int.actual_flag
    , 'A', decode(int.budget_version_id
    , NULL, decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '0', '1')
    , decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '2', '3'))
    , 'B', decode(int.encumbrance_type_id
    , NULL, '0', '4')
    , 'E', decode(int.budget_version_id
    , NULL, '0', '5'), '0')
    , int.accounted_dr
    , int.accounted_cr
    , nvl(int.group_id, -1)
    , nvl(int.average_journal_flag, 'N')
    , int.originating_bal_seg_value
    from GL_INTERFACE int,
    gl_code_combinations flex_cc,
    gl_code_combinations ccid_cc
    where int.set_of_books_id = 124
    and int.status != 'PROCESSED'
    and (int.user_je_source_name,nvl(int.group_id,-1)) in (('xx jab payroll', -1))
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT1(+) = int.SEGMENT1
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT2(+) = int.SEGMENT2
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT3(+) = int.SEGMENT3
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT4(+) = int.SEGMENT4
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT5(+) = int.SEGMENT5
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT6(+) = int.SEGMENT6
    and flex_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
    and flex_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
    and ccid_cc.code_combination_id(+) = int.code_combination_id
    and ccid_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
    and ccid_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
    order by decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,30)
    , rpad(int.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT6,30)
    ) , int.entered_dr, int.accounted_dr, int.entered_cr, int.accounted_cr, int.accounting_date
    control->len_mainsql = 16402
    length of main_stmt = 7428
    update GL_INTERFACE
    set status = :status
    , status_description = :description
    , je_batch_id = :batch_id
    , je_header_id = :header_id
    , je_line_num = :line_num
    , code_combination_id = decode(:ccid, '-1', code_combination_id, :ccid)
    , accounted_dr = :acc_dr
    , accounted_cr = :acc_cr
    , descr_flex_error_message = :descr_description
    , request_id = to_number(:req_id)
    where rowid = :row_id
    upd_stmt.len: 394
    insert into gl_je_lines
    ( je_header_id, je_line_num, last_update_date, creation_date, last_updated_by, created_by , set_of_books_id, code_combination_id ,period_name, effective_date , status , entered_dr , entered_cr , accounted_dr , accounted_cr , reference_1 , reference_2
    , reference_3 , reference_4 , reference_5 , reference_6 , reference_7 , reference_8 , reference_9 , reference_10 , description
    , stat_amount , attribute1 , attribute2 , attribute3 , attribute4 , attribute5 , attribute6 ,attribute7 , attribute8
    , attribute9 , attribute10 , attribute11 , attribute12 , attribute13 , attribute14, attribute15, attribute16, attribute17
    , attribute18 , attribute19 , attribute20 , context , context2 , context3 , invoice_amount , invoice_date , invoice_identifier
    , tax_code , no1 , ussgl_transaction_code , gl_sl_link_id , gl_sl_link_table , subledger_doc_sequence_id , subledger_doc_sequence_value
    , jgzz_recon_ref , ignore_rate_flag)
    :je_header_id , :je_line_num , sysdate , sysdate , 1008009 , 1008009 , 124 , :ccid , :period_name
    , decode(substr(:account_date, 1, 1), '-', trunc(sysdate), to_date(:account_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'))
    , 'U' , :entered_dr , :entered_cr , :accounted_dr , :accounted_cr
    , reference21, reference22, reference23, reference24, reference25, reference26, reference27, reference28, reference29
    , reference30, :description, :stat_amt, '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
    , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', gl_sl_link_id
    , gl_sl_link_table
    , subledger_doc_sequence_id
    , subledger_doc_sequence_value
    , jgzz_recon_ref
    , null
    where rowid = :row_id
    ins_stmt.len: 1818
    glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    LEZL0008: Found no interface records to process.
    LEZL0009: Check SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, GROUP_ID, and USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME of interface records.
    If no GROUP_ID is specified, then only data with no GROUP_ID will be retrieved. Note that most data
    from the Oracle subledgers has a GROUP_ID, and will not be retrieved if no GROUP_ID is specified.
    SHRD0119: Deleted 1 record(s) from gl_interface_control.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    No data was found in the GL_INTERFACE table.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27

    As per the error message said, you need to specify a group id.
    as per documentation :
    GROUP_ID: Enter a unique group number to distinguish import data within a
    source. You can run Journal Import in parallel for the same source if you specify a
    unique group number for each request.
    For example if you put data for payables and receivables, you need to put different group id to separate payables and receivables data.

  • Journal Import finds no records in GL_INTERFACE for processing.

    I'm using the Oracle Web ADI (11i) to upload journal entries form a spreedsheat to GL.
    When the request is finished, this message is shown on the out put :
    Journal Import finds no records in GL_INTERFACE for processing.
    Check SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME, and GROUP_ID of import records.
    If no GROUP_ID is specified, then only data with no GROUP_ID will be retrieved.  Note that most data
    from the Oracle subledgers has a GROUP_ID, and will not be retrieved if no GROUP_ID is specified.
    Can you help me to reslove it.

    Hi Msk;
    You have below errors,
    LEZL0008: Found no interface records to process.
    LEZL0009: Check LEDGER_ID, GROUP_ID, and USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME of interface records.Journal Import Finds No Records in gl_interface for Processing [ID 141824.1]
    Journal Import Finds No Records in GL_INTERFACE For Processing For AX and AP Sources [ID 360994.1]
    GLMRCU does not populate GL_INTERFACE to produce journal for reporting sob [ID 1081808.6]

  • GTT helps performance - one day to be several minute

    I have a a case like this:
    for rec (select *
    from gl.interface
    where accounting_date between...
    order by c1, c2)
       -- concate some columns of rec
       -- do update gl_interface
    end loop;it takes about a day to generate notepad report from this query (the records is about 6.000.000).
    And after along day, i resolve it and it takes only several minutes to generate the report.
    What i am doing is these steps:
    1. create global temporary table that delete records after commit. And create some indeks, like rn that is row_number() over (order by c1, c2)
    2. ITAS the gtt with select * , row_number() over (order by c1, c2)
    from gl.interface
    where accounting_date between
    3. change the cursor query above in my oracle form:
    for rec in(
       select *
    from gtt
    where accounting_date between...
    order by rn
    end loop;
    update gl_interface
    where exists(
      select ..
    from gtt...
    where col1 =...
    )I still wonder how it works? and what is the drawbacks of using this gtt? tx.
    Edited by: infotools on Jan 7, 2013 3:35 AM
    Edited by: infotools on Jan 7, 2013 3:35 AM
    Edited by: infotools on Jan 7, 2013 3:36 AM

    infotools wrote:
    No, i don't want to use bulk for i don't want to create arrays. And for my case, i am satisfied with the results. But, i still wonder how it decrease the time so much using gtt...and can be ITAS...and may be the
    select a||b||c
    instead of
    for ()
    s = cc.a || cc.b||cc.c....
    end loop;
    is it because i put much of the pl-sql statements in my select-sql?Likely because you have reduced context switching between the SQL and PL/SQL engines. By selecting rows in a loop and updating or inserting for each row selected, you are constantly switching back and forth between PL/SQL and SQL, and that is known to be poor for performance. Using a GTT will help improve things because you are reducing the amount of context switches, but then if the data is already coming from database tables, you shouldn't need to use a GTT in the first place... as just doing it directly from the database tables, using something like MERGE will do it all in the SQL engine anyway.

  • Payables data stuck in gl_interface table

    Created Invoices in Payables.
    process run for create accounting & trasfer to gl
    resulted in warning with message in log:
    SHRD0008: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warning ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    R_CLPR0003: Unprocessed records exist in GL_INTERFACE for period JUN-10
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    common issues for this are,
    check if there is any security rule in place which is restricting the subledger transactions to get imported to GL.
    check any CVR might have been put after the invoice was accounted and before being transferred to GL.
    check if any CCID got invalid.
    there is a related article at,

  • GL_INTERFACE Table si droped by mistake

    While perform the data migration activity by mistake insted of dropping the rows in GL_INTERFACE table, i drop the table it self. Please help in recreating the table and giving it the right permissions to other users.
    Waiting for quick reply

    Ouch :-) Hopefully this is not a production instance. If you have another test/dev instance with the exact same patch level, you can export this table from that instance and import it into this instance, then truncate the table to delete the rows. Ever after recreating the table, there may be lingering issues since you have effectively lost any referential integrity. The only "correct" solution would be to restore the entire database from backups.
    Srini Chavali

  • Quick help needed on reversing the Journals

    Hi Gurus
    While importing the data from the GL_INTERFACE the REFERENCE_21 …. REFERENCE _30 are moved to REFERENCE_1 through REFERENCE_10 in the GL_JE_LINES table and the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table..
    When reversing a posted entry all the 10 reference fields(REFERENCE_1 through REFERENCE_10) are not copied into the new reversed GL line. Only REFERENCE _2, REFERENCE _3 and REFERENCE _5 are copied in GL_JE_LINES table.
    Is there any setup, which allows the JE reversal to populate all the reference fields in the reversed line in GL_JE_LINES table?
    Any quick help is appreciated.

    Hi all,
    I could able to get the solution for this problem.
    Oracle provides Patch 5136186 to resolve this issue in 11.5.9 and 11.5.10.

  • Procedure for loading data into gl_interface

    hi all
    iam new to oracle applications.....i just want to know how to load data into gl_interface table using pl/sql (that is...first loading data into a temporary table and then using pl/sql procedure to load into gl_interface). can anybody help me out with this by providing the pl/sql structure for it??
    thanx in advance

    Asuming you have data in a datafile and file is camma delimited. I asume table has two columns you can add more columns also.
          lv_filehandle                                UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
          lv_iicc_premium                              ref_cursor;
          lv_newline                                   VARCHAR2(2000); -- Input line
          lv_header_line                               VARCHAR2(20);
          lv_trailer_line                              VARCHAR2(20);
          lv_file_dir                                  VARCHAR2(100);
          lv_file_name                                 VARCHAR2(100);
          lv_col1                                      VARCHAR2(10);
          lv_col2                                      VARCHAR2(50);
          lv_comma                                     VARCHAR2(1) := ',';
           gv_PrFnName := '[pr_iicc_premium]';
           DELETE FROM temp_table;
            lv_file_dir  := 'p:\temp';
            lv_file_name  := 'test.dat';
            lv_filehandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (lv_file_dir, lv_file_name, 'r', 32766);
            UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (lv_filehandle, lv_header_line);
               FETCH lv_iicc_premium INTO lv_newline;
               EXIT WHEN lv_iicc_premium%NOTFOUND;
               UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE (lv_filehandle, lv_newline);
               lv_col1 := substr(lv_newline, 1, instr(lv_newline, ',', 1)-1);
               lv_col2 := substr(lv_newline, instr(lv_newline, ',', 1)+1, instr(lv_newline, ',', 2)-1);
               INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (lv_col1, lv_col2);
            END LOOP;
            INSERT INTO your_production_tables VALUES ( SELECT * FROM temp_table );
            UTL_FILE.FFLUSH (lv_filehandle);
            UTL_FILE.FCLOSE (lv_filehandle);
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20100,'Invalid Path');
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101,'Invalid Mode');
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20102,'Invalid Operation');
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20103,'Invalid Filehandle');
           WHEN UTL_FILE.READ_ERROR then
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20105,'Read Error');
             RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20106,'Internal Error');
        END p10;
    /Code is not tested.
    Hope this helps

  • Developer's questions on AutoInvoice, pls help..

    Hi all,
    We develope custom billing application on Oracle database for a customer that already run EBS 11.5.9. On scheduled basis billing data should be transfered to AR interface tables on EBS, then user should run AutoInvoice.
    Since we come from developer side, I have some questions on this :
    1) When user run AutoInvoice on EBS, does it also automatically create the journal (debit->AR, credit->Revenue)?
    Do we have to also transfer the journal into gl_interface table ?
    2) Beside billing data, we also have to transfer CreditNote data (negative sales that will deduct the AR) to EBS. What are the interface tables for CreditNote data ?
    3) Is there any resources / docs on the internet about table structures and column description of the above mentioned interfaces table ?
    Thank you very much for your help,

    Custom module invoices first load into below mentioned interface tables.
    ( If you are deriving revenue and receivalbe account using autoinvoice then no need to load transactions into distribution table) .
    Both invoices and credit memo using same interface tables
    BATCH_SOURCE_NAME, -- Name of the batch source
    SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, -- Set of Books identifier
    LINE_TYPE, -- Type of line this transaction identifies. LINE, TAX, FREIGHT, or CHARGES
    DESCRIPTION, -- Description
    CURRENCY_CODE, -- Currency code
    AMOUNT, -- Revenue amount of this transaction
    CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID, -- Transaction type identifier
    TERM_ID, -- Identifies the payment term
    ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_CUSTOMER_ID, -- Identifies the original Bill_to customer
    ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID, -- Identifies the original bill-to address
    CONVERSION_TYPE, -- The exchange rate type
    CONVERSION_DATE, -- Exchange rate date
    CONVERSION_RATE, -- Exchange rate
    TRX_DATE, -- Transaction date
    GL_DATE, -- General Ledger date
    QUANTITY, -- Number of units shipped, or number of the units on a credit memo
    COMMENTS, -- Comments
    UOM_NAME, -- Unit of measure name
    AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG, -- Y indicates tax is inclusive. N indicates tax is exclusive.
    REFERENCE_LINE_ID, -- only for credit notes
    ORG_ID -- Multi ORG
    ACCOUNT_CLASS, -- Account class for this accounting distribution
    AMOUNT, -- The amount for this accounting distribution
    PERCENT, -- The percent for this accounting distribution

  • Problem with threads and simulation: please help

    please help me figure this out..
    i have something like this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DrawShapes extends JApplet{
         private JButton choices[];
         private String names[]={"line", "square", "oval"};
         private JPanel buttonPanel;
         private DrawPanel drawingArea;
         private int width=300, height=200;
         public void init(){
              drawingArea=new DrawPanel(width, height);
              choices=new JButton[names.length];
              buttonPanel=new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, choices.length));
              ButtonHandler handler=new ButtonHandler();
              for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
                   choices=new JButton(names[i]);
              Container c=getContentPane();
              c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              c.add(drawingArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         }//end init
         public void setWidth(int w){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 300);
         public void setHeight(int h){
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 200);
         /*public static void main(String args[]){
              int width, height;
                   height=200; width=300;
              JFrame appWindow=new JFrame("An applet running as an application");
                   new WindowAdapter(){
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
              DrawShapes appObj=new DrawShapes();
              appWindow.setSize(width, height);
         }//end main*/
         private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
    }//end class DrawShapes
    class DrawPanel extends JPanel{
         private int currentChoice=-1;
         private int width=100, height=100;
         public DrawPanel(int w, int h){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 100);
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 100);
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
                   case 0:     g.drawLine(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 1: g.drawRect(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 2: g.drawOval(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
         public void setCurrentChoice(int c){
         private int randomX(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*width);
         private int randomY(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*height);
    }//end class drawPanel
    That one's from a book. I used that code to start with my applet. Mine calls different merthod from the switch cases. Say I have:
    case 0: drawStart(g); break;
    public void drawStart(Graphics g){
      /* something here */
    public void drawMain(graphics g){
    g.drawString("test", x, y);
    //here's where i'm trying to pause
    //i've tried placing Thread.sleep between these lines
    g.drawLine(x, y, a, b);
    //Thread.sleep here
    g.drawRect(x, y, 50, 70);
    }I also need to put delays between method calls but I need to synchronize them. Am I doing it all wrong? The application pauses or sleeps but afterwards, it still drew everything all at once. Thanks a lot!

    It is. Sorry about that. Just answer any if you want to. I'd appreciate your help. Sorry again if it caused you anything or whatever. .n_n.

  • Query Help

    ou store point
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    I have to insert table1 to table2 by splitting into every 143point and assing serial number for every 143 from parameter.
    in aboce example we can split 3 time 143 like below table2 sample.
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 50 101
    LS LIB1 93 101
    LS LIB1 107 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    i tried below procedure its not working.
    table may have any order like below.
    ou store point
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    then table2
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 143 101
    LS LIB1 57 102
    LS LIB1 50 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    create or replace procedure assign_serial(from_num number,to_num number) is
    bal number(10);
    bal := 0;
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    How to split and assign serial number,please hELP.

    .after giving serial num i have to change points in table1 to 0.The problem for SUm and split for every 143 is ,different OU and store is there.we have to know for which store points we earned serial number.
    i hope this below logic little satisfy except assign cardnum,please........ check and currect the logic
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    --variable used and bal
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    used := c1.points;
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

  • Help my safari doesnt open and gives me a crash report

    help my safari doesn't open and gives me a crash report ever since i downloaded a file from the internet. I have a macbook air (early 2014) with running os x yosemite version 10.10.1

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    You may have installed the "Genieo" or "InstallMac" ad-injection malware. Follow the instructions on this Apple Support page to remove it.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Besides the files listed in the linked support article, you may also need to remove this file in the same way:
    If there are other items with a name that includes "Genieo" or "genieo" alongside any of those you find, remove them as well.
    One of the steps in the article is to remove malicious Safari extensions. Do the equivalent in the Chrome and Firefox browsers, if you use either of those. If Safari crashes on launch, skip that step and come back to it after you've done everything else.
    If you don't find any of the files or extensions listed, or if removing them doesn't stop the ad injection, then you may have one of the other kinds of adware covered by the support article. Follow the rest of the instructions in the article.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install the malware. Chances are you got it from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad would probably have included a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If you ever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates
    if it's not already checked.

  • Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter is not working. Please Help...

    I bought an Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter to connect my Macbook to a TV using normal video cable. When I connect the cable, my Laptop DIsplay gives a flickr once and then it shows nothing. I checked Display in the system preference where I don't get a secondary monitor option. My TV is panasonic and it's an old one. I work on Final Cut Pro and it's very very important to see my videos on a TV. What am I doing wrong with the connection? Anyone Please Please help...

    Your probably not doing anything wrong. There are thousands of users with Similar issues and it seems to be with many different adapters.
    We have Mini DP to VGA (3 different brands) and they all fail most of the time. This seems more prevalent with LCD Projectors. I've tested some (50+) with VGA Monitor (HP) and they all worked, LCD Projector (Epson, Hitachi, and Sanyo) and they all fail, DLP Projector (Sanyo) and one worked.
    My Apple Mini DP to DVi works most of the time. My Mini DP to HDMI (Generic non Apple) works every time.
    The general consensus is that Apple broke something in the OS around 10.6.4 or 10.6.5 and its not yet fixed. As we are a school we have logged a case with the EDU Support group so will see what happens.

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