Global setStroke and Global setRenderingHint

Hello Forum,
Is there a way to setStroke and setRenderingHint once not everytime paint is called? If so how can I do this? setStroke and setRenderingHit are very slow.

These calls are part of Graphics2D how would I implement that? Every time paint is called I get a different Graphics object.

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  • SetStroke manipulation post creation

    I am working on expanding this first little demo/tutorial at
    I have gotten everything the way I want except for 1 thing.
    for the stroke of the button to show which line thickness is currently chosen is given by javaFX script code
    stroke: bind if (SIZE == size)  then FG  else null //javaFX 1.3Obviously the closest thing I can come up with is
    if(SIZE==size) return FG; //javaFX 2.0 or Later
    else return null;
    //combined with
    circle.setStroke(FG); however, no matter how I change or twist them I can never get it to set properly.
    The reason I have concluded is that even if I set it up as an if statement or whatever. The problem is that its not being called, once its done being created. So I try and have the setStroke change during the setOnMousePressed() mouseEvent. (If I failed to include enough information, please see the link for the sourcecode java below)
    However, due to the nature of things, I run into either the problem of it being an anonymous class not being able to access the particular circle being selected. or for some reason my Group TempC is only appearing to ever have 1 item in it, I had tried setting up a call to getChildren.get(size) // the particular size in question. Assigning it a new setstroke and trying to reinsert it back into the group. However, tempC only ever seems to have 1 circle in it. Technically because they have the same name, I can understand why. They are the same circle with different memory addresses. I also tried a dozen variations from using arrays to whatever. I keep ending up at a dead end.
    Any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated!
    if you were curious for more information
    demo app:
    source code: (It is a little messy right now)
    To address DB question about memory and circles
    if I add System.out.print(circleGroup.getChildren().size() + " ");
    //after my
    //  I get "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"  in the outputNever do they accumulate, there are 9 circles in this group.
    if I change it to
    System.out.println(circleGroup.getChildren().get(0));  //To pull what this repeating "1" item is
    /*I get in the output
    Circle@17653ae*/So I had assumed or thought? its "the same circle but with different instances, but at different memory location/addresses"
    I don't know why the group doesn't view it as a 9 different objects though.
    Edited by: namrog on Jul 7, 2011 8:04 AM
    Edited by: namrog on Jul 7, 2011 8:09 AM
    Edited by: namrog on Jul 7, 2011 9:08 AM

    for me best would be to implement selected pseudo class so u can use css with it (you can even use hover, pressed pseudo classes to accomplish darker,lighter color or opacity etc), like when it is selected -fx-fill: red, -fx-stroke: blue, not selected -fx-fill: red, - fx-stroke: transparent or any other color.
    see this post : Re: Image conversion between AWT and FX
    I have used rectangles but it is same with circles both are inherit from shape.
    For your code :
    circle.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
                     public void handle(MouseEvent me){
                         SIZE = size;
                         if(SIZE == size){
                             //other circles? setStroke(BG)
                 });I have used:
    thumb.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                    public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
                        // this handler impl can be done in better way
                        System.out.println("src: " + event.getSource());
                        NodeThumb clickedThumb = (NodeThumb) event.getSource();
                        if (lastThumb == clickedThumb) {
                        if (lastThumb != null) {
                        lastThumb = clickedThumb;
                        System.out.println("mainView content -> " + mainView.getChildren());
                });or for the most simple example :
    all circles on start don`t have border, when u select one just remember that one (lastSelectedCircle) then u just need to deselect one circle not all, and store new value to lastSelected.
    something like this (this is "written on the fly" so dont think that it actually works it is juts pseudo code):
    // OLD CODE possible error i did not tried to run your code am tired, well maybe it is only error in my bloody eyes hehe
    circle.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
                     public void handle(MouseEvent me){
                         SIZE = size; // -> see down line comment <-
                         if(SIZE == size){  // <------  IMO THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE TRUE BEACUSE OF SIZE=size; line ****** ERROR LINE ******
                             //other circles? setStroke(BG) // any lines here i think wont be executed
    // NEW CODE
    circle.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>(){
                     public void handle(MouseEvent me){
                         // it will be null on start when nothing is selected so you dont have to setStroke
                         if(lastSelected != null) {
                                   lastSelected.setStroke(BG); // no need to change other circle BG if there is no multiple selection
                         lastSelected = (Circle)event.getSource(); // to remember last selected so it can be easy deselected
                         // now last selected has new value so set diff stroke -> all this can be also accomplished with ObjectProperty and change listener or pseudo class selected or any other way you know
                         // event.getSource(); or any other method to get selected circle
                 });Hope it helps.
    What to say, Daryl don`t answer so fast :) joking. I was slow again writing post and other stuff at same time.
    Edited by: jojorabbit on Jul 7, 2011 9:44 PM

  • GUI lines changing colors

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    class Runner extends Thread {
    public SimulationPanel sp;
    public Runner(SimulationPanel simpanel){
    public void run() {
    System.out.println("The Thread is working");
    Graphics comp = sp.getGraphics();
    Graphics2D comp2D = (Graphics2D) comp;
    BasicStroke line2 = new BasicStroke(5);
    Line2D.Float ln1 = new Line2D.Float(500F, 200F, 800F, 400F);
    Color colors[] = {Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.MAGENTA };
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    try {
    catch (InterruptedException e) { }

    Thanks for the help. But Im kind of confused. How will the line be changed in the SimulationPanel?
    class SimulationPanel extends JPanel {
         public void paintComponent(Graphics comp) {     
              Graphics2D comp2D = (Graphics2D) comp;
              Font titleFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD , 24);
              String str = "Simulation";
              comp2D.drawString(str, 15, 50);
              BasicStroke line2 = new BasicStroke(2);
              Line2D.Float ln1 = new Line2D.Float(500F,200F,900F,400F);
              Line2D.Float ln2 = new Line2D.Float(400F,200F,150F,400F);
              Line2D.Float ln3 = new Line2D.Float(200F,450F,850F,450F);
              Line2D.Float ln4 = new Line2D.Float(100F,100F,100F,600F);
              comp2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
              Image myImage;
              myImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("C:/Users/Renee/Pictures/NGOone.jpg");
              comp.drawImage(myImage, 410, 150, this);
              comp.drawImage(myImage, 50, 415, this);
              comp.drawImage(myImage, 875, 415, this);
              String trial = "Tentative list area";
              comp.drawString(trial, 650 , 100);
              comp.drawString(trial, 100, 550);
              comp.drawString(trial, 775, 550);
    Edited by: rstepler on Jun 17, 2008 8:39 AM

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    Sure is...
    Take a look at Graphics2D#setStroke and java.awt.BasicStroke.

  • How do I install a language XPI globally and make it the default language?

    I am using Firefox on unices and various Linux distributions (the less common ones). Installing Firefox is easy, but it is always in English. I get most of my interfaces (gnome, libreoffice, gimp, etc) in my preferred translation simply by setting the proper locale (export LANG=xy_XY.UTF-8) before starting Xorg. I found and downloaded my preferred language pack for firefox, which comes in an XPI archive. Opening that XPI file in Firefox (via an URL of file:///path/to/file/langpack.xpi) works smoothly, the translation gets installed under the user's own profile and it shows up in the add-ons (under the new category: Languages). Unfortunately, I still see no way in Firefox preferences to set this added translation as the default. Firefox still starts with the English interface. On SeaMonkey, there is a combobox on the Appearance panel that allows me to select the language of the interface from the list of installed/available languages. I cannot find such option on the panels of Firefox. So far, I had to install a language-changer add-on to be able to set the interface to my native locale. Even though my users never need to switch to any other locales.
    Q1., Once a language xpi is installed, how do I set the interface to use that language?
    Q2., How do I install the language xpi and make it the system-wide default, so that all my users see Firefox starting with the native (non-English) interface?
    I found a handful of description for Q2, but they appear to be outdated and do not work. These include the -install-global-extension argument to Firefox, placing the xpi file as it was downloaded into the "extensions" folder, placing the xpi file renamed to the extension ID into the "extensions" folder, unzipping the contents of the xpi into a subfolder of the "extensions" folder named as the extension ID. Please note, these attempts might have failed because I placed the extension NOT where it was supposed to go. The instructions refer to the global extension folder as <installation folder>/extensions, but on my system no such folder exists. Firefox seems to get installed into /usr/local/lib/firefox and there is no "extensions" subfolder there in. However, there is a "browser/extensions" subfolder, but placing my XPI there did not trigger any effect. Also, I manually created the "extensions" subfolder in /usr/local/lib/firefox and moved the xpi there (on various names, unzipped and in a whole) without the expected result.
    Any suggestion is very much appreciated!
    My goal is to install the firefox package, then run something from the command line resulting the non-English translation in the downloaded XPI becoming the system-wide default for all users. A step forward would be to know for certain where that "extensions" folder must be on my specific OS. How do I query that?

    Excellent. These guides got me as far as installing my preferred language pack, which gets added to the add-ons automatically (assuming the user says yes to the appearing question when Firefox is started).
    However, the GUI does not change unless the user enters "about:config" and changes the locale.
    Is there a way to do this from the command line? I mean, changing the locale settings.
    And preferrably for all users. So even when new users get added and they start Firefox the first time, they see it appearing with the preferred locale and not in English.

  • How to log strings stored in Station Globals and/or PreUUT values?

    Hi all,
    I have a Station Global that is persistent across all UUTs in a particular PC. I have also created a custom PreUUT dialog to obtain user input that applies to the upcoming UUT (I pass this user input to the UUT by storing it in a File Global). Both the Station Global and the File Global store a string.
    What is a good way to log these strings into the ATML report and SQL database?
    Currently, the best solution I can think of is:
    Create a LabVIEW VI that takes a string input and passes it straight through to the output
    Pass the Station Global (or the File Global) into the VI input
    Assign the VI output to Step.Result.ReportText
    This seems rather cumbersome though. Is there a simpler way to achieve this? (i.e. is there a built-in TestStand action that logs a variable directly into the report?)
    In case it's important, I'm using TestStand 2013 SP1 and I'm using the default report templates: tr5_horizontal.xsl for ATML, and C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Models\TestStandModels\Database\SQL Server Create Generic Recordset Result Tables.sql for SQL.
    Go to Solution.

    You can handle this with the Additional Results functionality in TestStand, which can be configured in the settings for an existing step, or as a standalone step type. We have an example of this in the TestStand Fundamental Example series here:   (Look for section 3, "Adding Custom Data to a Report"
    I hope it helps, and let us know if we can do anything else to help!
    Daniel E.
    TestStand Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Abhishek Jain

    Without having a look in your system it is hard to say what can be the reason for that.
    you have to know that the master data changes does not reflect automatically in inventory controlling.
    I suggest you to set up the report RMCBNE32 as periodical (e.g. monthly) background job.
    it also would be good to compare the walues in table S032 and MBEW for those materials. This also can be a reason for a difference. The values mus be the same on plant level.

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    Any thoughts on how I can get my phone up and running while I am here?

        Hi there, bob_e_iphone5s! I'm terribly sorry to see you're having trouble with service while travelling abroad. It's true that you'll have difficulty reaching our Customer Care team with the 800 number. But you can use this link to reach our Global Services team. There's even a number you can use to call from international locations, toll free!
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Unit Testing and APEX Global Variables

    We've recently started to unit test our database level PL/SQL business logic.
    As such we have a need to be able to simulate or provide output from PL/SQL APEX components in order to facilitate testing of these components.
    Some of the most obvious portions that need simulation are:
    1. The existence of a session
    2. The current application ID
    3. The current page ID.
    We currently handle requirement #1 by using apex_040100.wwv_flow_session.create_new
    We handle 2 and 3 using the apex_application.g_flow_id and g_flow_step_id global variables.
    I'm just wondering, how safe is it for us to use wwv_flow_session.create_new to simulate the creation of a session at testing time for those things which need a session?
    I've also noticed that there are apex_application.get_application_id and apex_application.get_page_id functions whose output is not tied to the global variables (at least in our current version).
    Is it safe for us to expect that we can set these global variables for use in testing or is apex moving to get_application_id and get_page_id functions away from global variables?
    Will there be corresponding set_application_id and set_page_id functions in the future?
    Sorry for the question bomb. Thanks for any help.

    My first question would be why do you need to establish a session to test your PL/SQL?
    wwv_flow_session is a package internal to APEX, and you should probably leave it be.
    The get_application_id procedure you refer to is in apex_application_install, which is used for scripting installation of applications - not get/set of page ID like you're describing.
    If you're uncomfortable using apex_application.g_flow_id, you can use v('APP_ID') or preferably pass the app_id/page_id as parameters to your procedures.
    Your question seems to have a few unknowns, so that's the best I can describe.

  • Parent (Global) and Current (Navigation) on the Same Page

    I am using the managed metadata feature in a SharePoint 2013 publishing site.  I am trying to layout my navigation as shown in the diagram below.  I can not find a publishing master page that implements this parent child relationship.  My
    top navigation is use the markup:
    <PublishingNavigation:PortalSiteMapDataSource ID="topSiteMap" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" SiteMapProvider="GlobalNavigationSwitchableProvider" StartFromCurrentNode="false" StartingNodeOffset="0"
    ShowStartingNode="false" TrimNonCurrentTypes="Heading"/>
    <SharePoint:AspMenu ID="TopNavigationMenu" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" DataSourceID="topSiteMap" AccessKey="&lt;%$Resources:wss,navigation_accesskey%&gt;"
    UseSimpleRendering="true" UseSeparateCss="false" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticDisplayLevels="1" AdjustForShowStartingNode="true" MaximumDynamicDisplayLevels="1" SkipLinkText=""/>
    I have tried using the same markup, using a different StartingNodeOffset and SiteMapProviders, for the side menu with no success.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create Parent (Global) and Current (Navigation) on the Same Page.
    You can make quicklaunch work contextually like structural nav quicklaunch using Managed Metadata navigation. Please refer to:
    Managed Metadata Navigation - How do you make quicklaunch work contextually like structural nav quicklaunch?
    In addition, you can used JQuery and CSS to achieve staticlevel left navigation in SharePoint 2013.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    More information:
    Overview of managed navigation in SharePoint Server 2013
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • SonicWall Global VPN Client and Split tunneling

    Hello All,
    I searched Google and the forums here and can't find someone with the same problem.
    Lets start at the beginning-Just started this job a couple months ago and people brought to my attention immediately an issue while they were on the VPN they could not get to the internet.  I know about the different security risks but we have multiple field reps that need internet access while using our CRM program.  So I setup Split Tunneling on the Sonicwall. Tested and works fine on my home PC using a WRT54GS Ver 2.1 and the SonicWall Global VPN Client.
    So I was sure everything was fine until I just sent out 2 laptops to 2 different sales reps and they are both having the same issue.  They can get into the internal network but can't access the internet.  They are both on WRT54G (different Vers.).  I tested the VPN client on both laptops with tethering on my cell phone and the split tunneling works. I have tried updating firmware thinking that was the issue.  I also tried to put their home network on a different subnet.  All with no joy.  I was wondering if anyone ever ran into something like this or have any clues what to try next. 
    -Thank You in advance for your time.
    Message Edited by Chris_F on 01-11-2010 07:41 AM
    Chris F.

    Of course, you do as you are told. But I hope you keep written record of what you have been told and have it signed of whoever told you to set it up. It's essential that you stay on the safe side in these matters.
    I have read of too many cases where the system/security admin did not do so and in the end was held responsible for security incidents simply because he was told to do something to jeopardize security of the network. Remember, that usually the person who tells you do to so has no idea about the full security implication of a decision.
    Thus, I highly recommend to require your road staff to connect with no split tunneling. Refuse to do otherwise unless you have it in writing and you won't be held reliable in any way if something happens because of it.
    Just think what happens if the whole customer database gets stolen because of one of the remote sales reps... There is a reason why you apply this web site blocking on your firewalls and there is absolutely no reason that would justify why your remote sale reps don't go through the very same firewall while accessing company-sensitive data in your CRM.
    So put that straight with whoever told you to do otherwise and if you they still want to continue anyway get it in writing. Once you ask for the statement in writing many decision-makers come to their senses and let you do your job at the best you can and for what you were hired... And if not, well, at least you got rid of the responsibility in that aspect.

  • Problem with .DLL and global variables

    I need some helps to figure out my problem.
    I wrote a .dll file to open and run a GUI. When I run it at the first time, it is ok. When I call it again, there is an error "Pointer to free memory passed to library. It will be ok if I completely exit the program that calls the .dll before re-call it. I think there is some problems with global variables when I call another thread. How can I free global variables between threads. Is there any solution for this problem?

    Vinh Pham:
    Are you doing anything intentionally that frees your globals?
    CVI ships with an example program that demonstrates calling a DLL to create a user interface: guidll.cws.
    I made two simple modifications to guidll.cws.
    1. In guidll.c, I made hpanel global by moving its declaration from RunDLLUI() to right below the #include statements.
    2. In useguidll.c, I duplicated the lines calling RunDLLUI () and MessagePopup() to call the DLL gui twice.
    I built the project and ran it.  I had no problems with free'ed globals.
    Take a look at the guidll example.
    Can you either post your code or a modification to guidll that demonstrates the problem you're having?

  • Globally open and close all accordion panels

    Is there a way to globally open and close all accordion
    panels? For example, it would be nice to have an "Expand all" and
    "Collapse all" link at the top of the page, before the accordion,
    that has this functionality.

    Hi FM_n_DC,
    Accordions can only ever have a single panel open. If you
    want individual control over which panels are open you probably
    want to use a CollapsiblePanelGroup. This sample shows how to open
    all and close all of the panels of the CollapsiblePanelGroup: le.html
    --== Kin ==--

  • Would you Open and Close DAQmx tasks within a function or Globally

    Hi Guys,
    This should start something.
    The subject is DAQmx Tasks.
    If you were writing a function that is called many times, say MeasureVolts (double *Value) to obtain a reading from an Analogue Input Channel.
    Would you.
    1. open and start the task inside the function, do the measurement and then close the task inside the same function.
    2. open the task globally and later do the measurement inside the function using the global task then close the task only when the application is closed.
    I am mostly concerned with the overhead of task generation and closing, what do you guys and girls out there do?? and what is the general opinion?
    I would appreciate your views.

    I would definitely NOT keep configuring and clearing (I think that's what you mean by open and close) the same task over and over.  I would configure once, read many times in my main app, then stop & clear once.
    I typically like to package such data acq into an "Action Engine" that keeps track of its own DAQmx task id so I don't need to sling that task id wire around into multiple parallel loops / vi's.  Attached is a very stripped-down example for Digital Input. 
    I would typically do more with error testing and would make the "Action" enum into a typedef custom control, but this gives you the basic idea.  The action engine approach works very nicely when there's a small # of different kinds of input parameters and output info needed to support all the necessary action cases.   When you start needing a large number of differnent kinds of inputs and outputs to support the desired actions, then you start having difficulty with (1) having enough terminals to wire and (2) remembering which inputs and outputs are meaningful for which actions.
    -Kevin P.
    DI Action ‏75 KB

  • Differnace b/w SID and Global data base name

    please tell me what is differance b/w SID and global data base name.

    Oracle System Identifier (SID)
    A name that identifies a specific instance of a running pre-release 8.1 Oracle database. For any database, there is at least one instance referencing the database.
    For pre-release 8.1 databases, SID is used to identify the database. The SID is included in the connect descriptor of a tnsnames.ora file and in the definition of the listener in the listener.ora file.
    Global database name
    The full name of the database which uniquely identifies it from any other database. The global database name is of the form "database_name.database_domain," for example,
    The database name portion, sales, is a simple name you wish to call your database. The database domain portion,, specifies the database domain in which the database is located, making the global database name unique. When possible, Oracle Corporation recommends that your database domain mirror the network domain.
    The global database name is the default service name of the database, as specified by the SERVICE_NAMES parameter in the initialization parameter file.

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