Gmail Account On OS X Mail

I am having problems putting my Gmail Account onto my OS X Mail program, because I do not know which kind (POP,IMAP, or Exchange) of account it is. Can someone help?

Hi Zanjani,
You can access gmail as a POP account on the OS X Mail program. To set it up you need to do the following:
Select preferences from the Mail menu option then click on the accounts button.
From here click the + to set up a new account and select POP from the combo box (this will be initially set to .Mac). Set the description to something more helpful (like GMail) and type your name and gmail email address.
Press continue to bring you to the incoming mail server screen. Enter as your incoming mail server and put your gmail email address and password in the next two fields.
Press continue and it will check the login details are ok and bring you to the outgoing mail server screen. From here enter as your outgoing mail server. Tick the box for user authentication then enter your gmail username and password again.
Press continue to bring you to an account summary screen then press continue and you'll be done.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Enter the details of her second account at system preferences> mail, contacts & calendars.

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    Confirm you did this:
    You might also try removing all gmail passwords from your keychain in Keychain Access. Then connect again and enter the password code given by Google.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    If you are unable to remember your password, security questions, don’t have access to your rescue address or are unable to reset your password for whatever reason, your only option is to contact Apple ID Support, upon speaking to an operator you should explain that your problem is related to your Apple ID, this way you will not be charged for assistance, even if you don’t have an AppleCare plan.
    The operator will take you through some steps you may have already tried, however they need to be sure they have exhausted all usual approaches before trying to reset your account, so you should try to be helpful and show patience with the procedure.
    The operator will need to verify they are speaking to the account holder and may ask you some questions that only the account holder could know, and you will need to answer them if the process is to proceed.
    Once the operator has verified your identity they will send a message through to your device which contains an alpha numeric code, which you will need to read back to them.
    Once this has been completed they will send an email to your iCloud email address after a period of 24 hours, so you should check that mail is enabled in your devices iCloud settings.
    Upon receipt of the email, use the reset link provided to reset your password, after which you should be able to make the adjustments to iCloud that you wish to do.

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    There is a better forum for issues with iCloud.
    Apple has a couple tech note articles to help with email, and with gmail as well.
    Try there.
    This is just WORKSTATION forum.

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    Hi, I do have the same pb : entering the inbox of a specific account which greys out after first reading.
    I have no solution but There is a way around it : If you close the mail app and restart it, you can access back to the inbox and read your mail. But after checking another account it greys back again.
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    Did you do everything shown in the "Set up your accounts" section here:
    Mail (Mountain Lion): Send and receive mail for all your accounts
    Gmail has its own account type in the setup shown.

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    I would try going to the settings app, then go to mail, contacts and calendar. Removed your gmail account and then re-add the account.

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    After filling in the 1st screen, hold down the option/alt key while clicking Continue. Fill in the necessary information, then click continue until all screens are filled in.

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    If you are using the Exchange mail option for accessing your GMail account (the only option that allows 'push'!) then sadly that feature was discontinued by Google in January 2013.
    Old phones that had it setup will still work, but new phones will not. It allows you to setup the account but it will not connect to retrieve email.

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    John Burnes,
    Port 25 may not work on some WiFi hotspots or the EDGE network, or may only send to some recipients but not others. Many email providers will also set up their SMTP servers to listen for authenticated connections on either port 465 or 587.
    For example, .Mac does this because many consumer internet providers filter or block port 25 traffic:
    This article contains more information specific to the iPhone:
    This article discusses which ports some internet service providers use in the U.S.:
    For Germany:
    O2 offers their only relay service that you setup with them.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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    First, make sure the group is recognized. It should add all the contacts in the group to the address field if it was recognized.
    If that is good, then there might be a bad address in the group. I have seen problems with a single malformed address blocking the whole group from sending.
    You'll have to just look through each address to see if you see anything.
    If the whole group doesn't need to see all the others, you can try splitting the group in half, send the message. If it goes through, send the other half. Keep breaking halves into halves and testing. Eventually, you'll find the bad message.
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    It's normal for your phone number to be grayed out in Settings>Messages>Send & Receive under "You can be reached by iMessage at" on your phone because it can't be changed.  If you phone number is listed there it should also be listed further down under "Start new conversations from".  If you tap your number there to select it, your messages will be identified to others as coming from your phone number, not your email address.
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    Check you accounts in Mail and make sure each account has the correct outgoing server address. Check the box to use only that server.
    Second, go to the gmail website and in settings under the account tab, make sure you have the correct settings for replying to messages.

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